
3 Ways Custom Window Glass Adds a Modern Flare to Your Home

Designing your own living space needs a fair amount of thought. You need to think about the floor plan, wall partitions, lighting fixtures, and furnishings to name a few elements. Apart from these, you also have to choose interior design styles that can reflect your character and charm. But to achieve this, you must not overlook fenestration designs or styles.

Interior Design: A Glimpse of Modern Style

The word ‘modern’ in terms of interior design is like loose change – used freely and without much notice. When you think of modern décor, there are a bunch of adjectives that come to mind. You think sleek, minimalistic, metallic, or urban – you think ‘modern’. When in truth, there’s no definitive way to define what the word encompasses.

Modern interior design has roots in Scandinavian and German architecture and design. Modern styles follow a minimalistic outlook while focussing on open and clutter-free spaces. Each decorative element of style is designed to perform a specific function while importance is given to form and aesthetics.

Primacy is lent to monochromatic palettes that utilise earthy hues and industrial elements to covey a rather clinical vibe. Modern design elements are all about a mix of natural materials like wood and stone with industrial elements like metal and concrete. They boast simple and clean lines with a touch of boldness and drama.

Why Use Custom Windows Glass?

Primarily, for two reasons: to personalise and to optimise. Unlike the stock-produced window glass, custom window glass can be designed according to your tastes. You don’t have to compromise on style as it provides you ample space for artistic additions. You can get the windows glass customised to the form and function that is best-suited to your décor needs.

Moreover, you can get value additions with custom window glass, a quality that stock windows lack. You can optimise your windows glass with enhanced strength, improved insulation, or reduced wind infiltration. Along with these additions, you can get high-performing security glass or efficient acoustics. Custom windows are designed with specific measurements because of which they can fit in your homes without patching or trimming. While for stock windows, it is the exact opposite.

To achieve a modern look, custom windows can be a great addition. Read more to know how.

A Plethora of Design Options

With custom window glass, you get the freedom of design. You can choose from a plethora of window styles to compliment your home’s modern décor. Add a flare of modernity to your home’s interior design by mismatching and combining natural and industrial elements.

Elements like corrugated metal and exposed wood are an interesting mix to achieve this. After all, modern sensibilities are all about sleek finishes, pattern-less elements, hardware styles, and minimal ornamentation; designs that can produce a sense of openness and comfort.

Add Value to Your Windows Glass

Modern interior designs put functionality before style. With custom window glass, you can enjoy the benefits of additional qualities like solar control, heat and noise insulation, along with qualities like pest resistance and structural stability. Such value additions enhance the functionality and increase the value of your window glass and in effect, the value of your home increases as well.

On the other hand, installing stock windows often requires patching and trimming work that can lead to gaps and drafts. Due to this, they also suffer from poor insulation capacities and can prove to be inefficient during harsh weather conditions.

For Special Requirements

Since custom window glass is – as evident – customisable, you have the advantage of adding your personal touch to it. There are no set rules for it; you can combine any elements that boast of modern charm and urban utility. Depending on the home’s structural and geographical needs, you can use specialised glass for multiple purposes.

Say, for instance, if you’re living in a tropical region, harsh sunlight and scorching heat can be an issue. In that case, you can opt for processed glass with insulating metallic frames that protect against harmful sunrays and prevent excessive heat from seeping inside. In this manner, you can personalise window glass to optimise the comfort level in your home.

In Summation

Usually, fenestrations are the most striking feature in your home. For spectators, fenestrations often become a sight that attracts the most attention. It is no surprise then that well-arranged and well-designed window glass can bring exquisiteness to your dwelling and enhance its charm furthermore.

More importantly, when window glass is customised using processed glass and value-additions, aesthetics and functionality are aligned perfectly. This combination of form and function is a characteristic of the modern interior design. This is why if you wish to add a modern flare to your home, custom window glass can be an excellent choice.

AIS Windows – SBU of India’s leading integrated glass company – offers unique glass window solutions with a host of offerings. Unlike the conventional windows, our glass fixtures are sound-proof, weather-proof, UV resistant, and energy-efficient as well. At AIS Windows, you also get a wide range of frame choices for your glass windows. We provide a fine balance between form and functionality for all your fenestration needs.

Looking for custom glass windows? We have a high-performance custom solution just for you. Give us a call at 1800-103-4805 to receive an expert consultation today!

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