
How Glass Handles Pressure of Aquatic Life Inside

Few sights in all of creation are capable of drawing out reverence and wonder like the mighty ocean and its raging waves. The view is not just spectacular but also calming and healing. So watching marine life in all its glory. People frequently go scuba diving to have a one-on-one with God’s exquisite creation, not just because it appeals to their eyes but also because it has the power to eliminate stress and induce a relaxed state of mind. And having a piece of that marine beauty right inside your home can have the same effect.

The Ethereal Beauty of Underwater Life

The awe-inspiring magnificence and grandeur of an ocean have left many of us gaping at it in wonder, sometimes for even hours on a stretch. Yet, it is just the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the vast water bodies lie myriads of unique and beautiful creatures hidden from the naked eye. Well, though fishes are common, there is an unspeakable number of species that are highly uncommon, maybe some even waiting to be discovered. Moreover, it is nothing short of an otherworldly experience to have a one-on-one with one-of-a-kind marine creatures such as seahorses, octopuses, sharks and whales, starfish, feather stars, glaucus atlanticus, phytoplankton, jellyfish, coral reefs – the list is practically endless!

As aesthetically pleasing and breath-taking marine life is highly vital for the existence of all other species. After all, the oceans are the largest ecosystem on the earth, having 97% of the world’s water, generating half of the world’s oxygen, and providing at least a sixth of the animal protein consumed by people.

Though confining the glorious beauty of the Almighty’s creation to a box is unattainable, a piece of that majesty can be captured in the form of aquariums. From gargantuan oceanariums to portable in-house setups, today it is possible to get a glimpse of the underwater glory. Aquariums not only add an aesthetic touch to the spaces they are installed in but have been found to have calming effects on the human brain, especially those of children. Moreover, they are also useful for educational purposes – teaching kids about the value of marine life and instilling them with a sense of responsibility through caring for the marine creatures.

Glass: Still a Favourite Choice in Aquarium Building

Most aquariums you see housed in residential or commercial spaces are made of glass. Contrary to what people think, the compressive strength of glass is extremely high. 1000N/mm² = 1000MPa to be precise. What this means is to break a 1 cm cube of glass, a load of around 10 tonnes would be required.

In the case of deflection, one face of the glass is under compression while the other is in tension. The resistance of glass to breakage on deflection is known as its tensile strength. Glass typically has a tensile strength of 7 megapascals or 1000psi. But, theoretically, glass can have a tensile strength of around 17 gigapascals or 2,500,000 psi. This is due to the strong chemical bonds of glass. However, an important thing to note would be that surface flaws such as scratches and bubbles reduce the strength of glass to a significant extent. The process of chemical and thermal tempering can further increase the tensile strength of glass.

Moreover, glass aquariums are highly resistant to scratches of any kind. Though it is true that severe misuse can lead to blemishes on glass but most of the cleaning and touching will not affect glass aquariums in any way. This is especially useful since children often have the tendency to continually touch the aquariums out of fascination and to draw the attention of the marine creatures. Even in zoos, keeping a constant watch on people and kids touching the aquarium is not feasible – here, glass’ scratch-resistant feature comes handy.

Another important benefit of glass aquariums is that since glass panels are rigid, they do not suffer from any major fabrication flaws in the long-term and hence are long-lasting and durable. This rigidity of glass has another benefit – it can be manufactured to be perfectly flat tight with highly manufacturing tolerances. As a result, glass surfaces do not suffer from any distortions that might obscure the view. Most of the “distortions” you witness are but due to the refractive light coming off the water in the aquarium.

 Glass is also designed to be UV-resistant. As a result, glass aquariums will not get brittle or lose their charm over time due to the UV rays of the sun or the aquarium lights. It can withstand the elements for years on end and simple cleaning from time to time is all that is required to get it back to its original shape. Moreover, it goes without saying that glass aquariums are ultra-clear – a major factor to consider while purchasing aquariums.

And finally, since glass can support significantly more than its own weight over distances, it can be placed on stands with an open-top or an incomplete one without any worries. However, one thing to keep in mind is to ensure that the stand on which the aquarium is to be placed must be levelled and strong enough to support the weight of glass.

Your One-Stop Source for Glass Solutions

Looking for glass aquariums that will stand the test of time and the elements? End your search with AIS Glass – India’s leading glass manufacturing company. Our Clear Float Glass is 100% distortion-free and has a uniform thickness to ensure perfect clarity of vision – both true and reflected images appear very bright and clear. It is available in a variety of sizes and thickness options ranging between 2mm to 15 mm. Moreover, all processing techniques such as glazing, laminating, thermal toughening, bending, etc. can be easily carried out on AIS Clear Float Glass. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch today!

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