
Can High Performance Glass Lead to a More Productive Workforce?

Workforce productivity and motivation have become the most heard buzzwords at high-performing organisations – and rightly so! With the market becoming increasingly competitive, most companies need to evaluate how they can increase workforce productivity. Did you know that you can make a massive difference to your employees’ motivation and productivity levels just by ensuring a comfortable ambience? 

Wondering how you can ensure a comfortable ambience? The answer lies in the high-performance glass

What is high-performance glass?

The contemporary architecture uses a lot of glass and metal designs to bring about an imposing structure. While such buildings look great, they can pose one big problem – the glass can allow a lot of sunlight to enter the building, leading to heat being trapped and people feeling hot. For companies, this can mean higher electricity bills due to a greater effort that goes into cooling the space. It can also mean that your employees frequently feel too hot and bothered to concentrate on their work properly. 

You can prevent these issues by using high-performance glass. 

high-performance glass refers to glass that uses modern technologies to provide an energy-efficient performance. What does this mean? It means that the glass can help with solar or thermal insulation, which can help provide an excellent ambience for your employees to work in. 

What are the different types of high-performance glass?

At AIS, we offer an exciting range of high-performance glass for you to choose from. These include: 

  • Low-E Glass: Low-E Glass stands for low-emissivity glass, and it is known for blocking solar rays (including infrared rays and UV rays) from entering the room. Light can still pass through the glass, so you will be able to enjoy the aesthetic benefits of sunlight. One of the advantages of this type of glass is that it’s handy in the winter, too, as it does not allow heat from within the room to escape!
  • Solar Control Glass: Solar Control Glass is a high-performance glass that’s known for lowering your overall reliance on air conditioners, thereby decreasing your carbon footprint. This type of glass has a special oxide coating, which does not allow the sunlight’s heat to enter the room. It does, however, let the light enter the room. 
  • Solar Low-E Glass: Another high-performance glass, the solar Low-E glass, combines the qualities of both solar control glass and Low-E glass. It can prevent heat from entering the room during the summer months and keep the heat trapped indoors during the winter months. 

High-performance glass helps create the perfect ambience for working professionals who cannot afford to be distracted by anything.

How can high-performance glass help you ensure better productivity? 

Now that you know what high-performance glass, it’s crucial to understand how it can help you. 

Employee productivity is driven by motivation, which comes from feeling heard and seen by employers. When employers fail to ensure even the most basic requirements – such as a comfortable ambience – employees can start to become disgruntled. This can affect their productivity to a considerable extent.

High-performance glass can help you meet that need. Creating an environment that allows employees to feel as though their basic needs are met can ensure better productivity. 

Additionally, a cool environment can also help with better concentration as people won’t be too busy feeling sweaty or hot. When the office is cool, employees do not venture outside to take as many breaks. This can help you minimise the amount of time wasted in the form of short walks outside. 

High-performance glass can be used in a lot of different ways. The entire facade of the office building can be built using such types of glasses. On the other hand, you can also use them on windows, skylights, internal partitions, and more.

Where can you get high-performance glass?

At AIS Glass, we are the leading name when it comes to high-performance glass that’s apt for both commercial and residential spaces. Our glass is made using the finest materials to ensure that the coating is durable and practical for as long as possible. Therefore, you do not have to worry about periodic maintenance. 

To know more about high-performance glass, get in touch with us today!

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