
#SheIsMadeOfGlass: How AIS Glass’ 2019 Women’s Day Campaign Got Viral

An epitome of grace and dignity, she enriches our lives in the manner nobody else can. Her uniqueness and exceptional talents make her the champion of all odds, whether at home or work. Celebrating her indomitable spirit coupled with her sheer strength, AIS Glass commemorated the true essence of womanhood on this year’s Women’s Day, identifying with her at all levels. And this was the core of our Women’s Day Campaign – She is made of Glass – which encapsulated the hearts of millions.
On this special day, honoring the indomitable spirit of women, we decided to interview women architects who AIS Glass is proud to have worked with. Today they are well-known names in their field who are breaking ground and inspiring young women professionals to chase their passions. On being asked about what they felt about AIS Glass’ social media campaign #SheIsMadeOfGlass and their response was nothing less than an enthusiastic affirmation.
Expressing her approval, Ar. Tejaswini Pandit of Hiten Sethi & Associates commented that AIS has aptly captured the versatility of glass and given complete justice to the idea of womanhood at the same time through this campaign. Ar. Apoorva Sharma of Hafeez Contractor Architects goes on to say that it is a unique and interesting concept, and appreciates how it brilliantly brings out the uniqueness of AIS glass products by likening them with the unique qualities of women.

We rounded up the occasion with a cake cutting ceremony with each of the architectural firms we celebrated the day with. We also presented a memento to each one of the principal women architects to honour them and their work in the field of architecture.
Indeed, it gives us much happiness and satisfaction now to share that #SheIsMadeOfGlass became viral soon after it went live on social media. It attracted an enthusiastic response with many among the social media audience expressing intrigue and approval and many more getting inspired to render their own thoughts creatively on the same. Ar. Kavita Talib of Soyuz Talib Architects Pvt Ltd is one such lady who has penned a beautiful poem on this theme. Knowing that it struck a chord among the active female citizenry of social media, we feel great to have connected with our audience successfully through this campaign.

So why do we say she’s made of glass?

  • Protective

No matter whichever role she plays in our life, she is always protective. We may underestimate her strength, but she’ll never let any harm touch us. Just like glass.

  • Clarity of vision

She’s able to see through the confusion. She is prescient and unpretentiously so. When in doubt, seek help in her tremendous clarity of vision, and she’ll never let you down. Just like glass.

  • Tough

You may think she is weak, that it is easy to break her. But you must know that she will be anything but that once she makes up her mind. Just like glass.

  • Transparent

She is not very good at concealing things because she knows that it is better not to. She will let you have a clear view of the world if you’re seeking it. Just like glass.
We’re in 2019 now and today’s woman is breaking ground every day to build smart and innovate for change. At AIS Glass as well, there is a constant endeavour to redefine glass, making it smarter and futuristic for home and workplace settings. And that is how we got thinking that #SheIsMadeOfGlass in a whole new way.


3 Smart Ways To Incorporate Lacquered Glass In Your Home

Also known as back painted glass, lacquered glass is made by simply coating the back of the float glass using highly durable lacquer that is baked afterwards at a constant temperature in a furnace. As a result, the lacquer gets perfectly bonded to the surface of the smooth glass. Opaquely coloured in appearance, lacquered glass is a booming trend in the present time.  Incorporating all the features of float glass, lacquered glass has a wide range of applications. Be it renovating your kitchen or making your bathroom look more colourful yet sophisticated, lacquered glass is the perfect glass option for your varied requirements.
Here are 3 smart ways to incorporate lacquered glass in your home. Have a look –

  1. Wall Panels – When it comes to designing your house, lacquered glass is the perfect solution. Painting the walls is a repetitive process that costs more in the long run as well. Creating wall panels with coloured lacquered glass not only eliminates the need to paint but adds a creative look to the wall as well. Since they are durable, there are very little chances of breaking.
  1. Kitchen Cabinets – Adding lacquered glass to your kitchen cabinets will change the entire look of your kitchen. Versatile and easygoing, cabinets made using lacquered glass are definitely more practical than their traditional counterparts. A lot of house owners are usually worried that using glass in their kitchen cabinets would reveal all the contents of their kitchen and may appear cluttered. The best way to tackle this problem is to use coloured lacquered glass as it will not reveal the contents of your kitchen without compromising on the aesthetics. Moreover, you can use tuffen glass for the same purpose as well.
  1. FurnitureIf you are done with your boring furniture and want to give it a makeover, lacquered glass is just perfect for you. With superb finish and modern look, tabletops and other furniture made using lacquered glass are not only durable but also highly resistant to moisture, adding to its longevity.

Made using special manufacturing process, lacquered glass is also an environment-friendly alternative. Giving a new and fresh look to the interiors of your house, it exhibits brilliant properties like scratch resistance and colour adhesion. Furthermore, always buy this product from premium glass suppliers like AIS Glass who offer other types of glass like energy efficient glass, frosted glass etc. as well to ensure the quality.


5 Security Glass Applications in the Hospitality Sector

Glass installation instantly improves the two pillars of the hospitality sector, aesthetics and space. Hence, they are a staple material for this sector.  Although they are considered fragile, the advancements in technology have rendered the glass more sturdiness and durability. Further, they can be used in various creative ways to enhance the kerb appeal as well.

Security glass is dominating the fenestration world owing to the innumerable benefits it has in store – from being highly durable to withstanding significant impact. Its mechanism and features make them a suitable choice for the hospitality sector. Here’s how you can incorporate it in different areas-
1)      Glass Walkways and Balconies
The hospitality industry is usually known for the amazing views that visitors get to enjoy. This is where glass walkways and balconies come into play. They offer admirable views of outdoors and their sleek design adds aesthetic features to the indoors. However, ensuring security and avoiding accidents are mandatory as well. Security glass is the ideal solution to ensure both the safety and aesthetic appeal as it’s architecturally sound. These anti-slip and highly durable glasses are perfect for the guests to enjoy walking on glass.
2)      Shower Cubicles
Since the hospitality industry is all about servicing clients, every precaution must be taken to ensure the safety of the guests. Although the chances of the glass shower enclosure breaking are very less, willingly sheltering this potential risk is not worth it. Security glass is designed to sustain heavy blows and not break. However, even if it breaks, its unique mechanism prevents the glass from shattering into large shards that can injure the guests. Hence, they are the ideal choice for shower cubicles.
3)      Windows
Security glass, when installed in windows, helps in maintaining safety as well as preventing outside noise from entering the reception area or other rooms. This helps to ensure a quiet and peaceful environment for the guests.  Also, they eliminate the chances of burglaries and thefts owing to their impact resistant feature.
4)      Entrance Doors
The entrance door is the center of attraction and makes the first impression. Hence, it must be in an impeccable condition and meticulously designed. With security glass, you never have to worry about cracks or any other damage. Besides ensuring security, it accentuates the entrance of the property.
A reliable glass company in India such as AIS Glass is your best bet in case you are planning to enhance the security of the hospitality sector.


How Can You Tackle Air Pollution with Glass?

You would believe that winters in India are welcomed with much celebration as they bring respite from the harsh summer heat. Yet, come November, and suddenly the picture doesn’t look so rosy anymore. Cue the menace of air pollution.
Over the last few years, air pollution levels in urban centres of the country have risen steadily and have now reached alarming levels. This issue is made all the more prominent in the cold weather as fog mixes with the pollutants to give rise to smog – an extremely unhealthy air that we have now become accustomed to breathing.

So, amidst it all, how can glass technology help?
Since one spends the maximum amount of time in a day indoors, either at home or an office, the solution to air pollution lies in staying as far away from it as possible. Such a solution is possible in the realm of architecture wherein our windows and other outlets in the building a sealed and secure enough to prevent any leakage of the polluted air inside. Therefore, all you need is a sophisticated glass window system that will keep you and your loved ones safe from the smog.
Stay safe indoors with Anti-Pollution Windows
Yes, you heard that right. As a leading glass company in India, AIS has always believed in the power of innovation to solve some of the most concerning architectural issues for customers and businesses, be it at homes or offices. With the same spirit of innovation in mind, our experts have created special Anti-Pollution and Anti-Smog Windows retailed by Glasxperts that promise to save you and your loved ones from the damaging effects of air pollution.
The idea, as you might have guessed, revolves around completely sealing air leakages and spaces inside so as to prevent the external environment from leaking inside homes and offices. How is this done? Let’s have a look:

  • Fusion-welded windows with a multi-lock system

High-quality gaskets and joints strongly seal the windows along with exceptional fusion welded joints. Such physical constructs in the specialized window system make it almost impossible for pollutants to enter inside and wreak havoc. Moreover, you can make sure that these windows close extremely tightly with the help of the advanced multipoint locking system in place.

  • Silicon to shut off gaps

A popular material used in various industries, silicon proves its merit in the anti-pollution window in the form of a special sealant that shits down any gaps – both in the window and the adjacent wall.

  • Double glazing in unit glasses

Moving on to the glass, you can rest assured of multi-chambered profiles and multiple layers that make it incredibly difficult for any minute percentage of outside air that has leaked inside to reach beyond the glazing. This advanced technique of providing completely sealed Double Glazing Units also enables the windows to prevent heat and sound to leak inside.

  • The ease of retrofitting

Finally, you might be thinking what a cumbersome and expensive task it would be to remove your existing windows and replace them with special anti-pollution ones. Well, these windows by AIS can be easily retrofitted on any window surface, thus freeing you of all the hassle. Retrofitting essentially means fitting a new window surface on top of the existing one, thus improving the efficiency of the entire system!


Tackling Common Glass Window and Door Issues in Winter

In India, most parts of the country, that is, the season of winter usually comes as a relief. With the long, scorching summer heat giving way to cooler climes, shorter days and cosy afternoons, winters are usually very well received all over the country. Yet, such a change in the season and the weather is not without its own set of complications, especially for your glass doors and windows.

Bear in mind that glass, aluminium, wood, and uPVC are merely materials that respond to changes in the external environment – temperature being a huge factor. Most materials compress and shrink in the cold, and there is also the issue of dew and condensation that accompanies chilly temperatures. Therefore, preparing your glass window or door before-hand will go a long way in ensuring their longevity and performance during the winters.
Let’s take a look at a few common issues that might plague your glass door or window in the cold, and how you can tackle them expertly:

  1. Condensation

Condensation mainly arises due to a drastic temperature difference around a particular surface. In winters, while the external environment is often cold and dry, our home and office interiors run on conditioned air which is usually warm and, thus, humid. This temperature difference leads to condensation on the surface of the cold window and door glass, thus fogging your view. While some condensation is absolutely normal, if you notice persisting condensation for long periods or some moisture in your window glazing, then it means that moisture might have entered your glass by way of some gap or leakage. This can hamper the insulation of your home. We recommend getting your windows and doors checked for gaps and weather insulation before winter reaches its height.

  1. Leakages

Building on from the previous point, leakages and gaps in your glass door and window can also create drafts, or passages for air flow from outside to inside. If cold air leaks inside your home from the outside, then your home’s energy efficiency and comfort can be compromised. Such drafts are usually signs of old, non-insulating glass which you can replace easily with modern energy-efficient glass and insulated glass units.

  1. Insulation

Apart from cold air, the inability of your door or window glass to retain internal heat can lead to massive heat loss. Such an insulation problem is directly opposite to the one faced by buildings in summer when the desired functionality from glass doors and windows is reflecting solar heat. You can tackle this situation by installing retrofitted insulating glass in over your existing glass doors and windows.

  1. Moisture and rotting

Finally, condensation can also occur on the frames of doors and windows, thus causing deterioration. Humid and warm internal climate during winters can also contribute to moisture entering your old window and door frames, especially if they are made from old wood. The solution for you could be switching to weather- resistant uPVC doors and windows. uPVC is a modern framing material that does not rot or get affected by temperature and climate changes, thus keeping your doors and windows in the healthiest state possible throughout the year.
Take note of the above-mentioned issues and tackle them swiftly for happy winters – both for you and your glass windows and doors!


How to Bolster Your Office’s Passive Fire Protection Systems with Glass

Everyone is well versed with the destructive powers of a fire breakout. Not only does such a hazard threaten the life of the occupants of an office building but also poses a significant risk to the property, equipment and the documents inside. This is the very reason why architects and designers provide for the adequate safety of the building and its occupants in the event of a fire by installing fire-proof architectural solutions as per the norms.

Glass the Key to Passive Fire Protection in Offices
Such key solutions form a part of any office building’s Passive Fire Protection (PFP) systems which prevent the spread of fire by creating barriers to its passage for a limited time, enabling occupants to move to a safe environment. PFP is an essential fire safety strategy for any building. If proper planning, installation, and maintenance are implemented, passive fire protection can save lives and the building itself. While PFP may not provide a complete fire safety solution, when combined with AFP (or Active Fire Protection systems), they can make a big difference in case of an emergency.
With glass being one of the most major elements in all office space constructions, opting for multifunctional, specialized glass solutions for safe, secure and comfortable living and working is paramount. Thus, glass forms a key component of an office’s Passive Fire Protection Systems. This is where office building owners can safeguard their investment, employees and business by opting for fire-resistant glass solutions tested and approved according to Indian and international standards such as AIS Pyrobel.
AIS Pyrobel blends light, transparency and fire-protection for all building applications, framing types, and fire-resistance classes and durations. Office building owners can choose from any of the three variants:

  • Class E: Prevents flames, smoke, and hot gases from passing through. The fire remains contained.
  • Class EW: Integrity and Low Heat Radiation or the ability of the element to prevent the passage of flames and to limit the level of heat transfer through the element.
  • Class EI: Integrity and Insulation or the ability of the element to prevent the passage of flames and to block heat transfer through the element.

All in all, with the help of AIS Pyrobel, offices can:

  • Remain protected against fire, heat, and smoke for extended periods
  • Remain protected against radiation and conductive heat transfer
  • Install fire-resistance glass in all framing systems – wood, steel or aluminium or even frameless

Where to Use Fire-Proof Glass in Offices

  • Partitions
  • Fully glazed fire doors
  • Façades and windows to prevent the fire from transmitting inside-out or outside-in
  • Floors
  • Data Storage and Server Room enclosures to preserve electronic data
  • Stair enclosures or doors with in-built vision panels which provide the most vital access points and exit routes
  • Lift doors and enclosures

The secret to keeping your office space safe and fire-proof, therefore, lies in investing in one of the most advanced glass solutions manufactured by AIS, the leading glass company in India. Do take note that it is imperative to install the fire-resistant glass only in systems that comply with safety regulations.


Optimal Building Design & Glazing: A Case Study

It is the 21st century, and energy conservation and sustainability in architecture is surely gathering momentum. With one eye fixed ever so intently on the environment and the rising global temperatures, architects are turning to innovation and technology to turn the tables on myopic building design and combat energy inefficiency in our living and working spaces. This is where glass is proving to be their trusted accomplice.
So, when a prominent learning institute in Mumbai approached Asahi India Glass Ltd., the most comprehensive integrated glass company in India, to achieve high performance energy efficiency, we carried out a comprehensive and painstaking glazing and building design analysis to provide a satisfactory solution. Let’s find out how:
A learning institute in Mumbai wanted to optimize its building design without spending big on glazing solutions. This meant reducing the heat gain inside the building without compromising natural lighting.

Normally, we have observed that when it comes to glazing solutions providing high performance energy efficiency, architectural glass variants with a lower Solar Factor and lower U-Value are favoured. But to achieve the ideal balance between the building design and glazing feasibility, we had to come up with an optimum solution that offers best return on investment.
Therefore, first we conducted a study to understand the building design. Due to the architecture of the institute, the building’s direct and indirect heat gain had fallen down considerably. This can be explained by Fig. 1:

  • 4 Classrooms located on the north side received diffused light and no direct heat
  • 4 South-facing classrooms were provided with a shading device to prevent direct heat and glare
  • 4 Buffer zones, created by placing the service areas along the east façade and corridors along the west façade, prevented heat ingress in the offices
  • 4 Walls had good insulation properties to prevent long-wave radiations from entering into the building
  • 4 North light provided natural light to a portion of the building

These observations allowed us to fine tune our glazing solution. Ultimately, due to the optimal building design, we could choose a solution which did not have the best specifications (and therefore higher cost) but was a perfect match for the design.

In order to do so, a detailed building energy analysis and simulation was conducted with a huge portfolio of AIS products. Their performance parameters are compared in the table above. Then, we compared the energy saving percentage against cost payback period.
This study is depicted in the Fig 2. As one can see, Spring SGU (Solar Control product from the AIS Ecosense range) which has Solar Factor (SF) = 64%, Visual Light Transmission (VLT) = 65%, and U-Value = 5.4 w/ m2 k performed best out of all the glasses with 17% energy savings and 2 months’ payback period, when compared to base case Clear DGU (double glaze unit).

Thus, by understanding the relationship between building design and glazing type, we could suggest the client a glazing glass with an optimum Solar Factor and U-Value and higher VLT – thus enabling the institute to save on money and recover investment far quicker than imagined.


Breathing Life Back into an Old Office Building: A Case Study on Retrofitting Glass

Architecture, today, is exceeding the limits of imagination with the help of science and technology. Where once glass was a mere brittle material for windows now lies a plethora of possibilities in manufacturing and processing extremely functional glass for sound reduction, security, privacy, aesthetics, and most importantly, heat reduction. But the buck doesn’t stop here.
It is also possible to optimize the dysfunctional glass systems of existing and functioning buildings with a special variant of glass such as the AIS Renew which completely transforms the energy consumption scenario of the space. Retrofitting buildings is a specialty at AIS, and it is precisely what we achieved for the 6-storied office building which is the focus of our case study.
It is no doubt that solar and thermal control glass products are any architect’s go-to solutions for creating an energy efficient space. And energy efficiency is the primary requirement of an office where creating the most comfortable and sustainable environment for employees is paramount for productivity.
A six-storied office building featuring glazed windows prominently was facing issues due to increased energy consumption. The requirement was to convert the windows into more energy efficient envelopes, thus enabling visual and thermal comfort. However, converting an old/existing building built with a low performance glass by the traditional method of pulling down the existing glass façade and building afresh is very expensive.

In order to tackle this problem without disturbing and interfering with the day-to-day functioning of the building, the AIS technical team proposed our retrofitting solution, AIS Renew, as part of the AIS 4G solutions. AIS Renew is a unique product which is attached on top of an existing glass window and converts it into an energy saving insulated glass window – all in no time at all.
In order to do this, a particular AIS Renew glass model (Ecosense Exceed as mentioned in the table above) was compared against pared with clear 6 mm glass used in the existing building. An analysis was done on the basis of shade, visible light transmission, solar heat gain coefficient, and U-value.
Further, a building-specific climate simulation was also performed for the existing glass and AIS Renew glass. The results of this analysis are mentioned below.


As is clear from the reference table, AIS Renew with Ecosense Exceed performed better than the clear single glazed units and double glazed units in terms of cooling energy reduction ratio % and radiant temperature.  In brief, selecting AIS Renew for retrofitting would result in:

  1. Reduced solar gain in summer thereby reaching the set temperature sooner, thus reducing the load on AC operation.
  2. Insulation of the building against heat due to its lower U-value by influencing long wave infrared radiation while keeping the space cool in summer and warm in winter.
  3. A shorter payback period compared to extra glass cost which would have been used for replacement.

Thus, with a thoroughly scientific analysis of the retrofit, glass manufacturers like AIS ensure the most ideal retrofitting glass solution for your office building, resulting in substantial energy, cost and time savings.


AIS Swytchglas in Offices: Bolstering Privacy & Productivity

An office space needs to have an energy that keeps you positive and your productivity up. Privacy is also a concern for many who feel that that a quiet, interrupted environment suits their working style. So, how can one inculcate elements of privacy in a commercial space like an office where airiness and ventilation are conducive for a positive environment?
The answer lies in installing smart glass solutions for your office. Glass has always been a popular addition to offices around the globe, often replacing walls and whiteboards in many spaces. The latest technology is focused on improving the functional aesthetics of the glass with energy-efficient and sound-proofing leading the pack. Another technological marvel is the invention of switchable glass that can transform from a transparent glass to an opaque one in a matter of seconds.

AIS Swytchglas is one such example. Made with polymer dispersed crystals (PDC), the glass can switch from transparent to translucent and vice-versa, at the press of a button. When the power supply associated with the glass is switched off, the crystals are randomly scattered, deeming the glass opaque and creating the desired private ambiance. When one “switches” the glass on, the current makes the crystals reorient themselves, making the glass transparent, inviting more light and providing spatial illusion to the surroundings.
Associated benefits with this glass are plenty, the biggest one being that it gives you your privacy without creating a claustrophobic environment. The transparent glass wall also creates the illusion of an increased space and imparts a contemporary vibe to the interiors. An ideal addition to conference rooms, private cabins or hall partitions, the glass can be turned off when private conversations or meetings need to be held, and turned on when one needs the interiors to be more illuminated.
Another function of this glass is doubling up as a rear projection screen for presentations or videos, the smooth surface justifying sharp clarity for projected visuals. This smart glass can also be an efficient window glass with the translucent to opaque window providing sufficient light, and thus eliminating the need for installing curtains or blinders on the window. Instant sunshine or instant shade can now be controlled with a remote.
The combination of such functionalities and clean aesthetics is a rarity in the world, making a switchable glass like Swytchglas extremely desirable for office spaces. This glass has made it easier to attune the aesthetics of the working environment as per personal preferences at any time or day.


AIS for Road Safety and Pollution Prevention.

Following road safety rules while driving in India can make driving less stressed out. But often people break rules just to reach their destination quickly. Putting their lives at risk, people indulge in rash driving that sometimes lead to accidents. Besides glass, there are numerous other things that can be done to reduce the car traffic and pollution issues. Some of the rules are listed below:
Educate your loved ones:
Making your children and your loved ones aware of road safety can bring about a great impact to their lives. Make sure you let them know about rules of crossing the road, traffic signs and so on.
Drive/ride at economical pace:
Driving or riding the vehicle at a constant speed will increase the overall fuel efficiency by at least 30%. This can be done by maintaining a steady pace in your driving style. By doing so, one can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. Make sure to also service the car regularly to keep the engine tuned.

Avoid peak hours:
Peak hours are the worst time to commute as the street is crowded with people heading to work, school and other venues. Often people are stuck in heavy traffic. This causes stress and doubles the travelling time to your destination. To cut down on this issue, one needs to schedule errands and travel to avoid peak hours. This helps to save time and get the task done as well.
 Follow traffic rules:
Following traffic rules ensures road safety and smooth flow of the traffic system. Traffic rules also ensure that one does not have to deal with speeding tickets, or any other fines given by traffic officials.  These rules also apply to pedestrians who are looking to cross the road without any risk.

Carpooling/Public transport:
For some people, avoiding peak-hour traffic might not be possible. During such times, carpooling or using public transport can be the smarter choice. It can help contribute to less traffic, prevent you from getting stressed and can save a lot of money. In a country like India, one also worries about parking in major cities like Mumbai and Delhi! This will be less of an issue with carpooling.

Those people who are looking for a healthier way to commute can opt to walk or cycle their way to work. In case the destination is closer, bicycling or walking can be a good decision. So, stay safe on the road and help the environment by reducing your carbon footprint!
We at AIS have been offering automotive glass for over 30 years. AIS Auto Glass is seen in India’s best vehicles, commanding a market share of over 70% offering high-quality automotive glasses for the best in safety, comfort & style.

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