
5 Design Tips to Use Mirrors for Interior Design

Isn’t it astounding how a mirror entirely amps up a space by providing it dimension and depth? From energy to luxury to the visual tricks, mirrors with bespoke designs can make a massive difference in the overall appearance of any room. Besides, given the handiness of mirrors, we take the liberty to say — mirrors are highly underrated interior decor pieces.

Below are five of our top design tips to put mirror glass to use for accentuating the beauty of your space while making the most out of them.

Placement is Key

When decorating your home with mirror glass, you don’t wish to miss any opportunity to squeeze the maximum out of this sparkly and one-of-its-kind décor piece. So, it all comes down to where and how you place a mirror.

The height at which the mirror is installed in conjunction with what it reflects, greatly influence the visual appeal of the space. If the mirror glass, for example, reflects a sloping ceiling, it is not the most flattering sight to behold. So, use mirrors to deflect attention away from any awkward or unpleasing spot of the room. Place it thoughtfully at a height to emphasise more on the plus points of the room. When placed strategically, they can become statement fillers in small but significant places that are too tiny for a piece of furniture.

Let There be Space!

For those of you looking for space and light, mirror glass turns out to be of use when installed in a small room or a narrow corridor. Go with oversize mirrors or other large wall mirrors to capture as much light as possible to give an expansive illusion to the room. In fact, mirrors can be placed as windows in a windowless room to make it brighter and instantly bigger.

Adding mirrors make light and images bounce off from different angles them and thus, imparting a sense of space in the interiors. A mirror distributes space and light in a way that contributes to the depth and energy of the room. This makes rooms look bigger and more spacious than they actually are.

Make the Mirror the Centre of All Attention

Without a shiny console or opulent furniture, a room tends to look dull and uninteresting. So, an essentially bare room can benefit from mirror glass as its architectural focal point.

A large mirror with an extensive frame can offer drama and playfulness to the room. While a more modern and distinct look can be achieved with a round mirror, for example, having golden or metallic detailing giving off that vintage vibe. Also, if the room has some focal point, a well-placed mirror can exaggerate its effect. Nonetheless, it is for you to decide how you wish to style the space to balance out all the elements of the room.

Besides, when it comes to decorative art, mirrors with unique and eccentric frames can well substitute paintings. Invest in lavish and fancy-framed mirrors to exude elegance, luxury, and style.

Breathe Life into Those Dingy Corners

Most of us have a room in our house or office that has windows brightening up the entire room, except for one particular corner of the room. This is where you can bring mirrors into the picture. See the light bouncing in the room when you install mirror glass behind a lamp or with mirrored wall art/furniture.

Besides, you can not only make use of artificial lights but can also exploit natural lighting with mirrors. Positioning a mirror opposite the window enables the outdoor scenery to reflect on the mirror, which illuminates the space while producing a scenic viewpoint. However, to ensure the longevity of the reflective surface of the mirror, make sure sunlight doesn’t dawn upon it directly.

With the thoughtful placement of mirrors, you can achieve a luminous and warm ambience. Invest in a frameless polished mirror or a sizable vintage-styled mirror glass, and you can thank us later.

Play around with Geometric Shapes

Traditional rectangular mirror glass is an all-time classic. But you must not shy away from experimenting with different shapes, sizes, and colours of mirrors.

The decor of your space is a representation of your unique taste and personality. So, if sobriety is your calling, go with a bevelled mirror or a large round unframed mirror.  On the other hand, if you like going overboard with your interiors, then help yourself with opulent and eccentric mirrors in unusual shapes. The point is — mirrors are not bound to have practical use always. Enhancing your house or office with eccentric mirrors can be the aesthetic highlight of the space as well.

Apart from using mirror glass to reflect our faces, there are more than a few ways to decorate and utilise any space with them. Contact AIS Glass today and design your room with mirrors that align with the interiors of the room to complement its decor. Our AIS Mirror is 100% distortion-free, eco-friendly, and incredibly long-lasting with a high precision flatness for true-to-size images.

So, get in touch with us today!


Sparkling Mirror Glass Ideas for Your Living Space

“Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest.” Since the time of Shakespeare, mirrors or reflective glass surfaces have enjoyed a unique pedestal – that of being the centre of sonnets and lyrical verses. Perhaps what must have fascinated these poets and literary artists is the shimmer and shine of these important vanity pieces wherein one can see themselves crystal-clear.

Important as they have been in their role of letting many a maiden know whether they’re the “fairest of them all,” contemporary mirror glass’ usage is not merely limited to the realm of vanity. Today, mirrors are crucial architectural and interior design focal points, which, when used strategically, can render an other-worldly charm to a space.

So, what does it take to transform your living space from drab to fab? In this case, some sparkling mirror glass, an expert designer at-hand, and a few fun ideas as those mentioned below. Take a look.

Oh Vanity of Vanities, Desire!

Dear vanity, we know you’re a deceptive friend and a faithful foe, yet what would we do without you! Before you dread hearing about a vanity mirror, first things first – nobody’s asking you to go bland and uninspiring with your vanity mirror décor! Go for classic round mirrors to soften sharp angles or highlight the sparkle of your mirror glass with a gilded frame. However, if you wish to go all out with your vanity mirror décor, the ideal option is to opt for an eye-catching sculptural frame that can double as art or antique vintage mirrors that may transport you back to the time of the Victorian aristocrats, the lucky few to enjoy staring at their reflections all day long. Finally, maybe you’re among those who do not shy away from some drama. If yes, then install some LED or marquee lights around the vanity setup for a significant luxe-contemporary vibe. Plus, with such a setup, you can apply your makeup better!

Ah! Let a Sparkling Mirror Greet the Guests

Depending on the orientation, placement, design, shape and size, a mirror can be used for various purposes, the primary of which is opening up spaces and creating the illusion of a larger surface area. Does your living area open up to a narrow hallway? There’s no need to starve for space when you can mock-create more with the help of sparkling mirror glass! Incline a tall mirror, perhaps, floor-to-ceiling against the wall that directly faces the hallway entrance. However, in case you need a little more edge, how about installing various small mirrors along the entire length of the hallway? 

Moreover, sparkling mirrors for such fixtures would go best with accompaniments like a tall flower vase, matching analogue clock, indoor plants, etc. You can also go for a set of oblong or misshapen mirrors to create a lasting first impression on the visitor. Smart placement of unconventionally-shaped mirrors with multiple eccentric edges can go a long way in elevating your hallway space and making it more enticing.

Let Your Bedroom Come to Life!

You do not want your most intimate space to be the one where you’re the only one that’s alive; let your bedroom come to life and have a mind and personality of its own! By placing a mirror in unconventional spots, you can give a quick overhaul to your bedroom’s appearance. Not only does this facilitate productivity but also creates a positive environment where all your chakras can function at their optimal.

One way to do this can be by using a long rectangular sparkling mirror glass to reflect light. Do not be afraid of innovation, as you can often be pleasantly surprised by the results. By pointing the oversized mirror glass towards an open window, you can bring in more natural light, making the space brighter, more cheery and pleasant in general. You can also install a sparkling mirror glass backed by LED lights to act as a soothing replacement for a night light and give a surreal vibe to your room.

Take a 180° Turn on Style

Want to make your house stand apart in terms of décor? How about installing sparkling mirror glass just above the fireplace? Too eccentric? Then, play it safe by incorporating mirror glass along the full-length of doors. Use mirrored table-tops or maybe get a custom-made cabinet or stand made purely of mirror glass. Words simply can’t create the magic that you will feel in-person!

No matter what you do, don’t be afraid of going a little overboard or unconventional as mirror glass provides plenty of room for creativity.

Choose AIS Mirror for One-of-its-Kind Designing Needs

To help you create the most stunning living space, AIS Glass is here at your rescue! Our AIS Mirror is a 100% distortion-free glass with an even surface for the best reflections. It is eco-friendly and sturdy enough to last you for generations. Get custom-cut mirror glass for all your designing needs! Get in touch with AIS Glass today.


Challenges Faced While Selecting a Right Smart Glass Supplier

Innovation is not merely limited to the realm of data science and electronics. The same has seeped into every nook and cranny of modern society; even the architectural industry is being disrupted by one-of-their-kind, marvellous technological advancements that were unheard of even a decade ago.

One such advancement is termed as ‘smart or switchable glass.’ This glass solution uses electricity to change its opacity levels. This dynamic, multi-functional glass type focuses on serving the on-demand privacy needs of the buyer.

Though a relatively new solution, smart glass is already being showered by loads of love and appreciation, the fact that it is becoming so popular among Indian architects, interior designers, and homeowners bears testimony. However, one may face challenges in choosing the right smart glass supplier. Read more to find out.

How Does Smart Glass Work?

Switchable or smart glass works by using active light control technology called the PDLC or Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal technology. It comprises a smart film interlayer that consists of randomly dispersed particles. In the absence of an electric current, the electrons lie scattered, thus blocking the passage of light, but when an electric current is passed, the particles get polarized and arrange themselves in a straight line. This facilitates the passage of light. Thus, the glass turns from opaque to transparent on the flick of a switch.

Challenges in Selecting the Right Smart Glass Supplier

While buying smart glass, customers face a lot of challenges as this is still an upcoming technology and is yet to become popular in the mainstream. Due to its obscurity, customers – especially the ones buying for personal needs – can be hesitant in trusting the smart glass supplier. Here are some of the most common challenges faced by customers while looking for the right smart glass supplier.

Being Clueless about the Product

This is the most common hurdle faced by customers, especially when it comes to smart glass. The smart glass market is relatively new in India, and there is a pressing need to educate more people about the availability of such an innovative and functional glass solution. 

The first and foremost thing that you need to do as a potential smart glass buyer is to develop a basic understanding of the pros and cons of the product. Lack of awareness in a niche technological product can become a setback later on. You should consider hiring experts or taking assistance from the company to understand the product fully.

So, the first checkbox to tick is to keep an eye for a smart glass supplier that does not shy away from giving you a thorough knowledge of the product they’re selling.

Ambiguities Regarding the ‘Value-for-Money’ Aspect

While we understand that money may not be an issue, but ensuring that the product you’re purchasing gives full value for the money you’re investing, is crucial. To get fair prices, you should be aware of the market price and do your research well. However, do not make the mistake of equating value-for-money with the lowest price around, but the right balance of quality, reliability, and the money that goes into procuring the product.

Half-Baked Knowledge about the Chosen Supplier

It is crucial to have a clear understanding of the services, reputation, and other aspects of the supplying company in detail. In addition to this, customers should create specific, detailed, in-depth criteria regarding their needs to get the best out of the supplier. Inadequate information can lead to misunderstandings and bad business relations.

Further, smart glass is manufactured in a variety of ways; it is imperative that you ask your supplier regarding their manufacturing processes, usage, number of working cycles, and more so that you do not end up causing any defects with your product. Also, this undoubtedly helps in knowing your smart glass supplier and their practices better.

Besides those mentioned above, it is also important to quiz your smart glass supplier on the variety of shades and sizes in which they offer their product. As important as it is to derive the best of smart glass functionality, it is equally essential to get the aesthetic rush you’re looking for. Choose a smart glass supplier who has a wide brand reach, positive reviews, and testimonies, offers customisable services, and end-to-end support.

End Your Search for the Best Smart Glass Supplier with AIS Glass!

Looking for a reliable and experienced smart glass supplier? Look no further than AIS Glass! We are the industry leaders in supplying architectural glass for all your aesthetic and functional needs – privacy (on-demand), security, energy-efficiency, and acoustic insulation. Our smart AIS Swytchglas turns from transparent to opaque and vice-versa in just less than 10 microseconds, blocks up to 50% light in its ‘Off Mode,’ and lasts for a minimum of 20,000 cycles.

Our expert team will assist you every step of the way, right from the time of product choice up until installation, even with post-installation services. And what’s more, is that we will thoroughly educate you on our smart glass and its operation. For bespoke smart glass solutions, contact us today!

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