
Key Features of Float Glass

Float glass is a versatile and widely used type of glass that has gained popularity due to its exceptional properties. Its superior flatness and clarity, combined with its durability and adaptability, make it an invaluable material in industries like construction, automotive and consumer goods.  

This comprehensive guide aims to explore the key features of float glass, delving into its composition, manufacturing process and various applications to provide a deeper understanding of what makes it such a preferred choice across industries.  

What is Float Glass? 

Float glass is a type of flat glass produced through the unique process of pouring molten glass onto a bath of liquid tin. Due to its lower density, the molten glass floats. This process ensures an exceptionally smooth, bubble-free surface.  

After this, the Pilkington Process is used. This involves carefully controlling the atmosphere within the chamber to shape the glass. The upper surface of the glass, known as the air side, is polished with fire. The lower surface, known as the tone side, remains unpolished. After cooling in an oven, the glass emerges as a flat and continuous ribbon that is ready to be cut to size.  

This float glass is then processed for use in various applications, including windows, doors, and other products that require flat, distortion-free glass.  

Key Features of Float Glass: 

1. Clarity 

Float glass is well known for its high clarity and transparency. Its ability to transmit light effectively makes it an ideal material for windows, allowing natural light to enter buildings. Furthermore, the clarity of float glass is essential in applications where visibility is needed, such as in display cases, shop windows and aquariums.  

The crystal-clear appearance of float glass enhances the aesthetic appeal of structures and products.  

2. Durability and Strength  

Despite its delicate appearance, float glass is surprisingly strong. It can withstand significant pressure and impact, making it suitable for various applications. In the construction industry, float glass is used in structural elements such as curtain walls and skylights, where it must withstand external forces. Additionally, in the automotive industry, after processing float glass is used in windshields as laminated glass and tempered glass for side windows, where it must protect occupants from potential hazards.  

3. Flatness 

One of the most prominent features of float glass is its exceptional flatness. The unique manufacturing process ensures that the glass sheet is remarkably even and free from any distortions or undulations. This flatness is crucial in various applications, particularly in the construction industry.  

For example, in windows and doors, flatness is essential for unobstructed vows and proper sealing. Additionally, in mirrors and other reflective surfaces, flatness is critical to prevent image distortion.  

4. UV Protection and Thermal Stability 

Float glass naturally blocks some amount of harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. This property is essential in applications where protection from UV radiation is required, such as windows and skylights. Float glass also possesses excellent thermal stability. It can withstand temperature fluctuations without cracking or breaking, making it ideal for applications where the glass may be exposed to varying temperatures.  

5. Versatility 

Beyond its strength and durability, float glass stands out for its adaptability. It can be manufactured in a wide range of thicknesses, with standard market sizes available in 2 mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, and 12mm 

This versatility helps it cater to delicate applications as well as robust uses while maintaining its durability and aesthetic. From crystal clear to various tints and reflective coatings, float glass can be customised for aesthetics and functionality.  


Float glass’s ability to withstand pressure, impact and temperatures, along with its beautiful aesthetics, makes it an ideal choice for applications ranging from automotive glass to windows and doors in living and office spaces.  

If you are looking for aesthetics coupled with functional benefits, AIS Glass is the perfect choice for your glass and window solutions. Not only does AIS offer pleasing designs and versatile options of float glass, but it also ensures that you can create the perfect space for your homes and offices.  

Moreover, AIS’s expert guidance will always support your planning right from the initial selection process! Elevate your spaces with AIS and book a consultation today.   


How to Install Smart Glass: Key Points to Consider for Glass Installers

Smart glass is one of the newest and most famous inventions in the glass industry. One of the main reasons behind the popularity of smart glass or switchable glass is its ability to change its optical properties with the help of an electric switch. 

Moreover, the flexibility, control, energy efficiency and privacy provided by smart glass also contribute to its increasing usage. 

Considering this, it becomes necessary to highlight the key points you must consider when installing a smart glass. 

This guide will provide you with the right approach to installing a smart glass, ensuring a successful installation with a flawless finish. 

Smart Glass Installation: Critical Points to Consider as a Glass Installer 

1. Understanding the Smart Glass Module 

Before starting the installation process, you must analyse the components of the smart glass in question. 

For this, you need to check the power supply and wiring system and plan the position of the glass in such a way that the electrician can easily access and set up the wiring. 

2. Wearing Glass Protective Gear 

The most important step in the smart glass installation process is to wear protective gear, such as gloves and safety glasses. This will ensure that your hands and eyes remain protected throughout the smart glass installation. 

3. Handling the Smart Glass 

Similar to standard glass, smart glass is also a delicate material. Therefore, it is suggested that you read and follow the storing and handling instructions provided by the glass manufacturer. 

Some common suggestions that you must follow are: 

  • Do not take the smart glass out of the box by sliding it. Lift it out very carefully to avoid damaging it. 
  • After taking out the glass, place it on a cushioned surface. 
  • Do not lift the smart glass using the wires and connectors placed on the glass. 

Pre-Installation Checklist 

Before installing the frame and profiles, inspect the area where the glass will be installed. 

Ensure that the required materials and enough electricity points are present at the site to avoid potential technical faults and delays. Also, check if the project has any special installation needs. 

Moreover, ensure that the place where you are going to install the smart glass is not exposed to direct sunlight or excessive heat. This will help you maximise the lifespan of the glass. 

5. Positioning the Smart Glass 

Once you have unpacked the smart glass and checked the necessary materials, you can start the installation process. 

To ensure the correct installation of the smart glass, use the standard setting blocks and locate them at a quarter point of the glass, ensuring that the distance between the setting blocks and the glass corner is at least 150mm.  

Now, position the smart glass on the setting blocks and ensure they are supporting the glass properly. 

Use a silicone adhesive to seal the glass on the surface securely. When choosing the sealant, make sure that you only select a neutral cure silicone instead of acetic silicone. This will help you avoid scratching or damaging the glass during installation. 

Note: When placing the glass on the frame, do not apply excessive pressure, as it can result in glass deformation or smart film delamination. 

6. Post-Installation Cleaning Tips 

  • Ensure that the glass edges are properly sealed and protected from moisture exposure. 
  • Switch off the electrical connection of the smart glass before cleaning it. 
  • Do not directly spray the cleaning solution on the glass surface. Spray it on a lint-free microfiber cloth to ensure that the liquid does not penetrate under the glass film, rim casket or profile. 

Coming to an End 

Whether you are a seasoned or novice smart glass installer, installing a smart glass requires you to understand the basics of smart glass technology. By following the points mentioned in this guide, you can install a smart glass safely. 

However, in addition to the following important tips, it is essential that you choose a reliable and experienced smart glass solutions company – AIS Glass. 

AIS Glass offers smart glass solutions that activate in less than 10 microseconds and are available in a variety of colour tints crafted to meet your spaces’ aesthetic demands. 

So, what are you waiting for? Explore our Swytchglas range and experience effortless privacy at the tap of a button. 


All You Need to Know About Acoustic Glass

We all want peace and a retreat from outside noise, which usually enters our homes or offices through doors and windows. Urban living, however, is inherently noisy, with sounds from highways, metros, and nightclubs often blending into the background. Yet, these noises can significantly affect our quality of life. 

This is where acoustic glass steps in to offer you optimal sound insulation and shield you from unwanted noise entering your home, office and even car. 

In this blog, we will take a closer look at the features, benefits and applications of acoustic glass and explore how this unique soundproofing solution can be beneficial for you. 

What is Acoustic Glass? 

Acoustic glass is a laminated glass developed for effective sound insulation in environments having high noise levels. This glass is produced by applying heat and pressure to glass plates and a sound-absorbing PVB (Polyvinyl Butyral) interlayer. 

Thanks to this combination, the acoustic glass absorbs the sound vibrations and outside noise. 

Along with contributing to sound insulation and reducing noise transmission, acoustic glass also adds modern aesthetics to the place. 

How Does Acoustic Glass Make a Difference? 

1. Reduced Noise 

Living in a noisy environment can aggravate stress levels and cause discomfort. Acoustic windows and doors allow home and office owners to effectively isolate the external noise and create a more serene atmosphere. 

2. Thermal Insulation 

No matter the time of year, acoustic glasses can maintain interior temperatures and limit heat loss in your home. This feature helps trap heat in the room and prevent cold air from passing through the windows or doors during the winter season. 

3. Energy-Efficiency 

Apart from being a sound insulator, acoustic glass is also a great tool for preventing heat loss during winter. By acting like a barrier, acoustic glass keeps the warm air in and cold air out, leading to reduced energy consumption. In warmer climates, it can also help keep cool air in, enhancing the overall efficiency of your space. 

4. Shock Resistance 

Acoustic glass offers impressive mechanical resistance, making it perfect for ensuring both your safety and the security of your property. In addition, this glass does not break easily and remains intact in the event of an intentional or accidental impact. 

5. Increased Security 

The acoustic glass’s robust construction offers security as it is much more difficult to break than regular glass. This makes it an excellent choice for enhanced safety of your property.  

Applications of Acoustic Glass 

1. Windows 

Thanks to the latest advancements and modern techniques, acoustic glass windows are considered a perfect option for designing bright environments, along with the possibility of high-quality soundproofing. 

Acoustic glass is suitable for both residential and commercial buildings and plays a key role in preventing the entry of unpleasant noises in homes and offices. 

2. Doors 

Having doors with acoustic glass helps reduce the noise level and improve the energy efficiency of a building without losing its aesthetics. This helps in lowering the electricity bills and contributes to continuous savings. 

Acoustic glass doors in offices also improve productivity, reduce distractions, increase comfort and enhance privacy, eliminating the risk of sensitive information being overheard. 

3. Car Windscreens 

Noise inside a car while driving causes certain inconveniences to the driver and passengers. Acoustic car windscreens help reduce the sound and vibration of airflow hitting the windshield, running engine and rustling tyres, providing better comfort. 

The installation of acoustic windscreens contributes to lower noise levels inside the car, which in turn results in an enhanced experience, allowing you to take phone calls, enjoy music or have conversations during your journey. 

Wrapping it Up 

Windows and doors are among the most important elements of architecture because they directly connect the interior and exterior of the building. 

Therefore, choosing windows and doors made with modern and high-quality materials, such as acoustic glass, becomes essential to ensure that you can relax or work in a quiet and comfortable space. 

AIS Glass offers one of the best acoustic glass solutions, including doors, windows and even car windscreens which help improve the overall quality of life. 

So, if you are looking for peace and comfort in your home or office, contact the experts at AIS Glass and soundproof your home with our high-quality acoustic glass windows and doors at an affordable rate. 


What Are the Types of Security Glass?

Security glass is a specialised type of glass that is designed to provide enhanced safety and protection against various threats, including physical impact, forced entry and vandalism. Its strength and durability make it an essential component, particularly for commercial buildings, residential homes and public spaces where safety and security are of great importance.  

Incorporating security glass into structures can significantly reduce the risk of property damage, loss and personal injury. This guide explores the various types of security glass available, their unique characteristics and how they cater to various needs depending on their applications.  

Security Glass Types  

Bullet Resistant Glass 

Bullet Resistant glass, also known as ballistic glass, is specifically designed to withstand the impact of projectiles such as bullets or shrapnel. It is commonly used in high-security areas, such as banks, government buildings and armoured vehicles.  

Bulletproof glass is typically made using multiple layers of glass separated by laminated interlayers. The number of layers and the thickness of the glass determine the level of protection provided by the glass.  

Laminated Glass 

Laminated glass is composed of two or more sheets of glass bonded together with a plastic interlayer, usually PVB or SGP. The interlayer acts as a barrier, preventing the glass from shattering into sharp fragments even when broken. This property makes laminated glass ideal for applications where safety is of great importance, such as car windshields, windows in high-traffic areas and skylights. 

In addition to its shatter-resistant properties, laminated glass also offers other benefits. It can be used to reduce noise transmission, provide UV protection and even serve as a fire-resistant barrier when combined with appropriate interlayers.  

Tempered Glass 

Tempered glass is a strong and durable type of safety glass. It is produced by quickly cooling the glass after heating it to high temperatures. This process creates internal stresses that make it more resistant to breakage.  

Upon breaking, unlike normal glass that shatters into sharp shards, tempered glass shatters into small, cubical fragments. This reduces the risk of injury and makes tempered glass a popular choice for applications such as shower doors, sliding doors and tabletops.  

Heat Strengthened Glass 

Heat-strengthened glass shares some similarities with tempered glass. It undergoes a thermal treatment process that involves heating the glass to a high temperature and then rapidly cooling it. However, the cooling process is less drastic compared to tempered glass. This creates a different internal stress pattern, which results in increased strength compared to regular annealed glass but not to the same extent as tempered glass.   

Wired Glass 

Wired glass is a type of safety glass that has a metal wire mesh embedded within its structure. The wire mesh provides additional strength and helps to prevent the glass from shattering into large pieces in case of a fire or forced entry.  

Wired glass is commonly used in doors and windows of fire-related buildings, as it can help to contain a fire and delay its spread. It is also used in areas where there is a risk of vandalism or burglary.  

Acoustic Glass 

Acoustic glass, also known as soundproof glass, is designed to reduce noise transmission. It is often used in areas where noise pollution is a concern, such as offices, homes and hotels. Acoustic glass is typically constructed using laminated glass with special interlayers that absorb sound waves. The thickness of the glass and the type of interlayer used will determine the level of sound insulation that the glass provides.   


Security glass offers a versatile solution for enhancing safety and protection in various applications. From the high-impact resistance of bulletproof glass to the noise reduction capabilities of acoustic glass, there is a security glass type to suit every need.  

When selecting security glass, it is important to consider factors such as the specific threats you want to protect against, the desired level of protection and your aesthetic preferences. AIS Glass offers a wide range of security glass solutions that cater to all safety requirements.  

This, combined with expert guidance and customisable options, makes AIS Glass stand out as a glass solutions provider and an ideal choice for your security glass needs.  


Advantages of Dark Green UV-Cut Glass in Passenger Vehicles

Dark green UV-cut glass is an automotive glass specifically designed to block harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. It is typically tinted dark green and incorporates special coatings that filter out UV radiation.  

UV rays can cause a variety of health problems, including skin cancer, premature ageing and eye damage. UV protection is particularly important in vehicles, as passengers are often exposed to prolonged periods of sunlight. Dark green UV-cut glass offers a convenient and effective way to shield occupants from these harmful effects while also ensuring legal compliance in India.  

This guide delves into some of the notable advantages of dark green UV-cut glass in passenger vehicles.    

Advantages of Dark Green UV-Cut Glass in Passenger Vehicles  

1. Protection Against UV Rays 

UV rays can cause significant damage to both the interior of your car and your health. Dark green UV-cut glass effectively blocks a substantial portion of these rays, offering several advantages.  

UV rays can accelerate the fading, cracking and discolouration of car interiors. By shielding the interior from these harmful rays, dark green glass helps to maintain its appearance and value over time. This can be particularly important for those who plan to keep their vehicles for many years.  

Excessive UV exposure can increase the risk of skin cancer, premature ageing and other health problems. Dark green UV-cut glass helps to protect passengers from these risks by reducing their exposure to harmful UV radiation.  

2. Reduced Heat and Glare 

One of the most noticeable benefits of dark green UV-cut glass is its ability to reduce heat and glare. This is due to the dark tint, which helps to absorb and reflect sunlight.  

Dark green glass can create a more comfortable interior environment by blocking a significant portion of the sun’s heat, especially during hot weather. This can help reduce the strain on your air conditioning system and improve fuel efficiency.  

Reduced glare from the sun can enhance visibility, making driving safer and less tiring. This is particularly beneficial during bright sunlight or when driving towards the sun.   

3. Enhanced Privacy 

The darker tint of dark green UV-cut glass can provide an added layer of privacy, making it more difficult for people outside the vehicle to see inside. This can be beneficial for passengers who value privacy, especially during personal trips or when parking in public areas.    

4. Energy Efficiency 

Dark green UV-cut glass can reduce the need for excessive air conditioning by keeping the interior cooler. This can lead to improved fuel efficiency and lower emissions, contributing to a more environmentally friendly driving experience.  

5. Aesthetic Appeal  

Dark green UV-cut glass can also enhance your vehicle’s aesthetic appeal. The dark tint can give your car a more sophisticated and stylish look, complementing its overall design. This can be particularly important for those who value their vehicle’s appearance.  

6. Compliance with Regulations  

Along with complying with regulations requiring the tint level of vehicle windows to be 50% for windows and 30% for windshields and rear windows, dark green UV-cut glass also provides the desired level of protection.  

It is important to check laws and regulations to ensure that your choice of tint complies with applicable standards.  


Dark green UV-cut glass offers numerous benefits for passenger vehicles. By effectively blocking harmful UV rays, it protects the vehicle’s interior and its occupants from potential health risks.  

Additionally, its ability to reduce heat and glare enhances comfort and safety. The added privacy it provides can be valuable for personal trips, and its aesthetic appeal enhances the overall look of your vehicle.  

If you are looking for glass solutions with expert guidance and customisable options, AIS Glass is the perfect provider for you. AIS is dedicated to providing high-quality glass products that enhance safety, aesthetics and functionality.  

Book a consultation today to find the ideal glass solutions for your needs with AIS Glass.  


Understanding Fire-Resistant Glass: Types and Applications

As building safety codes evolve to meet new challenges, fire-resistant glass has become an indispensable tool for architects and contractors. However, selecting the right product for your project can be confusing with the various types available. Here, we will focus on widely used varieties—E, EI, and EW glasses—and emerging smart fire-resistant glass technology.  

Read on to learn how the right fire-resistant glass choice can balance visibility, insulation, and life safety in your next build. 

What is Fire-Resistant Glass? 

When building safety is a priority, fire-resistant glass is an important option to consider. This speciality glass undergoes treatment with fire-retardant materials that substantially delay the effects of fire, smoke, and heat. Installed in walls or openings, fire-resistant glass creates a protective barrier containing fires, preventing spreading for longer periods than ordinary glass. 

Those extra minutes can save lives in a fire emergency by giving people time to evacuate safely. The glass also insulates the heat. So, the other side stays cooler and livable for longer than the side that is directly exposed. Properly installed fire-resistant glass works hard to “compartmentalise” damaging fire effects through its specialised resistance technology. 

Which Fire-Resistant Glass to Choose 

AIS Boropane is a robust and heat-resistant glass made with boron trioxide. Even when exposed to high heat from fires, this special glass stays completely see-through instead of getting cloudy or opaque. The boron trioxide, which makes up 15% of the glass, enables it to withstand fire without cracking or breaking. So, Boropane keeps its integrity and transparency if a fire erupts, making it a safer glass product for buildings and other uses. 

Some of the benefits of Boropane glass are: 

  • When temperatures change, Boropane glass expands and contracts less than normal glass. This feature keeps the glass intact even when exposed to high heat. 
  • It stays transparent for 2 hours during fire instead of turning opaque or breaking, giving people more time to exit safely. 
  • Blocks the spread of flames, smoke, and gases during a fire. This prevents more oxygen from feeding the fire and toxic fumes from spreading. 
  • It looks more transparent than regular glass because it contains fewer impurities. It provides better aesthetics for buildings and displays. 
  • Its low soda content makes it 3 times stronger than standard glass. So, it resists cracking from heat or physical impacts. This durability improves safety. 

AIS Pyrobel, a high-quality fire-resistant glass solution designed to minimise the risk of fatalities in case of unexpected fire breakouts. With years of experience providing specialised glass products, AIS understands each building has unique fire safety requirements. 

 Some of the benefits of Pyrobel glass are: 

  • Pyrobel glass is available in bigger custom dimensions than regular glass, enabling large windows or panels as needed by applications. 
  • It demonstrates exceptional light transmission across thickness and substrate options. This enables crystal-clear visibility and brightness. 
  • In addition to fire resistance, Pyrobel glass is durable against mechanical impacts, water penetration, and long-term UV exposure from sunlight. 
  • The panels undergo Heat Soak Testing to eliminate nickel sulfide impurities that can cause spontaneous glass fracture. This ensures long-term reliability. 

Essential Areas for Fire-Rated Glass Application in Home 

  • Entry Doors: Fire-rated glass in front and back doors prevents exterior fires from spreading inside. It also provides extra time to evacuate while limiting smoke infiltration. 
  • Windows: Strategic windows facing fire risks, such as dense bush, should be fitted with fire-rated glass. This might include basement windows or upper-level windows in fire-prone zones. 
  • Interior Openings: Open-floor-plan homes benefit from fire-rated glass divisions between the living room/kitchen and bedroom/hallway openings, which slows internal fire/smoke spread. 
  • Garage Entry: Fires often start accidentally in garages and then spread to the residence. Fire-rated glass doors and windows are critical to compartmentalizing garage fires. 


Selecting the right type of glass for your building’s safety is important. Choosing a type of glass that can protect you from fire and keep you safe is crucial. For help choosing fire-resistant glass for your project, contact the experts at AIS Glass. We can help you choose the most suitable glass for your building and ensure you’re well-protected in case of any fire hazard. 


Facts about Heat Resistant Glass

Glass that can withstand high temperatures has become an integral part of modern life. With it, many of the conveniences we take for granted are possible. This glass allows both heat and light to pass in helpful ways. Read on to uncover some fascinating facts about heat resistant glass. 

What is a Heat-Resistant Glass? 

Heat-resistant glass is designed to withstand extremely high temperatures before failing or allowing heat to pass through. Different types of heat-resistant glass become sturdier as the maximum operating temperature increases, so selecting the appropriate classification and thickness for the heating levels is important. 

Tempered glass, laminated glass, ceramic glass, and soda-lime glass are the most popular forms of heat-resistant glass. Tempered glass is the most commonly used variety. Depending on your needs, you can select the appropriate variety because they all offer distinct characteristics and benefits. 

Facts about Heat Resistant Glass 

Mentioned below are some evident facts about heat-resistant glass: 

1. Types of Heat Resistant Glass 

There are mainly two types: tempered glass and laminated glass. Tempered glass is a single piece of toughened glass, while laminated glass involves bonding two pieces of glass with an interlayer like PVB. Both undergo special manufacturing processes to increase their strength and heat resistance. 

2. Double Layer Protection 

Some heat-resistant glass options protect both sides by using double-sided heat-resistant glass for extra safety. The inner and outer surfaces both maintain integrity at high temperatures, helping to reduce the amount of heat that can pass through overall. 

3. Approvals for Framing Systems 

Leading brands test their heat-resistant glass solutions with common framing material like aluminium frames. Some even offer frameless options for maximum visibility. This helps architects and builders easily integrate the glass into partition and facade designs. 

4. Noise Reduction 

The extra layers in laminated heat-resistant glass provide sound-insulating properties. It can reduce noise transmission by up to 49 decibels, helping maintain quiet indoor spaces even during loud exterior conditions. 

5. Impact and Pressure Resistance 

Heat-resistant varieties are much stronger and almost unbreakable than regular glass, even under high pressure or impact loads. This makes them highly durable and safe for use in high-traffic areas. 

6. Aesthetics and Visibility 

While ensuring maximum safety, leading brands also focus on aesthetics. Their heat-resistant glass solutions maintain clarity and transparency for visibility like regular glass, allowing natural light in without compromising on design. 

The Bottom Line 

Heat-resistant glass provides invaluable protection during extreme temperatures while maintaining visibility and aesthetics. Whether for commercial buildings, industrial facilities, or residential homes, the various types and styles of heat resistant glass maximise safety and insulation from high temperatures. The right heat-resistant glass solution can be configured for any space with options that suit different framing materials, environments, and noise control needs.  

Their strength and resistance to impact only add to their durability. For projects that demand integrity in high-heat areas, sourcing products from a reputed supplier like AIS Glass is the way to go. Our extensive expertise can deliver precisely what you need to safeguard occupants. 


Unlocking the Sky: The Benefits of Sunroof in Cars

A sunroof is an opening in a car’s roof that allows fresh air and sunlight to enter the passenger compartment. Over the last few decades, sunroofs have become an increasingly popular feature in cars, with many models now offering them as standard or optional equipment. There are good reasons for the rising popularity of sunroofs—they provide a number of benefits that enhance the driving experience. 

Read on to learn about these benefits. 

Benefits of Sunroof in Cars 

1. Unique Style 

A car sunroof gives a car a sleek, modern look and feel. The expansive glass panel makes a car seem more spacious, luxurious, and upscale. For car buyers looking to make a style statement, a sunroof is an eye-catching feature that sets a vehicle apart. The glass panel seamlessly blends into the roofline for a smooth, integrated appearance. This aesthetic appeal is reason enough for many drivers to opt for a sunroof. 

2. Innovative Glass 

The glass used in today’s sunroofs is high-tech, engineered specifically for automotive applications. Chemically strengthened or laminated glass makes sunroofs highly resistant to damage from impacts, pressure and even minor collisions. Special coatings reduce glare and heat transmittance. Electrochromic glass sunroofs can change from transparent to opaque at the touch of a button. Advanced glass technology gives sunroofs strength, solar protection, and user control that previous generations did not offer. 

3. Functional Design 

Contemporary car sunroofs utilise intelligent design to maximise their utility. Streamlined shapes, flush-mounted glass panels, and wind deflectors enable sunroofs to open or tilt up even at highway speeds with minimal wind noise or air turbulence in the cabin. Many sunroofs feature large openings that ventilate the interior far more effectively than conventional windows. The latest dual pane designs provide ventilation while closed. Sunroofs may have shades, screens, and other features that can be used to customise airflow. 

4. Automatic Operation 

For convenience, most current factory sunroofs offer power operation as standard equipment. Motors and drive mechanisms smoothly open, close, tilt and adjust the glass panel at the push of a button—no manual cranking or pushing up on the glass. High-end cars may even have sunroofs that open automatically when it rains or close when sensors detect the interior is getting too hot. Automatic climate control synced with the sunroof maintains perfect cabin temperatures. The hands-free operation makes sunroofs easier to use. 

5. Adjustable Positioning 

Versatile car sunroofs allow occupants to fine-tune airflow. Occupants can fully open the glass for maximum ventilation, partially open it to any desired position, or tilt it up for fresh air. Manual sunshade screens provide further adjustability by blocking sunlight when desired. Customising ventilation and lighting levels makes sunroofs more comfortable in nearly any driving conditions. Whether it is an early spring day or a frosty morning, the interior ambience can be tailored through sunroof adjustments. 

6. Enhanced Driving Pleasure 

For many drivers, a key reason to add a sunroof is to make time spent in the vehicle more pleasant. Opening the sunroof quickly airs out the cabin, creating an enjoyable, open-air driving experience. The sunlight streaming in gives the interior a bright, expansive feel. Even small sunroof openings allow fresh breezes to circulate, keeping the climate inside comfortable on hot days. Looking up through the glass for long drives or daily commutes helps prevent that closed-in feeling. Sunroofs can make driving more relaxing and enjoyable by enhancing comfort and reducing driver fatigue. 


With their abundant natural light, ventilation, and aesthetically pleasing design, it is no mystery why sunroofs are appearing on more new vehicles. They create an open, airy environment that makes time spent in the car more pleasant. Continual engineering advances make modern factory sunroofs even more attractive options. For many buyers, unlocking the sky with the added enjoyment and functionality a sunroof provides makes the expense worthwhile. 

Contact AIS Glass to learn more about car sunroof. 


Tips for Upgrading Your Home with Energy-Efficient Glass

Upgrading your home with energy-efficient windows is one of the wisest investments you can make as a homeowner. High-performance glass can lower energy bills, improve comfort, reduce moisture condensation and outside noise, and potentially boost resale value down the road. With many window glass options on the market today, it can get overwhelming trying to pick the right solution for your needs and budget. Here, we’ll discuss energy efficient glass and tips for upgrading your home with it. 

What is Energy Efficient Glass? 

Energy efficient glass refers to double or triple-glazed window panes with special coatings and gases injected between them to slow heat transfer. Compared to regular single-pane windows, which lose heat rapidly, energy-efficient ones have higher insulation ratings (measured in R-values), so they do a superior job of retaining interior air temperature. There are different technologies available – some types, like Low-E glass, have metallic coatings that reflect heat into a room during cold weather and outward on hot days.  

Others are filled with argon or krypton gases between the panes, which insulate against conductive heat flow. The core functionality of these upgraded windows lies in their ingenious methods to trap desirable heat in the winter while blocking excessive sun rays in the summer, helping maintain a comfortable climate inside while saving on energy expenditures. 

Tips for Upgrading with Energy Efficient Glass 

When upgrading your windows, here are some tips for choosing the right energy efficient glass: 

1. Living Spaces 

South-facing living spaces heat up easily. Choose Low-E glass to block UV rays and limit heat gain. Electrochromic glass offers the most control over glare and temperature. 

2. Kitchen 

Low-E glass works well for typical kitchen use. Consider thermochromic glass by sinks, which tints automatically on hot sunny days. 

3. Bedrooms 

Prioritise noise reduction with laminated panes plus improved insulation with aerogel or argon/krypton gas-filled double glazing. 

4. Bathrooms 

Prevent condensation with Low-E coatings. For privacy, choose windows with translucent interlayers. 

5. Basements 

Opt for triple glazing with two Low-E coatings and krypton gas fill for maximum insulation. 

Choosing Energy Efficient Glass 

When selecting new energy-efficient windows, consider these factors: 

  • Climate: Colder climates benefit more from Low-E glass, which retains interior heat, while hotter climates need solar control coatings that reflect heat. 
  • Window Frame: Frames conduct and leak heat, undercutting efficiency gains from the glass. Choose insulated frames made of uPVC or Aluminium. 
  • Placement: Prioritise upgrading windows on south- and west-facing walls first, as they receive the most sun exposure. 

Installation Considerations 

Proper installation is key to ensuring energy-efficient windows perform as expected: 

  • Replace the entire window, not only the glass, for full efficiency and weatherproofing. 
  • Make sure the window frame size matches precisely or is slightly larger to ensure gaps are sealed. 
  • Use high-quality Sealants and expanding foam around the window frame for minimal air leakage. 

Cost Analysis 

While energy-efficient windows have a higher upfront cost, the investment pays for itself over time through energy savings. Payback periods typically range from 8-12 years. Many utility companies also offer rebates for upgrading to energy efficient glass. 

Why Choose AIS Glass to get Energy Efficient Glass 

AIS Glass is a great option if you’re looking to install energy-efficient windows. They offer affordable products that can cut your energy bills. Beyond cost savings, their specialised glass comes in different tint options and thicknesses to fit your home’s needs. With customisation, efficiency and quality all rolled into one, AIS Glass ticks all the boxes. 


Upgrading your home’s windows with energy efficient glass provides better insulation, comfort, noise reduction, and sustainability. Evaluate each room’s needs and climate conditions when selecting the right glass. A proper installation also ensures you reap the full rewards of lower energy costs. The investment into energy-efficient windows is well worth it for the long-term benefits. 


Maximising Vehicle Longevity and Comfort: The Role of Automotive UV Protection Glass

Owning a car represents a major investment for most people. We all want our automobiles to last as long as possible while providing safe, comfortable, and enjoyable driving experiences. One aspect that significantly impacts longevity and comfort is the quality of the glass used in the vehicle. Automotive glass serves many crucial functions, from structural integrity to climate control, noise reduction, and more. The proper use of specialised ultraviolet (UV) protection glass plays an integral role in maximising durability and rider satisfaction over a car’s lifetime. 

An Overview of Automotive UV Protection Glass 

Automotive glass comes in several forms designed for specific applications within a vehicle. The windshield, side windows, and rear window glass all have distinct purposes. UV protection glass contains specialised coatings and inner layers to filter out the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. This shielding prevents UV damage to interior plastics, leather, and upholstery. It also provides essential glare reduction and heat control benefits.  

The result is extended cabin preservation and cooler interior temperatures for better climate control. UV protection enhances comfort on sunny days, enabling the climate system to operate more efficiently. 

Applications of Automotive UV Protection Glass 

a. Backlights 

Mark as H1The rear windshield, or backlight, plays a supporting structural role while allowing for rear visibility. UV protection coatings filter harmful rays that would otherwise damage interior contents and materials. This is especially important with hatchbacks that have more direct exposure. Safe breakage is also a consideration, with tempered or laminated back glass designed to shatter into small, rounded pieces upon impact. 

b. Sidelights 

Side windows bear the brunt of UV exposure over years of driving. Prolonged unfiltered sunlight degrades dashboard materials, door panels, and seating areas, especially leather and causes discolouration and cracking. UV protection side glass blocks over 82% of destructive UV rays, helping preserve aesthetic appeal and function. 

Types of Automotive UV Protection Glass 

Several types of speciality glass provide optimised UV and infrared filtering for automotive applications: 

1. Laminated Windshields 

Laminated windshields use a thin plastic layer sandwiched between two sheets of glass. The plastic interlayer keeps the glass together if it cracks or breaks, preventing dangerous shards. Many features advanced coatings to filter UV rays along with sound dampening. 

2. Tempered Glass 

Tempered or toughened glass tolerates extreme hot and cold temperatures while providing four times the strength of standard annealed glass. It is used for side and rear windows. When shattered, it breaks into small, rounded pellets rather than sharp shards, improving safety. 

3. Infrared Cut Solar Control Glass 

This speciality UV protection glass blocks infrared solar radiation, preventing vehicle heat gain, keeping interiors cooler, and preventing sun damage to contents. It also boosts air conditioning efficiency and saves on cooling costs. 

4. Acoustic Glass 

Acoustic windshield glass uses a sound-dampening plastic interlayer to reduce noise penetration. This enhances listening to music and conversations while lowering long-trip driver fatigue. Improving cabin ambience and acoustics elevates the driving experience. 

Benefits of Installing Automotive UV Protection Glass 

1. Blocks of UV Rays 

Speciality UV protection glass filters out over 82% of destructive ultraviolet radiation that degrades interiors. This preservation retains the showroom look year after year. 

2. Energy Efficiency 

Keeping vehicle interiors cooler with infrared solar control glass improves air conditioning performance. This saves on energy demands and operating costs. 

3. Climate Control 

UV protection glass provides superior heat rejection year-round and increased AC efficiency. Summer driving is more comfortable, while winters warm up faster. 

4. Reduces Glare 

Diffused light transmission and anti-glare coatings enable clearer outward visibility, improving safety and reducing squinting and eye fatigue. 

5. Interior Preservation 

Speciality glass prevents UV damage to dashboards, upholstery, door panels, and other interior components, retaining the new car’s look and function for years. 

6. Skin Protection 

UV rays penetrate standard glass and damage exposed skin. UV protection glass shields drivers and passengers while reducing skin cancer risks. 


Automotive speciality glass plays an extensive role in maximising vehicle longevity, performance, safety, and comfort over the ownership period. UV protection coatings filter out over 82% of harmful ultraviolet rays that degrade interior materials and contents. Specialised windshields, sidelights, and backlights also provide infrared solar control to keep cabins cooler in summer while allowing faster winter warm-ups.  

The result is extended interior preservation and climate control for better experiences year-round. If shopping for a new or used car, be sure to inquire about UV protection glass. This investment will pay dividends for the vehicle’s lifetime through enhanced comfort, safety, efficiency, and satisfaction. Contact AIS Glass today to learn more about protecting your investment with UV protection auto glass. 


Everything You Need to Know About Dark Green UV Cut Glass

The sun’s harsh ultraviolet (UV) rays don’t just damage our skin – they also take a major toll on our car interiors over time. All that UV radiation from the sun can cause cracking, fading, and faster deterioration in a car’s dashboard, seats, carpets – you name it. Well, there’s good news! Installing specially treated UV-cut glass in your car’s windows blocks over 82% of those brutal UV rays. In this post, we’ll focus on dark green UV-cut glass – an excellent, green-tinted glass perfect for filtering UV rays while keeping visibility. 

An Overview of UV Cut Glass 

UV-cut glass is designed to filter out over 82% of UV rays while still transmitting light. This specialised automotive glass achieves this with a solid green tint, additional transparent UV reflecting, and absorbing coatings on the glass surface. The green colour counters the yellow hue of standard automotive glass to provide a neutral light transmission. 

There are different shades and depths of tinted UV-cut glass available. Dark green UV cut glass has a rich emerald, green colour, reducing the light transmission compared to lighter green variants. However, the darker tint provides superior UV-blocking capabilities. 

Features of Dark Green UV Cut Glass 

Dark green UV-cut glass filters out incoming sunlight, including over 82% of harmful ultraviolet radiation. The deep green tint noticeably reduces glare, heat, and brightness from the sun. At the same time, sufficient visible light transmission is maintained to comply with the 50% VLT regulation for car side windows in India. 

The darkened green tint is achieved by adding trace amounts of special iron oxides to the glass batch before melting. Additionally, a coating of titanium dioxide is applied evenly across the surface of the glass as an extra UV filter. 

The glass thickness for dark green UV cut glass is the same as standard automotive glass, at 3-4mm. However, the strengthened glass formulation and chemical tempering process boost the glass’s mechanical, impact, and thermal durability. 

Key Benefits of Dark Green UV Cut Glass 

1. Protection Against UV Radiation 

Dark green UV-cut glass filters incoming UV rays, protecting car interior materials from sun damage and degradation. The dashboard, upholstery, carpets, and trim look new for longer without cracking or discolouration from UV exposure. 

2. Enhanced Comfort and Reduced Cabin Temperature 

The rich emerald tint of dark green UV-cut glass significantly reduces heat, glare, and brightness from sunlight. This keeps the car’s interior cooler and more comfortable on sunny days. Reduced glare also improves visibility and makes driving more comfortable. 

3. Improved Vehicle Efficiency and Reduced Environmental Impact 

Dark green UV-cut glass improves fuel efficiency and reduces greenhouse gas emissions from air conditioning by lowering the vehicle’s cooling requirements and keeping interiors cooler. The long-lasting glass also delays the need for replacement parts due to degradation. 

4. Longevity and Protection for Car Interiors 

With UV blocking and light transmission reduction, dark green UV cut glass provides the highest UV and heat protection in Indian regulations. This enhanced protection better preserves car interiors for improved longevity and sustained appearance over more extended periods. 


Dark green UV-cut glass provides exceptional blocking of harmful UV rays while managing light transmission to meet Indian regulations. With its deep emerald tint that noticeably cuts down heat and glare, this specialised glass protects car interiors, enhances comfort, improves efficiency, and reduces environmental impact. Dark green UV-cut glass is an effective and durable solution for vehicle owners looking to protect investments in their car’s interior and upholstery. 

If you’re interested in outfitting your car with dark green UV-cut glass to shield your interior or want to learn more, contact the helpful experts at AIS Glass. With years of expertise, we can guide you on the best glass solutions to protect your investment while staying compliant. 


Dark Green UV Cut Glass VS Car Tint Films

Keeping the hot sun off your car’s interior is important to avoid fading and cracks. But the sun’s UV rays can also damage passengers’ skin and eyes over time. So, what are the ways to block these harmful rays? Two good options are adding dark green UV-blocking glass or applying tint films to the windows. 

Both work to different degrees, but many drivers wonder—what exactly is the difference between them? Here we’ll compare these two popular UV-blocking products to help you decide which upgrade makes more sense. 

Overview of Dark Green UV Cut Glass 

Dark green UV-cut glass is automotive glass treated to filter out UV rays. This specialised glass blocks over 82% of UV radiation while allowing a reasonable amount of visible light to pass through, imparting a dark green tint. The green tinting makes it easier to see out during the day, cutting glare. The glass is installed directly in place of the factory glass windows. 

Benefits of Dark Green UV Cut Glass 

  • Protects car’s upholstery: By blocking UV rays, the interior is shielded from sun damage and fading. This helps carpets, leather, and plastic surfaces last longer without cracking or discolouration. 
  • Superior UV protection: This glass’s UV-blocking capabilities are far superior to any UV filter film. Over 82% of the sun’s UV rays are blocked. 
  • Reduces AC compressor load: Less heat is transmitted into the cabin, reducing the load on the AC system and saving fuel. 
  • Reduces monthly expenses: Lower AC usage directly correlates to better fuel efficiency. Plus, less wear on interior surfaces saves on maintenance costs. 
  • Excellent shield against UV rays: The deeply saturated green tint is specifically designed to prevent UV damage. It helps protect passengers from skin damage and eye strain. 

Overview of Car Tint Films 

Car tint films, or window films, are thin sheets of plastic film with UV inhibitors that are installed on the interior glass surfaces with adhesive. Many options are available, from clear to dark tints. They come in different shades for customised visibility and heat reduction. Professional installation is recommended for proper fit and bubble-free application. 

Safe and Legal Alternative of Car Tint Films: Dark Green UV Cut Glass 

While car tint films offer certain advantages, their potential legal and safety issues make them a less desirable option. Dark green UV cut glass stands out as a safe, legal, and effective alternative for UV protection and heat reduction. It ensures compliance with regulations while providing the desired benefits, making it the best choice for car owners seeking to enhance their vehicle’s comfort and safety. 

Dark green UV cut glass is a superior and legal alternative to car tint films, offering several benefits without the associated risks: 

  • UV Protection: Provides excellent protection against harmful UV rays, similar to high-quality tint films. 
  • Heat Reduction: Effectively reduces heat buildup inside the car, ensuring comfort in hot weather. 
  • Safety and Compliance: Complies with legal standards, ensuring that safety and visibility are not compromised. Unlike dark tints, it does not hinder night-time visibility. 

Dark Green UV Cut Glass VS Car Tint Films 

Feature Dark Green UV Cut Glass Car Tint Films
UV Protection Maximum protection blocks virtually all UV rays Moderate protection blocks a majority of UV rays
Heat Rejection Excellent heat rejection keeps the interior cooler Good heat rejection reduces interior heat somewhat
Visibility Allows a moderate amount of light for good daytime visibility Ranges from crystal clear to nearly opaque, visibility depends on film darkness
Durability Extremely durable and permanent once installed Lasts many years before needing replacement
Maintenance None required after installation Possible bubbling or peeling over time may require replacement

As you can see in the table, the dark privacy glass provides superior blocking of UV rays and heat transmission thanks to its specially formulated green tint integrated directly into the window. This makes it a permanent solution. 

Tint films, especially darker ones, reduce UV exposure and cut heat. However, their protection levels are moderately less than those of glass, and films have more variables in terms of visibility, longevity, and potential replacement needs. 


Factory-installed dark green UV-cut glass is the clear frontrunner for superior heat, glare, and UV protection. Its permanent integration directly into the window and deeply saturated green tint make it unmatched. However, quality dyed films also reduce UV rays and cut heat while providing customization options. Ultimately, the ideal solution depends on individual priorities and budgets. With this overview of both products, drivers can decide to protect their eyes, skin, and interiors. 

Contact AIS Glass today to learn more about dark green UV cut glass and car tint films


Cutting-Edge Trends in Energy Efficient Glass for Modern Office Spaces

As climate change and sustainability become increasingly important issues, companies seek ways to reduce their environmental impact through energy efficiency. One area offering great potential is advanced glass technologies for modern office building design. Energy efficient glass can dramatically cut electricity costs while providing employees greater comfort and health benefits. 

Here we’ll discuss the latest trends in energy efficient glass for modern office spaces. 

The Science of Energy Efficient Glass 

Energy efficient glass controls two things – heat from sunlight and heat leaking in or out through the window. Special coatings on glass can actually block and reflect away some of the sun’s heat, keeping buildings cooler. This is called solar control glass. Other coatings help glass insulate better by letting less heat escape outside in winter and preventing heat outside from entering inside in summer.  

Scientists apply these coatings to glass using super high-tech machines that spray bits of metal onto the surface at a microscopic scale. The result is glass that looks normal to our eyes but acts like a thermal shield. The most advanced energy-efficient windows even have a layer of vacuum or special gel suspended between two panes of glass, making them extra strong heat barriers.  

The science behind tricking out glass to handle heat better keeps improving, bringing us closer to windows that help lower energy bills and keep indoor temperatures comfy year-round. 

Trends in Energy Efficient Glass 

Smart Windows:  

These futuristic windows have special sensors and computer chips built right into the glass to detect what’s going on inside and outside the building. These smart windows can tint and clear automatically to control the amount of natural light and heat entering a room. So, if the sun comes out and it starts getting hot, the glass can darken itself to block excess heat and glare. The windows can even tell if a room is unoccupied and save energy by adjusting the glass to reduce heating or cooling needs in that area. 

AIS Swytchglass:  

AIS Swytchglass is advanced smart glass technology that can tint transparent panels opaque to block visibility, then revert back to clear all with a button click. This innovative product gives you instant control over glass transparency for your space 

Triple-Pane Windows:  

Most regular windows have two panes of glass with air or argon gas between them for a little insulation. Now, they’re developing triple-pane windows with three glass layers and two spaces for gas. That extra chamber provides a lot more insulation, keeping hot and cold outdoor temperatures from influencing indoor comfort. More layer’s lead to better efficiency! 

Vacuum Seal Technology:  

Since vacuums have no air molecules, they transfer less heat than regular air-filled double-pane windows. It’s a huge upgrade in insulation value and energy savings! 

Enhanced Energy Savings and Occupant Benefits 

The latest innovations in switchable tinting glass, transparent insulation materials, and smart automation provide an optimal balance of natural light, solar heat control, thermal insulation, and noise attenuation. 

Occupants enjoy comfortable lighting and temperature levels that reduce eyestrain and improve productivity. Ultimately, energy efficient glass keeps pushing boundaries to deliver exceptional comfort, cost savings, and sustainability. 


Advanced energy efficient glass technologies present a remarkable opportunity for modern offices to simultaneously enhance indoor environmental quality while achieving energy and carbon emission reductions. 

Trends highlighted above—such as electrochromic glazing, vacuum insulation, aerogel, and integrated automation—point to a future where dynamic glass curtain walls can drastically reduce lighting, HVAC, and thermal loads. To learn more about energy efficient glass, you can connect with experts at AIS Glass. 


What Is Aesthetic Glass for Windows and Doors?

When building or renovating a home, choosing the right windows and doors is an important decision that impacts both function and appearance. One option to consider is aesthetic glass, which refers to glass products that go beyond basic clear glass to offer unique visual qualities. From frosted, tinted, or textured glass to glass with embedded designs or colours, aesthetic glass provides privacy, security, and style.  

Learning about the different aesthetic glass possibilities can help you select products that align with your decorative vision as you select windows and doors. Read on to explore glass products that combine aesthetics and functionality for a home that reflects your identity.   

What is an Aesthetic Glass?  

Aesthetic glass adds beauty to homes and buildings. It comes in different types, like coloured, textured, and patterned. Architects and designers use it creatively to make spaces look better and create interesting lighting effects. Also, technology has made it possible to use aesthetic glass in many ways to make our spaces look good and functional. 

Types of Aesthetic Glass 

Fabric Laminated Glass 

Fabric laminated glass offers a decorative way to combine the sleek transparency of glass with the warmth and texture of the fabric. It is constructed by sandwiching fabric interlayers between sheets of glass through a lamination process. In addition to its visually appealing blended look of glass and cloth, fabric laminated glass provides functional benefits, shatter resistance for durability and security, and noise reduction for sound insulation.  

Tinted Glass 

Tinted glass is a type of glass treated with special coatings or chemicals to give it a coloured or darkened appearance. Unlike regular clear glass, which lets in most sunlight, tinted glass helps block out some of the heat and glare from the sun’s rays. Tinted glass usually blocks 30% to 45% of the heat normal glass would let in, so rooms stay more comfortable and cool without having to sacrifice the ability to see outside. 

Colour Laminated Glass  

Colour laminated glass offers both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits. It is made by sandwiching coloured interlayers between clear glass sheets. This filters light to produce a range of beautiful hues while enhancing safety and UV resistance. Some key advantages of colour laminated glass are filtering up UV rays to prevent fading, shatterproof construction for durability and security, and noise-reducing qualities for sound insulation. 

Lacquered Glass 

Lacquered glass is a type of glass that has been coated with a decorative and protective lacquer coating. This opaque coating gives the glass a bold, eye-catching look while providing certain functional benefits. The lacquer withstands temperatures up to 80°C, so the glass can be used in warm environments. Lacquered glass can also be cut, drilled, ground, and edged to suit specific needs. The opaque coating provides privacy while allowing light to pass through.  


When designing your dream home, don’t overlook the power of aesthetic glass to elevate form and function. With endless options from frosted to fritted, laminated to lacquered, you can select glass products that filter light beautifully, lend privacy, safeguard durability, and, above all, reflect your unique vision. Contact AIS Glass today to simplify the process so you can actualise spaces that inspire. 


Transparency and Elegance: The Timeless Appeal of Clear Glass Doors and Windows

Sun-soaked rooms, endless views, and the great outdoors brought inside—what’s not to love about clear glass windows and doors? Selecting the right transparent glass allows you to capitalise on sunlight, scenery, energy efficiency, and security while complementing your interior design. 

This guide will explore the advantages of clear glass and the types available, inspiring you to enhance your living space. Read on to learn how to let the outdoors in with confidence. 

Reasons to Opt for Clear Glass Windows and Doors 

1. Durable and Dependable  

Clear glass offers one of the longest lifespans among window and door materials. It resists fading, abrasion, temperature fluctuations, corrosion, rot, mould, and infestation while providing lasting transparency and strength over decades of use. 

2. Expands Spaces 

By removing physical barriers like walls and doors, natural light can flow deeper into a room, expanding the view beyond the interior space. This enhances the feeling of openness and spaciousness, making your living area look larger and more comfortable. 

3. Flexible Design 

Clear glass is like a blank canvas that gives you the freedom to add different textures, patterns, and colours without any visual interference or distortion. It’s a great choice for designers and homeowners who want to create a neutral background and unleash their creativity in decorating their space. 

4. Maximises Daylight 

Clear glass maximises daylight permeating your home, lifting moods, enhancing wellness, and reducing reliance on artificial lighting. Sunlight flooding through clear glass makes interior spaces feel open, vibrant, and full of possibility. 

5. Perfect Views  

Looking through see-through, plain windows lets you fully enjoy the beauty of your surroundings, such as a nearby garden, a stunning city view, or a vast countryside. Clear glass facilitates a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces. 

6. Adapts to Any Style  

From traditional to modern to industrial, clear glass harmonises with any architectural style and décor. It functions equally well in new construction, preservation, and remodelling across diverse climates and settings. Such versatility ensures enduring relevance.  

Choosing the Best Clear Glass 

When selecting clear glass for your home or office, there are several important considerations to factor in: 

  • Long-Lasting Strength: Choose clear annealed or tempered glass thick enough to meet your durability needs. Tempered glass is 4-5 times stronger, making it good for high-traffic areas. 
  • Optimising Energy Usage: Many clear glass options like low-emissivity coatings regulate heat/light transfer to maximise energy efficiency. This can reduce heating and cooling costs noticeably. 
  • Privacy: Adding a sheer window film can increase privacy while allowing light through.  
  • Selecting the Right Frame: The frame finish, functionality, and sealing impact the longevity and security of the final glass installation. 
  • Budget Considerations: Compare glass grades/features against costs to find the best clear glass for your budget. 


Investing in clear glass is a great way to improve your home’s look and feel. It lets in natural light, expands your space, and is easy to clean. AIS Glass can help you find the right solutions to make your home brighter, more secure, and more comfortable. 


Maximising Convenience: Unveiling the Top Features of Car Head-Up Displays

Glancing at your dashboard takes your eyes off the road, causing dangerous distraction. Car Head-up displays, or HUDs, solve this by projecting speed, navigation, and other key driving info right onto your windshield so your eyes stay focused ahead. It’s like having a helpful co-pilot display just what you need to know, exactly when you need it. Car HUDs make driving less stressful and safer.  

Read on to learn how HUDs make driving safer and more informed. 

What is a Car Head-Up Display? 

A car head-up display or car HUD is a transparent display that projects visual information onto your windshield in your line of sight. As you drive, you can view navigation directions, your vehicle’s speed, safety alerts, and more without looking away from the road ahead.  

By adapting this technology for cars, automotive manufacturers allow drivers to stay focused on driving while accessing the information they need. 

Significance of Car Head-Up Display 

A head-up display (HUD) in a car is a transparent display that projects important driving information into the driver’s field of vision. Rather than having to look down at the instrument panel, a HUD allows drivers to keep their eyes on the road. Key data projected might include current speed, navigation directions, and collision warnings. This technology aims to improve driving safety and awareness by minimising distractions and the time drivers spend looking away from traffic conditions ahead of them.  

HUD systems reflect critical graphics onto the windshield just above the steering wheel at an optical distance, making the images appear focused far off. This allows the driver’s eyes to conveniently take in the data while still primarily looking out through the windshield.  

Key Attributes of Car Head-Up Displays 

Car HUDs offer several features to make your time on the road safer and more efficient, including: 

1. Clear Visuals 

Car HUDs use high-contrast graphics and bright optics to display crisp, easy-to-read visuals on your windshield, even in bright sunlight. This ensures you get the necessary details without struggling to interpret hard-to-see images. 

2. Customisable Display 

You can change how your screen shows information, so you see only what’s most important to you. For example, you can personalise it to show directions when you need to know where you’re going or to highlight warnings when you need to be extra careful. 

3. Enhanced Safety Alerts  

Car HUD visuals and audio alerts notify you of potential hazards like lane departures, forward collisions, blind spots, etc. These real-time warnings capture your attention to prevent dangerous situations. 

4. Driver Monitoring  

Some car HUDs use infrared cameras and sensors to monitor your eyes, head position, and steering reactions. This allows the system to gauge fatigue levels and distractions so it can prompt you to refocus when needed. 

The Benefits of Using a Car HUD 

Car HUDs make time on the road safer and more efficient by: 

  • Reducing distraction by allowing dashboard glances to take 1-2 seconds rather than the 4-6 seconds needed to refocus on the road. 
  • Minimising eye movement, which decreases reaction time to dangers. 
  • Providing faster recognition of hazards thanks to bright imagery and alerts. 
  • Deterring drowsy or distracted driving through driver monitoring systems. 
  • Allowing drivers to stay focused on moving traffic ahead rather than looking down or away. 

Car HUDs also create a more comfortable and convenient experience by reducing eye strain from constantly refocusing and making navigation easier. 


Driving requires full attention yet glancing away from the road carries risks. Car head-up displays allow drivers to monitor critical data without distraction. AIS Glass provides specially engineered car HUD windshields using advanced optics to promote road focus. 


How is Tempered Glass Made?

Glass is essential to modern design, but it can be dangerous when it breaks. That’s where tempered glass comes in. It’s a safe and reliable solution that offers natural light and views without compromising safety. Here, we’ll explore everything you need to know about tempered glass – from its impact resistance and types to its manufacturing process. 

An Overview of Tempered Glass 

Tempered glass is a type of safety glass that is treated with a special heating and cooling process to make it more resistant to breaking than regular glass. When it does break, it shatters into small, dull pieces rather than large, sharp shards that can easily cause injury. Building codes frequently require tempered glass to be used in locations where broken glass presents a significant hazard. The tempering makes the glass much tougher, so it is less likely to cause harm when it breaks. 

How is Tempered Glass Made? 

Here is the complete process of making tempered glass: 

I. Glass Preparation 

Normal glass sheets are first cut to the needed size, ensuring the glass is pristine before tempering to prevent breakage. 

II. Extreme Heating 

The prepared glass sheets are then heated in a special oven, where the temperatures reach over 1100°F. 

III. Rapid Cooling 

The red-hot glass then undergoes forced, intense blasts of cold air. This quenching causes the outer layer of glass to solidify much faster than the inside. 

IV. Compression and Tension 

As the inside of the tempered glass cools, it contracts and pulls on the already hardened, solid outer layer. This tugging force creates areas of compression and tension between the outside and inside of the glass pane. The balancing forces between the compressed outer surface and the stretched inner core give tempered glass its hallmark durability and strength. 

V. Safety and Protection 

The heating and rapid cooling transform delicate glass into a super protective solid material. 

Types of Tempered Glass 

There are five major variants of tempered safety glass:  

1. Clear Tempered Glass 

This glass goes through a heating and rapid cooling process to increase its strength but retains the same transparent and colourless look of normal glass. It provides safety without altering visibility. 

2. Tinted Tempered Glass 

While undergoing standard tempering for added durability, tinting elements, such as grey, bronze, or green tints, are also added to this glass to provide colouration. The tinting offers style and privacy, while the tempering maintains safety. 

3. Laminated Tempered Glass 

This glass combines a laminate between two layers of tempered glass to offer the benefits of laminated safety glass and strengthened tempered glass. The lamination holds glass fragments together in the event of breakage. 

4. Reflective Tempered Glass 

A reflective coating is applied to tempered glass panels to create a mirrored surface on one side, which provides an aesthetic effect and one-way privacy while retaining the strength of tempering. 

5. Frosted Tempered Glass 

The process used to give normal glass a frosted, obscured look is applied to tempered glass. This allows light to pass through while obscuring vision entirely for privacy and boosting safety. 


Transform ordinary spaces into bright, stylish, and secure environments with bespoke tempered glass products. Our world-class tempered glass solutions are personalised for your home or office, ensuring maximum safety without compromising aesthetics. To toughen up your décor while preventing injuries, contact AIS Glass – India’s leading integrated glass company. Here are tips to choose Tempered Glass


7 Facts You Need to Know About Tempered Glass

You’ve likely seen those tiny fragments scattered across the floor after a glass breaks. Tempered glass is designed to shatter into small pieces for safety. Beyond its recognizable break pattern, there is much more to discover about this engineered glass that keeps us safe.

From how it gets its strength to why it explodes, tempered glass has some fascinating science and stories behind its widespread use. Read on to uncover seven interesting tempered glass facts you must know.

Why Should You Use Toughened Glass Windows?

Toughened glass, also known as tempered glass, is an excellent choice for windows because it is much stronger and safer than regular glass. The toughened glass’s tempering process causes it to be 4-5 times stronger than regular annealed glass. This makes it very resistant to impacts and temperature changes. If toughened glass does happen to break, it shatters into small, granular chunks rather than dangerous sharp shards like untampered glass. This helps prevent serious injuries.

Toughened glass also withstands higher wind loads without flexing or breaking. All these enhanced strength and safety features make toughened glass an ideal and recommended material for windows in homes and offices.

Facts About Tempered Glass

Below are the tempered glass facts:

  • Cannot be Cut Once Tempered

    Tempered glass goes through a special heat treatment process, heated to extremely high temperatures, up to 700°C, and then rapidly cooled. This creates solid glass by packing the surface with compressive stresses. However, it also makes the glass nearly impossible to cut or drill after tempering because it will shatter if you try to cut into the compressed surface. Any holes or edge cuts must be made before tempering.

  • Scratchproof

    The tempering process makes tempered glass around 4-5 times stronger than regular annealed float glass. This vast increase in strength comes from the surface compression packed into the glass through rapid heating and cooling. The dense surface compression makes tempered glass durable and highly scratch-resistant for everyday use. Keys or other metals typically won’t scratch the surface.

  • Surface Strain Patterns

    Tempered glass develops faintly visible strain patterns on the surface as the glass expands and contracts rapidly during the tempering process. If you observe the glass surface under the right lighting conditions, you may notice these strain patterns, which look like distorted reflections. They are a natural result of the treatment and help identify the tempered glass.

  • Compressive Surface Stress

    The core of tempered glass remains in tension, while the surface is packed with compressive stress after tempering. This compression gives the glass incredible strength to endure blows or blunt impacts. When struck, the compressed surface wants to spring back rather than chip or crack immediately like annealed glass. This makes it safer.

  • Heat and Thermal Stress Resistance

    Because tempered glass is designed to withstand the intense thermal stresses of rapid heating and cooling during the tempering process, it handles thermal stress much better than regular glass. Sudden temperature changes do not crack or break tempered glass easily. This makes it suitable for applications like oven doors.

  • Long Lasting

    The special tempering process creates glass 4-5 times stronger than annealed glass. When it eventually breaks, it shatters into small, relatively harmless diced pieces rather than dangerous jagged shards. This makes tempered glass last through decades of heavy use and abuse before needing replacement.

  • Easy to Clean

    The durable, scratch-resistant surface of tempered glass allows it to be frequently cleaned without worry of damage. You can use regular household glass cleaners and cleaning tools without fear of scratching or disrupting the surface compression. It simplifies maintenance.

The Bottom Line

Tempered glass is an engineered wonder, taking safety and durability to new heights through extreme heat treatment. Its compressed surface endures decades of heavy impacts. When it does rarely shatter, it breaks safely into cubes. For all your tempered glass needs, rely on the experts at AIS Glass.


Benefits of Eco-Friendly Glass

When shopping for new windows or glass panes, you may come across the term “eco-friendly glass” and wonder what makes it special. At first glance, it looks like traditional glass, but this innovative material offers noteworthy advantages, from boosting energy savings to lowering environmental impact. Learning about eco-friendly glass merits your attention as you shop for glass items or replacement windows.

Considering how it may benefit your wallet, health, and the planet can be an eye-opening experience. So, read on to learn about environmentally friendly glass and its various benefits.

An Overview of Eco-Friendly Glass

Nowadays, people want buildings that are kind to the environment – what we call “green” buildings. Glass windows and doors are an important part of making buildings greener.

Regular glass lets too much heat and cold pass through. However, eco-friendly glass is made better to keep the temperature comfortable inside. It has two or three layers of glass with air spaces in between. The layers help stop heat and cold from getting in, so your air conditioning or heating system doesn’t have to work so hard.

Eco-friendly glass helps cut energy use while still letting in nice natural light.

Benefits of Eco-Friendly Glass

There are various benefits of Eco-friendly glasses, including:

  • Energy Efficient

    Eco-friendly glass options like low-emissivity (low-E) glass and double or triple glazing utilize specialized coatings and multiple panes to significantly reduce heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer. The improved insulation lowers the energy required to heat and cool a building. Installing energy-efficient glass can reduce electricity and gas consumption in buildings by up to 30%. This saves money on utility bills and reduces the carbon footprint.

  • Natural Light and Views

    Many types of sustainable glass maintain high visibility while controlling glare and heat/UV rays. For example, low-iron glass maximizes visible light transmission for beautifully bright, crystalline indoor light quality. And coatings like passive solar low-E balance light, heat, and views. This creates sun-filled indoor spaces with less eye strain and clear views that connect occupants to the outdoors – boosting morale and comfort.

  • Noise Reduction

    Some eco-friendly glass options, like laminated glazing or those with sound-dampening PVBC interlayers, block outside noise pollution from entering buildings. By absorbing and insulating against sound, these specialty acoustic glass panels reduce noise from busy roads, construction, and other sources – creating peaceful, quieter indoor environments for better concentration and living quality.

  • Durability and Safety

    Sustainable glass is often tempered for 4-5 times more strength or laminated with durable interlayers for increased safety and security. Features like self-cleaning coatings also boost the ease of maintenance. The durability translates into the glass that withstands heavy use and harsh weather over decades while protecting against intrusions. This increases lifespan and reduces replacement needs.

  • Lower Emissions

    Using recycled glass cullet in manufacturing significantly lowers CO2 emissions compared to making glass solely from raw materials. Enhancing energy efficiency in buildings with high-performance glazing reduces electricity and heating fuel consumption, thereby lowering associated greenhouse gas outputs from power generation and combustion over the lifetime of the building.

  • Healthier Interiors

    High-performance eco-glass blocks over 99% of harmful ultraviolet rays that can damage furnishings and artwork. It also enables sufficient daylighting and proper ventilation to create healthier indoor environments with less toxic VOCs and allergens. This improves indoor air quality and comfort for occupants. Studies show improved productivity and well-being.

  • Sustainable Materials

    Environmentally preferable glass contains pre- and post-consumer recycled content, reclaimed materials, or bio-based materials like plant resin. Using recycled glass reduces landfill waste. And bio-based materials lower dependence on petrochemicals. Specifying green materials conserves resources and prevents pollution.

The Bottom Line

Eco-friendly glass offers multi-layered glazing for energy savings, noise reduction, safety, sustainability, and healthier buildings. Contact AIS Glass today to learn about our full range of high-performance, environmentally preferable window and façade solutions to create greener, more comfortable spaces.


5 Tips to Maintain Acoustic Glass

Acoustic glass is gaining popularity in modern buildings due to its impressive ability to reduce outside noise and create a peaceful indoor space. To keep your acoustic glass performing at its best and maintain a calm environment, it’s important to take proper care of it. Here, we’ll cover simple yet effective tips for maintaining acoustic glass to ensure it provides much-needed tranquility, even in bustling settings.

What is Acoustic Glass?

Acoustic glass is a special type of glass designed to block outside noise. It comprises two regular glass panes with a plastic layer sandwiched between them. This plastic layer acts like a sound dampener that absorbs noise.

When sound waves try to travel through, the plastic absorbs most of the sound rather than passing through the glass. This makes acoustic glass much better at insulating against noise than regular glass.

Acoustic glass is rated based on its sound reduction capabilities. The higher the rating, the better the glass is at blocking noise. Loud noises like sirens may still be faintly heard, but acoustic glass significantly muffles the noise to maintain a quiet indoor environment.

Tips for Cleaning and Maintaining Acoustic Glass

Here are some useful tips to keep your acoustic glass working optimally:

  • Clean it Regularly but Gently

    Acoustic glass should be gently wiped down every 2-3 weeks using a soft, lint-free microfiber cloth or sponge paired with a mild, non-abrasive glass cleaner. Frequent yet gentle cleaning prevents dirt, dust, grime, fingerprints, and mineral deposits from accumulating on the glass surface over time. These deposits can potentially etch into the soft plastic interlayer of acoustic double glazing, degrading its sound-dampening abilities. Always use a very light touch when cleaning acoustic glass to avoid pressing too hard and scratching the plastic interlayer.

  • Avoid Anything That Can Scratch

    Never use abrasive scouring pads, steel wool, razor blades, scrapers, or other sharp objects to clean acoustic glass panels. Unlike regular hardy glass, the inner plastic layer of acoustic glazing is soft and prone to scratching. Even minor scratches and scuffs can hamper the noise blocking capacities of acoustic glass by enabling more sound vibrations to travel through the compromised plastic interlayer. Scratches create pathways for noise penetration.

  • Check the Seals

    The seals around the perimeter of acoustic double or triple glazing are crucial for impeding sound transmission. Regularly inspect these seals closely for any signs of shrinkage, cracks, gaps, or hardening over time. Any compromised seals provide an opening for noise to leak through, reducing the noise insulation abilities of the acoustic glazing. Damaged seals must be promptly replaced to sustain sound-dampening performance.

  • Watch for Condensation

    Small moisture condensation between the glass panes signals failed seals, indicating a loss of the insulating air/gas fill. This must be quickly addressed before extensive fogging and condensation occurs inside the glazing unit. Too much moisture can lead to algae and mould growth between the glass, reducing visibility and acoustic performance. Replacing compromised insulating glass seals is necessary to stop this deterioration.

  • Proper Installation Matters

    During original mounting or glass replacement, proper precautions must be taken to safely support the heavy weight of acoustic glazing and prevent slippage over time. The window frame, setting blocks, and structural support must fully bear the load of the glass to avoid seal failure caused by shifting panels. There should be full contact between the setting blocks and the glass edges. Improper installation can ultimately cause seals to fail.

The Bottom Line

Acoustic glass provides invaluable noise reduction that promotes peaceful indoor spaces. While durable, it still requires gentle care to retain optimal performance. By regularly yet carefully cleaning the glass, monitoring seals, and taking care during installation, you can ensure your acoustic glazing sustains its sound-blocking abilities for years of continued tranquility.

With simple, diligent maintenance, acoustic glass remains an exceptionally effective solution for damping disruptive exterior noise. Contact the experts at AIS Glass to find the right acoustic glazing to reduce noise in your home or office.

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