
4 Myths of Privacy Glass

“Privacy – like eating and breathing – is one of life’s basic requirements.”

The drawing of curtains, shutting of doors, and closing of windows are some common acts we perform to protect our privacy. But what if there was a better solution for it?

After all, privacy is everyone’s natural right.

Why Choose Glass For Privacy Matters?

Although an unapparent choice, glass is the perfect element to address your privacy concerns with. As a flexible architectural element, it has been vastly used by interior designers and architects alike for various internal and external applications.

Thanks to advanced glass technologies, glass can now be used to provide high-quality privacy, security, and aesthetic solutions.

And based on the level of privacy needed, different types of privacy glass solutions are available in the market such as tinted, frosted, and smart glass solutions.

Here is a list of four myths about privacy glass that you shouldn’t believe in.

Privacy Glass does not Block Heat

Not only does it offer protection against solar glare, but it also absorbs the harmful UV rays of the sun.  Contrary to the myth, privacy glass can absorb solar radiation and prevent solar glare.

This ability assists privacy glass to lower the amount of heat ingress. For instance – AIS Tint Float Glass can absorb around 30-40 % of the solar heat incident on its surface, helping you save on energy costs.

As a result, the indoors remain pleasant and comfortable. In summers, it keeps the heat out and in winters, it traps the heat inside for a cosier ambience. It is useful for both residential and commercial applications.

Best of all, it can decrease your energy consumption as reliance on cooling/heating appliances is reduced as well. You can enjoy ample natural light without worrying about the interiors heating up.

Privacy Glass Offers No Flexibility of Design

Nowadays, in glass manufacturing, form and function are given equal importance. And the same goes for privacy glass solutions. In truth, they’re flexible in design, style, and built as well.

If you search the market, you’ll find diverse shades and styles of privacy glass solutions. They’re available in different tints and thicknesses as well. For instance, tinted glass comes in a variety of colours that can be incorporated in various windows’ and doors’ designs.

There’s frosted glass that finds numerous interior design applications in false ceiling, doors, partitions, screens, shower screens, designer panels, etc. And to achieve a glossy and sleek finish, no other solution can beat smart glass. 

Privacy glass obscures vision while allowing natural light to flood in – a perfect privacy and aesthetic solution for modern homes and offices.

Privacy Glass only Offers Visual Privacy

In talks of privacy, precedence is given to visual privacy over audio privacy. However, having quality acoustics is necessary for achieving 100% privacy, especially in the commercial spaces.

Nowadays, privacy glass solutions are manufactured using premium techniques to make them soundproof as well. They can reduce the noise to promote a quieter ambience, providing a complete visual and audio privacy solution.

Privacy Glass isn’t Transparent

For premium privacy solutions and aesthetics, privacy glass comes in transparent, translucent, and opaque variants. While tinted and frosted glasses are translucent, smart glass can switch from being transparent to being opaque, and even translucent with a simple switch.

In smart glass, opacity levels can be adjusted using the same switch to get the desired privacy level. It offers varying levels of visual privacy to its users. Yet, at the same time, it allows light infiltration and blocks excessive heat.

Presently, glazed units with in-built blinds such as AIS Integrated Blinds are also available in the market. One can draw the blinds installed in the unit, whenever a privacy need arises.

The Bottom Line

Recently, cases of privacy violation have increased at an alarming rate. And as you know, privacy and security are two sides of the same coin. Therefore, as a precaution against peeping toms, nosy strangers, and burglars, optimising privacy solutions in residential and commercial spaces has become necessary.

For an effective privacy solution, incorporating privacy glass elements in internal and external applications is recommended. Besides, you get advantages like ample natural light, low maintenance, better acoustics, and efficient heat control.

AIS Glass to the Rescue!

If you’re looking for premium-quality privacy glass solutions, then look no further than AIS Glass!

AIS Glass – India’s leading integrated glass manufacturing company – offers end-to-end, 360-degree solutions across the automotive and architectural glass value chains. We provide high-end services right from the manufacturing of glass, processing, selection to fabrication, installation and post-installation.

Choose from a wide range of best-in-class products suited to your architectural needs – AIS Swytchglas is a smart glass that can be operated with the touch of a button; while AIS Krystal is India’s only branded frosted glass that is ideal for privacy.

For further information, get in touch with us today!


Top Tips If You are Planning Post-lockdown Home Improvement

Like every other country, India is also currently under the tight grip of the novel coronavirus. Although the lockdown measures have been relaxed to some extent, the scenario is far from the old normal. Notwithstanding how boring and idle it may feel, the lockdown has a silver lining too – the amount of free time people get to enjoy now, if used wisely, can be a very productive time. One of the constructive ways to spend the lockdown is to plan out future home improvement.

Yes, business activities are currently slack; however, they will not be so forever. Having a clear idea of what changes you desire in your home beforehand will not only make it easier for the service provider to cater to your needs, but you will also see a much more desirable outcome.

Ready but wondering how to go about it? Here are some useful tips on planning your post-lockdown home improvement project.

Tip #1 Carry out an Exhaustive Home Inspection

With the lockdown allowing some much-needed respite, now is the time to carry out a scrupulous home inspection. From doors and windows to roof and patio, check every element of your home to verify if any of them need a renovation. For instance – in case of doors and windows, close and open each to examine their operability, test their latches and hinges and see if there are any visible air gaps between the glass and the frame through which energy exchange can easily take place, even the pivots to check whether there are any creaking and cranking noises. Most importantly, do check your door and window glass’ condition, whether there are any cracks or chips; also, the locking mechanism of such components to be assured of their safety feature. Ill-fitted doors and windows are an invitation to burglars and intruders.

Once done with these, you must not forget to examine areas like the conservatory, terrace, patio, roof, etc. Check if any of these spaces have walls or glass fixtures with cracks, scratches, and breaks. Similarly, look out for any damage in the fascia, guttering, and soffits – for in case of any default, they may allow rainwater to seep into your home.

You should keep a diary in hand during the home inspection process. Note every single flaw that you can see and note it down in detail. This will help you have a clear idea of what improvement work needs to be done once you consult a reliable service provider post-lockdown.

Tip #2 Prioritise Your Activities

Once you have noted down all the areas in need of a make-over, it is time to separate the priority tasks from the bells and whistles. Edit your list to prioritise tasks in their descending order of urgency. You can begin by eliminating those renovations that can wait for at least half a year. Once that’s been segmented, start rating the top-priority tasks further – for instance, windows that need to be repainted can wait, no matter how bland they look, if you have glass panels that are about to yield and break, which should clearly rank high in terms of receiving immediate attention.  Safety over aesthetic appeal any day right?

Tip #3 De-clutter Your Home

Home improvement is not simply limited to what you can add to amp up the aesthetics and utility of your home. Sometimes, the most aesthetically appealing and functional homes are ones that are kept organised. So, if your home is drowning under the weight of clutter, it is time to get to work! Start identifying items that are clutter and discard them or put them up for a yard sale without any second thoughts. Now, what defines as clutter might be different for different individuals; however, most stuff that is actually “clutter” can be described as follows – items without a proper storage space, trash disguised as clutter such as age-old newspapers, magazines, even expired medicines and cosmetics, aspirational clutter such as that beautiful coffee table that you purchased but never really used, and sentimental clutter that could range from unused crockery to even an abandoned keychain (perhaps the hardest to get rid of). 

Removing clutter not only makes room for the meaningful items in your home but is also a type of self-care ritual.

Tip #4 Focus on the Exteriors

People often oversee an imperative component of house architecture – the exteriors. Façade, entrance, balcony, veranda, porch, fencing, etc. are usually forgotten during the inspection. Ironically, they’re the first pieces of architecture that your guests and visitors notice.

You should pay extra attention to the external facilities of your home. For example, ensure that your balconies are equipped with strong balustrades and barriers. Also, external doors need to be fitted with non-breakable glass panes and highly tensile framing material like uPVC or aluminium.

Once you’re convinced of their functionality, think of ways of improve their appearance, if needed – decorative glass solutions such as lacquered glass is available to take the look to the next level. Moreover, you can even get the fence repainted or install beautiful tapestry coverings for the porch seating area.

Home improvement may seem like a mammoth task but it becomes a breeze with a reliable partner such as AIS Glass. As India’s leading integrated glass manufacturer, we have helped countless homeowners like you revamp their safe haven and we can do the same for you.

For enhanced aesthetic appeal and advanced functionality – privacy, security, energy-efficiency, acoustic insulation, etc. choose AIS Glass for your next home improvement project!


Uses of Annealed Glass

Owing to its brilliant shine, aesthetic appeal, refractive and reflective properties, glass has become a favourite architectural product in modern times. Its versatility is only one of its advantages, for the pragmatic and aesthetic value it adds to your buildings is unmatched. To make it even more appealing and versatile, glassmakers have, over the years, designed different types of glasses suitable for different needs.

Despite the availability of countless glass types, annealed glass remains the topmost choice for architects and interior designers. Good-quality annealed glass allows about 87% of incident light to pass through. It is also usually distortion-free and highly customisable.

How is Annealed Glass Made?

Annealed glass is also called float glass. After being molten in a furnace, it is subjected to a regulated cooling process in an annealing lehr until it reaches a strain point temperature. This slow cooling allows the glass sheet to become less brittle and frees it from internal stress. This way, annealed glass is manufactured.

Customisation options for annealed glass include toughening, tempering, laminating, back painting, etc. All of these processes make annealed glass even stronger.  

There are three common types of annealed glass available:

Frosted Glass: It is a type of translucent glass made by acid etching or sandblasting. It allows light to pass through, but not completely and therefore blocks images.

Clear Glass: Clear glass is a completely transparent and clear type of annealed glass commonly used in structures where clear vision is desired such as windows, doors, and glass partitions.

Tinted Glass: By coating annealed glass sheets with metal oxides, they can be tinted. Tinted annealed glass transmits less light and protects against solar glare.

How Can You Use Annealed Glass in Your Homes and Offices?

Annealed glass, due to its distortion-free nature and durability has plenty of applications in both residential and commercial buildings. It can be used for a variety of internal and external glazing options.

Here are some ways you can incorporate annealed glass in your space.

Glass Cabinets

Glass cabinets have long been used as a decorative element in drawing rooms, bedrooms, and dining rooms. These act as showcases where you can display trophies, certificates, paintings, showpieces, etc. Since annealed glass is brilliantly lustrous and provides distortion-free vision, it is perfect for glass cabinets. With annealed glass cabinets, your most showy pieces will remain both clean and perfectly displayed.

Dining or Coffee Tables

Glass furniture instantly amps up the décor of any space. It suits everything, from a minimalist design to a royal décor. Two of the most popular glass furniture items include coffee tables and dining tables. Although these may be made of metal or wood, their tops can be sealed with annealed glass to make them more lustrous and appealing. Annealed glass tabletops in dining and coffee table will give your furniture all the sleekness it needs to appear modern. Moreover, it will also not break easily and will bear moderately-weighted objects like pots, pans, and vases.

Ceiling Windows

Nothing lights up a space better than natural lights during the day and starlight at night. If you want your house to be lit perfectly, tinted annealed glass windows near the ceiling of your rooms would be an excellent choice. Tinted ceiling windows will also prevent harsh solar radiations and harmful UV rays from entering your precious living space. They will also not compromise the aesthetic lighting feature. You can have them installed in bedrooms, drawing rooms, or even in kitchens.

Sliding Doors

There are two main purposes of sliding doors – adding an illusion of extra space and increasing the aesthetic appeal of a room. Both these purposes are met perfectly if you have your sliding doors made out of tinted annealed glass. Annealed glass sliding doors will also improve ventilation and absorb harmful solar radiations. Annealed glass is also good at absorbing 30-45% of the sun’s heat, and is therefore perfect for sliding doors installed in buildings located in hot regions.

Frosted Shower Stalls

When you take a relaxing shower, you wouldn’t want inappropriate lighting or lack of privacy to disturb you. Annealed frosted glass is perfect for modern bathrooms and showers. It allows just the right amount of light to infiltrate your shower and also offers absolute privacy by blocking images. Since annealed glass is highly durable, the heat and humidity of a bathroom will not affect your pristine shower enclosure.

Because of its flexibility in terms of cutting, shaping, and drilling, annealed glass is a very popular choice for all kinds of homes and offices. When you choose annealed glass from AIS Glass, you get endless options for customisation. Our technicians take care of personalising everything, from the cut to the colour of your chosen annealed glass and also ensure optimum quality. For high-end commercial or residential annealed glass products, get in touch with AIS Glass today!


Use of Glass Partitions for Maintaining Social Distancing

 “This virus may never go away.”

  • Dr Michael Ryan (Executive Director, WHO Health Emergencies Programme)

In the event of rising COVID-19 cases in India, social distancing is all set to become the new norm. Masks, sanitizers, PP&E kits, gloves, etc. will continue to help us fight against the coronavirus. But their impact is limited to the user’s discretion – one bad apple can initiate community spread.

Ever since the government announced ‘unlock 1,’ people have become careless, as if there was no disease. This has opened doors for many citizens to leave their safety-zones, raising the risk factor to a whole new level.   

As a result, strict measures are under-way; something that will compel people to observe social distancing by default. This involves the use of one-way glass partitions. Let us find out how.

Glass Partitions: The Utility Factor

A one-way glass partition is nothing but a pane that can be used to divide a space into several mini-rooms. Examples of glass partitions can be seen in all kinds of spaces – cubicle showers, glass-enclosed office cabins, modern retail outlets, one-way glass facades, OPD rooms, etc.

Apart from their matchless aesthetics, glass partitions offer a host of functional benefits. Their ergonomics nominate them as the best-fit for social distancing, which is a need in view of the current crisis. They separate people enough to reduce risk of infection and connect them enough to prevent complete isolation.

To begin with, one-way glass partitions cut off all possible chances of physical encounters – the major reason for COVID-19 proliferation. As glass is transparent, people enjoy stress-free interaction that facilitates a sense of belongingness in them. They get relieved of the obligation to wear unappealing masks, further improving their quality of communication.

Moreover, given the nature of glass and owing to strategic placements, one-way glass partitions will usher in heaps of natural light, making a space appear brighter and larger than it really is. This will reduce the need for artificial lighting, bringing down energy bills. It’s even better when you’re installing the partitions adjacent to a window or a façade – allowing ample sunlight to pass through them. The importance of natural light cannot be over-stressed, and it is also non-negotiable when the pandemic is making optimal exposure to the sun a challenge.

Besides curbing direct transmission of the virus, glass partitions can also prevent indirect transmission – since they are easy to clean, disinfecting and sanitising them is not a hassle. Vapour particles stuck on a glass surface wither out within no time post-sanitisation.

“But what if my room requires privacy?” Such thoughts have plagued many and yet, the answer is still the same – one-way glass partitions. By simply choosing a privacy glass solution for the partition such as frosted glass or smart glass, needs for privacy can also be fulfilled.

Using Glass Partitions for Social Distancing: Various Use Cases

Based on the type of space, there are numerous scenarios where one-way glass partitions can be set up. For residential areas, let us consider the example of a home-quarantined COVID patient – They can get a four-walled partition installed at a vacant area of their home, ensuring that the family stays protected from the virus’ impact.

Similarly, though reopening the economy is vital, so is ensuring the safety of all workers. In light of this fact, one-way glass partitions are being used to maintain proper social distancing while at work. Retail infrastructures such as shops, stores, banks, and service-related government offices can implement social distancing through glass-enclosed counters. Most retail outlets, especially private ones, do not have such enclosures. But given the pandemic crisis, even they are on the verge of introducing glass partitions in check-out counters and reception desks.

In general, glass partitions have been widely used in offices; however, the onset of COVID-19 has given them a whole new meaning. One-way glass partitions have transformed into a pragmatic tool for social distancing while at the same time maintaining some connection. They are being used to separate work stations. For instance – Flipkart-owned Myntra has used glass partitions in between each seat in its work station as well as the cafeteria. However, such a setup will gradually lead to the introduction of modular furniture. This ensures the safety of all employees.

Finally, glass partitions are proving to be equally beneficial even for restaurants and eateries. To continue business under the new guidelines for the pandemic, restaurants and eateries are converting dining tables into all-glass cabins. Moreover, some restaurants have introduced a plexiglass partition on each table, between customers facing each other. Suggestions are being made for similar usage of one-way glass partitions in movie theatres; however, how far will this be successful is an idea still under speculation.

Need Premium One-way Glass Partitions to be COVID-Ready?

Are you also looking for high-grade glass partitions to fight the novel coronavirus? AIS Glass can help you out! As the leading integrated glass manufacturer of India, we offer strong and durable toughened glass partitions in a variety of designs – frosted, glazed, etc. for your unique needs. Choose us and avail 360-degree support, right from the time of product selection up until installation, even after-sales support.

Fight the pandemic with innovative glass solutions. Get in touch with AIS Glass today!


Upgrade Your Home to Tempered glass: 4 Facts You Must Know

When it comes to safety, tempered glass takes the win; it is 4-5 times stronger than standard annealed glass. Because it undergoes a unique toughening process, it is also invulnerable to tensile stress and impact-related breakage.

And even if it breaks, it doesn’t form large shards of glass. Instead, it shatters away into blunt, cube-like pieces that are incapable of causing any serious injuries – indeed, a far safer choice than untreated, regular glass!

Why Upgrade using Tempered Glass?

Here, the real question is – why not?

If you have used standard glass applications in your home, then it is practically a “glass house.” The impact from a projectile, stone, or blow can easily break down these glass applications. They can’t even withstand natural phenomena like temperature fluctuations, wind loads, and hail, compromising your safety BIG TIME!

However, upgrading to tempered glass can help avoid such hassles and dangers. Because of its impact-resistance, heat-resistance, super-strength, and safety characteristics, your home will truly become your safe haven. 

The Benefits Involved

Now, tempered glass is well-known for being strong and sturdy – no wonder it finds applications in car windows, balustrades, glass walkways, and building façades, among others.

However, along with the super-strength, it also offers other benefits, as discussed below.


Under harsh weather conditions, regular glass can get stress-induced chips and cracks that eventually lead to breakage. This is not the case with tempered glass.

The toughening process creates a strong bond between the glass molecules, making it stronger than standard glass, as much as 4-5 times! It can withstand the impact from a projectile, stress from temperature fluctuations, and even burglars trying to break-in.

This is what makes tempered glass durable and long-lasting.

Resilience to Heat

Its resilience to heat is a by-product of the toughening process. During the toughening process, the glass molecules are heated at extremely high temperatures. Consequently, tempered glass becomes more resilient to heat. It develops thermal resistance.

Even if direct heat is applied to it, the glass will not melt or weaken. This is why it can withstand high-temperature differentials without cracking.

All-Weather Resistance

Be it heavy wind loads, thunderstorms, dust storms, or torrential rainfall – tempered glass can withstand them all. No matter how volatile the weather conditions are, they cannot harm this glass member.

Even extreme heat or cold cannot impact tempered glass, but if it were ordinary glass, it would easily succumb to mild impact, let alone heavy damage.

On the other hand, tempered glass is resilient to the stress caused by harsh weather conditions. It is also quite resilient to everyday wear-and-tear, making it the perfect choice for architectural use.

Here are some interesting but uncommon facts about tempered glass that you must know about.

Presence of Compressive Surface Stress

Compressive stress accumulates on the surface of tempered glass when it undergoes the tempering or toughening process. It is due to this characteristic that tempered glass breaks away into small, granular pieces and not large ones.

Besides, it is the presence of compressive surface stress that increases the strength of tempered glass. It also makes the glass safe for high pressure and explosion-proof applications.

It is Scratchproof!

Tempered glass shows resilience to wear-and-tear caused by everyday use. As it is scratchproof and resistant to damage, the surface of tempered glass remains clear and smooth for years.

No wonder it is used for several “see-through” applications like walkways, car windows, and lab equipment.

Cannot be Cut Once Tempered

After the processing of tempered glass, microscopic stress cracks develop on the surface of the glass. Any cutting, grinding or sharp impacts after the tempering process can cause the glass to fracture.

This is why tempered glass is never operated on, post the toughening process. And, if needed, it must be cut or ground before beginning the tempering process.

Its Surface Is Covered With Strain Patterns

After the tempering process, an optical phenomenon called ‘strain pattern’ or ‘quench pattern’ can appear on the surface of the glass and it cannot be eliminated.

Usually, the strain patterns appear like lines, faint spots, or blotches. However, to the naked eye, the glass surface will appear clear and smooth. It can only be viewed using an optical polariser.

Over to You

If safety, thermal-resistance, impact-resistance, and strength are important considerations for you, use tempered glass solutions in your residential spaces.

Available in a variety of designs, patterns, and styles, it befits any and every décor theme – from the sleek elegance of modern styles to the neutral palettes of transitional ones.

Besides, tempered glass ensures the safety and security of occupants with its sturdiness and resilience to impact-related breakage.

For High-Quality Tempered glass, Choose AIS Glass!

AIS Glass – India’s leading integrated glass manufacturing company – offers end-to-end glass solutions for residential and commercial applications. Right from manufacturing, processing to glass selection and installation, our team of technicians will guide you at every step of the process.

We offer AIS Stronglas, a high grade tempered glass known for its high performance against impacts and tensile stresses.

Come avail the right tempered glass, only at AIS Glass. Get in touch with us today!


What Are Reflective Glasses and Its Uses?

Over the years, the meaning of ‘home’ has changed manifold. Now, a ‘home’ has more character, personality, and functionality than ever before. Urban homes have become more open and much more innovative to match the fast-paced lives of city dwellers.

Yet, many problems persist. Most homes lack appropriate fenestrations, designs, etc., to handle the ever-rising global temperature and climate change. Meanwhile, our energy consumption rates are skyrocketing with increased reliance on heating and cooling systems.

Energy efficiency is the need of the hour, and it calls for a transformation – a transformation best offered by the glass! As renowned French-Swedish architect Le Corbusier, puts it, “Modern life demands, and is waiting for, a new kind of plan, both for the house and the city.”

What Is Reflective Glass?

Reflective glass is annealed or standard glass that has a thin layer of metallic or metallic oxide coating. Since this coating is applied to only one side of the glass, it has a mirror-like appearance.

This reflective coating is applied during the float process to enhance the amount of heat reflected by the glass. It can absorb and reflect the sun’s harmful UV and infrared rays yet allow natural visible light to pass through. It also prevents excessive solar glare. However, it does allow natural light to pass through, offering optimal daylighting.

Benefits of Reflective glass

For those people who are eco-friendly and believe in energy efficiency, opting for solar control glass or reflective glass can be the best choice! There are many benefits and advantages of using these types of glass.

Energy-Efficient Fenestrations

Did you know that 90% of heat gain happens through windows and doors? To prevent your home from feeling like a sauna, you can use reflective glass for fenestration. This is because it lowers heat gain and the differential in temperature to provide a cosy ambience.

It will absorb and reflect a significant amount of the outside heat and keep you cool during the summers! What’s more, you can bring down your energy bills by cutting down the use of artificial lighting and heating and cooling systems.

Optimal Glare Management

Solar glare causes more harm than you think. Did you know that excessive exposure to solar glare can harm your eyesight? However, with reflective glass, you can keep those harms at bay.

As reflective glass impacts Visible Light Transmittance (VLT), it reduces solar glare but allows natural light to flood in. It also reflects a significant portion of the harmful solar radiation, offering excellent glare management.

Superior Daylighting

With reflective glass, you get to enjoy the two primary benefits of daylight, that is, reduced reliance on artificial lighting and lowered electricity costs. It allows natural light to pass through, creating brighter and cheerful interiors throughout the day.

Moreover, reflective glass distributes the diffused light across the space to reduce solar glare while keeping the indoors smelling fresh and airy. Besides that, daylight has a direct impact on your productivity, mood, and overall well-being. Thus, premium daylighting means premium health!

Perfect Privacy Solution

Quit worrying about nosy strangers and peeping-toms by installing reflective glass windows. Thanks to the protective coating on their surface, they offer 100% visual privacy during the day. You do not need to add curtains or blinds as it completely obscures visibility.

Anyone outside your home will not be able to see the inside as it obstructs one-way visibility. However, you can have an unobstructed view of the outside without worrying about privacy violations. Indeed, it is a perfect privacy solution.

Aesthetic Galore

The versatility of reflective glass is no joke! From tints, patterns to a wide variety of shades, there are many design options to choose from. Architects and interior designers can set new benchmarks in design, style, and comfort with reflective glass.

Moreover, it works well with several architectural elements, from metal panels, spandrels to frames. It is a dynamic architectural element in that its appearance changes with any change in the sky. Best of all, it has a natural sheen and glossy finish, making it a visual delight.

Where Can it Be Used?

Primarily, reflective glass solutions are used to combat the rising rate of energy consumption – as it blocks the solar heat and glare from entering inside. Several architectural designs are used as green, sustainable elements for their high performance against heat ingress and delectable visual appeal.

Here are some typical applications of reflective glass.

Structural Façade Glazing

For building façade, nothing works better than glass – glimmering as the sun hits its surface, reflecting the changing sky; indeed, a visual masterpiece. Yet, at the same time, the building’s interiors can suffer from solar glare and overheating.

This is why most structural façade glazing is done using reflective glass. It minimises heat ingress and solar glare to lower reliance on AC units, keeping the indoors cooler throughout the day.

In the range of products offered by AIS Glass, AIS Opal is a perfect fit for structural façade glazing. It provides excellent solar-control properties to keep the building’s interiors from heating up.

Glass Windows

In residential and commercial structures, around 90% of the heat enters through windows. To counter this, you may install reflective glass windows for their effective solar-control properties.

They block out UV and IR rays and excessive heat from seeping in a while, allowing natural light to flood the interior space, offering a brighter, comprehensive look indoors. You get optimum daylighting without the disadvantage of overheating.


While brilliant for daylighting needs and facilitating indoor-outdoor living, skylights can increase interior heating after being exposed to the sun 24×7.

Therefore, to reduce overheating and solar glare, skylights made of reflective glass windows work supremely well. Their solar control properties are highly beneficial in absorbing most UV rays falling on them, lowering heat gain in the process.

Reflective Glass: Popularity and Misconceptions Go Hand-in-Hand

Contemporary spaces are all about creating the right blend of style and practicality, and glass is integral. Today, glass is not about fragility but rather innovative engineering and efficient usage, as glass structures can be designed to offer a sense of luxury while simultaneously providing benefits such as privacy, temperature regulation, security, etc.

Modern homeowners often opt for glass panels, doors, chambers, sliders, etc., to give their space a minimal yet luxurious tone. A significant part of this is reflective glass, with its numerous benefits and sleek design. Its practicality and wide availability have made reflective glass a go-to for many vehicles, businesses, and homeowners as well, especially since renovators or architects themselves often recommend it.

However, since it is still relatively new, several myths surround it and its implementation in modern spaces. However, it is time to bust these myths, so let’s look at what they are and why they aren’t true.

The Myths Debunked

Reflective Glass is an Unworthy Investment

One of the most common myths about reflective glass is how it is an utter waste of money since it often turns purple, bubbles are spread throughout the film, or simply because they haven’t been built to last forever. However, we’ve all heard the adage, “nothing lasts forever,” which applies to this as well. However, such claims about this glass can only be valid when you install them without professional help. When appropriately installed, reflective glass can last almost two decades while providing you with numerous benefits such as maintaining privacy, low maintenance, controlling the sun’s glare that enters your space, and more.

Age is a Reflective Glass’ Enemy

People usually prefer to purchase long-lasting, durable materials when decorating or establishing their space. While this applies to almost every material, many completely disband reflective glass of being the same and blatantly blame it for not being long-lasting. It’s the opposite, as a professionally installed, high-quality one will actually last you quite long, and it will even continue to be sleek and beautiful, rather than its colours fading away.

All Show and No Go

Another common myth about reflective glass that is quite common among many homeowners is how it is just for cosmetic purposes and only adds to the appearance of a space. That is mainly untrue because reflective glasses provide several benefits that make them necessary for many modern homes:

  1. Reflective glasses are the perfect solution for maintaining privacy since the people outside cannot see through them.
  2. They reduce the amount of glare that enters your space, blocking out the harmful UV rays.
  3. They’re also available with a low-E coating, which will help your area earn Energy Star and LEED credits as well.

These are just a few of the many benefits of installing reflective glass.

Reflective Glasses are Tough to Clean

Many also consider reflective glass to be problematic when it comes to maintenance and cleaning. That’s yet another myth that makes no sense, as you can clean the reflective glasses the same way as other glasses. The only thing to be kept in mind is to check the film’s specifications for detailed instructions. Other than that, your cleaning routine will be the same, irrespective of the installed reflective glass.

The AIS Advantage

As an energy-efficient solution, reflective glass windows are incredibly beneficial. They offer numerous advantages like visual comfort, daylighting, energy savings, enhanced privacy, premium aesthetics, and flexibility of design to its users. And they’re suitable for several internal and external glazing applications.

At AIS Glass, we offer high-quality glazing solutions for all your architectural needs, and you can choose from a diverse range of best-in-class, customisable products. We offer world-class quality reflective glass in various shades, styles, sizes, and thicknesses.

Are you looking for reflective glass solutions? Get in touch with us today!d reflective glass.


High-Performance Glass: Get to Know the Types and Applications

Nothing quite compares to the beauty and magnificence of glass. Commercial, as well as residential enclaves use this material in large quantities to award spatial openness and modernity to any dwelling. However, with a substantial increase in the consumption of glass for office facades and housing complexes, there is a growing concern regarding energy consumption and its environmental implications.

If you are using a significant amount of glass in a structure, the potential for energy consumption goes up. Did you know that glass is responsible for transmitting up to 80% of outdoor solar heat to the insides of buildings? This feature of standard glass is especially disadvantageous for commercial structures as it stresses out heating and cooling devices, and also increases HVAC costs. To counter this problem, high-performance glass is used. This type of glass comes with various coatings of metal oxides to make it achieve high energy-efficiency. 

If you want to drape your structure’s façade with glass without compromising on effective energy utilisation, then high-performance glass should be on top of your list. 

Types and Applications of High-Performance Glass

There are varying degrees and intensities of solar heat and glare protection offered by high-performance glass. You can choose based on custom requirements. The following are the types of high-performance glass.

Low-E Glass

Low-E or low-Emissivity glass has exceptional thermal insulation capabilities. This surface stands to guard against ultraviolet (UV) radiations. During scorching summers, it allows only visible natural light to pass through its surface while reflecting away most of the heat and glare. Since it is a low-emissivity surface, it does not allow energy transfers between the exterior and interior atmospheres of a building.

During the winter season, low-E high-performance glass helps maintain an optimal interior temperature by trapping energy waves and not emitting or letting them leak outside. Therefore, this glass type enhances the overall thermal comfort of your office space, and also reduces heating costs. You must be drawing parallels between low-E and insulated glass since they have similar functionalities. While that’s true, low-E glass is even more energy-efficient than insulated glass units.

Applications – Low-E glass often adorns the façades of commercial buildings, glass-curtained skyscrapers, shopping malls, roof-top restaurants, and residential fenestration.

Solar Control Glass

Much like low-E glass, this type also comes with a special oxide coating responsible for exchanging less amount of solar glare from outside to inside. Additionally, solar control glass ushers in a more significant amount of natural light, thus reducing the cost of artificial lighting. This feature of solar control glass is especially useful for educational institutions, public libraries, offices etc. where natural light combined with artificial light is most helpful. 

Solar control glass helps reduce heating and cooling costs. For tropical countries like India, where sweltering heat can force us to hide inside opaque structures, solar control glass can be very beneficial. 

Applications – Any commercial or residential structure where reducing the amount of solar heat absorption is a priority. Some examples include indoor swimming pools, business park façades, metro stations, classrooms, college buildings, automotive windshields, etc.  

Solar Control Low-E Glass

This type of glass is the gold standard of high performance. Consider a low-emissivity surface which also has a special solar control coating. Solar Control Low-E glass is especially beneficial for surfaces that come in direct contact with sunlight regularly. Choose this glass type if you want robust protection from solar radiation as well as enhanced thermal insulation.

Since solar control low-E glass is most robust in business, it is commonly used in famous structures across the world. Did you know that the tallest building in the world, Burg Khalifa, is laden with solar control low-E glass? If you are looking for a complete high-performance solution, look no further than this glass type.

Applications – Since solar control low-E glass combines the properties of both solar control and low-emissivity glass, they have a tonne of applications. Some of them include airport façades, community centres, modern homes, commercial complexes, high-rise hotels, and much more.

The Bottom Line

High performance glass is generally used in commercial areas where the expanse of glass is more, which requires increased energy-efficiency. However, this does not mean that residential complexes must not use this type of glass. If you live in a high-rise apartment which faces the wrath of unrelenting solar glare every so often, high-performance glass is an ideal.

Are you looking for unmatched energy-efficiency and thermal comfort through high-performance glass, but cannot decide which one to choose? If so, then turn to AIS Glass – India’s leading architectural glass manufacturing company. Our team of professionally trained personnel is eager to help you in every step of the way. From selecting the right glass to installation and after-sales support – we’ve got you covered!

We can also help you pick out the right kind of high-performance glass. All you have to do is get in touch with us. So, contact us today to rid yourself of all your glass-related woes!


High Performance Glass Applications that Everyone Should Know

In modern architecture, glass is a highly versatile component. It can be used for several internal as well as external glazing applications. Be it staircases, façade, balustrades, doors, windows, external walls, shower cubicles, or room dividers – glass is everywhere!

However, due to its high surface emissivity, glass can absorb and emit the solar energy to the inside of the building – causing indoor overheating.

To combat this, advanced glass technologies are used to manufacture high-performance glass. They possess solar control and thermal insulation abilities to provide enhanced energy-efficiency.

Presently, there are three primary high-performance glasses available in the market. They are:

Low-E Glass

Low-E or Low-Emissivity glass is a type of high-performance glass that blocks out harmful UV and infrared rays of the sun. It only allows visible light to pass through.

It offers thermal insulation as a result of its low emissivity that decreases the absorption and transmittance of solar radiation. Because of this, low-E glass reduces the amount of heat ingress from the outside.

At the same time, it traps the internal heat from escaping outside, making it ideal for the winter season. AIS Ecosense Essence is a perfect example of low-E glass.

Solar Control Glass

In solar-control glass, a special oxide coating is present that reflects away the harmful rays of the sun and prevents the heat from entering inside the structures. It also prevents solar glare, notorious for causing eye and skin infections.

However, the glass does allow natural light to filter through, providing optimal daylight management. And consequently, lowers the reliance on air-conditioning and heating appliances.

For single glazing applications, AIS Ecosense Edge is a solar-control glass with high insulation properties.

Solar Low-E Glass

As the name suggests, a solar low-E glass is a type of low-E glass that comes with solar control coating. In terms of performance, this glass possesses properties of both its parent glasses.

It prevents overheating of interiors by blocking out the solar radiation and offering thermal insulation. In this way, the heat entering inside isn’t trapped, so it promotes a relatively cooler atmosphere.

AIS Ecosense Excel has advanced solar control and double low-E coatings for best-in-class thermal insulation and solar control performance.

Applications of High-performance Glass

Normally, glass has a high surface emissivity. Because of this, it absorbs and emits a large percentage of the solar radiant heat energy incident on it. Hence, as architectural designs recorded increasing use of glass, the demand for energy-efficiency witnessed an increase as well.  

Here are some common high-performance glass applications that everyone should know about.

Building Façade

In contemporary building designs, façades made of glass are quite common because of their visual appeal. However, incessant exposure to direct sunlight can raise the building’s indoor temperature. This is why high-performance glass is often used in their construction.

There is a significant reduction in the heat ingress and consequently, in the use of cooling devices. Yet, the building continues to receive optimum day light, inducing a brighter ambience.

Skylights/Roof Windows

For daylighting purposes, if there’s no space for a window, you can install skylights in your homes and offices. They allow natural light to pass through while letting you enjoy the stunning outside views.

However, since skylights are exposed to solar rays 24×7, they can increase the temperature indoors. This is why skylights should be made using high-performance glass as it can block the heat from seeping in, offering a cooler ambience.

Internal Partitions

In commercial and retail spaces like showrooms, internal partitions made of high-performance glass can improve energy-efficiency. They look spectacular as the sunlight glimmers on their surfaces, adding to visual appeal.

Besides, the space will receive ample natural light, lowering the reliance on artificial lighting, thereby leading to reduced energy costs.

Glass Windows

Did you know that about 90% of the heat comes through the windows? It can be worse for those living in the tropical and sub-tropical climatic zones.

However, if your windows are outfitted using high-performance glass, you can lower this percentage significantly.

Moreover, lower heat ingress means lower energy consumption and consequently, lower electricity bills.

In Summation

There are no two ways about it – for sustainable development, structures must become energy-efficient. And one of the easiest ways to achieve this is through the application of high-performance glass.

It allows natural light to pass through while blocking out the harmful infrared and UV rays of the sun. At the same time, you receive enhanced thermal insulation that prevents the interiors from overheating. So, you get optimum daylighting without raking up energy costs.

About AIS Glass

Looking for effective high-performance glass? Turn to AIS Glass!

At AIS – India’s leading integrated glass manufacturing company, we offer end-to-end, 360-degrees solutions in a wide range of glass products and services; right from manufacturing, processing to fabrication, installation, and post-installation.

We offer AIS Ecosense, a series of high-performance glass that is ideal for the Indian climate. They are suitable for balancing between indoors and outdoors, offering cooler and brighter interiors.

To learn more about high-performance glass, get in touch with us today!


Enhance Office Safety with Fire Rated Glass

It goes without saying that fire safety should be one of the top priorities of any commercial structure. If you own an office, you are responsible for the safety and security of your employees. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that you have a fire protection strategy which is also compliant with commercial safety regulations. And, the key to successful fire protection strategy begins with fire-rated or fire-resistant glass.

What Is Fire Rated Glass?

As the name suggests, fire rated or resistant glass plays a crucial role in protecting a structure in the unfortunate event of a fire. The degree of protection varies depending on the type of fire rated glass you choose but, in general, even the most basic fire-resistant glass stands guard against the spread of smokes and flames. Certain types of fire-rated glass also offer a high degree of insulation against the heat of a fire. Most building regulations across the world have chalked out compliances for fire safety to ensure employer and employee safety.

How does Fire Rated Glass Play a Critical Role in Office Safety?

Here are the top 4 reasons why you must install fire-resistant glass in your workplace.

Fire Containment

The most apparent benefit of fire-rated glass is that it can effectively contain a fire, hot flames, and smoke, thus minimising their spread. However, it is a little-known fact that this type of glass undergoes various treatments and tests before it achieves a fire rating. Fire-rated glass also comes with a stipulated period of protection. The protection duration offered depends on the European Classification Standards (EN 13501) listed below.  

E Fire Rated Glass

This type is perhaps the most basic fire rated glass. It can effectively contain flames and smoke for a substantial amount of time but is incapable of preventing the transmission or transfer of heat radiating from the source.

EW Fire Rated Glass

This type is the second category of fire rated glass that offers effective containment of flames and smoke for a great deal of time. But, it also provides some level of insulation or resistance from the heat radiating through the source.

EI Fire Rated Glass

This type is perhaps the gold standard of fire-resistant glass that offers a complete spectrum of protection. Meaning, it does not only keep people safe from fire and smoke but also fully protects them from the heat radiating from the fire source.

Longer Evacuation Duration

Various classifications of fire-rated glass listed above provide anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes for people to evacuate stricken premises and escape to safety. This time window is often enough to help evacuate a great many number of employees. Fire-rated glass can be cleverly incorporated in doors, windows, walls, and partitions to highlight fire escape passages and exits so as to ensure active escape.

Aesthetically Appealing

If you think that fire-rated glass is a purely utilitarian product, think again! These surfaces offer maximum security without compromising on the aesthetic appeal of your office. Heat resistant glass is a far better alternative to opaque window blinds or screens. Much like any other glass surface, it awards your office a sense of openness which makes the entire floor look larger. Choose from a range of designs or customise patterns for office partitions, doors, and windows – the choice is yours!

Easy to Install

It is a common myth that something as tenacious as fire-rated glass will most likely be challenging to install. The truth, however, is far from it! Fire-resistant glass can be customised into any shape or size. Therefore, you don’t need to alter your window dimensions for complete fenestration. Additionally, fire rated glass offers high-quality transparency, which means plenty of natural light ushering into your space. This feature reduces the need for artificial lighting, thus bringing down your office’s electricity bills significantly.  

The Bottom Line

In a nutshell, fire rated glass is a practical, cost-effective, and aesthetically appealing product that ensures no harm to human life in the unfortunate event of a fire inside or outside your office premises. This type of glass is also a key component in building modern commercial structures as it greatly harnesses the benefits of natural light and visibility.

Are you looking to select the right kind of fire-rated glass for your next office fenestration project? If so, then look no further than AIS Glass – India’s leading architectural glass manufacturing company. We are a well-established glazing expert with aeons of experience assisting all possible glass-related woes. 

Our professionally trained team of experts is fully-equipped and well-seasoned to offer you help in every step of the way – from selection to installation to exceptional after-sales support with quick turnaround time. So, what are you waiting for? Get the best out of fire rated glass by getting in touch with us today!


How to Choose Energy-Efficient Glass Windows?

Gone are the days when windows were limited to providing aesthetic appeal and natural lighting alone. Today, these structures also come with qualities like acoustics, energy-efficiency, etc. Installing energy-efficient glass windows is not only suitable for a homeowner because they help save on hefty energy bills, but it is also great for the environment and helps one reduce their carbon footprint. 

What are Energy-Efficient Glass Windows?

As the name suggests, energy-efficient or energy-saving windows are specially designed to prevent hot or cold air from escaping your home or office. These structures, through increased insulation, reduce your energy usage and, thus, bring down the stress exerted on your heating and cooling devices along with their running costs. Since energy-efficient glass windows are capable of maintaining optimal interior temperatures, they award any space high thermal comfort.

How to Choose Energy-Efficient Glass Windows?

Energy-saving windows are a result of specialised glazing as well as framing solutions. Here are the top tips to help you figure out the process behind choosing energy-efficient glass windows.

Pro Tip #1 Understand Glazing to Choose the Correct Type

In a nutshell, glazing is nothing but the glass that you install in a window. Glaziers are professionals who work with a host of glass surfaces and framing materials. Common types of glazing used particularly in architectural applications include tempered, annealed, laminated, low-E, and other variety of coated glass surfaces that can be single, double, or triple-glazed. 

Single glazing means affixing just one pane of glass inside a frame, whereas double and triple-glazing stands for inserting two and three panes in a frame respectively. Generally, low-E or low-Emissivity glass is a preferred option to make windows more energy-efficient. You can go for double-glazed energy-saving glass windows if shelling out big bucks is not in your budget that year. However, if you are seriously considering a fenestration improvement project, and live in a hot or cold climate, get triple-glazed energy-efficient glass windows for higher efficacy.

Pro Tip #2 Choose a Suitable Framing Material

Let’s face it! It is ultimately the frame of your window that is responsible for holding the glass panes together. Ergo, choose your framing material only after studying the available market options. Don’t merely settle for what is readily available. A fenestration system is also responsible for you and your family’s safety and security. Therefore, before zeroing in on a frame, figure out its durability, weather and corrosion-resistance, along with longevity. 

uPVC, aluminium, and timber window frames are all great options to choose from. And what’s more is that each of these framing materials is ideal from the perspective of energy-efficiency. Why? All because of technological advancements! For instance – thermal break technology has made modern-day aluminium a low thermal conductor. Moreover, timber treatment methods have made wood rot and termite-resistant. So, depending upon your aesthetic tastes, you can choose any framing material you want.  

Pro Tip #3 Learn about Different Window Types and Their Performance

Windows come in several designs, styles, and functionalities. You can choose from an array of sliding French windows, fixed windows, picture windows, casement windows, double-hung windows and much more before arriving at the one you wish to install in your home or office. Whichever design you shortlist, remember that from an energy-efficiency standpoint, casements, awning, and tilt-and–turn windows are the best. These structures, in this case, have a distinct advantage as they are pulled or pushed tightly against their weather-stripping, sealing them shut.

Sliding windows glide along a horizontal track and have an easy-to-operate opening and closing mechanism – they simply need to be pushed from one side to the other along the track. Casement windows are a classic design that swings open outwards or inwards from the middle, much like double doors, and is hinged from one side. Tilt-and-turn windows are usually pulled free from the top, and they offer exceptional insulation. Awning windows are hinged from the top and can only be pushed open outwards. These structures are often installed higher up on walls and work as conduits for enhanced privacy and natural light.

The Bottom Line

Finally, the biggest pro tip of all is never to overlook the vitality of proper installation. Even the most efficient window structure will fail to perform at its best if you don’t choose a well-seasoned window installation expert. Are you looking for a reputed and experienced fenestration company? If yes, then look no further than AIS Windows! We offer a world of stunning and practical window and door solutions that are bound to suit all your home improvement needs.

Our squad of professionally trained technicians is well-equipped and eager to offer help in every step of the way – from selection to installation to after-sales support. So, what are you waiting for? Step into the world of AIS Windows and choose top-notch energy-efficient glass windows. To know more, get in touch with us today!


Facts about Frosted Glass

Over the past few decades, architects and interior designers have started adopting a more minimalist yet aesthetically pleasing style of design. To maintain the efficiency and sleekness of a building, they have started using glass in place of bulky construction materials like bricks and wooden slabs. Glass has replaced everything, from walls to cabinets, and is now the top choice for contemporary homes and offices.

Some problems that arise with glass fenestration or furnishings have been solved by glassmakers who have designed frosted glass, a particular type of glass that allows light to pass through in a diffused manner without compromising on privacy.

Frosted glass is principally manufactured using sandblasting or acid etching techniques. Both these techniques produce glass that offers maximum privacy and diffuses light. Its light diffusion properties have also been utilised in electric bulbs.

Because frosted glass offers increased privacy and enhanced aesthetics, it can be utilised in several ways. Some of the commonest spaces where frosted glass fixtures are the most useful include swimming pool doors, shower cubicles, doors, windows, skylights, ceiling windows, roof lights, stairs, cabinets, shelves, etc.

If you are looking to update your home and office with gorgeous glass fixtures, you should choose frosted glass over regular glass. Read on to know a bit more about frosted glass and its properties.

Things You Should Know about Frosted Glass

Here are some facts about frosted glass that everyone should know.

Frosted Glass is Easy to Clean

Your glass windows, doors, partitions, cubicles, or walkways are good only as long as they continue to shine brilliantly. If you do not clean the glass fixtures in your home or office regularly, they might end up losing their natural shine and make your space look shabby. With frosted glass, cleaning becomes easier than ever. Frosted glass does not get scratched easily, and neither does it make dust or water marks very prominent. All you need is a wet microfiber cloth to wipe it regularly, and it will stay shining for a long time. Frosted glass also does not corrode and thus requires very few deep clean sessions.

Frosted Glass Filters and Regulates Light

If you live in a region that experiences hot and bright sunny days regularly, you probably keep your windows closed and covered with curtains or blinds. By doing this, you do not allow enough sunlight to enter your house and instead spend thousands on lighting your space. Moreover, even after using blinds and curtains, the sun can make your regular glass windows hot and disturb your house’s interior temperature. Frosted glass diffuses sunlight and filters UV rays to prevent them from entering your home. These features of frosted glass make it ideal for both commercial and residential spaces, especially for buildings designed to consume less energy and remain lighted properly.

Frosted Glass is Versatile

Advancements in glassmaking technology have made frosted glass incredibly versatile. Frosted glass windows instantly amp up the look of your building. It can be used in several settings and different shapes and sizes. Since it is not entirely transparent, it adds a unique touch of style to your space. Sometimes, you can request your glass to be frosted in a particular pattern if you wish to follow a specific décor style.

Frosted Glass Offers Increased Privacy

The biggest problem with regular glass windows, doors, and partitions is that they offer little to no privacy. Blinds or curtains are almost always required to block views. With frosted glass fixtures, privacy is never a concern. This type of glass completely or partially blurs pictures and is, therefore, perfect for spaces where increased privacy is required.

Frosted Glass Does Not Break Easily

Standard glass’ Achilles heel lies in the fact that it can break very easily. Whether it is a violent hailstorm, an accident, or simply a sweltering day, your glass fixtures are at risk of breaking. Broken glass is extremely dangerous, especially in a house with children. Frosted glass is usually tougher and more durable than regular glass. Frosted glass windows and doors, thus, keep you and your loved ones safe by minimising the chances of breakage.

If you are looking for frosted glass windows, doors, partitions, walkways, or skylights for your home or office, contact AIS Glass. We specialise in manufacturing both consumer and industrial glass. Our frosted glass AIS Krystal is prepared under strict quality assessment measures and is ideal for both privacy and aesthetic appeal. We also customise all our glass solutions to suit the need of our customers. We also provide warranties, easy servicing, and an exceptional customer response team.

To grace your home or office with frosted glass fixtures, contact AIS Glass today!


Privacy Glass Solutions: Myths & Facts

We all safeguard our privacy with the utmost care. Needless to say, the times we’re living in, demand additional efforts to preserve our private spaces. Think – peeping toms and prying spectators – trying to invade your personal space when they shouldn’t, and you’re left with a sense of terror.

Why Privacy Matters?

In contemporary times, privacy violations are becoming rampant. If you’re constantly on the edge while inside your homes, offices, or cars, something is not right and must be changed. For many, it seems as if the benefits of enhanced transparency and openness come at the cost of neglected privacy. Moreover, if you constantly feel like you’re under surveillance, your mind is also impacted negatively.

This is why privacy matters are significant today. You can start by re-designing your residential and commercial spaces to accommodate these privacy concerns. You must also preserve your personal space in a way that does not compromise on transparency and openness. And surprisingly, Glass is the element with which you can achieve this.

What is Privacy Glass?

Glass technology has seen several advancements in recent years that have vastly enhanced both its form and functionality. This is one of the reasons why Glass has become such a popular element in structural designs. Glass is no longer fragile but has been made smarter. And it is on this front that smart Glass is emerging as an exciting option.

Also known as switchable Glass, smart Glass is a type of Glass whose opacity levels can be adjusted on the application of voltage, heat, or light.  With the click of a switch, this alternation or “switch” happens as light-transmitting properties of the Glass are changed.

The technology used behind smart Glass is known as Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals (PDLC). When smart Glass is connected to a power outlet, the running current aligns the liquid crystals together, and it becomes opaque. Still, when the current is turned off, the crystals scatter away, rendering the Glass translucent or opaque.  

Smart Glass: Myths vs. Facts

Here are some common myths surrounding smart Glass.

Smart Glass does not Provide Solar Control

Wrong! Smart Glass does have solar glare reduction abilities. At the click of a button, smart Glass changes its light transmission properties and filters out harmful sun rays. Especially during the summer months, it can block harmful UV rays and excessive solar glare while maintaining a moderate indoor temperature. Conversely, during winter months, smart Glass helps to preserve heat indoors. But more importantly, smart Glass performs these functions without compromising on the lighting conditions.

Smart Glass isn’t Sound-Proof

It is obvious that smart Glass offers excellent privacy solutions but does it block out sound too? Why, yes! One of the most common myths with regards to smart Glass is that it doesn’t impair sound but only visibility. In reality, with smart Glass, you can block out sound with ease to get audible privacy as well. It can insulate the space against external noise to provide you with excellent acoustics. For commercial spaces that are always buzzing with employees, smart Glass is a suitable solution to get visible and audible privacy.

 Smart Glass Is Difficult to Maintain

Nothing could be further from the truth! In reality, smart Glass requires really low maintenance. Unlike the traditional privacy options like curtains and blinds, smart Glass doesn’t become a breeding ground for germs. It is also resistant to mould, dust, and corrosion. And even if smart Glass gets stained, it can be wiped off with ease. With smart Glass, you get to enjoy optimum privacy without worrying about the maintenance cost.

Privacy Glass doesn’t Look Appealing

If you have laid your eyes on smart Glass installed in commercial and residential spaces, you know how striking they look but if not, you’re missing out! Smart Glass is available in a variety of shades and tints, making it a highly versatile option for numerous design styles. Under bright lights, smart glass solutions glimmer and shine while giving your space a polished look. You can instantly enhance your décor with privacy glass solutions such as smart Glass.

In Summation

One of the easiest ways to optimise your living space is through the use of smart glass technology, and privacy glass solutions are no exception. With a remote control device, you can instantly change smart Glass from a state of transparency to a state of translucency and monitor your privacy needs. The revolutionary technology of smart Glass can assist you in transforming your residential and commercial space into a highly efficient, smart, and modern one.

Looking for premium-quality smart Glass? Come to AIS Glass! As a leading company in integrated glass solutions that has been in the market for over 30 years, we offer high-end quality products and services that can be customised to suit all your architectural needs. Our AIS Swytchglas is made using extra clear Glass and activates in less than 10 microseconds. It works well in temperatures between 0° to 55° C and blocks up to 50% of light in its ‘Off’ mode. Moreover, our smart Glass is available in a wide variety of tints!

Go smart with AIS Swytchglas! Get in touch today.


What Are Tempered Glass Windows?

Welcoming and stylish – that’s how your fenestrations must be. However, overlooking safety concerns for aesthetic needs can be extremely unwise—this is why tempered glass windows must be your ultimate choice. Available in a variety of designs, they are safe and secure for both residential and commercial uses.

Hard to believe, right? But advanced glass technology has made it possible.   

What is Tempered Glass?

Thanks to innovation in processing technology, glass is no longer a fragile material. A striking example of such innovative and exciting technology – tempered glass – is a perfect solution to your fenestration needs. Tempered glass or toughened glass is a type of safety glass that goes through controlled chemical and thermal treatments to enhance its strength in comparison to standard annealed glass.

The process of tempering on standard glass brings its interior into tension while the outer surfaces are put into compression. Due to this, tempered glass is toughened to resist tensile stress and impact breaks. However, in case tempered glass breaks, it crumbles into granular pieces instead of forming jagged shards to minimise the possibility of harm. Therefore, with tempered glass, safety is not compromised.

Features of Tempered Glass

  • Strength:

    The toughening process renders tempered glass four to five times stronger than standard annealed glass against an impact.

  • Thermal Endurance:

    Tempered glass can withstand a high temperature change of up to 250 degrees Celsius.

  • Fabrication:

    Any cutting, trimming, or grinding must be done before tempering the sheet of glass because if it is done after the glass is tempered, fractures will appear on its surface.

  • Impact Resistance:

    Due to the presence of high compressive stresses, tempered glass is invulnerable to impact-related breakages.

  • Optical Distortion:

    Strain patterns develop on the glass surface when it is subjected to a tempering process. This is the reason why tempered glass is optically distorted.

How Installing Tempered Glass Windows can Benefit You

Tempered glass windows can bring a heap of advantages to your commercial and residential space. As a safety glass, it is most suitable for security concerns. Apart from this, tempered glass windows also fare well in all weather conditions because of their ability to resist tensile stress. Moreover, their solar control property makes them a greener alternative to stock windows. Here’s why you shouldn’t be thinking twice about installing tempered glass windows.

Resistance against External Elements

Stress-induced cracks are more common than you think. If your region experiences harsh weather conditions, your glass windows will be impacted negatively. However, since tempered glass is invulnerable to tensile stress, you can put such fears at bay. Tempered glass windows are processed to have increased resistance against impact but even if the glass breaks, it shatters into granular pieces that aren’t harmful. Surely, they are an excellent choice in terms of safety, especially if you have children around.

Optimum Security

Now, having huge bay windows piques the oomph factor of your homes and offices, but they can also attract a lot of negative attraction. Burglars can easily break the glass and enter your premises, increasing the chances of theft. This is a massive security concern, especially if you have expensive valuables in your residential or commercial space. To avoid such security threats, tempered glass windows are a gift of processing technology. Due to their supreme strength and impact-resistance qualities, tempered glass windows can’t be broken easily. This reduces the chance of break-ins and intrusions significantly.

Heat Resistance

In addition to enhanced safety and security, you also get heat-resistance properties with tempered glass windows. Stock windows hardly have solar control properties and if you don’t have curtains or blinds to aid them, even an hour of direct sunlight can make your interiors feel like a sauna. But you don’t want that! Tempered glass windows can resist heat and thermal stress, because of which they can keep the interiors cool during summers and warmer during winters. Truly, value-for-money!

Additional Safety

Post-installation, it can become tedious to upkeep glass windows, and without proper maintenance, they can lose their functionality. To avoid this, tempered glass windows are an excellent choice. They can easily withstand scratches, damage, and every day wear-and-tear. For the humdrum of commercial spaces, these windows work supremely well. Especially from safety’s POV, glass breakage can become a potential hazard. But if you install tempered glass windows, even breakages will be harmless and easy to clean after.

In Summation

You can combine supreme strength with simple designs using tempered glass windows and create a modern masterpiece. With their enhanced strength and security benefits, you’re not only safe from intrusion threats but also injuries related to breakages. And thanks to the heat-resistance properties of tempered glass windows, your interiors receive proper daylight without increasing the temperature indoors. Truly, tempered glass windows are a great example of smart processing technology.

At AIS Glass, highest quality solutions are offered across architectural glass value chains. We offer end-to-end solutions right from the manufacturing of glass, processing, fabrication to installation and post-installation services. AIS Stronglas is tough, durable, and lowers the risk of resistant breakage. You can consult our team of experts to seek guidance for your projects as well.

Are you looking for tempered glass windows? We’re happy to help! Contact us today.


Different Ways How Low-E Glass Keeps You Cooler in Summer

Yes – it is that time of the year when everything seems to be melting away. Under the scorching heat of the sun, high temperatures have afflicted our comfortable living spaces and rendered them unbearable. As a result, this has led to heavy reliance on cooling appliances and an increase in energy bills.

Is this how you’re keeping cool in summer? Well, there are better ways to do so!

Effective cooling solutions are needed to combat the summer distress that comes back every year. With air-conditioners, you can cool the interiors but can’t keep the heat out. Once you switch off the AC, the indoor temperature rises within hours. Therefore, a better way to manage excessive heating of interiors during summers is by installing Low-E Glass.

What is Low-E Glass?

Emissivity is the relative ability of a surface to absorb and emit energy in the form of radiation. In the low-E Glass, a low emissivity coating is present that reduces the naturally high surface emissivity of Glass. This coating is invisible and much thinner than a human hair.

Low-E Glass can minimise the amount of infrared and ultraviolet rays that can pass through it while transmitting a substantial amount of visible light. Because of this, low-E Glass is capable of good solar control and heat reduction, making it an excellent yet eco-sustainable choice.

The Science behind Low-E Glass

In Glass, heat transfer happens due to the radiation of energy. When Glass absorbs heat or light energy, it is either re-radiated by glass surface or shifted away by moving air. By reducing energy radiation or emissivity of the glass surface, its insulating properties can be improved significantly.

With low emissivity coating, Glass can reflect long-wave infrared energy (heat) and short-wave infrared solar energy. When heat energy from direct sunlight tries to pass through the Glass, low-E coatings reflect it. This helps in heat reduction and maintains a comfortable indoor temperature.   

With Low E Glass, Keep Cool in Summer

If heat keeps infiltrating indoors, especially during the summer, you can forget all about comfort. Instead, your living space will end up feeling like a sauna. But with low-E Glass, you can reduce heat, control solar glare, and maintain brighter yet cooler interiors.

Reduction in Heat Entrance

By blocking out heat from transferring inside, you can keep a comfortable yet cool indoor atmosphere. Using low-E Glass for fenestration needs can effectively reduce heat entrance in homes and offices. Without compromising on optimum daylight and natural airflow, you can keep the heat out and maintain a cosy atmosphere. Unlike curtains or blinds, low-E glass solutions do not darken the interiors so you won’t have to rely on artificial lighting for visibility. This makes them an ideal solution for summers. You can opt for AIS Ecosense glass range to prevent transmittance of solar radiation while keeping the interiors brighter.

Gain Solar Control

By installing low-E glass fenestrations in the east, west, and south-facing elevations, you can have better control over “solar heat gain” during hours of direct sunlight. Especially if you live in regions that experience moderate or warm climatic conditions, low-E Glass can be a real blessing. Since it has a lower solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC), a lesser amount of solar heat is transmitted to the interiors. This ensures that your interiors remain at cooler and comfortable temperatures.

Enhanced Protection against Solar Glare

Solar glare from harsh sunlight is a common phenomenon during the summer months. Prolonged exposure to solar glare can harm the eyesight as it is a reflection of UV rays. Therefore, the intensity of harm by solar glare must not be taken lightly. To enhance protection against solar glare, using low-E glass solutions is recommended. Since low-E Glass absorbs solar energy instead of reflecting it, the Glass acts as a shield against the glare and protects your vision. You won’t have to rely on curtains or blinds for protection while still being able to receive optimum daylight.

Choose Productivity, Choose Low-E Glass!

During summer, our energy levels are always dwindling and if interiors begin to feel like a sauna, they will offer you zero comfort. Such poor indoor atmosphere will also harm your productivity. But with low-E glass solutions, you can bid adieu to discomfort and welcome desirable interiors for a long term.

The enhanced solar control and heat reduction properties of low-E Glass are highly suitable against oppressive summer heat. An eco-friendly solution, low-E Glass will also help in reducing your energy consumption rates while saving on cooling costs. Glass solutions like AIS Ecosense are a great option. AIS Ecosense is a range of high-performance Glass that has enhanced solar control and thermal performance. It is a highly energy-efficient product that can meet all your cooling needs for the summer.

AIS Glass is a leading company in integrated glass solutions that provides a wide range of international-quality Glass. Our comprehensive glass solutions are suitable for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. We offer end-to-end solutions, right from the manufacturing of Glass, processing, fabrication, to installation and post-installation services.  Most importantly, with the help of our team of experts, you can avail the right glass solutions for meeting all your architectural needs.

To choose from a wide range of best-in-class products, get in touch with us today!


Reasons Why It Is Advised to Have Frosted Glass Door for Your Entrance

You know what goes hand in hand – modern interior designs and glass. Nothing compares to the glimmer and glow architectural glass brings to structural design—the essence of glass blends form and function to facilitate communication with a living space. And now, with the advancement of glass technology, it has been made stronger and compatible with numerous applications.

The Incomparable Characteristics of Frosted Glass

Frosted glass is a type of processed glass that is manufactured by either sandblasting or acid etching a clear sheet of glass. Due to this, the surface of frosted glass appears pitted on one side of the glass pane. Any light passing through the surface gets scattered away, rendering the glass translucent. This makes frosted glass an excellent choice for privacy solutions.

Frosted glass is ideal for both residential and commercial applications, especially if your concerns involve lighting and aesthetics. The translucent surface of frosted glass partially transmits natural light. In this way, it promotes better lighting conditions in the interiors while protecting against harmful solar glare. Your living space also becomes brighter and airier with frosted glass applications.

Frosted Glass Doors – for a Touch of Drama

There’s a fine line between a dramatic design and a pompous one. When toeing this line, interior designers pay special attention to details and elements that can add a flair of drama without coming off as pretentious. And frosted glass bodes supremely well with this idea.

Besides, entrances have a significant role to fulfil – they offer spectators a first impression of the structure’s interiors and draw attention to it. This is why frosted glass doors are a suitable fit for entrances as they can be customised with different design variants to achieve a unique look. Moreover, they allow natural light to flood in and keep a comfortable indoor temperature for the occupants.  

Highly Customisable Option

As a decorative element, frosted glass can be combined with other structural elements like wood, colour, or metal, depending on the décor style you desire. Frosted glass doors can be installed with a single or double panel, while sometimes with a sliding frame. Intrinsic designs can also be carved or etched on the surface of frosted glass for an understated yet elegant finish. If you want a minimalistic modern design or an old-world charm to your entrances, frost glass doors are a flexible option.

Enhances Energy-Efficiency

You can meet two needs with a single deed – enhance the lighting condition and reduce energy consumption. Frosted glass doors are greener alternatives that allow natural daylight to pass through. They create a natural vibe for those using the entrance with a cosy indoor atmosphere to welcome them. As a result, reliance on artificial lighting is reduced significantly which helps reduce energy consumption as well.

For the Modern Sensibility: Sleek and Stylish

Nothing repulses the modern sensibility quite like a shabby entrance. Frosted glass doors ensure that your entrances never lack the style quotient. Their minimalistic yet elegant charm provides an attraction no spectator can deny. Because frosted glass doors are highly customisable, they also cater to a wide variety of interior design needs. Combine this ability with their superior functionality and you have a powerful design element to play with. To create exquisite entrances for your structural space, go for frosted glass doors.

For the ‘Open’ Feel

Frosted glass doors might be a semi-open option, but they do help in optimising the available space. Not just for building entrances, but frosted glass doors can be used for several indoor entrances such as entrance for balcony, patio, bedroom, or even kitchen. The benefits of enhanced ventilation and lighting conditions that come with frosted glass can impart a sense of openness to your dwellings. As light and airflow naturally, your living space will also become breezier and cheerful.

Frosted Glass Doors are Easy to Maintain

In addition to the aforementioned qualities, frosted glass doors are also easy to maintain. Neither do they rust, nor do they corrode. Moreover, their surfaces are scratch-proof and stain-resistant. Because of this, frosted glass doors are easier to clean. You do not have to follow any time-consuming or expensive procedure for their upkeep. With frosted glass doors, your entrance will never look unkempt.

In Summation

One must not overlook the importance of entrances. No matter the size of your structure, an entrance helps to define its relationship with the exteriors. Moreover, entrances are the essence of your structure’s character, a preview of the space that is on the inside. Therefore, a good entrance must be designed to excel on such grounds and attract positive attention.

With frosted glass doors, you get brighter indoors and enhanced privacy without compromising on style. These glass doors can add a touch of drama to your space as well. And as aforementioned reasons express, to achieve modern elegance with optimum functionality, frosted glass doors work exceptionally well.

Looking for premium-quality frosted glass for your home entrance? At AIS Glass, we offer 360-degree glass solutions to meet all your interior décor needs. Our AIS Krystal is India’s only branded frosted glass which obscures the view while allowing heaps of natural light and facilitating proper air circulation.

If you are confused about which glass is most suitable for your structural requirements, you can also receive consultation from our glass experts.

Are you also looking for frosted glass solutions? AIS Glass can help! Get in touch with us today to learn more.


Energize Your Bathroom with Custom Glass Shower Doors

Although it may seem superficial but the way your bathrooms are designed, has a direct effect on your mood. To put it simply – since bathrooms are a smaller space in your home, they tend to be dark and dingy and offer a dull ambience. Moreover, most of us begin and end our days after using the bathroom, and a shabby bathroom will only be dispiriting.

On the other hand, brighter bathrooms offer a lively ambience as they tend to be more airy and open. But, who cares about the ambience? After all, the main purpose of a bathroom is to serve a functional utility; as long as it is clean, ventilated, and functional, design and styles shouldn’t matter, right? Well, that can’t be far from the truth.

Is Bathroom Décor Important?

This is not an invalid question; in fact, when you think of interior design, bathroom décor is often the last to be brought up. But, bathrooms are important amenities that can be transformed to provide enhanced comfort and relaxation. Think about it: a bathroom adorned with sleek tiles, polished fixtures, towel racks, or if space allows it – a potted plant – is sure to pep up your décor while offering a warm ambience.

Nothing can beat the relaxing ability of a hot/cold shower. The stress from a tiring day or the grumpiness of an early morning start can be washed away inside the shower cubicle. Most importantly, a good shower has proven to increase creativity in humans; remember all those brilliant ideas that struck you while you were showering? When you look at your bathroom from this perspective, you will understand how different design styles can influence this space.

Why Choose Custom Glass Shower Doors?

Stock glass shower doors often fit poorly and are inflexible to style demands, which is why installing custom glass shower doors is a better option for your bathroom interior. In case you’re replacing old shower doors or remodeling your bathroom, do consider installing custom glass shower doors to bring a splash of energy to space.

Say Goodbye to Simple Designs

Although modern décor is immensely popular today, their simple and sophisticated designs can be a bit clinical and boring. Besides, modern minimalistic designs have an industrial outlook that often creates a dull ambience. With such a bland décor, your bathroom will be far from being a cheerful space.

So, to incorporate a dash of energy to your bathroom interior, using shower doors made with patterned or frosted glass is a good alternative. The etched surface of patterned glass and the distorted texture of frosted glass can enhance the zeal of the place and promote liveliness. Moreover, you can choose from a plethora of patterns and add a unique flavour to your bathroom interiors.

Add a Splash of Luxury

The best part about custom glass shower doors is their style flexibility that can be used to integrate a modest splash of luxury to your bathroom interiors. Depending on your décor needs, you can select a shower door style while you can also choose the placement of these glass shower doors inside your bathroom – in the middle or next to the window – to enhance the luxurious aspect furthermore.

Choose from a variety of exquisite styles: a posh steam door design that can double up as a steam room to offer that spa-like luxury, a rustic French door design for the old-world splendour, perhaps a frameless design just like the one your favourite hotel has, or for extravagance, choose sliding shower doors with a shower-tub configuration and alleviate your uninteresting bathroom interiors to luxurious levels.

Ditch Clear Glass, Choose Tinted Glass

Most homeowners opt for a shower door made of clear glass, either framed or frameless. Although a timeless style, shower doors made of clear glass can become monotonous and uninteresting over time. So, if you’re looking to break the monotony, you can install shower doors made of tinted glass instead.

Tinted glass shower doors can be contrasted with the wall paint, floor tiles, or you can choose a tint to match the colour scheme of your bathroom interior. Either way, bringing in more colours is sure to brighten the ambience and create a cheerful mood.

Choose AIS Glass, Here’s Why

A world of difference is made in the quality of aspects such as design, safety, style, or functionality when you select the right glass company; especially in the case of glass shower doors that require specialised glass and fitting. This is why you should always choose a reliable brand like AIS Glass.

A leading brand in integrated glass manufacturing, AIS Glass offers high-end quality products and services for both internal and external applications. For a hassle-free installation process, we offer end-to-end solutions, right from the manufacturing of glass, processing, fabrication to installation and post-installation services. Our wide range of best-in-class solutions can be customised to suit all your architectural needs and for a smooth transaction, our team of trained professionals will guide you step-by-step through the entire installation process.

Are you looking for custom glass shower doors to energize your bathroom? We can help! Get in touch with us today to avail expert consultation services.


uPVC Windows – Best Replacement Windows for Your Home

Modern homeowners like to make a unique stylistic statement with their homes. It is always a reflection of their personality and tastes, which extend to everything, from furniture to fenestration, and the latter has always been a significant element in architecture and interior design. However, windows and doors can need replacement after a few years, especially if they weren’t of the right type and quality, to begin with.

If you have been looking to replace your home windows, you should look for elegant, stylish, and pragmatic uPVC frames. Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride or uPVC is a synthetic material that has become a popular fenestration material in recent years. Read on to find out why uPVC frames are the best replacement option for your home windows.

Benefits of Getting uPVC Windows for Your Home

Here are some benefits of uPVC windows that make them the perfect replacement for your old glass windows.


Windows that open your home to the outside view are exposed to wear-and-tear caused by weather, changing temperature, and dust. You are probably replacing your old windows only because they have succumbed to everyday wear-and-tear. Therefore, the new window you choose must be incredibly durable in all climatic conditions. uPVC windows are extremely durable and can withstand exposure to impact, saltwater, UV rays, heat, and chemicals. Since uPVC is synthetic, it does not facilitate the growth of termite and pests and remains pristine even after years of being exposed to harsh conditions. The material also does not lose its colour or scratches easily, ensuring that you do not have to go for frequent window replacement.


Windows are one of the most significant components of your home’s overall design. uPVC windows fit in well with a wide range of décor choices since they can be personalised in everything from colour and size to cutting and installation. Whether you are replacing your French and bay windows or your regular casement windows, uPVC frames can be sized and customised perfectly to fit in. They are perfect for spaces like bedrooms, kitchens, living rooms, balconies, patios, swimming pools, and lawn entrances. You can experiment with patterns and shades or go with a minimalist design depending on the rest of your home’s architectural style. In short, uPVC windows will give you a lot of stylistic choices.


Since most windows of the home open outside, they have to be completely secure. With uPVC windows, safety will never be your concern. uPVC window frames come with galvanised steel reinforcements that make it impossible for burglars and robbers to break-in. Moreover, their anti-crowbar feature provides added protection. uPVC windows also have fire-retardant properties and will keep your home safe from fire accidents. In case you wish for more security, you can ask your window installation company to equip your uPVC windows with a multi-point locking system.

Environmental Friendliness

Despite being a synthetic material, uPVC is completely environmentally friendly. It is recyclable, non-toxic, and phthalate, lead, and BPA-free. Since it is highly durable, it does not have to be replaced often, which means the amount of waste that goes into the environment is reduced. For reduced carbon footprint and ecologically sustainable home, it is best for you to choose uPVC windows as a replacement for your old glass windows.

Noise Insulation

Living in noisy streets can hamper your peace and productivity. Due to noise pollution, you might face increased stress and anxiety even in your home. It is, therefore, essential to maintain a noise-free interior. With advancements in fenestration technology, soundproofing or noise insulation is no longer a cumbersome job. All you need to do is replace your old windows with brand new uPVC windows to make your entire home free from noise pollution. For added soundproofing, you can always use acoustic glass instead of regular glass with uPVC window frames that come with high-quality silicone sealants.


Modern homes contain windows of different styles and sizes and include windows that double as doors for areas like patios, balconies, or swimming pools. Such windows are prone to moisture-induced damage since they are exposed to water accumulation. All your windows, therefore, must have excellent drainage systems in place, a quality that is present in uPVC windows. uPVC window frames come with special drainage mechanism that prevents water stagnation at all times. If you have been forced to replace your old windows because of a water stagnation problem, having uPVC windows installed would be an excellent decision.


Across India, climatic conditions can be extreme. As a result, most people spend lakhs on electricity bills for cooling or heating their homes. Your energy bills will skyrocket even further if your home is not insulated correctly. For adequate heat insulation, uPVC windows are perfect. uPVC windows do not allow heat to escape your home and therefore prevent energy loss. As a result, you can expect your energy bills to lower.

Choosing the right kind of uPVC windows to replace your current ones is necessary. Looking for quality glass solutions for your uPVC window frames, contact AIS Glass – India’s most trusted integrated glass manufacturer. We have glass for your every need, be it that of privacy, security, noise insulation, or energy-efficiency, and advanced aesthetics.

So, what are you waiting for? contact AIS Glass today!


Different Types of uPVC Windows for Your Home

Don’t you want to adorn your home with the most dynamic interiors – to hone your exteriors with lavish landscapes and redefine your home’s aesthetics into an epitome of elegance? We all wish to create a wonderland out of our dwellings. Many of us even try our best, but alas! The inner perfectionist doesn’t know where to end.

If you wish to groom your home with the most aesthetically appealing yet functional elements, plan out the design, style, colour, and size of its doors and windows; you will never go wrong with this choice as doors and windows are fundamental to home décor and utility.

“I live in a very small house, but my windows look out on a very large world.” A thought-provoking quote by Confucius, windows are truly our portals to the external world. The air, the sunlight, the rain, and many more natural elements interact with us through the windows. As graceful as they are, windows are the least talked about sections of home décor – and very little talk surrounds the best window designs that can be installed based on the space. But fret not! This guide will let you know about the most popular uPVC window styles and the benefits each has to offer.

What Are uPVC Windows?

uPVC (short for unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) is widely used in the fenestration industry as a material for framing and double-glazing windows and doors. It’s a robust, sustainable material that helps in making low-maintenance sills and frames.

Because of its qualities, uPVC windows and doors are highly popular amongst innovative architects and interior designers. To begin with – uPVC is considered as one of the best materials in terms of durability. External factors like sunlight, weather, humidity, and even rain don’t seem to have much of an effect on uPVC-made doors and windows. It prevents windows from swelling, rotting, rattling, shrinking, and waterlogging.

Secondly, uPVC can be produced in a myriad of finishes and designs. You can get your uPVC windows and doors customised according to your house’s exterior scheme, be it any colour or design. uPVC also ensures thermal insulation and is 100% recyclable, making it an eco-friendly choice. Installing uPVC windows makes it a win-win situation both for your home and the environment.

Types of uPVC Windows

Now that you know that uPVC adds the most charm to your precious windows, you’ve got to know that there are multiple variants of them – with each one made for a specific consumer. Since beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, let’s know about these beauties, and you can decide the one that fits your bill.

Fixed uPVC Windows

Fixed uPVC windows are sleek and sober panels that are used to increase the sunlit spots in a house. Most of the times, they’re single-glazed sheets that are installed in low-lit spaces – often in basements and garages – as they encourage floodlit interiors.

Unlike other windows, these uPVC windows can’t be manually closed and opened, which is why they’re called fixed or picture windows. Rooms with ample ventilation get the most utility out of them, thanks to their thermal-coating and insulation. You can also double-glaze a fixed window to give it an aesthetic appeal, as it transforms its functional look into an enamouring one.

Casement uPVC Windows

Casement windows are the most common types of uPVC windows. They’re controlled using hinges attached on the opposite side of the handles. Casement windows can be installed in two ways – single sash and double sash. The former is made of only one pane, while the latter uses two panes – with the handles attached in the middle.

Casement windows open inwards or outwards. They have an array of locking options – beginning from the basic hooks, to swivel-action latches and push-latches. Modern interior designs incorporate swivel-action latches as they require the least force and automate the window operating process. The mechanism of a casement uPVC window blocks the entry of mosquitoes, insects, etc. ensuring a hygienic environment. You should get one installed to enjoy the simplicity and security offered by this window-type.

French uPVC Windows

Wouldn’t it be ravishing to add some charm to the plain features of casement windows? A French uPVC window does that for you. It‘s structured in the same way as a double-sashed casement window, opening in and out like a door. Each of the two sashes is subdivided into smaller panes – seeming as if the window has gridlines in it. This gives your exteriors the ideal blend of antiquity and modernism.

Awning uPVC Windows

If you desire for a window that interacts with the external environment perfectly, an awning window is the one to install. Its hinged mechanism fulfils the ventilation needs by creating an unmatched airflow. An awning window has hinges at the top of the frame and opens from below. The voracious “A” shape can be seen from a distance, embellishing your house’s exterior landscape.

As far as rooms are concerned, awing windows fit in places having limited internal space and a vast need for air circulation – think bathrooms that are dimly lit, attics, storerooms, basements, kitchens, even hallways that need light and ventilation. These windows’ design is staple to enjoying the outside weather without being inconvenienced by it. For instance – you can keep the window open without worrying about rain, snow, hail, even dust entering your spaces.

Tilt-and-Turn uPVC Windows

Versatility is quintessential for chic interiors — and who’s the king when it comes to versatility? It’s tilt-and-turn windows. As the name suggests, they can be opened in two different motions – tilt and turn. For the turn part, it’s a single-hinged casement panel that turns inside and lets a large volume of air pass through it. Being a window that opens inside, it’s only suitable for the spacious segments in a home, like living room and bedrooms. You can install one, only to realise that it gives the best air-circulation available in several window types.

Now for the best part – these windows can be tilt-opened as well. This feature lets you incline the window vertically, leaving small openings for controlled ventilation. Many windows offer a central pivot with flatter slopes which aids you while you clean the panel. Overall, tilt-and-turn windows are very helpful because of their operational usage and a variety of customisation options.

Double-Glazed uPVC Windowscapes

Windowscapes are the larger sect of windows, often installed to broaden a house’s light dynamics. Their vast, see-through area attempts to let sunlight run across the entire room. And the best part about windowscapes is that they are the next level of ordinary windows in terms of connecting the interiors with the exterior world; for an out-of-home eye candy experience, uPVC windowscapes are the ideal choice. And being framed with uPVC widens the designer’s imagination as it keeps the window’s strength intact, no matter what the size is.

Bay and Bow uPVC Windows

Bay windows, also referred to as bow windows are the fanciest of all uPVC windows, replete with the contemporary design often seen in Victorian or Edwardian period homes. Their unique style distinguishes them from the exterior build – giving them a separate identity from the exterior.

Bay and bow windows are very similar to each other, with just one little difference. A bay window consists of three panes – whereas a bow has four or five, each connected to form a polygon. The middle pane is front-facing and points the window outwards into a three-dimensional shape, even without being opened. Out of all other parts, only bay and bow windows happen to have an exterior-projecting design. They’re the best choice for sprucing up your home in an exquisite way.

Apart from the beauteous attributes, bay and bow windows also have utility attached to them. Their design automatically adds extra space to the interior, making space for all your accolades, crafts, and other possessions. Maybe enjoy a favourite novella while sipping on a cup of tea or install planters that enhance the eco-friendly factor of your home. Both elegant and expedient, isn’t it?

Sliding uPVC Windows

For those areas of your home where space doesn’t need to be sabotaged at all, sliding uPVC windows are a perfect match. Their mechanism includes a fixed and a mobile pane, both attached in a way that the latter slides back and forth. When the window is opened, the mobile pane hides behind the fixed one.

Setting aside the functionality, sliding windows entail a finished look. Their modern design is widely seen in five-star hotels and restaurants, but is increasingly popular in modern, sleek homes.

Though uPVC is a choice framing material, your windows need premium-quality innovative glass solutions to complete your windows. AIS Glass, a leading integrated glass manufacturer, offers glass solutions for a variety of needs – privacy (even on-demand privacy), security, energy-efficiency, acoustic insulation, etc. Get your uPVC windows installed with modern processed glass solutions to get the best of what windows today have to offer. We provide 360-degree solutions, right from selecting the window to installing them, even after-sales support.

So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today!


5 Ways Choosing the Wrong Glass Suppliers Can Ruin Your Space

When a plethora of suppliers is available in the market, confusion is inevitable. So, how do you choose the right one?

Today, there are multiple glass suppliers in the market offering advanced glazing solutions at attractive prices. However, not many suppliers can walk the talk, which is why it is important to carefully shortlist and select the right supplier.

Glazing solutions can optimise a residential or commercial space on multiple factors such as optical clarity, heat reduction, solar control, enhanced strength, high durability, and much more. But when you opt for the wrong glass supplier, you not only miss out on these benefits but also risk ruining your space with poor and inefficient glazing solutions. Read more to find out how.

Mismatched Décor

Although unapparent, our residential and commercial spaces form a social connection with our surroundings. This is why selecting the right glazing solutions, and in effect, the right glass supplier is important to keep a visual harmony and to draw positive attention. But, when you consult a supplier who lacks expert knowledge, you incur a loss on two accounts – money and décor – as they can pitch you a wrong glazing solution.

Think about it: homeowners may want to invest in glass shower cubicles or bay windows, while office owners may want glass facades or glass partitions to improve their décor. In both cases, specific glazing solutions are required to maintain safety, style, and functionality at optimum levels. But, if you choose the wrong supplier, you may end up with a mismatched décor and poor functionality.

Lack of Functionality

Utmost comfort in any living or commercial space is dependent on the quality of fenestration. If fenestrations are not outfitted with proper glazing, they’ll offer poor functionality. However, non-genuine suppliers often outsource stock glass products that are inexpensive but come with minimal functionality. So if you end up installing products from such a supplier, your space will be subjected to insufficient performance. For instance, energy-efficiency glass solutions may fail to maintain optimum room temperatures, and acoustic solutions may fail to block out external noise, and so on.

Limited Options

Today, a variety of glazing solutions are available due to advanced technological developments. Depending on your architectural need – solar control, noise insulation, privacy, security, and more – you can choose a glazing solution for it. However, if you end up choosing the wrong supplier, you may have to select from limited glazing options.

In such a case, you can end up making a compromised choice without even noticing and pay for a glazing solution that completely offsets your décor or fails to optimize your space. Besides, you’ll be spending money on a glazing solution with low functionality when you could get high-end functionality glass at a similar price.

Unprofessional Installation

You purchased a glass solution, glass window, for instance, and the company technician installed it in your bedroom. After two months, you notice that your room gets cooler at night and the culprit – drafts. You call the company for inspection, but the turnaround time is more than the company promised. Upon inspection, the professional tells you that the window needs caulking, but it isn’t covered under the warranty period – Boom! There goes your money.

Non-genuine suppliers do not provide professional installation because of which your glazing solutions can suffer from improper fits, leaks, or operation failure. In consequence, your living or commercial space can suffer from poor fixtures and functionality issues while requiring frequent repair and replacement. Moreover, improper installation, especially in case of fenestrations, can be threatening to the structural stability of your space while also depreciating the integrity of the design.

Compromised Quality

Here’s what inauthentic glass manufacturers give you – poor quality. Besides, there are multiple manufacturers in the market that offer inexpensive services with supposedly “high-end” quality solutions. So, instead of choosing a cheap supplier, be thorough with your research and find a glass supplier who promises quality with proper certifications to back it.

Moreover, glass with a compromised quality is equivalent to standard glass and hence, extremely vulnerable. This also compromises the safety of those using the space; a possible breakage can prove to be injurious to you and your family members. Or if it’s a commercial space, as an employer, your reputation can suffer. Even worse, poor-quality glass solutions are hefty on the pockets as potential repair and replacement costs can be incurred in the future.

Why Choose AIS Glass?

As India’s leading glass manufacturing brand, AIS Glass provides end-to-end solutions for various architectural needs. You can select products from a wide variety of options to meet different functional needs – energy-efficiency, acoustic insulation, privacy, security, etc.; our team of experts will guide you step-by-step through the entire installation process. At AIS Glass, we offer services right from the manufacturing of glass, processing, fabrication to installation, even post-installation for a smooth and hassle-free process. Moreover, our wide range of best-in-class products is extremely suitable for both interior and exterior applications.

For further information about our glazing solutions, get in touch with us today!

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