

In the age of Big Data and shifting cultural trends, architecture is changing at an alarming pace. Over the last few decades, the architecture design market has undergone dramatic changes, paving the way for a future that includes spatial concepts. Today, architects are leveraging technological advancements to bring sustainability concepts to life. For instance, compost is being utilized for building materials, crowdfunding and collaborative design have become the most popular approaches to building technology-empowered architectural projects. Additionally, there is more focus on building energy-efficiency building designs and green infrastructure.

We at Asahi India Glass Limited (AIS) have always believed in reshaping the architectural landscape and visualizing the future. This vision can be accomplished through the creative mindset and unmatched passion of today’s young and extremely talented designers and architects. To give wings to this vision, we have organized AIS Design Olympiad 2022-23 for the fourth time into the world of smart architecture to reimagine design innovation and encourage creativity in young architectural minds.

Contest Overview

AIS Design Olympiad: 4.0 Edition

At Asahi India Glass Limited (AIS), we are committed to the growth and innovation of the industry. One of the best ways to contribute to the future of the industry is to reach out to the young, bright minds who are keen to achieve the objective of the contest “Sustainability through Innovation in Architecture.’ AIS Design Olympiad 2022-23 is a PAN India design contest that is conducted for the fourth time in India. It brings tremendous opportunities to aspiring architects, students, and designers from all over the country.

Positive Interaction and Key Learnings from Eminent Architects

This architecture design competition is a great chance for architecture students not only to showcase their vision and skills but also to gain professional experience and key learnings from architectural leaders across the country while discovering the importance of sustainability in modern construction and design. Valuable feedback, insights, and thoughts from highly-skilled and experienced architects will help students and professionals to develop a unique mix of qualities and skills.

Additionally, we have invited eminent architects, such as Ar. Sandeep Sharma, Ar. Paul Moses, Ar. Kamal Periwal, Ar. Qutub Mandiwala, and Ar. Sangeet Sharma and more from across India to share their ideas and growth experiences. We are also delighted to have our curator Ar. Vivek Bhole, one of the leading architects in the country. He is extremely dedicated, strongly committed to quality, professionalism, and integrity. With decades of experience in architectural design, he is currently leading a team of more than 200 talented architects.

Promotes Peer Learning

Architectural students from all over India will get a chance to collaborate and co-experiment with peers, gain learning competencies, understand design processes in-depth, critical reflection from and with one another, and learn how to weave and implement interesting design concepts. We are also organizing special masterclasses for them. This will help them gain confidence and motivation to be open to new ideas and possibilities in the future.

Awards and Recognitions

The success of the participants highly depends on the evaluation criteria, which will be based on how well their concepts are helping the industry achieve sustainability goals by reducing the use of carbon, energy, and resources. The jury will also consider the fact that their design can have a long-lasting impact on enhancing the health and well-being of the occupants. Winners can get an opportunity to win exciting cash prizes. They can also get internship opportunities with top architectural design firms and companies in India.

About AIS Glass Limited

Established in 1984, AIS Glass Limited is one of the top automotive and building glass companies in India that offers end-to-end solutions across the automotive and architectural glass value chains. AIS has grown to a world-class glass manufacturer with 12 plants/sub-assembly units, 8 offices, and a family of over 4,000 employees spread across the country in strategic locations to support global and local customer base. With our goal to bring innovation to the architecture industry, AIS is proud to announce the fourth edition of ‘The AIS Design Olympiad’ – a design contest for architectural and design students. We urge you to participate in this thoughtfully curated competition to craft your dream design and use this opportunity to define the direction in which the world will move architecturally!

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