
Modernising Residential and Commercial Spaces with Switchable Glass

Almost a decade back in time, none could have imagined of accessing all the switch points in a room remotely from their “smartphone”. Or, who could have thought that giving commands to home appliances using a smart assistant would not be limited to sci-fi movies? Yet here we are – welcome to the 21st century that is getting techno-savvy still. This third wave of modernism has seeped into the world of architecture and interiors as well.  All the fancy homes that could only seem realistic as a part of the utopian world are now turning into a reality. After all, with phones and watches turning smart, why should our homes be left behind? One such smart feature that has advanced the world of interiors by leaps and bounds is switchable glass.

What is Switchable Glass? How Does Switchable Glass Work?

Also known as smart glass or electrochromic glass, switchable glass is a type of processed glass whose opacity levels can be adjusted by means of passing an electric field across them. Based on the PDLC (Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals) technology, a smart film comprising suspended liquid crystals is placed between special polymer films. Under normal conditions, the liquid crystals are randomly distributed and block the light by scattering it but when supplied with electric current, the crystals align themselves in a straight-line allowing light to pass through normally without scattering, thereby turning the glass from transparent to opaque at the touch of a button.

At AIS Glass, we possess the remarkable AIS Swytchglas which offers instant privacy and activates within less than 10 microseconds. Made from extra clear glass, it can be accessed remotely as well as manually for ease of use, blocks up to 50% light in ‘Off’ mode, lasts for a minimum of 20,000 cycles and also works in temperature from 0 to 55 degree-Celsius.

Common Uses of Switchable Glass

Switchable glass has become a sensational hit amongst architects and designers aiming to add a simple yet elegant oomph factor to their residential as well as commercial projects. Read on to find out some of the many uses of switchable glass


For all those people who love the idea of installing beautiful French windows but hate the idea of having to pull the curtains up every time there’s excess sunlight, switchable glass literally fixes this problem in an instance. Apart from being convenient, it also increases home hygiene by eliminating the need for mouldy blinds and curtains. Furthermore, its noise-cancelling properties ensure peace and quiet for a favourable living environment. For all the people who can’t get enough of nature and constantly dream of having a skylight, switchable glass is the solution. Not only does it give you the freedom of choice regarding the letting in or blocking of sunlight into your home but also gives you the added opportunity of fulfilling your lifelong dreams of gazing at starry skies with your partner snuggled beside you from the comfort of your own bedroom.


As we saw earlier, switchable glass is a great alternative for maintaining a clean space and what better place than a hospital to install it to offer patients the hygiene and privacy they need to rest and recover. It can be used in patient rooms, laboratories, operation theatres as well as common examination rooms to monitor and meet patients from outside without the risk of catching infections. Hospitals are known to be jam-packed with endless functional rooms such as labs, doctor’s chambers and waiting areas and installing switchable glass for partitions can serve as a huge space-saver in hospitals and accommodate more patients in private rooms. Moreover, switchable glass panels can also improve the aesthetic appeal of the hospital’s interiors to give it the warmth it needs. After all, the look of a space has a lot to do with a person’s well-being and which other place needs it the most other than a hospital!

Hospitality Sector

Cosy beds, plush interiors, luxurious bathrooms and extraordinary views from the balcony sum up the essentials of every relaxing vacation. Aiming to give visitors a transcendental experience, designers put a lot of thought into designing their hospitality projects. Be it a luxurious hotel suite or a beachside villa, there is nothing more satisfying than waking up to the gorgeous view of the great outdoors with your spouse by your side. However, plain glass doors and windows may not be able to provide you with the privacy you need. That’s why more and more designers are swapping out conventional door and window designs with switchable glass to provide visitors with the best of both worlds. With AIS Swytchglas, visitors enjoy privacy on-demand by turning it off and switching it back on for visibility.


While most offices are designed with a personal cabin to ensure privacy for the boss, it can make the employees feel that their seniors are unapproachable. To keep a balance between privacy and approachability, the best way to look is switchable glass – the revolutionary glass type that is set to redefine the office space. AIS Glass offers its AIS Swytchglas with view control films to restrict visibility from certain angles making it the perfect choice for personal cabins.

Switchable glass is truly a smart solution for every space and AIS Glass offers the best-quality smart glass to meet all your glass requirements. We offer 360-degree solutions with customisable options and complete guidance right from the primary selection up until the final installation as well as post-instalment services to ensure maximum satisfaction for all our clients. Get our expert consultation today!

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