
How to use ultra-transparent clear glass for high functionality and design for Office Spaces?

With the Covid-19 pandemic leading to a widespread acceptance of working from home, most companies are now looking at the same as a norm. This means that most experts are expecting a reduction in office sizes moving forward

As a result, one of the biggest challenges that most companies will face is having a cramped or crowded office space. Modern companies strive to give employees a creative ambience to enhance productivity, which is why navigating this challenge is quite crucial. One of the best ways that you can bring high-functionality and stunning design to your office space is by installing clear glass all over. 

Why (and how) should you use clear glass as a design element to enhance your office space? 

It’s hard to imagine clear glass acting as a decor or design element, right? However, the truth is that it can actually transform your entire space. Here are 5 indisputable reasons why you should use clear glass to improve the way your office looks: 

1. Clear glass partitions can help spread more light!

Most companies spend an exorbitant amount of money on electricity bills. After all, they need a lot of light to ensure that employees can see well and work hard. When you install clear glass partitions in your office, you can cut your electricity bill by a significant amount as you won’t have to switch on as many lights.

If you have a single source of light in your office, it can be leveraged and used to spread light all over the space by using clear glass partitions. This concept can also be used if your office faces the sun. Having an office space that’s lit beautifully by natural light can be a huge boon, and even boost your employees’ morale! 

2. Clear glass partitions can help managers do their job better!

Whether you’re a start-up or an older, established organisation, you know that your managers have to ensure that different teams of people are working correctly. This can sometimes be harder to do when employees are working in a silo, behind closed doors. 

Clear glass partitions can help your managers keep an eye on everyone, all at once. If you use these partitions to ensure that employees of the same team sit together, all you have to do is glance in their direction to check how things are going. 

3. Clear glass partitions create an open space!

Open concept designs are trending however, not all buildings support this design. This is especially true if you’re going for a small office space. Fortunately, you can create the same vibe of an open office design by using clear glass partitions. 

When you walk into an office that has clear glass partitions, the space always looks less claustrophobic than a similar space with regular walls. Clear glass partitions are the best way to create an ambience that your employees can enjoy every day. You can also impress prospective clients with the way your office looks when you use clear glass partitions. 

4. Clear glass partitions offer more value for money!

Let’s say you’ve rented out an open office and you want to distribute the space in a way that creates hubs for teams. Building walls made of brick and concrete can take a lot of time, and the labour cost can sometimes be quite high. On the other hand, installing clear glass partitions can help you achieve the same goal at a lower cost. 

More often than not, clear glass partitions are easy to install once the interior designer has the right measurements. They don’t take very long, and come at a lower cost than most other office partition materials. As a result, they offer a higher value for money. 

5. Clear glass partitions look great!

One of the main reasons why clear glass partitions are so popular is because they simply look great. When you go for a minimalist aesthetic and choose clear glass partitions with a dark frame, you can end up with a stunning office. When going for this aesthetic, choose wrought-iron tables and comfortable office chairs for the perfect blend of professional and trendy looks

You can even add a pop of colour to the overall aesthetic by using our stunning back painted glasses, to break the clear look every now and then. Using your corporate colours would be a great idea as it can build a strong sense of connection with the workplace. 

6. Clear glass partitions can help with sound insulation!

Now, you may not think this is the case but clear glass partitions with Acoustic PVB can help with sound insulation. As a result, you can ensure that all the meetings that take place in your conference room are private. 

Clear glass partitions can also help with sound insulation throughout the office, ensuring that when your teams are brainstorming new strategies, the sound does not travel from one section of the office to another. This way, you can ensure that the office itself has a calm and quiet environment. 

7. Clear glass partitions can help with temperature control!

Another great feature of clear glass partitions is that they can help with temperature control to a certain extent. This is because they will not allow heat from outside to come inside. Thus, the ACs in your office can be switched on at a moderate temperature instead of a very cool one. This should ensure that you don’t have to pay high electricity bills!

Are Clear Glass Partitions Durable? 

One of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to clear glass partitions is whether they are durable. When you get ultra-transparent clear glass from experts like us, we ensure that the glass has just the right thickness to ensure its durability. As a result, you don’t have to worry about the glass shattering at the slightest impact. 

Clear glass partitions are designed for office use, which means that they pass through numerous quality checks that confirm their overall durability. As they are transparent, they also enhance the professional aesthetic of the workplace. 

Where can you get the best clear glass for partitions?


At AIS Limited, we take pride in ourselves in offering our clients high-quality, ultra-transparent glass. Our company was established in 1984, and since then, we have grown into India’s largest glass company within the architectural and automotive segment. Thus, if you’re looking for the right name to turn to for all your clear glass needs, then rest assured that everything you get from us will be absolutely perfect. 

Additionally, if you are remodelling or designing your office, you should speak to our experts about the types of glass that you can use to make the design stand out. We offer highly-durable clear glass along with back painted glass, and you can use a combination of the two to create an office ambience that is truly unique. 

To enhance your office decor and create a space that inspires creativity and high productivity, all you need to do is get in touch with us today!

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