
How the AIS Dark Green UV Cut Glass Prepares/Endows Your Car for Indian Conditions

India is a hot country with temperatures averaging 35 to 37 degrees and even crossing 45 degrees in some areas. It is no wonder then that car owners here desire attributes that ensure lesser heat inside the cabin. Apart from the thermal discomfort accentuated in tropical summers, the sunlight also transmits harmful UV radiation which is detrimental for our skin and the cause behind various skin-related disorders. Moreover, high temperatures also put a strain on the engine and battery and impede optimum functionality of the air conditioner.

In its penchant to offer better solutions for Indian conditions, AIS has worked extensively to develop a unique offering called Dark Green UV Cut glass. Apart from reducing the thermal load inside the cabin, it also eliminates the UV radiation by more than 80 percent. It perfectly complies with the Indian regulation for light transmission of 50 percent for side lights and provides a life-long solution, unlike sun-control films which have been banned for use in India.
Here are some product highlights –
1. The dark green glass combination is enabled to cut more than 82% UV rays entering the car, hence protecting people inside the car from a number of harmful skin diseases and ailments including sunburn, premature ageing of the skin, eye damage and skin cancer.
2. Unlike the normal green glass, this glass leads to a drop of close to 2 degrees in cabin temperature.
3. With its ability to curb down the heat accumulating inside the car, this UV protection glass can also reduce the usage of air-conditioning by 10-to-15%. This s decrease the load on the compressor and thereby the engine, which improves fuel efficiency and noticeably lowers your monthly fuel expenses. It helps in decreasing the carbon footprint as there are lesser carbon dioxide emissions.
4. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can tarnish the car’s upholstery besides other things of necessity in the car. With its ability to check the amount of heat getting into the interior of the vehicle, these glasses are better equipped to protect interiors of the car from repeated exposure to high temperatures.
Fully compliant with Indian rules regarding car glass, the Dark Green UV Cut glass is yet another product innovation by AIS that perfectly suits Indian climate.


How Can You Tackle Air Pollution with Glass?

You would believe that winters in India are welcomed with much celebration as they bring respite from the harsh summer heat. Yet, come November, and suddenly the picture doesn’t look so rosy anymore. Cue the menace of air pollution.
Over the last few years, air pollution levels in urban centres of the country have risen steadily and have now reached alarming levels. This issue is made all the more prominent in the cold weather as fog mixes with the pollutants to give rise to smog – an extremely unhealthy air that we have now become accustomed to breathing.

So, amidst it all, how can glass technology help?
Since one spends the maximum amount of time in a day indoors, either at home or an office, the solution to air pollution lies in staying as far away from it as possible. Such a solution is possible in the realm of architecture wherein our windows and other outlets in the building a sealed and secure enough to prevent any leakage of the polluted air inside. Therefore, all you need is a sophisticated glass window system that will keep you and your loved ones safe from the smog.
Stay safe indoors with Anti-Pollution Windows
Yes, you heard that right. As a leading glass company in India, AIS has always believed in the power of innovation to solve some of the most concerning architectural issues for customers and businesses, be it at homes or offices. With the same spirit of innovation in mind, our experts have created special Anti-Pollution and Anti-Smog Windows retailed by Glasxperts that promise to save you and your loved ones from the damaging effects of air pollution.
The idea, as you might have guessed, revolves around completely sealing air leakages and spaces inside so as to prevent the external environment from leaking inside homes and offices. How is this done? Let’s have a look:

  • Fusion-welded windows with a multi-lock system

High-quality gaskets and joints strongly seal the windows along with exceptional fusion welded joints. Such physical constructs in the specialized window system make it almost impossible for pollutants to enter inside and wreak havoc. Moreover, you can make sure that these windows close extremely tightly with the help of the advanced multipoint locking system in place.

  • Silicon to shut off gaps

A popular material used in various industries, silicon proves its merit in the anti-pollution window in the form of a special sealant that shits down any gaps – both in the window and the adjacent wall.

  • Double glazing in unit glasses

Moving on to the glass, you can rest assured of multi-chambered profiles and multiple layers that make it incredibly difficult for any minute percentage of outside air that has leaked inside to reach beyond the glazing. This advanced technique of providing completely sealed Double Glazing Units also enables the windows to prevent heat and sound to leak inside.

  • The ease of retrofitting

Finally, you might be thinking what a cumbersome and expensive task it would be to remove your existing windows and replace them with special anti-pollution ones. Well, these windows by AIS can be easily retrofitted on any window surface, thus freeing you of all the hassle. Retrofitting essentially means fitting a new window surface on top of the existing one, thus improving the efficiency of the entire system!


4 Precautions to Take With Your Car's Side Windows

There are many different window glass types such as laminated and tempered glass which are used in automotive glass installations. While windshields, which represent the most important glass installation in a car, are made from laminated glass, side windows are constructed from tempered glass. Many people prioritise windshield maintenance and repair for their cars, but that doesn’t mean that they neglect the side windows.

Unlike annealed and laminated glass, good quality tempered glass, such as Temperlite-LT by AIS Glass, breaks away into tiny pebble-like pieces that are harmless and powdery in nature. This property ensures that the passengers and the drivers remain uninjured in case the side windows get shattered. While tempered glass does make the side windows strong and durable, there are many precautions you need to take in order to ensure that it does not get damaged beyond repair.
Here are four things to keep in mind so as to ensure safe working car glass windows:

  1. Do not delay repair

From time to time, it is important to inspect the condition of your car windows. This becomes extremely important in the aftermath of an accident which might have caused some damage to the structure of the car. Even if your windows have a small crack, a minor chip or a scratch, do not assume that it is harmless. These damages have a habit of exacerbating over time while also weakening the glass, thus putting you and other passengers in danger the next time an accident occurs. Therefore, always get the windows repaired quickly by the experts in your vicinity. 

  1. Do not slam the car doors violently

Yes, slamming the car doors time and time again can lead to damaged side windows. One has to understand that these sudden closing of the doors with force generate vibrations inside the car. If they occur with high frequency, then there is a chance that some integral structural damage might occur to the window installation or the windows might loosen. It is best to be gentle and mannerly while shutting the car door. 

  1. Do not use ammonia-based cleaning agents

It is important to know the right type of cleaning agents for your car windows. Ammonia-based agents are usually used in architectural glass inside homes and buildings, and can damage the tint of the car windows. Also, while cleaning car windows, use a clean cloth or microfiber towel so as to avoid leaving damaging streaks. 

  1. Do not expose car windows to long periods of intense, direct sunlight

Long exposure to harsh heat and sunlight causes UV ray damage to car windows, thereby decreasing their lifespan and also affecting the structural integrity of your car. Always try to park your car in the shade, a garage or with a protective cover.


Solar Control Glass: The Ultimate car Windscreen Solution

Over the last few years, summers in India have been quite hot and unbearable. Travelling by car in such uncomfortable conditions can make you sweat. Not only that, you also expose yourself to harmful UV radiation. However, with the advancement of technology, such situations can be drastically lessened. Thanks to AIS solar control glass solutions that is known to reduce the overall interior temperature and block UV radiation. Not only that, this glass solution can create a cooler environment, improve the life of your car’s upholstery.
Importance of car windscreen:
Over the years, the functions of a car windshield have changed. Today, these car windshields are not only designed to keep the occupants within safe but also support the roof from a rollover accident. Even the positioning of the passenger-side air bag depends on the windshield. Modern car windshield also offers better visibility and added security.


Tips and tricks to maintain your windshield glass during monsoons

Driving during the monsoons can be a challenging task. Your view is constantly blocked by the rains and to make things worse, the dirt kicked off from other cars very easily settles on your windshield. Such situations are likely to block your view while driving that can be dangerous for the driver and the passengers within.


Glass is clearly safe!

Glass is an integral part of modern architecture and interior design. A versatile and sustainable material, glass – used for façades, windows or in interiors – gives buildings and homes structural stability, aesthetic appeal and a contemporary look while helping save energy and costs.
There has been some debate about safety in the use of glass in general, particularly fire. But, be assured if proper norms and guidelines are followed for designing and constructing glass buildings, and the right types of glasses are used for façades, the destructive effects of fire are greatly reduced. In actuality, glass facades are not inflammable, rather they are flame-retardants.

Glass – See what’s safe
internationally today, there are excellent alternatives available for clear vision safety glass. These include high-performance products like transparent glasses with intumescent layers, special coatings and laminates. Tempered/toughened glass, laminated glass, insulated glass units and wire mesh glass are also good fire retardants.
They can actually substitute a brick wall in terms of fire-rating property yet give transparency. While some of the fire safety glasses function as a physical barrier preventing the spread of fire and smoke, certain advanced solutions can actually drastically reduce the radiant heat from a fire.
The European classification standards (EN 13501) for glass use the following system:
E – Integrity
W – Low Radiation
I – Insulation
Accordingly, the following types of glasses are available in the FRG range
E Class – They provide for only integrity. These are special tempered glasses, and they prevent the spread of flames to the non-fire side. There will be no protection from radiation in this type of glass. They are normally used for internal applications.
EW Class – These are tempered and laminated glasses. They prevent the flames and control the non-fired radiation to a maximum of 15KW per sqm. They offer integrity and for low heat radiation. They are used for internal and external applications.
EI Class – This type of FRG glasses offer integrity and insulation. The maximum temperature on the non-fire side does not exceed an average of 140 degree Celsius.

A range of high-quality, fire-resistant glasses are available today to mitigate the adverse effects of fire accidents and offer enhanced protection.
• Wired Glass – It is more stable at higher temperatures and is also resistant to the pressure of fire hoses as the embedded wire mesh helps the glass keep its structural integrity even after thermal stress causes cracks
• Borosilicate Glass – Borosilicate, because of its extremely low thermal expansion coefficient, is ideal for any application that requires heat resistance
• Toughened Glass – The special tempering process used in this glass makes it highly resistant to stress. In case, it gets to the point of breaking, it crumbles into small granules that are less injury prone
• Toughened Glass with flame-retardant coating – This flame retardant coating is typically metal that further enhances the flame and heat resistance of the glass
• Toughened Glass with Intumescent gel – As is the property of any intumescent, the gel increases greatly in size when exposed to fire, and its high hydration content keeps the surrounding areas significantly cooler than any other material
• Laminated Glass with Intumescent layers – Highly desirable for façades, the lamination makes it hard enough for the façade and windows, and the intumescent layers restrict temperature rise during fires although the glass is 100% transparent and lacks wiring within
It would be unfair to blame glass for the destruction caused by fire in buildings. In most cases, it is negligence and/or illegal/ poor-quality design and construction that result in loss of life and property. If proper norms and building safety codes are followed, and guidelines adhered to, glass façades only help in fire rescue and do not make it worse. All over the world, glass is a widely accepted building material utilized on a massive scale for architecture and design.
Know more:


For all that glass can be- Asahi India launch event

Sen’s Bucket covered the newly launched AIS store at South Extension which bought two experts – Glasxperts and Windshield Experts together.

Never been much fond of glass except for admiring the occasional crockery at dining events, but the utility of it, seems to be far beyond, and also more dynamic. Asahi India Glass (AIS) recently unveiled their new store in South-Extension (Arjun Nagar), Delhi, where as can be seen, has dedicated areas for windshield customers (car owners), and those needing architectural support. More than just a store launch, it was a lot about the real innovation one can bring in with glass, should one be willing to spend money and have the taste for it.

A lot of the questions around glass, as with many other building materials, is the longevity of the product questioned, and also the maintenance it would need in time. Most of the products they provide are hopefully easy to maintain and do provide a great deal of assistance post sales, as well. And from the looks of it, customers are seriously pouring in with their demands, and coincidentally, there was a case of a windshield being seamlessly replaced as if nothing was ever really wrong.

Though the pictures are not that clear, but the stock of equipment used to fit the windshield on the car displayed above seemed to be modern and also being sophisticated enough ensure a smooth application. If one can notice, its seriously seamless in the way it was installed on the vehicle. Obviously, there were some stages to this process, but never the less swiftly followed. Perhaps the entire thing took less than an hour!

The star attraction at the store would be the GlasXperts section, which is dedicated to the architectural needs of the customers. The reason being, the innovation and finesse with which the company works. A lot of the best glassworks will not just be slabs of the glass alone, but artistic depictions to set them apart. The Lord Ganesh framed mural on the wall is one such example.

One of the things in the obviously glass laden upper floor was this otherwise simple looking door. However, the manager was kind enough to show how technology has been used behind this. What appears opaque here, will change the texture, simply with the press of a button, placed this door. With the help of sensors placed at the corners, the light passing through special crystals infused within the glass are scattered, due to which the glass becomes opaque. Similarly, when needs transparency, a flick of the switch will make light pass through the concentrated crystals which enable a clearer views across the panel.

One of the main things we all commonly grumble about, and legitimately so, is the after-sales service. Asahi India Glass happens to be a fully integrated company when it comes to selling to their customers. This means, after buying some of the hi-end products, or any product from them, you need help to maintain or repair, or perhaps need some advice for future planning and design, you can rely on these guys to come across and help you. It might cost you a bit more, but then when you compare to the conveniences, you can naturally conclude that its worth spending the extra money but have someone to give you complete solutions. You don’t need to run around different places.

The thing about AIS is that they would not be giving you cheap imports, for the sake of margins and deal closing. That means they will charge you a price, and if it doesn’t match with the clients, they might just refuse, instead of cutting prices and compromising on quality. In short, if one has to summarize AIS, it’s about a lot of value addition, like pre-sales and after-sales services, which set them apart, and quite frankly, can be a big relief during renovations and constructions. And with their footprint increasing, one might just have a branch around the corner to help you out find something nice for home styling.

About the Author:

Blogger, journalist, writer, fitness enthusiast, animal lover, life learner, and a genuine human being.
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