
Essential Guide to Cleaning your Windshield

Cleaning a car windshield without the right knowledge can be a challenging job. Using the wrong equipment and method can cause a lot of scratches on your windshield. Here is windshield cleaning guide that we feel can be used to clean different types of glass windshields. Having a clean, dirt and grease-free windshield can offer a safer ride, especially in poor weather conditions.  Without making use of an expensive cleanser, it is possible to get rid of bird droppings, dirt, tree sap and other interference.
Take a look at a detailed guide that can be useful to achieve a spotless and sparkling windshield.

Choosing the ideal cleaning solution:
With numerous cleaning solutions on the market, choosing the ideal one can be a daunting task. Besides, the variety of ammonia-based, auto glass cleaners, all-purpose cleaners has catalysed the confusion by several folds.  As a result, people simply pick any solution for window glass types without thinking. I was one of them too, but after several trial and error, I realised that ammonia is harmful and so are the household cleaning solutions.  Hence, make sure you use a cleaner intended for automotive glass that can give the best results.  Such solutions offer a clean streak free windshield that is free from any obstructions.
Choosing other material:
Make sure you use a microfiber cloth to clean the windshield with the ideal cleaning solution. The cloth is made from the tiny wedge-shaped fibres that are 100 times finer than a human hair. As a result, cleaning any kind of dirt can be done easily. Besides, they are also long lasting and can be reused several times to clean different types of glass windshield.
Right way to clean any windshield:
Choosing the right kind of cleaning solution and microfiber cloth is not the end. Implying the right technique is equally important when it comes to cleaning any window glass types. Start of by cleaning the glass with water. Only then make use of the cleaning solution. Scrub water off the windshield in straight lines. Invest in a soft brush and use horizontal and vertical motion without scrubbing too hard. This is done only to loosen the grime.
Glass cleaning solution:
Spray the cleaning solution on the microfiber cloth and begin cleaning. Make sure you work from one side to another to get the best result. After the first clean, the residue is likely to remain. Repeat the procedure until you get it right. Once done, let the glass dry naturally.
By following the above-mentioned guides, you are certain to get a clean windshield.

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