
Common Mistakes to Avoid During Switchable Glass Installation

With growing interest in switchable glass for dynamic privacy control, knowing the right installation techniques is key for flawless functionality. This innovative glazing switches transparency levels electronically on demand with the flip of a switch. Avoiding common missteps during the setup process means your switchable glass partitions will keep working reliably for years, enhancing space versatility. 

Picking Appropriate Switchable Glass Type 

Switchable glass comes available in multiple forms using different light transmission principles: 

  • Electrochromic glass electronically tints transparent glass panes darker through a small electrical supply. An applied voltage triggers the glass tinting opacity. 
  • Liquid crystal switchable privacy glass contains a film sandwiched between glass panels. Electric current realigns liquid crystals, making the glass translucent. 
  • Suspended particle glass has microscopic particles floating in a liquid suspension between glass layers. Electrification makes particles cluster, changing transparency. 
  • Each type has its own opacity-changing mechanism. Selecting the wrong specifications like power needs, transmission ranges, and panel thickness makes underperformance likely. 

Mistakes to Avoid 

Accounting for Expansion and Contraction 

Switchable glass panels expand and contract slightly with temperature changes like normal glass. If window or door frames don’t accommodate this thermal movement, it cracks the panels. Ensure the frame has adequate give for natural minor expansion from heat without placing glass surfaces under tension. Check functionality over temperature highs and lows. Accounting for thermal tolerances results in durable longevity. 

Minding Power Supply and Voltage 

With an electric current powering the transparency shift functionality, any wiring errors make switchable glass act erratic. Improper voltage damages integrated electronics. Verify optimal voltage along with backup support if power dips occur. Low battery alerts indicate when to recharge for continuous, uninterrupted usage. Mind the electricity! 

Avoiding Direct Sunlight Exposure 

Prolonged sun exposure overheats switchable glass. The embedded wires and films get damaged without heat buffers. Ensure panels avoid facing sunlight directly. Add shade providers like awnings if orienting glass walls toward sun-facing directions. Exterior switchable glass requires double or triple glazing with protective films for durability. 

Keeping Switchable Panels Clean 

Grease, dirt and moisture residue on switchable glass are risky since they seep underneath to degrade high-precision electronics or films sandwiched inside. Ensure exterior environmental factors don’t contaminate the glass layers and internal electronics. Edge protection and watertight perimeter seals are a must. Handle panels carefully during fabrication and installation. Keep surfaces clean using soft microfiber cloths once set up. 

Installing Backup Mechanical Privacy Solutions 

Although rare, switchable glass can fail if the power goes on for prolonged periods or the embedded electronics malfunctions. Have manual pull-down shades or alternate sliding panels installed as a contingency if the electric opacity control stops working suddenly? This way rooms don’t end up accidentally exposed. The backup lets you revert to a non-electric privacy solution. 

Avoiding DIY Handling 

Although seemingly as simple as window glass, switchable glass handling needs immense care from fabrication through transportation, storage and installation due to sensitive film layers and electronics embedded inside. Prevent dust ingress and surface contamination while preventing mechanical shocks. Let experienced crews handle fabrication and setup using proper techniques. Incorrect handling easily destroys switchable glass prematurely. 


Switchable glass requires meticulous care for sustained flawless operation, from selecting suitable types to installation and stable power access. With bespoke fabrication and experienced handling, switchable partitions have served their functional dynamism for years. Avoid direct sunlight exposure, contamination, and inadequate frames to prevent issues. Get professional guidance to pick the right custom product for your adjustable privacy glass walls, doors or dividers that electrically switch transparency reliably at the touch of a button. Furthermore, choose AIS Glass if you’re willing to go for switchable glass installation. 

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