
#SheIsMadeOfGlass: How AIS Glass’ 2019 Women’s Day Campaign Got Viral

An epitome of grace and dignity, she enriches our lives in the manner nobody else can. Her uniqueness and exceptional talents make her the champion of all odds, whether at home or work. Celebrating her indomitable spirit coupled with her sheer strength, AIS Glass commemorated the true essence of womanhood on this year’s Women’s Day, identifying with her at all levels. And this was the core of our Women’s Day Campaign – She is made of Glass – which encapsulated the hearts of millions.
On this special day, honoring the indomitable spirit of women, we decided to interview women architects who AIS Glass is proud to have worked with. Today they are well-known names in their field who are breaking ground and inspiring young women professionals to chase their passions. On being asked about what they felt about AIS Glass’ social media campaign #SheIsMadeOfGlass and their response was nothing less than an enthusiastic affirmation.
Expressing her approval, Ar. Tejaswini Pandit of Hiten Sethi & Associates commented that AIS has aptly captured the versatility of glass and given complete justice to the idea of womanhood at the same time through this campaign. Ar. Apoorva Sharma of Hafeez Contractor Architects goes on to say that it is a unique and interesting concept, and appreciates how it brilliantly brings out the uniqueness of AIS glass products by likening them with the unique qualities of women.

We rounded up the occasion with a cake cutting ceremony with each of the architectural firms we celebrated the day with. We also presented a memento to each one of the principal women architects to honour them and their work in the field of architecture.
Indeed, it gives us much happiness and satisfaction now to share that #SheIsMadeOfGlass became viral soon after it went live on social media. It attracted an enthusiastic response with many among the social media audience expressing intrigue and approval and many more getting inspired to render their own thoughts creatively on the same. Ar. Kavita Talib of Soyuz Talib Architects Pvt Ltd is one such lady who has penned a beautiful poem on this theme. Knowing that it struck a chord among the active female citizenry of social media, we feel great to have connected with our audience successfully through this campaign.

So why do we say she’s made of glass?

  • Protective

No matter whichever role she plays in our life, she is always protective. We may underestimate her strength, but she’ll never let any harm touch us. Just like glass.

  • Clarity of vision

She’s able to see through the confusion. She is prescient and unpretentiously so. When in doubt, seek help in her tremendous clarity of vision, and she’ll never let you down. Just like glass.

  • Tough

You may think she is weak, that it is easy to break her. But you must know that she will be anything but that once she makes up her mind. Just like glass.

  • Transparent

She is not very good at concealing things because she knows that it is better not to. She will let you have a clear view of the world if you’re seeking it. Just like glass.
We’re in 2019 now and today’s woman is breaking ground every day to build smart and innovate for change. At AIS Glass as well, there is a constant endeavour to redefine glass, making it smarter and futuristic for home and workplace settings. And that is how we got thinking that #SheIsMadeOfGlass in a whole new way.


Experience the World of Innovative Glass with AIS World of Glass Mobile App

Glass is a stunning material which can enhance the aesthetic appeal of any place. With modern innovations, however, this exquisite material is no longer restricted to décor pieces and interior applications but can replace any traditional construction material.

Whether one is looking to conserve energy with naturally comfortable interiors, revel in peaceful interiors, minimize the harsh glare and optimize daylight, or relax and be comfortable with complete privacy and security – AIS has a solution for you. In addition, with unique customizable options, one no longer needs to be a mirror image of everyone but can stand out with their personal style statement.
However, for most people before investing in something new, a personal experience of the solutions is a must. Taking this concern into account, AIS has launched its very own mobile app – World of Glass, which allows consumers to experience these innovative solutions while also remaining informed on the latest products and trends.

Taking customer engagement to the next level

In true AIS fashion though, this app isn’t just an information centre for glass products but a revolutionary way for consumers to experience the benefits of these solutions. For ease of access the various glass solutions are segregated into key categories based on their benefits such as acoustic, privacy, safety, aesthetic and energy efficiency solutions.
With global warming and climatic change becoming a global concern, natural materials that offer sustainable solutions are becoming vital for every establishment. Modern and innovative glass solutions offer superior comfort while being extremely sensitive to the needs of the environment. Along with glass, AIS also offers stylistic and sustainable frames for various doors and window solutions. These include two primary materials – wood and uPVC which can further be customized and stylized to reflect the individual’s style and unique personality.

Going beyond the ordinary

Maintaining its innovative and pioneering spirit, AIS doesn’t just offer solutions for the everyday life but also certain specialized solutions that can be experienced in detail on the app. Modern glass can now be used for innovative solutions that go beyond the doors and windows. Experience a bright and stylistic glass staircase that can elevate the décor while also adding brightness and premier aesthetics to any space. When complemented with an artistic glass railing this specialized solution offers a modern vibe and style to space like no other. In addition, AIS has also been a pioneer in exquisite modern glass solutions like glass floorings, glass balconies, and several others.
Another notable innovative exploration of modern glass experienced in this app is an infinity swimming pool. Experience the feeling of floating in a pool without any limits or edges as you reach for the horizon. Modern glass, when used in this edgeless solution, can elevate the design and concept of this pool to a new height. Apart from these, there are several other solutions that individuals can experience and customize based on their needs. With state-of-the-art technology and superior manufacturing processes, AIS ensures that each solution is sturdy and resilient as per individualistic needs.
For those that still need convincing, AIS has created a special experience zone which allows individuals to personally experience the benefits of the glass solutions in two key categories – privacy and security. No longer is glass a fragile and transparent material but offers exquisite finishes and possess great strength to rival any traditional construction material.
With AIS solutions, one can be rest assured about the quality of the products and installation process. A dedicated and professional team is available to answer all your queries and even customise a glass solution based on your preference. For any information, connect with the AIS team through the app and join the glass revolution today.
The AIS app is available on both Android and iOS platforms and can be found at the following links:
Download the app from Google Play Store:
Download the app from App Store:


Ais Honours Women Architects On International Women’s Day With Special Personalized Mementos

8th March marked International Women’s Day around the world. It’s incredibly overwhelming to observe the whole world come together as one to celebrate women and their amazing spirit. Women have been constantly creating their own identities in the world with strength and dignity. Despite the obstacles, challenges, societal beliefs, and pressures, women have time and again proved that they are not to be underestimated. Women with grace, responsibility, and power dare to forge their own path and make an impact in the world.

On this remarkable day, AIS took a pan-India approach to salute women for their phenomenal work. The AIS team celebrated this special day in a special way, celebrating with various architectural agencies across the country. AIS honoured exceptional women architects of some conventional architectural firms with personalized mementos for their groundbreaking achievements in the same field. The mementos were one of a kind as it featured stunning portraits of the women on glass! These rich grey toned glass portrait mementos were gifted to women architects of outstanding caliber.

Ar. Krupa Zubin of ZZ Architects and Ar. Hemanti Sutaria from Prashant Sutaria Architects, delivered their vote of thanks to AIS for its constant support and encouragement to women architects.
Green Angle’s Ar. Meenal Sutaria and Alumayer’s Ms. Sonali Bedre, appreciates and salutes the role of womanhood in architecture.
Ar. Swati Pandit and Ar. Nikita Mehta from Hafeez Contractor mention about following their dreams and aspirations, appreciating gender equality in the corporate world and wishing every women all the success and happiness.
Lastly, Ar. Brinda Somaya of Somaya and Kalappa Consultants, spoke about the sense of equality and support women all over the country have been receiving in various fields.

These talented women architects along with many others like Ar. Tejaswini Pandit and Pearl Contractor were the ones felicitated personalized mementos from AIS for their dedication and contribution in the field of architecture.  It was a moment of immense pride for the awardees, and their stunned, happy faces lit up this special day!
There was a lot of excitement among the people over the mementos as everyone wanted to have a glimpse of it and hold it. The appreciative smiles on everyone’s faces spoke more than mere words and put a wide, bright smile on our faces too. Smiling is contagious too, didn’t you know?

The day was further spent with great fun, games, and cakes at various architectural offices. AIS kicked off the celebrations at the offices with a cake cutting ceremony which featured innovatively designed cakes celebrating the essence of a woman. A toast was raised to women through engaging activities and fun games.One of the innovative concepts was providing the staff with AIS Decor Lacquered Glass of different shades. Every shade had a matching personality trait assigned to it. For example, Venetian Red for a woman of confidence, Black Pearl for a woman with power, Snow White for the independent spirited woman and so on. Each woman had to dedicate a shade to another woman in the same office. This game involved a lot of fun and love as women attributed
One of the innovative concepts was providing the staff with AIS Decor Lacquered Glass of different shades. Every shade had a matching personality trait assigned to it. For example, Venetian Red for a woman of confidence, Black Pearl for a woman with power, Snow White for the independent spirited woman and so on. Each woman had to dedicate a shade to another woman in the same office. This game involved a lot of fun and love as women attributed colours to one another, and was a thoroughly enjoyable experience with women emerging all smiles on seeing the coloured glass matching their personality.

Another game with a twist that was played was ‘Glassnary’ – a variant of Pictionary but with glass. Glass words were used as hints for the teams to give the right answer. Example, water repellent glass, heat reflective glass etc. This was an extremely engaging game that saw active participation by the women. Needless to say, everyone had a whale of a time!
The day saw ZZ Architects raise a toast to womanhood with a huge cake followed by fun games and activities that kept everyone completely entertained.
At Anil Sharma & Associates, a gorgeous cake in the shape of a woman signifying the spirit of a woman was first cut, followed by the innovative games of Shades of a Woman and Glassnary which was enjoyed by one and all.
Pink theme dominated the celebrations at Design Plus Associates and Arcop Associates Pvt. Ltd. with rosy pink bouquets and lovely pink themed cakes that were presented to the women staff of the offices. The women at both offices were full of cheers and made merry on this day!

The women had a fabulous time playing Shades of a Woman at ARK Designs Pvt. Ltd. There was a spirit of bonhomie and warmth here that added great moments to this special day.
A sinfully delicious chocolate cake heralded the celebrations at Alumayer, Sankalpan and Architect Reza Kabul’s office. The games of Glassnary and Shades of Woman kept everyone involved and delighted right till the end.
Hiten Sethi Architects and Faquih and Associates saw the women emphasize the qualities of confidence, power, independence and vibrancy through the Shades of a Woman activity. The supportive and friendly atmosphere here was tangible and beautiful to experience!
We also witnessed firms in Bangalore like Mantri Builders and Education Design Architects, celebrate women’s day with immense glee and joy.
Everyone wanted to continue the fun and celebrations but like everything else, all good things come to an end, for the time being at least. AIS is committed to celebrating and honouring the spirit of women every day. Women’s Day was an opportunity to reach out to ordinary women who are extraordinary beyond measure. The personalized glass memento gifted to the women emphasize a woman’s extraordinary strength and dignity through all the roles she plays.

Woman empower one another, cheers to womanhood!


Modernise and upgrade your current structure with AIS Retro-fitting solutions

Innovative glass solutions that offer energy efficiency and sound insulation are a primary choice for many individuals. In addition, the widespread focus on sustainable architecture has led to modern materials like glass playing a major role in current construction. However, a lot of buildings that currently exist were made before these innovative solutions came into play. Replacing and re-building the entire structure to incorporate these solutions may not be feasible for everyone.

However, with AIS Renew, architects can now upgrade their construction to receive all these benefits without replacement. This unique retro-fitting solution is attached on top of the existing buildings to transform them into insulation solutions. This method does not disrupt the daily functioning. Instead, it can transform even the most basic structure, into a modern and energy efficient space.
These glass solutions comprise of a built-in Low-E interlayer, thus keeping the interiors cooler. In addition, it prevents the harmful ultraviolet and infrared radiation from entering in thereby protecting your health and your interiors. The window solution also acts as an acoustic insulator, thereby providing noiseless and peaceful interiors. By ensuring a perfect fit without any gaps or spaces, retro-fitting solutions keep all the unwanted elements like dust, dirt, heat and sound away from your interiors.
This makes the glass reflect the sun’s heat away from the building and keep the interiors cool. This helps in reducing the usage of air-conditioning, therefore conserving electricity. This can also lead to immense savings on the electricity bills over time. In the winter months, this innovative glass solution can prevent loss of indoor warmth, thus keeping your interiors cosy naturally. It also reduces the constant need for blowers and heaters further adding to your savings.

The major benefit received with this solution is ease of installation. A re-vamp or renovation can be quite messy and expensive while also causing delays in your schedule. However, this unique solution bypasses all these concerns with its innovative concept. Not only is retro-fitting your building cost-effective, but quick as well. With a short duration of 30-60 minutes required per window, even high-rise buildings with multiple windows can opt for this solution.
Additionally, once installed, you no longer have to bother with constant repair or maintenance work. This durable solution is easy to clean and extremely low on maintenance making it a perfect fit. Not just residential buildings – but all commercial establishments can benefit from this solution. Be it an office, hospital, hotel, mall or bank, AIS Renew can transform your current building into an energy efficient and insulated structure.
With global warming on the rise, sustainable architecture is becoming a must for everyone. The new and unique retro-fitting solutions by AIS allow all buildings to incorporate this in a cost-effective and efficient manner.


Innovation in the world of glass

Revamp your interiors with innovative glass solutions
Modern innovations in architecture and design have changed the entire functionality of glass as a building material. Earlier considered to be quite plain and fragile, architectural glass has come a long way in becoming one of the premier materials preferred by architects and designers alike. This modern solution can offer numerous advantages while being extremely sturdy and durable. Read on for some of the leading innovations that have revamped this material.
Privacy – Every space has once section or the other that is completely personal and requires privacy from outsiders. Modern glass solutions help you achieve this in a stylish and trendy manner.
Frosted glass: A cloudy and opaque glass solution, frosted glass is perfect in places that require complete privacy. Retaining the open and light properties of glass, this solution is visually appealing and can be fitted in homes, offices and even hotels.
Smart glass: A revolutionary invention, smart glass solutions like the swytch glass offer inhabitants privacy as and when they want. This transparent glass solution turns completely opaque at the click of a button giving the person instant privacy. These are perfect for bedroom windows or office cabins and hospitals as well.

 Insulation – Noise, pollution, heat – all of these factors are fine when one is outside, but can be distressing when found indoors as well. Traditional glass was no barrier for the barrage of noise in the city or the harsh summer months, but that’s not the case with modern glass.
Acoustic windows: Glass windows fitted with an acoustic interlayer can make your interiors noiseless again. A calm and peaceful home is essential for mental peace. Additionally, in commercial spaces like offices, hotels, malls and even hospitals, sound can be disruptive for work, making sound proof glass an ideal fit.
Energy efficient glass: Harsh summer months can make the interiors feel like a sauna. However, innovative solar control glass like ecosense and sunshield can protect the interiors from heat and intense glares. These glasses have a heat reflective glazing, which can be natural or tinted, for optimum lighting and heat control.

Safety and Security – The durability of this earlier fragile solution is what has been most surprising for everyone. Now, different processes and techniques have enabled glass manufacturer to toughen glass up to several times its regular strength.
Toughened glass: This modern innovation requires exposing a sheet of annealed glass to an intense heat in a furnace which makes it 4 to 5 times stronger. Additionally, the change in its chemical properties is also reflected when it breaks. Taking into account safety of indivisharp shards that could injure somebody.
Laminated glass: Advances in glass have also led it to acts as a personal security force for your space. In places where security is a concern, people can opt for laminated glass solutions. This glass is created by fusing two glass sheets with a plastic interlayer. In case of damage, the glass pieces stay stuck to the interlayer and do not disburse, thus not providing any entry point for thieves.
Widespread advances in glass solutions have made it customisable and adaptable for almost every requirement. A leading glass supplier in your city can help you with additional information and product selection to suit your needs.


Keep yourself and the roads safe with automotive glass solutions

An interesting sight witnessed on the roads these days is the constant increase in the number of cars be it sedans, luxury cars or SUVs. While the engines and make of the car can differ from model to model, one thing that needs to be consistent for each of them is the safety of the vehicle for the passengers.


How to make your space environment friendly with glass and uPVC frames?

Our world is changing, things are taking a turn for the worse when it comes to the environment. So, what can one do in such a grave situation? Well, it turns out YOU, just another homeowner, can do a lot. All you need is a “Green Makeover” for your abode and you can do your bit in protecting the environment.
Thanks to the advancement in technology, there has been a major progress in manufacturing eco-friendly solutions. Such solutions not only help you enhance the look and feel of your residence but also make you the proud owner of an “eco-friendly home”.


Importance of Fire-Resistant glass

A home is what you come back to after a long day. A place tucked away from the chaos of the world. But this humble abode of yours is always at risk of damage from the various forces of Mother Nature. The most uncontrollable of these forces is undoubtedly fire. While the damage caused by fire is irreparable, how far it spreads is definitely something that can now be controlled. And the perfect tool for this job is the new fire-resistant range of glass from AIS.
We at AIS, have been trusted and relied on by builders, architects and designers for our glass solutions over the last several years. Our solutions are manufactured at high international standards and are perfected to serve customers with greater efficiency.


Get the best in heat- reflective glass solutions with AIS Opal

Glass plays a major role in modern architecture. It is a versatile material that can be used to create a peaceful environment to live in. Nowadays, glass structures are aesthetically appealing and highly functional. Not only that, they make the interiors and exteriors appear beautiful. With the advancement of technology, glass can be manufactured according to various requirements and applications. As a result, creating extraordinary creations in the world of architecture is possible.Today, such glass structures are quite capable of reducing the amount of UV radiation, thermal insulation, privacy and safety,and more.
One such type of glass that is very popular among architects is AIS Opal Glass. This glass cuts off the heat from your buildings and provides value for money. AIS Opal glass also prevents heat from entering your interiors. It is available in a range of shades, size and thickness that meet your requirements.
To know more about this state-of-the-art technology, refer to the below infograph.


Things you should know about AIS

 Introduction to AIS
Asahi India Glass Ltd. (AIS) is India’s leading integrated glass solutions company and a dominant player in the glass sector that offers innovative solutions for your homes, offices and other spaces. As the largest integrated glass company in India, AIS is known to offer customers the best in class quality and services.


Changing trends in building Façade

For architects, facades play a vital role from a design and structural point of view. Facades are usually known to set the tone for the complete glass infrastructure. Architecturally the most important aspect of a building, facades have transformed, altered and evolved into an expression of contemporary design and reflect the brilliance and concept of the architect themselves. Also, if considered from an engineering facet, facades play a very important role in altering the constitution and sustainability of a building.

History of Facades:
Evolving from the Neo-Greek and Egyptian architecture to the Georgian buildings, facades have evolved from the simple and majestic Great Pyramids of Egypt to the elegant and royal Buckingham Palace in London, to the massive glass skyscrapers we see now.  Contemporary facades are even more diverse and add to the sustainability of the building, not just its artistic value.
The changing trends in glass facades reflect a contemporary amalgamation of the traditional and non-traditional ideas. The modern facades extend far beyond the mere use of glass and composite panels for the spandrel area.
Indoor to outdoor boundaries can be diminished by using a more open façade that merges seamlessly with the interior of the building, giving it a more contemporary look. Architects can provide clients/customers with better lighting solutions, heating solutions and add vibrancy to the building by using a combination of tempered glass glazing and other laminates.
Depending on the degree of glazing, glass can conserve energy and reduce the need for artificial lighting. It will also retain heat in the cold season, hence keeping the rooms warm during winters. During summers, the glazing also prevents excessive heating and keeps the glare and harmful rays out. This gives the room a more open and enriched look and will increase the architectural evaluation of any building. The glazing solutions will enhance the façade of any structure and make it ecologically enhanced.

AIS Ecosense Glass and AIS Opal Glass are two popular façade solutions that can be used by architects and designers. These value-for-money products are available in a variety of natural shades that require the least amount of maintenance. Buying them from the right provider guarantees tailored solutions that suit your requirements.
Take a look at what we have to offer-
AIS Ecosense Glass: This type of glass is available in four different types of natural shades as mentioned below:

  1. Enhance (Solar Control)
  2. Exceed (Solar Control Low-E)
  3. Essence (Low-E) and
  4. Edge (solar control glass & thermal insulation – Low E)

By using AIS Ecosense glass you can create the perfect balance between indoor and outdoor that suit the unique Indian climate.
AIS Opal Glass:  A popular choice for heat reflective glass, using this product will help your clients maintain a comfortable temperature within the buildings. As a result, this type of glass is a smart choice for exterior glass and looks stylish as well.
With such products and technology at your disposal, creating the ideal aesthetic, economic and environmental solution can be done without any difficulty.


Use of glass in hospitality industry

Noise pollution is detrimental to health. It can cause psychological and physiological damage to a person. As a result, noise becomes hostile and can make your environment unpleasant.  By using the right glass, architects can decrease the amount of unwanted noise and make your surroundings pleasant. One such important commercial segment where noise pollution needs to be kept at bay is the hospitality industry. Besides noise pollution, high energy bills and excessive light are other major problems faced by players in the restaurant and hotel sector. As the industry focusses on the comfort of their guests, such issues need to be resolved effectively.

Why use glass?
Installing glass doors and windows can help create audacious designs and aesthetic environments. If privacy is what you are looking for, make sure you use frosted glass. Acoustic insulation glazing can be used to cancel the noise and create that tranquil setting you desire.  Glass has added benefits such as durability and high performance, and will assist in creating an aesthetic appearance. Therefore, architects who are working on a project should explore the option of using glass as it is a highly versatile building material.

Types of glass
In this competitive market, hoteliers often find it challenging to provide customers with the very best. The noise, poor glazing, and many other issues result in unsatisfactory conditions for guests. By making use of architectural, float, or annealed glass, you can create the right conditions for guests and make rooms look appealing, too. Architects are guaranteed to impress their clients / customers with these aesthetic layout designs that can keep the decibel levels
very low.
Take a look at our noise proof glass and energy-efficient solutions listed below:
Aesthetic: AIS Aesthetic glass in hotels not only gives an appealing look to the interiors, but it also adds a touch of modernity. Using attractive glass also enhances the beauty of the interiors.
Sound Insulation: The interlayers of AIS Acousticglas can reduce any kind of external sound. It is multifunctional and offers high-performance benefits. This glass can also be useful to preserve the aesthetic appearance of a structure. Besides reduction of noise pollution, there are many other options that provide an array of energy-saving solutions. Such solutions can be useful to reduce the energy consumption drastically.
Security: It is the perfect solution for contemporary living spaces. AIS Securityglas can provide level-2 and level-3 protection from burglar attacks. With such solutions architects can ensure that a building’s aesthetics are satisfactorily addressed, while taking care that occupants’ safety and security aspects are not compromised.
Privacy: The latest AIS Swytchglas is designed with modern technology that will help you maintain your privacy at just the click of a button. This unique glass technology enables the transformation of transparent glass to opaque glass with just the flick of a switch.
Energy Efficiency: With AIS Ecosense glass, one can achieve that subtle balance between the environment inside and outside the structure. Getting optimum daylight and energy efficiency in every sense is achieved by using this glass.
This green-standard glass is available in a variety of shades. They are classified further into three categories, as follows:

  • Enhance (Solar Control)
  • Exceed (Solar Control Low E0)
  • Essence (Low E) and Edge (Solar Control & Low E)

With these glass solutions, building the world closer to nature is easier. The glass can be useful to improve efficiency, aesthetics, and eco-sensitivity.
Hotels and restaurants built in certain parts of India require thermal insulation and better light transmission. These glass solutions can adequately meet such requirements. With the availability of this glass in different shades, implementing energy-efficient and aesthetic building designs has now become possible.


#FindYourPerfectMatch with AIS Glass

Have you watched our video to ‘Find Your Perfect Match’ yet? AIS decided to help you find your match in an interesting way, i.e. through a video. The video not only describes the characteristics but also the features of the different characters in an impressive style.

Meet the characters here and know more about them!

Mr. Stronglas is 5 times stronger than any other ordinary glass. He is strong and protective of everyone around him. He makes sure that people around him are always safe.
If at all it breaks, AIS Stronglas shatters into small blunt pieces and protects you from injuries. With it, you don’t need to worry about any danger as it will keep you safe, and injury free.
Stronglas can be used for different applications such as table tops, shelves, partition, facades, wash basins and many more. If you are concerned about keeping intruders out or have smaller kids in the house, AIS Stronglas is the perfect match for you!

Do you like to show-off your home to everyone? If yes, Mr. Aesthetic is the best match for you.  He is not just attractive but also charming. With him around, you are sure to grab attention.
AIS Aesthetic glass is used in interiors and gives it a fresh and an innovative look. It can make any space look stylish and classy.
AIS Aesthetic Glass is used for interior applications. It is available in different shades and patterns to beautify your spaces.  Wide range includes Frosted Glass, Patterned Glass, Fabric Laminated Glass and much more.

AIS Ecosense is cool as well as charming. When it comes to protection from heat, Ecosense is the best choice! He knows how to keep you comfortable in your home or office.
Ecosense aims to provide a cool or warm environment as per your needs. It is eco-friendly and maintains the perfect balance between the indoors and the outdoors. It can fit in any climatic condition and is a mix of architectural, aesthetic, economic, energy efficiency and environment sense.
Ecosense is used for exterior glass applications like facades, and windows in homes and offices.

Are you tired of all the noise around you? Mr. Acousticglas is perfect for you!
He is silent, peaceful and calm. You can trust him with all your secrets because he will never let them out. You can blindly trust him with all your information.
Stay calm with AIS Acousticglas- it will not only ensure that your words are not overheard by anyone, but also keep outside unwanted noise out.
AIS Acousticglas can be used in board room or office cabin partitions, windows in houses, facades, shop -fronts etc.

Mr. Swytchglas is the perfect blend of latest technologies, modern innovation and focuses on the current need for privacy. He is smart and knows when to provide you privacy when most needed. He is very flexible and easy to be with.
With AIS Swytchglas, you can turn transparent glass opaque with just the click of a button. It strikes the perfect balance between style and necessity, and blocks visibility at the switch of a button.
AIS Swytchglas can be used in varied applications in multiple verticals like windows, walls and partitions, conference rooms, hospitals, salons and many more places where you need to ensure privacy.

With AIS, you can get a variety of different options as per your needs and requirements. So with all these bachelors around you, did you #FindYourPerfectMatch? Watch this video to know more:

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