
Key Features of Float Glass

Float glass is a versatile and widely used type of glass that has gained popularity due to its exceptional properties. Its superior flatness and clarity, combined with its durability and adaptability, make it an invaluable material in industries like construction, automotive and consumer goods.  

This comprehensive guide aims to explore the key features of float glass, delving into its composition, manufacturing process and various applications to provide a deeper understanding of what makes it such a preferred choice across industries.  

What is Float Glass? 

Float glass is a type of flat glass produced through the unique process of pouring molten glass onto a bath of liquid tin. Due to its lower density, the molten glass floats. This process ensures an exceptionally smooth, bubble-free surface.  

After this, the Pilkington Process is used. This involves carefully controlling the atmosphere within the chamber to shape the glass. The upper surface of the glass, known as the air side, is polished with fire. The lower surface, known as the tone side, remains unpolished. After cooling in an oven, the glass emerges as a flat and continuous ribbon that is ready to be cut to size.  

This float glass is then processed for use in various applications, including windows, doors, and other products that require flat, distortion-free glass.  

Key Features of Float Glass: 

1. Clarity 

Float glass is well known for its high clarity and transparency. Its ability to transmit light effectively makes it an ideal material for windows, allowing natural light to enter buildings. Furthermore, the clarity of float glass is essential in applications where visibility is needed, such as in display cases, shop windows and aquariums.  

The crystal-clear appearance of float glass enhances the aesthetic appeal of structures and products.  

2. Durability and Strength  

Despite its delicate appearance, float glass is surprisingly strong. It can withstand significant pressure and impact, making it suitable for various applications. In the construction industry, float glass is used in structural elements such as curtain walls and skylights, where it must withstand external forces. Additionally, in the automotive industry, after processing float glass is used in windshields as laminated glass and tempered glass for side windows, where it must protect occupants from potential hazards.  

3. Flatness 

One of the most prominent features of float glass is its exceptional flatness. The unique manufacturing process ensures that the glass sheet is remarkably even and free from any distortions or undulations. This flatness is crucial in various applications, particularly in the construction industry.  

For example, in windows and doors, flatness is essential for unobstructed vows and proper sealing. Additionally, in mirrors and other reflective surfaces, flatness is critical to prevent image distortion.  

4. UV Protection and Thermal Stability 

Float glass naturally blocks some amount of harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. This property is essential in applications where protection from UV radiation is required, such as windows and skylights. Float glass also possesses excellent thermal stability. It can withstand temperature fluctuations without cracking or breaking, making it ideal for applications where the glass may be exposed to varying temperatures.  

5. Versatility 

Beyond its strength and durability, float glass stands out for its adaptability. It can be manufactured in a wide range of thicknesses, with standard market sizes available in 2 mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, and 12mm 

This versatility helps it cater to delicate applications as well as robust uses while maintaining its durability and aesthetic. From crystal clear to various tints and reflective coatings, float glass can be customised for aesthetics and functionality.  


Float glass’s ability to withstand pressure, impact and temperatures, along with its beautiful aesthetics, makes it an ideal choice for applications ranging from automotive glass to windows and doors in living and office spaces.  

If you are looking for aesthetics coupled with functional benefits, AIS Glass is the perfect choice for your glass and window solutions. Not only does AIS offer pleasing designs and versatile options of float glass, but it also ensures that you can create the perfect space for your homes and offices.  

Moreover, AIS’s expert guidance will always support your planning right from the initial selection process! Elevate your spaces with AIS and book a consultation today.   

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