
3 Things to Consider While Choosing Windows for Bathrooms

The bathroom in your home should be the one place you feel completely relaxed and at peace with yourself. It is in the process of taking a shower or soaking in a bath that we allow the stress and madding pace of the day to fall away. The interiors of a bathroom should reflect this need for warmth, peace, and privacy. The windows of the bathroom are quite different in their function from the windows used elsewhere. Let us look at the 3 important things to consider when choosing windows for bathrooms –
In a country like India where apartments and buildings are built close together, privacy is a real concern. We tend to combat this with the use of curtains or drapes but the high moisture content inside the bathroom leaves them limp and moist all the time. Cleaning becomes an issue as well. Our frosted glass windows come in as the perfect solution to such a concern. These allow ample light to enter the bathroom without being transparent.

It goes without saying that the humidity levels of the bathroom are perhaps the highest. These make the bathrooms difficult to clean and susceptible to mould attacks. Removing moulds from window frames is a huge concern for home owners as well. It is best to opt for uPVC windows for bathrooms. These are resistant to rust, water damage, and stains. Also, they can be customized to fit the size and shape of your bathroom and look very attractive as well.
In India, most bathroom windows are quite small. This is often due to the high need for privacy. However, it means that the need for customizing windows is high as well. Again, unlike windows of other rooms, outward opening or inward opening windows take up too much of space making them ill efficient. For this challenge too, uPVC windows come up as the best solution. These can be customised according to the size and the sliding designs are perfect space savers.
Choosing the perfect bathroom window is always a fine balancing act between aesthetics, privacy, and functionality. Getting it right is the key to designing a great bathroom space.


Importance of Sound Proof Glass Solutions in Offices

Noise-free interiors are a priority for offices since they are usually located on busy streets bustling with activities. Loud noises seep into the office space through doors and windows causing disturbances. This results in low productivity and efficiency of the employees and disrupts the daily operations of the business. Hence, cutting out noise pollution in office space is crucial.

Besides dampening the outside noise, ensuring sound insulation indoors is also essential. It is very important to keep the confidentiality of cabin discussions and conference room decisions. This is why installing sound insulating glass indoors is just as crucial. One of the top glass manufacturers, AIS Glass, offers high-quality soundproof glass to maintain privacy and ensure the peace and tranquillity of the office space.
Laminated glass has become an increasingly popular glass choice, both in offices and homes, for sound insulation. It is manufactured by attaching two or more glass sheets together with a layer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) in between them. This unique manufacturing process imparts various beneficial features to the glass. Together, the multiple glass panes and the resin sandwiched in-between prevent noise from seeping through, unlike ordinary glasses. Once installed in office, you can have clear and effective communication in meetings and conferences.
For maximum sound insulation, AIS Acousticglas is the ideal glass solution. This laminated glass type is meticulously designed to reduce noise pollution at offices and homes. The specialised PVB layer reduces noise pollution by up to 90% and hence, the glass type is widely used in boardrooms, partitions, and facades. For homes, offices, and shops in high traffic zones or near railway-lines and airports, AIS Acousticglas is very effective in minimising noise pollution.
Besides noise reduction, laminated glass is very sturdy and provides safety from theft and burglary. The PVB layer acts as an adhesive and holds the glass together when shattered, and prevents injuries from glass shards. Hence, it is widely used for security purposes. When laminated glass is installed in doors and windows, gaining access to indoors is very difficult for burglars. Additionally, when this window glass type is incorporated with uPVC frames, it enhances the aesthetic appeal of the space by adding a stylish and contemporary touch to the indoors.
Unlike the conventional wooden or steel doors and windows, laminated glass doors and windows allow sufficient light indoors and maintain peace and serenity of the office space.
In short, if you are looking for a multifunctional and economical option to reduce noise pollution at the office, installing sound proof glass is the ideal decision.


3 Smart Ways To Incorporate Lacquered Glass In Your Home

Also known as back painted glass, lacquered glass is made by simply coating the back of the float glass using highly durable lacquer that is baked afterwards at a constant temperature in a furnace. As a result, the lacquer gets perfectly bonded to the surface of the smooth glass. Opaquely coloured in appearance, lacquered glass is a booming trend in the present time.  Incorporating all the features of float glass, lacquered glass has a wide range of applications. Be it renovating your kitchen or making your bathroom look more colourful yet sophisticated, lacquered glass is the perfect glass option for your varied requirements.
Here are 3 smart ways to incorporate lacquered glass in your home. Have a look –

  1. Wall Panels – When it comes to designing your house, lacquered glass is the perfect solution. Painting the walls is a repetitive process that costs more in the long run as well. Creating wall panels with coloured lacquered glass not only eliminates the need to paint but adds a creative look to the wall as well. Since they are durable, there are very little chances of breaking.


  1. Kitchen Cabinets – Adding lacquered glass to your kitchen cabinets will change the entire look of your kitchen. Versatile and easygoing, cabinets made using lacquered glass are definitely more practical than their traditional counterparts. A lot of house owners are usually worried that using glass in their kitchen cabinets would reveal all the contents of their kitchen and may appear cluttered. The best way to tackle this problem is to use coloured lacquered glass as it will not reveal the contents of your kitchen without compromising on the aesthetics. Moreover, you can use tuffen glass for the same purpose as well.

  1. FurnitureIf you are done with your boring furniture and want to give it a makeover, lacquered glass is just perfect for you. With superb finish and modern look, tabletops and other furniture made using lacquered glass are not only durable but also highly resistant to moisture, adding to its longevity.

Made using special manufacturing process, lacquered glass is also an environment-friendly alternative. Giving a new and fresh look to the interiors of your house, it exhibits brilliant properties like scratch resistance and colour adhesion. Furthermore, always buy this product from premium glass suppliers like AIS Glass who offer other types of glass like energy efficient glass, frosted glass etc. as well to ensure the quality.


Incorporating Privacy with Smart Glass

Glass is an incredible material used widely in the automotive and architectural industry. In the architectural industry, it also allows light and heat to enter the rooms and living spaces. However, this exposure to the outer-world can be unwanted, especially for those who value their privacy more than others.

If your home is located in a crowded area, which is usually the case with big cities, you learn to appreciate even the littlest space and privacy that can be mustered. For such a situation, instruct your chosen glass manufacturer to install smart glasses to solve all the issues of violation of privacy. Along with that, smart glasses are available in a variety of colour tints. Hence, it will help to uplift the aesthetics of your house.
Smart glass can be used in partition screens, uPVC windows, roof-lights and doors, along with security and teller screens. They can even work as HD projection screens! As this material is so flexible, architects and designers are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to use them.
Smart glasses have many applications:

  1. Commercial usage

The electronic properties allow smart glass to ensure transparency and privacy at the same time. One can switch between an open and connected office space to a private meeting room simply by flicking a switch.

  1. Residential areas

With smart glass, you can add an element of personalization in your home. It gives people an option to choose regarding where they want privacy and where they don’t.

  1. Hospitals and Clinics

Smart glass is perfect for the medical sector. Hospitals and clinics incorporate smart glass to ensure both transparency and privacy in the open spaces, and prevent the use of unhygienic curtains.

  1. Security

Since smart glass has a property that allows it to reduce noise, it can make any environment peaceful. There are many circumstances where we need this kind of technology in all spaces. Additionally, the ability to switch from transparent to opaque glass and vice versa is essential for security purposes. It helps by acting as a barrier against forced entry and can even protect from blasts and fires to an extent as well.
Hence, smart glass is a great alternative because it offers privacy without any drawbacks and adds to the aesthetic appeal of the place.


5 Security Glass Applications in the Hospitality Sector

Glass installation instantly improves the two pillars of the hospitality sector, aesthetics and space. Hence, they are a staple material for this sector.  Although they are considered fragile, the advancements in technology have rendered the glass more sturdiness and durability. Further, they can be used in various creative ways to enhance the kerb appeal as well.

Security glass is dominating the fenestration world owing to the innumerable benefits it has in store – from being highly durable to withstanding significant impact. Its mechanism and features make them a suitable choice for the hospitality sector. Here’s how you can incorporate it in different areas-
1)      Glass Walkways and Balconies
The hospitality industry is usually known for the amazing views that visitors get to enjoy. This is where glass walkways and balconies come into play. They offer admirable views of outdoors and their sleek design adds aesthetic features to the indoors. However, ensuring security and avoiding accidents are mandatory as well. Security glass is the ideal solution to ensure both the safety and aesthetic appeal as it’s architecturally sound. These anti-slip and highly durable glasses are perfect for the guests to enjoy walking on glass.
2)      Shower Cubicles
Since the hospitality industry is all about servicing clients, every precaution must be taken to ensure the safety of the guests. Although the chances of the glass shower enclosure breaking are very less, willingly sheltering this potential risk is not worth it. Security glass is designed to sustain heavy blows and not break. However, even if it breaks, its unique mechanism prevents the glass from shattering into large shards that can injure the guests. Hence, they are the ideal choice for shower cubicles.
3)      Windows
Security glass, when installed in windows, helps in maintaining safety as well as preventing outside noise from entering the reception area or other rooms. This helps to ensure a quiet and peaceful environment for the guests.  Also, they eliminate the chances of burglaries and thefts owing to their impact resistant feature.
4)      Entrance Doors
The entrance door is the center of attraction and makes the first impression. Hence, it must be in an impeccable condition and meticulously designed. With security glass, you never have to worry about cracks or any other damage. Besides ensuring security, it accentuates the entrance of the property.
A reliable glass company in India such as AIS Glass is your best bet in case you are planning to enhance the security of the hospitality sector.


When in Doubt, Retrofit

Have you ever looked up to your house or even office’s windows and remarked, ‘Hey, they need a change!’? Well, that certainly is not as uncommon as one might think. Glass doors and windows are the essence of every new building ever made. And since buildings do not need a revamping every other year, it is fair to say that doors and windows are often their longest lasting structures (apart from the walls, of course!).
Yet, given how important the role of windows is in not only serving as conduits of light and ventilation but also creating a fully-functional and modern space, there comes a time when one must give thought to changing the old windows.

This is where we tell you what retrofitting buildings with shiny and functional glass windows is all about.
Considering window renovation
Any sort of renovation is a hectic job. Not only do you need to identify the issues for repair but also research in the market for the ideal solution. Any such consideration has to be made after careful thought and planning since investment in architectural revamp, especially that of glass windows, will leave a result in place that will last for decades.
Moreover, when one considers window renovation, a lot of factors need to be dealt with. First is figuring out the right window for a particular functional need. Second is the expense incurred and the time taken to remove the old windows and replace them with new ones. Third is the impact which such a renovation might have on your property – what if your old windows add heritage value, thus leaving you reluctant to replace them altogether?
This is where retrofitting glass can be the ideal option for you. In retrofitting, a new, modern glazing will be installed atop your existing one from the inside. Time-saving and efficient, retrofitted windows are becoming increasingly popular in today’s world.
Retrofitting – A viable alternative
As mentioned before, retrofitting your building’s glass windows will help you save on the time and cost incurred in removing the existing windows and then installing the new ones. Thus, it is a quick solution for modern professionals who desire the least disruption in their lives.
Moreover, since glass windows are retrofitted from the inside, the look of your home or office from the outside will remain the same. This is perfect for those who do not want to change the aesthetics and veer towards maintaining the heritage and antiquity of their home or office.
Finally, another benefit that retrofitting offers is that your windows will get double glazeGlad, thus offering you increased insulation from heat, dust, pollution, and noise. Glass manufacturers such as AIS have come up with modern retrofitting solutions such as AIS Renew – a low-E energy-saving insulated glass that filters out sun’s heat without cutting down on natural lighting. It only takes 30-60 minutes to install one such window that also offers excellent reduction in dew condensation and low maintenance.
Perhaps most importantly, retrofitting your windows with energy-efficient glass will turn your building into a green one, thus helping you do your bit to protecting our precious environment.
Ready for a retrofit?


Here’s the Simplest Way of Determining the Energy Efficiency of Your Building

Times are changing, and so is the environment consciousness level of people. Today, when it comes to architecture and interior design, the facet of energy efficiency is taking a front seat. Home and office owners are beginning to imagine and create functional, future-proof and environment-proof spaces that do not have a high dependency on artificial energy. And, in their mission to reduce the carbon footprint of their buildings, glass plays a huge role since doors, windows and facades are the primary barriers separating the external environment from the internal environment.

Now, the first step towards making your building energy efficient lies in determining its present efficiency. Only then will you be able to select the right glass glazing in accordance with the results of your building’s energy efficiency determination. So, how does a layman do it?
You might imagine that calculating something such as energy efficiency is beyond your expertise and well within the grasp of only a professional architect, engineer, builder, or an interior designer. Yet, there’s an easier, quicker and extremely reliable way out – carrying out a virtual simulation of your building in the palm of your hands.
Being one of the most innovative glass manufacturers and glass suppliers in the country, AIS also offers an interesting portfolio of architectural mobile applications helpful to the layman. One of them is the AIS Glass Simulator – an app that lets you analyse your building for energy efficiency based on a wide range of parameters. Moreover, the app also recommends the best-suited high-performance glass products from AIS’ extensive portfolio depending upon the analysis of your building.
Easy, right?
With such an innovative application on your phone, you can take an informed decision about choosing the right glass glazing for your home or new project by carrying out a quick simulation anywhere, anytime. All you need to do is input a few details about your building, such as location, shape, orientation, wind-load, etc. On the basis of these parameters, the app will scrutinize your building to create an energy performance profile while also suggesting the most apt glass solution to turn your building energy efficient.
Add to that the extensive Product Catalog with different glass types manufactured by AIS and their details, along with a Project Showcase which features many buildings and projects from all over the country which have different AIS glazing installed, and you have the complete package on your fingertips.
Here are all the benefits of the app in brief:
• Easily analyse your building’s energy performance
• Get an intelligent analysis report
• Save time, energy and money spent on finding the right glazing
• Discover the entire high performance energy efficient glass range by AIS – AIS Ecosense
• Visualize how your chosen glass solution will look in real life
Easy-to-use, informative and helpful! Who knew energy simulation of a building could be this fun?


How Can You Tackle Air Pollution with Glass?

You would believe that winters in India are welcomed with much celebration as they bring respite from the harsh summer heat. Yet, come November, and suddenly the picture doesn’t look so rosy anymore. Cue the menace of air pollution.
Over the last few years, air pollution levels in urban centres of the country have risen steadily and have now reached alarming levels. This issue is made all the more prominent in the cold weather as fog mixes with the pollutants to give rise to smog – an extremely unhealthy air that we have now become accustomed to breathing.

So, amidst it all, how can glass technology help?
Since one spends the maximum amount of time in a day indoors, either at home or an office, the solution to air pollution lies in staying as far away from it as possible. Such a solution is possible in the realm of architecture wherein our windows and other outlets in the building a sealed and secure enough to prevent any leakage of the polluted air inside. Therefore, all you need is a sophisticated glass window system that will keep you and your loved ones safe from the smog.
Stay safe indoors with Anti-Pollution Windows
Yes, you heard that right. As a leading glass company in India, AIS has always believed in the power of innovation to solve some of the most concerning architectural issues for customers and businesses, be it at homes or offices. With the same spirit of innovation in mind, our experts have created special Anti-Pollution and Anti-Smog Windows retailed by Glasxperts that promise to save you and your loved ones from the damaging effects of air pollution.
The idea, as you might have guessed, revolves around completely sealing air leakages and spaces inside so as to prevent the external environment from leaking inside homes and offices. How is this done? Let’s have a look:

  • Fusion-welded windows with a multi-lock system

High-quality gaskets and joints strongly seal the windows along with exceptional fusion welded joints. Such physical constructs in the specialized window system make it almost impossible for pollutants to enter inside and wreak havoc. Moreover, you can make sure that these windows close extremely tightly with the help of the advanced multipoint locking system in place.

  • Silicon to shut off gaps

A popular material used in various industries, silicon proves its merit in the anti-pollution window in the form of a special sealant that shits down any gaps – both in the window and the adjacent wall.

  • Double glazing in unit glasses

Moving on to the glass, you can rest assured of multi-chambered profiles and multiple layers that make it incredibly difficult for any minute percentage of outside air that has leaked inside to reach beyond the glazing. This advanced technique of providing completely sealed Double Glazing Units also enables the windows to prevent heat and sound to leak inside.

  • The ease of retrofitting

Finally, you might be thinking what a cumbersome and expensive task it would be to remove your existing windows and replace them with special anti-pollution ones. Well, these windows by AIS can be easily retrofitted on any window surface, thus freeing you of all the hassle. Retrofitting essentially means fitting a new window surface on top of the existing one, thus improving the efficiency of the entire system!


Daylight Analysis & Glazing Selection: A Case Study

Natural lighting is an extremely important part of any building – simply because it is beneficial to both comfort and energy efficiency of an interior space. Having ideal natural lighting inside a building can reduce the dependency on artificial lighting and create a much more holistic environment for rest, relaxation and work.

Yet, enabling the perfect balance of natural light within a building is not merely a function of using a glazing which will reflect heat and filter light. It depends on quite many factors, including the building orientation, the appropriateness of light diffusers installed, and also the kind of façades and windows in place. Thus, architect and building owners must conduct a thorough daylight analysis of any building in order to suggest glass that minimises discomfort and maximises visibility. Only after analysing the results of such a study can one opt for retrofitting buildings with low-E glass or going for a new glazing with the ideal U-value and SHGC.

This is what we performed for a corporate building in Mumbai.


A corporate building in Mumbai required an optimum glazing solution to maximize its VLT (visible light transmission) requirement without overdesigning the building.


Going by the specifications of glass, one with the lowest U-value and SHGC would have been the right solution for the corporate building. Yet the solution was not so easy.

In order to determine the effect of various glazing variants on the building, a daylight analysis was performed. The two glazing variants simulated for the building were Clear Glass (VLT 78%) and high performance glass (VLT 21%). Both the glasses performed identically in terms of achieving the optimal lux levels. Clear Glass, in fact, caused glare in certain portions of the building.

As can be seen in Fig. 2, the first case is Clear Glass (VLT = 78%). The pink region shows the area which will have glare, and the grey region indicates sub-optimal lighting. The second case is high-performance glass (VLT = 21%). Here, we can see the reduction in glare area without reducing optimum lux level.

Thus, AIS recommended using high-performance glass in order to reduce cooling load without compromising on the lighting load.


From the study conducted, the following results were deduced:

  • The same fenestration behaves differently depending on the specific design.
  • It should not be assumed that products with low U-Value and SHGC are the best and universal solution.
  • For windows receiving a high amount of solar radiation, products with low SHGC would perform better. Hence, a glazing solution should be selected only after thoroughly analysing the building design.

As mentioned earlier, architects and glass manufacturers have to study various factors in building design before selecting the ideal glazing. An important factor is window orientation and area which allows ideal dispersion of daylight without causing glare or excess heat gain. It has been observed that south-facing windows let in the highest amount of daylight while north-facing windows let in diffused and reflected glare-free light. On the other hand, east- and west-facing windows let in direct sunlight, glare, and heat gain, which are difficult to manage. Thus, different glazing solutions are required for different orientations, especially in the kind of building mentioned in the case study.


Daylight Analysis & Glazing Selection: A Case Study

Natural lighting is an extremely important part of any building – simply because it is beneficial to both comfort and energy efficiency of an interior space. Having ideal natural lighting inside a building can reduce the dependency on artificial lighting and create a much more holistic environment for rest, relaxation and work.
Yet, enabling the perfect balance of natural light within a building is not merely a function of using a glazing which will reflect heat and filter light. It depends on quite many factors, including the building orientation, the appropriateness of light diffusers installed, and also the kind of façades and windows in place. Thus, architect and building owners must conduct a thorough daylight analysis of any building in order to suggest glass that minimises discomfort and maximises visibility. Only after analysing the results of such a study can one opt for retrofitting buildings with low-E glass or going for a new glazing with the ideal U-value and SHGC.
This is what we performed for a corporate building in Mumbai.
A corporate building in Mumbai required an optimum glazing solution to maximize its VLT (visible light transmission) requirement without overdesigning the building.
Going by the specifications of glass, one with the lowest U-value and SHGC would have been the right solution for the corporate building. Yet the solution was not so easy.
In order to determine the effect of various glazing variants on the building, a daylight analysis was performed. The two glazing variants simulated for the building were Clear Glass (VLT 78%) and high performance glass (VLT 21%). Both the glasses performed identically in terms of achieving the optimal lux levels. Clear Glass, in fact, caused glare in certain portions of the building.

As can be seen in Fig. 2, the first case is Clear Glass (VLT = 78%). The pink region shows the area which will have glare, and the grey region indicates sub-optimal lighting. The second case is high-performance glass (VLT = 21%). Here, we can see the reduction in glare area without reducing optimum lux level.
Thus, AIS recommended using high-performance glass in order to reduce cooling load without compromising on the lighting load.
From the study conducted, the following results were deduced:

  • The same fenestration behaves differently depending on the specific design.
  • It should not be assumed that products with low U-Value and SHGC are the best and universal solution.
  • For windows receiving a high amount of solar radiation, products with low SHGC would perform better. Hence, a glazing solution should be selected only after thoroughly analysing the building design.

As mentioned earlier, architects and glass manufacturers have to study various factors in building design before selecting the ideal glazing. An important factor is window orientation and area which allows ideal dispersion of daylight without causing glare or excess heat gain. It has been observed that south-facing windows let in the highest amount of daylight while north-facing windows let in diffused and reflected glare-free light. On the other hand, east- and west-facing windows let in direct sunlight, glare, and heat gain, which are difficult to manage. Thus, different glazing solutions are required for different orientations, especially in the kind of building mentioned in the case study.


Tackling Common Glass Window and Door Issues in Winter

In India, most parts of the country, that is, the season of winter usually comes as a relief. With the long, scorching summer heat giving way to cooler climes, shorter days and cosy afternoons, winters are usually very well received all over the country. Yet, such a change in the season and the weather is not without its own set of complications, especially for your glass doors and windows.

Bear in mind that glass, aluminium, wood, and uPVC are merely materials that respond to changes in the external environment – temperature being a huge factor. Most materials compress and shrink in the cold, and there is also the issue of dew and condensation that accompanies chilly temperatures. Therefore, preparing your glass window or door before-hand will go a long way in ensuring their longevity and performance during the winters.
Let’s take a look at a few common issues that might plague your glass door or window in the cold, and how you can tackle them expertly:

  1. Condensation

Condensation mainly arises due to a drastic temperature difference around a particular surface. In winters, while the external environment is often cold and dry, our home and office interiors run on conditioned air which is usually warm and, thus, humid. This temperature difference leads to condensation on the surface of the cold window and door glass, thus fogging your view. While some condensation is absolutely normal, if you notice persisting condensation for long periods or some moisture in your window glazing, then it means that moisture might have entered your glass by way of some gap or leakage. This can hamper the insulation of your home. We recommend getting your windows and doors checked for gaps and weather insulation before winter reaches its height.

  1. Leakages

Building on from the previous point, leakages and gaps in your glass door and window can also create drafts, or passages for air flow from outside to inside. If cold air leaks inside your home from the outside, then your home’s energy efficiency and comfort can be compromised. Such drafts are usually signs of old, non-insulating glass which you can replace easily with modern energy-efficient glass and insulated glass units.

  1. Insulation

Apart from cold air, the inability of your door or window glass to retain internal heat can lead to massive heat loss. Such an insulation problem is directly opposite to the one faced by buildings in summer when the desired functionality from glass doors and windows is reflecting solar heat. You can tackle this situation by installing retrofitted insulating glass in over your existing glass doors and windows.

  1. Moisture and rotting

Finally, condensation can also occur on the frames of doors and windows, thus causing deterioration. Humid and warm internal climate during winters can also contribute to moisture entering your old window and door frames, especially if they are made from old wood. The solution for you could be switching to weather- resistant uPVC doors and windows. uPVC is a modern framing material that does not rot or get affected by temperature and climate changes, thus keeping your doors and windows in the healthiest state possible throughout the year.
Take note of the above-mentioned issues and tackle them swiftly for happy winters – both for you and your glass windows and doors!


How to Bolster Your Office’s Passive Fire Protection Systems with Glass

Everyone is well versed with the destructive powers of a fire breakout. Not only does such a hazard threaten the life of the occupants of an office building but also poses a significant risk to the property, equipment and the documents inside. This is the very reason why architects and designers provide for the adequate safety of the building and its occupants in the event of a fire by installing fire-proof architectural solutions as per the norms.

Glass the Key to Passive Fire Protection in Offices
Such key solutions form a part of any office building’s Passive Fire Protection (PFP) systems which prevent the spread of fire by creating barriers to its passage for a limited time, enabling occupants to move to a safe environment. PFP is an essential fire safety strategy for any building. If proper planning, installation, and maintenance are implemented, passive fire protection can save lives and the building itself. While PFP may not provide a complete fire safety solution, when combined with AFP (or Active Fire Protection systems), they can make a big difference in case of an emergency.
With glass being one of the most major elements in all office space constructions, opting for multifunctional, specialized glass solutions for safe, secure and comfortable living and working is paramount. Thus, glass forms a key component of an office’s Passive Fire Protection Systems. This is where office building owners can safeguard their investment, employees and business by opting for fire-resistant glass solutions tested and approved according to Indian and international standards such as AIS Pyrobel.
AIS Pyrobel blends light, transparency and fire-protection for all building applications, framing types, and fire-resistance classes and durations. Office building owners can choose from any of the three variants:

  • Class E: Prevents flames, smoke, and hot gases from passing through. The fire remains contained.
  • Class EW: Integrity and Low Heat Radiation or the ability of the element to prevent the passage of flames and to limit the level of heat transfer through the element.
  • Class EI: Integrity and Insulation or the ability of the element to prevent the passage of flames and to block heat transfer through the element.

All in all, with the help of AIS Pyrobel, offices can:

  • Remain protected against fire, heat, and smoke for extended periods
  • Remain protected against radiation and conductive heat transfer
  • Install fire-resistance glass in all framing systems – wood, steel or aluminium or even frameless

Where to Use Fire-Proof Glass in Offices

  • Partitions
  • Fully glazed fire doors
  • Façades and windows to prevent the fire from transmitting inside-out or outside-in
  • Floors
  • Data Storage and Server Room enclosures to preserve electronic data
  • Stair enclosures or doors with in-built vision panels which provide the most vital access points and exit routes
  • Lift doors and enclosures

The secret to keeping your office space safe and fire-proof, therefore, lies in investing in one of the most advanced glass solutions manufactured by AIS, the leading glass company in India. Do take note that it is imperative to install the fire-resistant glass only in systems that comply with safety regulations.


4 Inspiring Ideas for Your Kitchen Space

The evolution of kitchens is quite significant. Today’s kitchens are required to be as aesthetically appealing as functional, and to blend with the overall design of the house while retaining its unique look as the heart of the home. This dynamic shift in the way we design kitchens has also a lot to do with the availability of multi-functional and innovative architectural materials such as processed glass.
Modern glass suppliers such as AIS are already leading the way in creating aesthetic glass variants such as AIS Décor lacquered glass and frosted glass which are aiding in the imagining of creative and functional kitchen spaces like never before.

Given the fact that kitchens are usually smaller in size than other spaces and areas in most homes and apartments, using a material such as glass in cabinets, shelves or even countertops helps in adding the illusion of space. Glass’s inherent property of reflecting light helps in creating a well-lit, airy and lively environment in a kitchen, thus allowing inhabitants to experience more joy in cooking.
In this blog, we take a look at four inspiring ideas powered by glass to design or recreate your dream kitchen space:

  1. Create window cabinets

If you’re wondering what they are, then prepare to be excited. If your kitchen wall space is majorly covered with windows, then you can elevate the look of your entire space while also adding more storage to the kitchen with the help of window cabinets. As the name suggests, these cabinets are constructed on top of existing windows, thus providing them with two walls of glass. This can be a unique addition to your kitchen without preventing the external scenery or natural daylight getting obstructed!

  1. Install frosted glass shelves and lacquered glass panel pantry doors

For heightened aesthetics, why stick to simple clear glass? Visually appealing glass types such as frosted privacy glass can add style to your kitchen cabinets while also concealing what they store – if you wish so! On the other hand, if your kitchen has a pantry door, then you can install lacquered glass panels on it to compliment the wall colour or the theme of the kitchen.

  1. Turn your kitchen island into a glass base cabinet

If you have a modular kitchen with a counter in the middle of the floor space, called the island, why not experiment by adding a glass cabinet to its sides? This can be the perfect location to store collectibles, cookbooks or fancy kitchenware. Since this is a base cabinet prone to impact by foot, we recommend opting for tempered security glass for the same.

  1. Add colour to your countertops and backsplashes

Glass kitchen countertops have become very popular, offering a lot in terms of colour, size, and shape. Combining countertops with lacquered glass backsplashes and cabinets creates a stylish and colourful ambience for a kitchen.
Apart from the aesthetic reasons, using glass in kitchens is beneficial since it is a material that it is stain-resistant, easy to clean and maintain, and easy to replace. Time to give your cooking space a well-deserved glass makeover!


Optimal Building Design & Glazing: A Case Study

It is the 21st century, and energy conservation and sustainability in architecture is surely gathering momentum. With one eye fixed ever so intently on the environment and the rising global temperatures, architects are turning to innovation and technology to turn the tables on myopic building design and combat energy inefficiency in our living and working spaces. This is where glass is proving to be their trusted accomplice.

So, when a prominent learning institute in Mumbai approached Asahi India Glass Ltd., the most comprehensive integrated glass company in India, to achieve high performance energy efficiency, we carried out a comprehensive and painstaking glazing and building design analysis to provide a satisfactory solution. Let’s find out how:


A learning institute in Mumbai wanted to optimize its building design without spending big on glazing solutions. This meant reducing the heat gain inside the building without compromising natural lighting.


Normally, we have observed that when it comes to glazing solutions providing high performance energy efficiency, architectural glass variants with a lower Solar Factor and lower U-Value are favoured. But to achieve the ideal balance between the building design and glazing feasibility, we had to come up with an optimum solution that offers best return on investment.

Therefore, first we conducted a study to understand the building design. Due to the architecture of the institute, the building’s direct and indirect heat gain had fallen down considerably. This can be explained by Fig. 1:

  • 4 Classrooms located on the north side received diffused light and no direct heat
  • 4 South-facing classrooms were provided with a shading device to prevent direct heat and glare
  • 4 Buffer zones, created by placing the service areas along the east façade and corridors along the west façade, prevented heat ingress in the offices
  • 4 Walls had good insulation properties to prevent long-wave radiations from entering into the building
  • 4 North light provided natural light to a portion of the building

These observations allowed us to fine tune our glazing solution. Ultimately, due to the optimal building design, we could choose a solution which did not have the best specifications (and therefore higher cost) but was a perfect match for the design.

In order to do so, a detailed building energy analysis and simulation was conducted with a huge portfolio of AIS products. Their performance parameters are compared in the table above. Then, we compared the energy saving percentage against cost payback period.

This study is depicted in the Fig 2. As one can see, Spring SGU (Solar Control product from the AIS Ecosense range) which has Solar Factor (SF) = 64%, Visual Light Transmission (VLT) = 65%, and U-Value = 5.4 w/ m2 k performed best out of all the glasses with 17% energy savings and 2 months’ payback period, when compared to base case Clear DGU (double glaze unit).


Thus, by understanding the relationship between building design and glazing type, we could suggest the client a glazing glass with an optimum Solar Factor and U-Value and higher VLT – thus enabling the institute to save on money and recover investment far quicker than imagined.


Optimal Building Design & Glazing: A Case Study

It is the 21st century, and energy conservation and sustainability in architecture is surely gathering momentum. With one eye fixed ever so intently on the environment and the rising global temperatures, architects are turning to innovation and technology to turn the tables on myopic building design and combat energy inefficiency in our living and working spaces. This is where glass is proving to be their trusted accomplice.
So, when a prominent learning institute in Mumbai approached Asahi India Glass Ltd., the most comprehensive integrated glass company in India, to achieve high performance energy efficiency, we carried out a comprehensive and painstaking glazing and building design analysis to provide a satisfactory solution. Let’s find out how:
A learning institute in Mumbai wanted to optimize its building design without spending big on glazing solutions. This meant reducing the heat gain inside the building without compromising natural lighting.

Normally, we have observed that when it comes to glazing solutions providing high performance energy efficiency, architectural glass variants with a lower Solar Factor and lower U-Value are favoured. But to achieve the ideal balance between the building design and glazing feasibility, we had to come up with an optimum solution that offers best return on investment.
Therefore, first we conducted a study to understand the building design. Due to the architecture of the institute, the building’s direct and indirect heat gain had fallen down considerably. This can be explained by Fig. 1:

  • 4 Classrooms located on the north side received diffused light and no direct heat
  • 4 South-facing classrooms were provided with a shading device to prevent direct heat and glare
  • 4 Buffer zones, created by placing the service areas along the east façade and corridors along the west façade, prevented heat ingress in the offices
  • 4 Walls had good insulation properties to prevent long-wave radiations from entering into the building
  • 4 North light provided natural light to a portion of the building

These observations allowed us to fine tune our glazing solution. Ultimately, due to the optimal building design, we could choose a solution which did not have the best specifications (and therefore higher cost) but was a perfect match for the design.

In order to do so, a detailed building energy analysis and simulation was conducted with a huge portfolio of AIS products. Their performance parameters are compared in the table above. Then, we compared the energy saving percentage against cost payback period.
This study is depicted in the Fig 2. As one can see, Spring SGU (Solar Control product from the AIS Ecosense range) which has Solar Factor (SF) = 64%, Visual Light Transmission (VLT) = 65%, and U-Value = 5.4 w/ m2 k performed best out of all the glasses with 17% energy savings and 2 months’ payback period, when compared to base case Clear DGU (double glaze unit).

Thus, by understanding the relationship between building design and glazing type, we could suggest the client a glazing glass with an optimum Solar Factor and U-Value and higher VLT – thus enabling the institute to save on money and recover investment far quicker than imagined.


Make Your Retail Store More Secure With These 2 Window Glass Types

In the present scenario, where competition is cut-throat, brands often find themselves in a rat-race to make their presence felt. This they can very well achieve by making their outlets aesthetically appealing. But with aesthetics, security too plays an important role.

Sometimes a pane of glass is the only thing standing between a burglar and your valuable inventory. Upgrading the security of your store is very much achievable by adding security features to your glass. Owing to the new construction techniques and value additions, glass today isn’t fragile. It has many advanced features to ensure strength, durability and sturdiness to fulfill safety requisites in retail outlets.

  • High- Grade Tempered Glass-

Tempered glasses are always stronger and safer. Hence, they are less resistant to breakage. Although, like clear glasses, they are also scratch resistant and can withstand normal wear and tear. But the major difference lies when they are subject to force. While a regular clear glass shatters in such a scenario, tempered glass is extremely tough and impact resistant. Even when the tempered glass does break down, it does so in the form of granules, thus reducing chances of injury inside your store. Therefore, they make for a great option to secure your displays and cabinets.

  • Laminated Glasses-

When we talk about burglary, laminated glass is always the first choice. The three layered structure of laminated glasses (the middle layer being usually a polyvinyl butyral interlayer which acts like a glue) makes them strong enough to resist penetration and gives you the ability to see more without compromising on the safety factor. Owing to its strength and other safety features, laminated glass is used in a number of applications, most typically for your storefront, facades and windows. High-grade laminated glass typically offers:

  • Protection against broken glass or forced entry
  • Bullet resistance

When used in the retail sector, breaking into the building with laminated glass isn’t that easy, usually involving a lot of efforts, a lot of time and a lot of noise. Hence, the use of laminated glass as a security feature has increased over the past few years. It also offers noise protection in noisy areas and areas involving a lot of traffic. In case of breakage, laminated glass tends to remain in its frame and hence minimizes the risk of injury. This is because of the interlayer which is made up of polyvinyl butyral ( PVB) or ethylene-vinyl acetate(EVA) that holds the pane in place. The chances of attracting the customers to your store increases significantly when you have security glasses to enhance the safety of your retail outlet.
Hence, out of all the window glass types, tempered and laminated are the ones that can enhance the safety feature of your retail outlet


Gyms with Glass are Gyms with Class

The gym culture has well and truly taken the country by storm. In every nook and cranny, especially in urban areas, one is sure to find a prominent gym or smaller fitness establishments catering to young denizens of the area. And in order to be the standout gym in the area, you not only need to create a fully-equipped and inspiring space, but also a comfortable ambience. But what is it that makes a gym fab? Well, glass, of course!
While the use of glass, traditionally considered to be brittle, in a rough and tough environment such as a gym might seem counter-productive, technology in glass manufacturing and processing has actually devised glass solutions to solve the most irksome of interior design issues for gyms. If you are a gym owner reading this, then let us highlight a few issues that a gym might face in terms of its interior design and architecture:

  • The space seems crammed and congested
  • You are over-relying on artificial lighting to create the ‘right’ ambience
  • The interiors get unbearably hot during summers
  • You want a ‘classy’ aesthetic vibe for the interiors instead of just splashing paint on the walls

That being said, it’s all a matter of clever usage of a glass window or glass partitions with the right type of glass and turning gymnasium spaces into functional spaces. In doing so, you have to keep a few things in mind: optimizing light, maximizing space, harmonizing energy, and realizing aesthetics. Let’s take a look at each one by one.

Optimizing Light
Lighting plays a big role in setting the mood of your gym members. If there’s glare, the workout becomes irritating. If there’s no natural light at all, then the workout space feels uncomfortable and claustrophobic. This can be solved by applying AIS Tinted Heat-Absorbing Glass or AIS Swytchglas facades or windows in your gym. While the former creates a soothing environment by allowing only 47% incident solar energy to reach the interiors, the latter allows you to control the amount of light inside by changing the transparency of your façade from transparent to translucent or vice versa via remote control.
Maximizing Space
The best gyms always provide ample room for personal workouts, thus reducing any occurrence of injury due to accidental interference of members’ exercise routines. This can be made possible by thoughtful space-saving interior design, such as installing uPVC doors and windows with sliding mechanisms. You can also use AIS Mirror installations on your walls to create the illusion of space and install impact-resistant and injury-proof AIS Stronglas partitions which reflect more internal light and create safe individual workout spaces.
Harmonizing Energy
Reducing the load on air conditioning and artificial lighting in order create a more energy efficient gym space and reduce your electricity bills can be done via low-E glass facades made of the high performance AIS Ecosense. This glass reflects away majority of the incident heat, thus contributing to cooler and more comfortable interiors.
Realizing Aesthetics
Finally, you can enrich your gym interiors with AIS Décor coloured lacquered glass which comes in 10 striking shades. Not only do these glass panels add style and substance to your gym but also offer a high quality, long-lasting finish, moisture resistance and extremely easy maintenance.
Ready to add class with glass to your gym?


Breathing Life Back into an Old Office Building: A Case Study on Retrofitting Glass

Architecture, today, is exceeding the limits of imagination with the help of science and technology. Where once glass was a mere brittle material for windows now lies a plethora of possibilities in manufacturing and processing extremely functional glass for sound reduction, security, privacy, aesthetics, and most importantly, heat reduction. But the buck doesn’t stop here.
It is also possible to optimize the dysfunctional glass systems of existing and functioning buildings with a special variant of glass such as the AIS Renew which completely transforms the energy consumption scenario of the space. Retrofitting buildings is a specialty at AIS, and it is precisely what we achieved for the 6-storied office building which is the focus of our case study.
It is no doubt that solar and thermal control glass products are any architect’s go-to solutions for creating an energy efficient space. And energy efficiency is the primary requirement of an office where creating the most comfortable and sustainable environment for employees is paramount for productivity.
A six-storied office building featuring glazed windows prominently was facing issues due to increased energy consumption. The requirement was to convert the windows into more energy efficient envelopes, thus enabling visual and thermal comfort. However, converting an old/existing building built with a low performance glass by the traditional method of pulling down the existing glass façade and building afresh is very expensive.

In order to tackle this problem without disturbing and interfering with the day-to-day functioning of the building, the AIS technical team proposed our retrofitting solution, AIS Renew, as part of the AIS 4G solutions. AIS Renew is a unique product which is attached on top of an existing glass window and converts it into an energy saving insulated glass window – all in no time at all.
In order to do this, a particular AIS Renew glass model (Ecosense Exceed as mentioned in the table above) was compared against pared with clear 6 mm glass used in the existing building. An analysis was done on the basis of shade, visible light transmission, solar heat gain coefficient, and U-value.
Further, a building-specific climate simulation was also performed for the existing glass and AIS Renew glass. The results of this analysis are mentioned below.


As is clear from the reference table, AIS Renew with Ecosense Exceed performed better than the clear single glazed units and double glazed units in terms of cooling energy reduction ratio % and radiant temperature.  In brief, selecting AIS Renew for retrofitting would result in:

  1. Reduced solar gain in summer thereby reaching the set temperature sooner, thus reducing the load on AC operation.
  2. Insulation of the building against heat due to its lower U-value by influencing long wave infrared radiation while keeping the space cool in summer and warm in winter.
  3. A shorter payback period compared to extra glass cost which would have been used for replacement.

Thus, with a thoroughly scientific analysis of the retrofit, glass manufacturers like AIS ensure the most ideal retrofitting glass solution for your office building, resulting in substantial energy, cost and time savings.


Building an Energy-Efficient Tech Park in Bangalore: A Case Study

Bangalore is the IT capital of India without the shadow of a doubt, home to numerous industrial complexes, technological parks and corporate hubs. But what goes on behind the scenes of constructing an IT complex that conforms to ECBC rules of energy efficiency without compromising cost effectiveness or building quality?
As the leading glass manufacturing companies in India, AIS was approached by a leading developer of state-of-the-art Technology Parks for global IT, software and technology enterprises to help build the above-mentioned complex. At the end of the day, AIS helped the client build a world class, energy-efficient building with cutting edge glass solutions.
Here’s the story at a glance.

As a commercial building, the complex was curvilinear with the longer facades are facing East and West, while the other directions were blocked by service areas and toilets. A solar control glass was proposed to be used in the building with a VLT of 17%, SF of 23% and a good U-Value of 3.7.
However, light transmission was poor. So was the colour of the glass proposed initially.
In order to figure out the right glass for the complex, AIS carried out a Climactic Analysis for the city of Bangalore (which is located in the Moderate Zone), along with a whole building simulation using 4 different glass variants for a year involving Shadow Analysis.
The studies revealed that since Bangalore rarely had weather extremes, U value of glass could be modified. Similarly, due to the unique geometry of the building, there were barely any differences in energy consumption due to artificial means in the case of the proposed glass and the glass variants used in simulation.
Consequently, AIS proposed the installation of the Blue shade of AIS Ecosense Enhance high performance glass with a better SF of 37, thus reducing capital costs, and a U-value of 5.7 which was an insignificant change.

  1. Cost savings: AIS Ecosense Enhance matched the initially proposed glass in terms of energy efficiency but at a significantly lesser cost.
  2. Operational cost savings: Since AIS Ecosense Enhance’s VLT was better than the proposed glass’s VLT, the need for artificial lighting in the complex was reduced, thus resulting in decreased use of electricity.
  3. Better aesthetics: The Blue shade of AIS Ecosense Enhance brought a refreshing sense of décor to the complex and was widely appreciated by the client.
  4. ECBC compliance: AIS Ecosense Enhance met all the strict energy efficiency norms without any hassle.

This was a significant victory for AIS and also the world of glass – thus reconfirming the critical role glass can play in building green buildings of the future.


A Complete Guide On How Glass is Made

The art of manufacturing glass is an old one. It was a process that has been refined for thousands of years. With technology becoming increasingly advanced, glass manufacturers have begun producing float glass that is much sturdier, durable and compatible with glass processing procedures of lamination, tempering, acid etching, sandblasting, etc. Skyscrapers shining with glass windows can be seen everywhere today. Homes with large French windows are in-trend. Glass partitions and shower walls are common to almost all homes today. Everything from cars to mobile phones utilizes glass.

History of Making Glass

The art of making glass can be traced back to 2600 BC in Mesopotamia. Egyptians practised making glass around 2500 BC. Artificial glass first appeared in the Egyptian or the Mesopotamian civilization, whereas they used tools made out of volcanic glass obsidian in the Stone Age. Ancient China, however, discovered how to make glass a little later.

Glass beads are known to be one of the earliest products made out of glass. Their creation is thought to be primarily accidental. In the later Bronze Age, glassmaking came to a halt. Glass was a luxury material back then.

Archaeological excavations suggest the use of glass in England during the middle ages. In the 10th century, stained glass found a place in cathedrals and windows of palaces. After the Renaissance, architectural methods changed substantially, leading to a decrease in stained glass as a building material. Domestic use of glass increased following the industrial revolution. Vessels, glass windows, and glass beads gained popularity in Europe during this period. During the 19th century, many people preferred glass windows and doors as a decorative option. In the late 19th century, some designers brought back stained glass in decorative windows. It was during this period that Mr Tiffany discovered several methods to make domed glass handicrafts.

People discovered the true versatility of using glass as a building material only in the 20th century. With glassmaking technology receiving an industrial boom, you could produce several different types of glass. Toughened glass, laminated glass, bulletproof glass, and smart glass all boosted the use of glass in buildings. Today, several skyscrapers, small and big homes, and offices use glass in almost all aspects of construction and design.

How Glass is made?

At Asahi India Glass Ltd., the highest quality glass manufacturing techniques are used to produce the perfect sheets of float glass. The method used is the PPG process that Sir Alistair Pilkington discovered in 1952 and is still the most trusted float glass manufacturing process. Naturally, it has many steps involved in it, and at each stage, great care is taken to be precise and thorough with the production of glass.

From selecting the right type and ratios of ingredients for glass to assimilating them all scientifically to produce glass as we know it, here we answer the question of how is glass made through a step-by-step process:

1. Melting and Refining

To make clear glass, need the right set of raw materials is required. This consists of silica sand (SiO2), sodium oxide (Na2O) from soda ash, calcium oxide (CaO) from limestone/dolomite, dolomite (MgO), and feldspar (Al2O3). These ingredients are mixed in the right proportion, and the entire batch is flown into a furnace heated to 1500 degrees Celsius.

To impart colour to the glass, certain metal oxides are also mixed in the batch.

2. Float bath

The molten material from the furnace flows into the float bath, consisting of a mirror-like surface made from molten tin. This material enters the bath at 1500 degrees Celsius and leaves the bath at around 650 degrees Celsius. Its shape at the exit is like a solid ribbon.

3. Coating for reflective glass

After that, if one is producing reflective glass surfaces that help keep indoors cooler, then coating procedures are followed in which either a hard coat or a soft coat is applied on the surface of the cooled ribbon at high temperatures.

4. Annealing

Next, a process called annealing is done to remove the internal stresses built up in the glass. This process allows the glass ribbon to pass through a layer that eliminates any pressures on the glass surface and gradually cools it to give it its final hardened form. This makes it easier to cut the glass and shape it accordingly.

5. Inspecting

More than 100 million inspections can be made through acute and advanced inspection technology throughout the glass manufacturing procedure to identify air bubbles, stresses, or grains of sand that refuse to melt. This is essential in quality-proofing the final form of glass.

6. Cutting to order

Finally, diamond steels are used to trim and cut the glass ribbons into square shapes.

What Are Different Types of Glass?

Since glass has a wide variety of applications, it is of different types. Each of these varies in strength and design. In homes and offices, glass is used in everything from large windows to partitions and shower walls. New technology has enabled manufacturers to overcome the typical weaknesses of glass – brittleness, constant transparency and complete lack of sound control.

Based on the raw materials used, glass can be classified into the following types.

1. Fused Quartz or fused silica glass

This type of glass is highly resistant to weathering. Its molecules are arranged randomly. This type of glass is used in tube lights and furnaces.

2. Soda-lime silica glass

This type of glass is commonly used in windows and is one of the most prevalent types of glass made anywhere in the world.

3. Sodium Borosilicate glass

In this type of glass, boron oxide is added. It makes the glass less prone to cracking. It is primarily used to make lab equipment and kitchenware.

4. Lead Oxide Glass

Lead oxide glass has high reflective properties, making it a favourite of jewellery makers. Its crystals reflect light brilliantly.

5. Clear Glass

Also famous as float glass, clear glass offers extreme clarity and transparency for unobstructed views, making it the go-to choice for panoramic windows.

6. Tinted Glass

Commonly known as annealed glass, tinted glass is manufactured with a coating or a film to impart its colour and reduce light transmission.

Types of value-added Glass:

Apart from these, ordinary glass has been updated to accommodate various design choices to add value basis your glass needs. Some of the most unique and beneficial value-added glasses include the following.

1. Smart Glass

Smart glass, essentially a privacy solution, is a type of glass that can change its opacity at the click of a button. This type of glass is generally made using ions sandwiched between different glass layers. On the application of electric current, these ions shift positions to change the opacity of glass. Smart glass is widely used in both residential and commercial buildings. Smart glass, like AIS Swytchglass, is also considered to be ecologically efficient due to its ability to prevent/allow lighting and heat in a room.

2. Acoustic Glass

Like the name suggests, acoustic glass is used to control sound inside a room; thus, taking care of appropriate decibel needs or sound-control needs. It is the trendiest method to soundproof a living space or a commercial office. Acoustic glass is widely used in homes, recording studios and private offices. This type of glass is optimum for people who do not wish for bulky soundproofing.

3. Frosted Glass

Frosted glass is a privacy-solution value-added glass. It is not entirely transparent, which means it gives the benefit of privacy and partial visibility. It can be used in windows and partitions. Shower screens, doors, cabinet shelves and false ceilings also employ frosted glass. Frosted glass is used primarily by people desiring privacy, but it can also be a design choice. AIS Krystal Frosted Glass is the perfect way to ensure privacy while adding an aesthetic appeal to your living space.

4. Energy Efficient Glass

Energy-efficient glass is used in eco-friendly buildings to maintain a balance between aesthetics and eco-consciousness. It focuses on saving energy as it works by preventing or allowing solar radiation inside a room. AIS Ecosense is an energy-efficient glass curated, especially for Indian customers. AIS Ecosense enables a place to stay bright and fresh by limiting the solar energy entering a room. It comes in different varieties and can be used in both exterior and interior architecture.

Apart from these, several other glass types are used frequently in various industries. These include automotive glass, decorative glass, back-painted glass and laminated glass. Regardless of the sort, glass is a true blessing to humankind.

Uses of Glass in construction and architecture

Over the years, glass has characterized modern architecture like no other material. Glass materials distinguish the look and feel of facades and have a crucial involvement in the energy efficiency of buildings.

The usage of glass in the commercial and residential sectors is increasing by leaps and bounds. This versatile material is now considered a symbol of affluence and luxury and gradually becomes an architect’s favourite.

Types of glass used in architecture

When it comes to architecture and design, glass offers various styles, such as tinted, float, double-glazed, solar control, etc. Each possesses qualities of its own.

Advantages of glass in architecture

Glass can make infrastructure look more stunning and sophisticated. That usage of glass in construction adds beauty to the building. Its use achieves the architectural view for external decoration. When used in the interiors, glass saves space too.

Glass cladding in buildings carries out the functional requirement of heat retention, lighting and energy-saving. It also adds a sense of ingenuousness and harmony to any surrounding.

How are AIS glass solutions different from the rest?

We offer various solutions depending on the need of your project and provide customized solutions to cater to your every need in a glass. We have products that are five times stronger than ordinary glass in the market. They allow architects and contractors to build the best architectural designs.

Why should you choose AIS Glass?

Design and durability:

By opting for AIS glass solutions, you are guaranteed to get designs that are durable, aesthetically pleasing and flexible in nature.

Safety and Security:

Our glass solutions offer better safety and security that make them the best option for use in high-security places.

Noise reduction:

Modern homeowners can also use our solutions to control sound levels and act as an effective insulator. If your office or home is situated near a busy market, railway station or airport, these solutions can be vital in keeping the sound out.

AIS Glass is India’s leading integrated glass manufacturing company, serving automotive, architectural, and consumer glass industries. We have over 13 glass sub-assembly units and pride ourselves in being a top-class glass. Our products are made with finesse and are customized according to the needs of our customers. Our innovative glass solutions include acoustic glass, AIS Swytchglass, AIS Securityglass, and AIS Décor. Our experts manufacture, shop and install your desired glass types and observe perfect standards in doing so. With AIS Glass, you can venture into a world of glass solutions meant to transform your lifestyle.

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