
High-Performance Glass: Get to Know the Types and Applications

Nothing quite compares to the beauty and magnificence of glass. Commercial, as well as residential enclaves use this material in large quantities to add spatial openness and modernity to any dwelling. However, with a substantial increase in the consumption of glass for office facades and housing complexes, there is a growing concern regarding energy consumption and its environmental implications.

If you are using a significant amount of glass in a structure, the potential for energy consumption goes up. Did you know that glass is responsible for transmitting up to 80% of outdoor solar heat to the insides of buildings? This feature of standard glass is especially disadvantageous for commercial structures as it stresses out heating and cooling devices, and also increases HVAC costs. To counter this problem, high-performance glass is used. This type of glass comes with various coatings of metal oxides to make it achieve high energy-efficiency. 

If you want to drape your structure’s façade with glass without compromising on effective energy utilisation, then high-performance glass should be on top of your list. 

Types and Applications of High-Performance Glass

There are varying degrees and intensities of solar heat and glare protection offered by high-performance glass. You can choose based on your custom requirements. The following are the types of high-performance glass:

1. Low-E Glass

Low-E or low-Emissivity glass has exceptional thermal insulation capabilities. This surface stands to guard against ultraviolet (UV) radiation. During scorching summers, it allows only visible natural light to pass through its surface while reflecting away most of the heat and glare. Since it is a low-emissivity surface, it does not allow energy transfers between the exterior and interior atmospheres of a building.

During the winter season, low-E high-performance glass helps maintain an optimal interior temperature by trapping energy waves and not emitting or letting them leak outside. Therefore, this glass type enhances the overall thermal comfort of your office space and also reduces heating costs. You must be drawing parallels between low-E and insulated glass since they have similar functionalities. While that’s true, low-E glass is even more energy-efficient than insulated glass units.

2. Solar Control Glass

Much like low-E glass, this type also comes with a special oxide coating responsible for exchanging less amount of solar glare from outside to inside. Additionally, solar control glass ushers in a more significant amount of natural light, thus reducing the cost of artificial lighting. This feature of solar control glass is especially useful for educational institutions, public libraries, offices etc. where natural light combined with artificial light is most helpful. 

Solar control glass helps reduce heating and cooling costs. For tropical countries like India, where sweltering heat can force us to hide inside opaque structures, solar control glass can be very beneficial. 

Applications – Any commercial or residential structure where reducing the amount of solar heat absorption is a priority. Some examples include indoor swimming pools, business park façades, metro stations, classrooms, college buildings, automotive windshields, etc.   

3. Solar Control Low-E Glass

This type of glass is the gold standard for high performance. Consider a low-emissivity surface that also has a special solar control coating. Solar Control Low-E glass is especially beneficial for surfaces that come in direct contact with sunlight regularly. Choose this glass type if you want robust protection from solar radiation as well as enhanced thermal insulation.

Since solar control low-E glass is most robust in business, it is commonly used in famous structures across the world. Did you know that the tallest building in the world, Burg Khalifa, is laden with solar control low-E glass? If you are looking for a complete high-performance solution, look no further than this glass type.

The Bottom Line

High performance glass is generally used in commercial areas where the expanse of glass is more, which requires increased energy-efficiency. However, this does not mean that residential complexes must not use this type of glass. If you live in a high-rise apartment that faces the wrath of unrelenting solar glare every so often, high-performance glass is ideal.

Are you looking for unmatched energy-efficiency and thermal comfort through high-performance glass but cannot decide which one to choose? If so, then turn to AIS – India’s leading architectural glass manufacturing company. Our team of professionally trained personnel is eager to help you in every step of the way. From selecting the right glass to installation and after-sales support – we’ve got you covered!

We can also help you pick out the right kind of high-performance glass. All you have to do is get in touch with us. So, contact us today to rid yourself of all your glass-related woes!

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