
How Can You Tackle Air Pollution with Glass?

You would believe that winters in India are welcomed with much celebration as they bring respite from the harsh summer heat. Yet, come November, and suddenly the picture doesn’t look so rosy anymore. Cue the menace of air pollution.
Over the last few years, air pollution levels in urban centres of the country have risen steadily and have now reached alarming levels. This issue is made all the more prominent in the cold weather as fog mixes with the pollutants to give rise to smog – an extremely unhealthy air that we have now become accustomed to breathing.

So, amidst it all, how can glass technology help?
Since one spends the maximum amount of time in a day indoors, either at home or an office, the solution to air pollution lies in staying as far away from it as possible. Such a solution is possible in the realm of architecture wherein our windows and other outlets in the building a sealed and secure enough to prevent any leakage of the polluted air inside. Therefore, all you need is a sophisticated glass window system that will keep you and your loved ones safe from the smog.
Stay safe indoors with Anti-Pollution Windows
Yes, you heard that right. As a leading glass company in India, AIS has always believed in the power of innovation to solve some of the most concerning architectural issues for customers and businesses, be it at homes or offices. With the same spirit of innovation in mind, our experts have created special Anti-Pollution and Anti-Smog Windows retailed by Glasxperts that promise to save you and your loved ones from the damaging effects of air pollution.
The idea, as you might have guessed, revolves around completely sealing air leakages and spaces inside so as to prevent the external environment from leaking inside homes and offices. How is this done? Let’s have a look:

  • Fusion-welded windows with a multi-lock system

High-quality gaskets and joints strongly seal the windows along with exceptional fusion welded joints. Such physical constructs in the specialized window system make it almost impossible for pollutants to enter inside and wreak havoc. Moreover, you can make sure that these windows close extremely tightly with the help of the advanced multipoint locking system in place.

  • Silicon to shut off gaps

A popular material used in various industries, silicon proves its merit in the anti-pollution window in the form of a special sealant that shits down any gaps – both in the window and the adjacent wall.

  • Double glazing in unit glasses

Moving on to the glass, you can rest assured of multi-chambered profiles and multiple layers that make it incredibly difficult for any minute percentage of outside air that has leaked inside to reach beyond the glazing. This advanced technique of providing completely sealed Double Glazing Units also enables the windows to prevent heat and sound to leak inside.

  • The ease of retrofitting

Finally, you might be thinking what a cumbersome and expensive task it would be to remove your existing windows and replace them with special anti-pollution ones. Well, these windows by AIS can be easily retrofitted on any window surface, thus freeing you of all the hassle. Retrofitting essentially means fitting a new window surface on top of the existing one, thus improving the efficiency of the entire system!


Building an Energy-Efficient Tech Park in Bangalore: A Case Study

Bangalore is the IT capital of India without the shadow of a doubt, home to numerous industrial complexes, technological parks and corporate hubs. But what goes on behind the scenes of constructing an IT complex that conforms to ECBC rules of energy efficiency without compromising cost effectiveness or building quality?
As the leading glass manufacturing companies in India, AIS was approached by a leading developer of state-of-the-art Technology Parks for global IT, software and technology enterprises to help build the above-mentioned complex. At the end of the day, AIS helped the client build a world class, energy-efficient building with cutting edge glass solutions.
Here’s the story at a glance.

As a commercial building, the complex was curvilinear with the longer facades are facing East and West, while the other directions were blocked by service areas and toilets. A solar control glass was proposed to be used in the building with a VLT of 17%, SF of 23% and a good U-Value of 3.7.
However, light transmission was poor. So was the colour of the glass proposed initially.
In order to figure out the right glass for the complex, AIS carried out a Climactic Analysis for the city of Bangalore (which is located in the Moderate Zone), along with a whole building simulation using 4 different glass variants for a year involving Shadow Analysis.
The studies revealed that since Bangalore rarely had weather extremes, U value of glass could be modified. Similarly, due to the unique geometry of the building, there were barely any differences in energy consumption due to artificial means in the case of the proposed glass and the glass variants used in simulation.
Consequently, AIS proposed the installation of the Blue shade of AIS Ecosense Enhance high performance glass with a better SF of 37, thus reducing capital costs, and a U-value of 5.7 which was an insignificant change.

  1. Cost savings: AIS Ecosense Enhance matched the initially proposed glass in terms of energy efficiency but at a significantly lesser cost.
  2. Operational cost savings: Since AIS Ecosense Enhance’s VLT was better than the proposed glass’s VLT, the need for artificial lighting in the complex was reduced, thus resulting in decreased use of electricity.
  3. Better aesthetics: The Blue shade of AIS Ecosense Enhance brought a refreshing sense of décor to the complex and was widely appreciated by the client.
  4. ECBC compliance: AIS Ecosense Enhance met all the strict energy efficiency norms without any hassle.

This was a significant victory for AIS and also the world of glass – thus reconfirming the critical role glass can play in building green buildings of the future.


Invoking Wall Moods with AIS Décor Lacquered Glass

They say that walls have ears. Trying to keep your secret conversations to the bare minimum, therefore, becomes the order of the day. But, if you listen carefully, you will realize that your walls can speak too. And often, all they do is plead you to not leave them plain, dull and boring.

One of the many principles of interior design is to make your wall a pièce de resistance. Be it your bedroom wall, office lobby wall, or the walls of your hotel’s waiting room, you can create a certain mood with the help your walls. This is where lies the importance of using a material for your walls as premium as lacquered glass.
Our AIS Décor Lacquered glass has been specially designed to up the ante when it comes to your interior aesthetics game. Offering 12 electric shades, AIS Décor is simply perfect for paneling your dull walls and bringing them to life. But what mood does every shade invoke?
Sparkling White Pearl
This shade is elegance personified. Pearl, as you would know, is one of the most precious objects found in nature. Its soft shine instantly creates a healing mood that emphasizes on peaceful living and serenity.
Venetian Red
Passion – that’s the mood created by the shade Venetian Red. It’s fiery, polished look gives rise to an electric ambiance that energizes you to the core.
Ebony Black and Black Pearl
While ebony black is a subtle shade, black pearl takes on a more lustrous appearance. These shades of lacquered glass create a mood of mystery.
Sterling Silver
If you are a firm believer in futuristic design, then the shade of Sterling Silver is made for you. This lacquered glass has a smooth, mirror-like appearance and is perfect to invoke a mood of minimalism and extreme cleanliness.
Snow White and Sparkling Snow White
These two easy-going shades are reminiscent of the simplicity and pristineness of life. Shades of white lacquered glass are perfect to create a calm and bright mood.
Sparkling Beige
Luxury and splendour come to mind when one encounters lacquered glass in the shade of Sparkling Beige. This colour is smooth, spotless and creates a very warm ambience under artificial lighting.
Chrome Yellow
This shade creates a mood of happiness, clarity, positivity, and general bliss. If you want your walls to instantly cheer you up, then go for Chrome Yellow.
Turquoise Green
This shade creates an ambience of refreshing tranquility. Since turquoise green is inspired from the oceans, it has an extremely soothing effect.
Stone Grey
When you want to get into a productive mood, then sit and work in a room with Stone Grey lacquered glass walls.
Hazel Brown
Hazel Brown shade is perfect to create an outdoor, natural mood. It reminds us of the forest and the trees, and doesn’t shy away from creating a charming ambience.
So, wait no more! Invoke the artist in you and combine various shades of AIS Décor manufactured by the most innovative glass company in India for the most spectacular walls. Because with lacquered glass paneling, walls not only have ears, but moods too.


Innovation in the world of glass

Revamp your interiors with innovative glass solutions
Modern innovations in architecture and design have changed the entire functionality of glass as a building material. Earlier considered to be quite plain and fragile, architectural glass has come a long way in becoming one of the premier materials preferred by architects and designers alike. This modern solution can offer numerous advantages while being extremely sturdy and durable. Read on for some of the leading innovations that have revamped this material.
Privacy – Every space has once section or the other that is completely personal and requires privacy from outsiders. Modern glass solutions help you achieve this in a stylish and trendy manner.
Frosted glass: A cloudy and opaque glass solution, frosted glass is perfect in places that require complete privacy. Retaining the open and light properties of glass, this solution is visually appealing and can be fitted in homes, offices and even hotels.
Smart glass: A revolutionary invention, smart glass solutions like the swytch glass offer inhabitants privacy as and when they want. This transparent glass solution turns completely opaque at the click of a button giving the person instant privacy. These are perfect for bedroom windows or office cabins and hospitals as well.

 Insulation – Noise, pollution, heat – all of these factors are fine when one is outside, but can be distressing when found indoors as well. Traditional glass was no barrier for the barrage of noise in the city or the harsh summer months, but that’s not the case with modern glass.
Acoustic windows: Glass windows fitted with an acoustic interlayer can make your interiors noiseless again. A calm and peaceful home is essential for mental peace. Additionally, in commercial spaces like offices, hotels, malls and even hospitals, sound can be disruptive for work, making sound proof glass an ideal fit.
Energy efficient glass: Harsh summer months can make the interiors feel like a sauna. However, innovative solar control glass like ecosense and sunshield can protect the interiors from heat and intense glares. These glasses have a heat reflective glazing, which can be natural or tinted, for optimum lighting and heat control.

Safety and Security – The durability of this earlier fragile solution is what has been most surprising for everyone. Now, different processes and techniques have enabled glass manufacturer to toughen glass up to several times its regular strength.
Toughened glass: This modern innovation requires exposing a sheet of annealed glass to an intense heat in a furnace which makes it 4 to 5 times stronger. Additionally, the change in its chemical properties is also reflected when it breaks. Taking into account safety of indivisharp shards that could injure somebody.
Laminated glass: Advances in glass have also led it to acts as a personal security force for your space. In places where security is a concern, people can opt for laminated glass solutions. This glass is created by fusing two glass sheets with a plastic interlayer. In case of damage, the glass pieces stay stuck to the interlayer and do not disburse, thus not providing any entry point for thieves.
Widespread advances in glass solutions have made it customisable and adaptable for almost every requirement. A leading glass supplier in your city can help you with additional information and product selection to suit your needs.


Things you should know about AIS

 Introduction to AIS
Asahi India Glass Ltd. (AIS) is India’s leading integrated glass solutions company and a dominant player in the glass sector that offers innovative solutions for your homes, offices and other spaces. As the largest integrated glass company in India, AIS is known to offer customers the best in class quality and services.


Glass and Sustainability

When it comes to building homes and offices, glass is considered the material of choice by architects and designers across the globe. It has numerous advantages and various properties which makes it ideal to use in most places in interiors and exteriors. Modern reflective glass offers a high amount of flexibility and it can be used to make green buildings that help save on your energy bills, which is why it’s the preferred choice of architects.
For an architect, glass solutions are vital when it comes to building ‘smart’ and eco-friendly houses and business areas.  AIS provides a wide range of products that will help you find the ideal glass based on where you desire to use it as well as the functionality required. For an all in one glass solution while designing a home or office, reflective glass can be a smart choice. Our glass solutions come along with advanced coatings that can filter heat and radiation from sunlight, letting in pure light and no heat. Architects and designers find it a lot easier to work with modern glass as its endless benefits can be used to create elegant designs that are not only eco-friendly but also bring with them a contemporary feel.

When it comes to building homes and offices, glass is considered the material of choice by architects and designers across the globe. It has numerous advantages and various properties which makes it ideal to use in most places in interiors and exteriors. Modern reflective glass offers a high amount of flexibility and it can be used to make green buildings that help save on your energy bills, which is why it’s the preferred choice of architects.
For an architect, glass solutions are vital when it comes to building ‘smart’ and eco-friendly houses and business areas.  AIS provides a wide range of products that will help you find the ideal glass based on where you desire to use it as well as the functionality required. For an all in one glass solution while designing a home or office, reflective glass can be a smart choice. Our glass solutions come along with advanced coatings that can filter heat and radiation from sunlight, letting in pure light and no heat. Architects and designers find it a lot easier to work with modern glass as its endless benefits can be used to create elegant designs that are not only eco-friendly but also bring with them a contemporary feel.

Solar glass works in three distinct mechanisms namely reflectance, absorbance and transmittance. As a result, such glass can reflect, absorb and transmit solar energy and prevent it from entering your homes and office spaces. Replacing the glass in your homes can guarantee protection from (IR) Infrared and (UV) Ultraviolent wavelengths. By reflecting these wavelengths the amount of heat can be reduced within your home and even in an office building.
You can choose from a wide array of our solar control glass products such AIS Ecosense glass, AIS Sunshield, AIS Opal glass and many others that have different properties that come in use in various situations and for various structures. Overall, architects have at their disposal different types of glass that can be used to build comfortable and better living facilities. Companies who are looking to reduce their carbon footprint should opt for AIS energy efficiency solutions. Those looking for customized solutions can get in touch with our experts. They are well informed about all the types of glass that we provide and will guide you to the right solution. If you are an architect and are looking to provide clients with something extra ordinary, look no further than us and our glass solutions.


AIS for Road Safety and Pollution Prevention.

Following road safety rules while driving in India can make driving less stressed out. But often people break rules just to reach their destination quickly. Putting their lives at risk, people indulge in rash driving that sometimes lead to accidents. Besides glass, there are numerous other things that can be done to reduce the car traffic and pollution issues. Some of the rules are listed below:
Educate your loved ones:
Making your children and your loved ones aware of road safety can bring about a great impact to their lives. Make sure you let them know about rules of crossing the road, traffic signs and so on.
Drive/ride at economical pace:
Driving or riding the vehicle at a constant speed will increase the overall fuel efficiency by at least 30%. This can be done by maintaining a steady pace in your driving style. By doing so, one can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. Make sure to also service the car regularly to keep the engine tuned.

Avoid peak hours:
Peak hours are the worst time to commute as the street is crowded with people heading to work, school and other venues. Often people are stuck in heavy traffic. This causes stress and doubles the travelling time to your destination. To cut down on this issue, one needs to schedule errands and travel to avoid peak hours. This helps to save time and get the task done as well.
 Follow traffic rules:
Following traffic rules ensures road safety and smooth flow of the traffic system. Traffic rules also ensure that one does not have to deal with speeding tickets, or any other fines given by traffic officials.  These rules also apply to pedestrians who are looking to cross the road without any risk.

Carpooling/Public transport:
For some people, avoiding peak-hour traffic might not be possible. During such times, carpooling or using public transport can be the smarter choice. It can help contribute to less traffic, prevent you from getting stressed and can save a lot of money. In a country like India, one also worries about parking in major cities like Mumbai and Delhi! This will be less of an issue with carpooling.

Those people who are looking for a healthier way to commute can opt to walk or cycle their way to work. In case the destination is closer, bicycling or walking can be a good decision. So, stay safe on the road and help the environment by reducing your carbon footprint!
We at AIS have been offering automotive glass for over 30 years. AIS Auto Glass is seen in India’s best vehicles, commanding a market share of over 70% offering high-quality automotive glasses for the best in safety, comfort & style.


Glass is clearly safe!

Glass is an integral part of modern architecture and interior design. A versatile and sustainable material, glass – used for façades, windows or in interiors – gives buildings and homes structural stability, aesthetic appeal and a contemporary look while helping save energy and costs.
There has been some debate about safety in the use of glass in general, particularly fire. But, be assured if proper norms and guidelines are followed for designing and constructing glass buildings, and the right types of glasses are used for façades, the destructive effects of fire are greatly reduced. In actuality, glass facades are not inflammable, rather they are flame-retardants.

Glass – See what’s safe
internationally today, there are excellent alternatives available for clear vision safety glass. These include high-performance products like transparent glasses with intumescent layers, special coatings and laminates. Tempered/toughened glass, laminated glass, insulated glass units and wire mesh glass are also good fire retardants.
They can actually substitute a brick wall in terms of fire-rating property yet give transparency. While some of the fire safety glasses function as a physical barrier preventing the spread of fire and smoke, certain advanced solutions can actually drastically reduce the radiant heat from a fire.
The European classification standards (EN 13501) for glass use the following system:
E – Integrity
W – Low Radiation
I – Insulation
Accordingly, the following types of glasses are available in the FRG range
E Class – They provide for only integrity. These are special tempered glasses, and they prevent the spread of flames to the non-fire side. There will be no protection from radiation in this type of glass. They are normally used for internal applications.
EW Class – These are tempered and laminated glasses. They prevent the flames and control the non-fired radiation to a maximum of 15KW per sqm. They offer integrity and for low heat radiation. They are used for internal and external applications.
EI Class – This type of FRG glasses offer integrity and insulation. The maximum temperature on the non-fire side does not exceed an average of 140 degree Celsius.

A range of high-quality, fire-resistant glasses are available today to mitigate the adverse effects of fire accidents and offer enhanced protection.
• Wired Glass – It is more stable at higher temperatures and is also resistant to the pressure of fire hoses as the embedded wire mesh helps the glass keep its structural integrity even after thermal stress causes cracks
• Borosilicate Glass – Borosilicate, because of its extremely low thermal expansion coefficient, is ideal for any application that requires heat resistance
• Toughened Glass – The special tempering process used in this glass makes it highly resistant to stress. In case, it gets to the point of breaking, it crumbles into small granules that are less injury prone
• Toughened Glass with flame-retardant coating – This flame retardant coating is typically metal that further enhances the flame and heat resistance of the glass
• Toughened Glass with Intumescent gel – As is the property of any intumescent, the gel increases greatly in size when exposed to fire, and its high hydration content keeps the surrounding areas significantly cooler than any other material
• Laminated Glass with Intumescent layers – Highly desirable for façades, the lamination makes it hard enough for the façade and windows, and the intumescent layers restrict temperature rise during fires although the glass is 100% transparent and lacks wiring within
It would be unfair to blame glass for the destruction caused by fire in buildings. In most cases, it is negligence and/or illegal/ poor-quality design and construction that result in loss of life and property. If proper norms and building safety codes are followed, and guidelines adhered to, glass façades only help in fire rescue and do not make it worse. All over the world, glass is a widely accepted building material utilized on a massive scale for architecture and design.
Know more:


For all that glass can be- Asahi India launch event

Sen’s Bucket covered the newly launched AIS store at South Extension which bought two experts – Glasxperts and Windshield Experts together.

Never been much fond of glass except for admiring the occasional crockery at dining events, but the utility of it, seems to be far beyond, and also more dynamic. Asahi India Glass (AIS) recently unveiled their new store in South-Extension (Arjun Nagar), Delhi, where as can be seen, has dedicated areas for windshield customers (car owners), and those needing architectural support. More than just a store launch, it was a lot about the real innovation one can bring in with glass, should one be willing to spend money and have the taste for it.

A lot of the questions around glass, as with many other building materials, is the longevity of the product questioned, and also the maintenance it would need in time. Most of the products they provide are hopefully easy to maintain and do provide a great deal of assistance post sales, as well. And from the looks of it, customers are seriously pouring in with their demands, and coincidentally, there was a case of a windshield being seamlessly replaced as if nothing was ever really wrong.

Though the pictures are not that clear, but the stock of equipment used to fit the windshield on the car displayed above seemed to be modern and also being sophisticated enough ensure a smooth application. If one can notice, its seriously seamless in the way it was installed on the vehicle. Obviously, there were some stages to this process, but never the less swiftly followed. Perhaps the entire thing took less than an hour!

The star attraction at the store would be the GlasXperts section, which is dedicated to the architectural needs of the customers. The reason being, the innovation and finesse with which the company works. A lot of the best glassworks will not just be slabs of the glass alone, but artistic depictions to set them apart. The Lord Ganesh framed mural on the wall is one such example.

One of the things in the obviously glass laden upper floor was this otherwise simple looking door. However, the manager was kind enough to show how technology has been used behind this. What appears opaque here, will change the texture, simply with the press of a button, placed this door. With the help of sensors placed at the corners, the light passing through special crystals infused within the glass are scattered, due to which the glass becomes opaque. Similarly, when needs transparency, a flick of the switch will make light pass through the concentrated crystals which enable a clearer views across the panel.

One of the main things we all commonly grumble about, and legitimately so, is the after-sales service. Asahi India Glass happens to be a fully integrated company when it comes to selling to their customers. This means, after buying some of the hi-end products, or any product from them, you need help to maintain or repair, or perhaps need some advice for future planning and design, you can rely on these guys to come across and help you. It might cost you a bit more, but then when you compare to the conveniences, you can naturally conclude that its worth spending the extra money but have someone to give you complete solutions. You don’t need to run around different places.

The thing about AIS is that they would not be giving you cheap imports, for the sake of margins and deal closing. That means they will charge you a price, and if it doesn’t match with the clients, they might just refuse, instead of cutting prices and compromising on quality. In short, if one has to summarize AIS, it’s about a lot of value addition, like pre-sales and after-sales services, which set them apart, and quite frankly, can be a big relief during renovations and constructions. And with their footprint increasing, one might just have a branch around the corner to help you out find something nice for home styling.

About the Author:

Blogger, journalist, writer, fitness enthusiast, animal lover, life learner, and a genuine human being.
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Noise Outside Quiet Inside

Noise is a growing concern and a nuisance, especially in urban areas.No matter where it originates from, noise is everywhere. It can be your next door neighbour blasting rock music or a ramped up car stereo. Sometimes the noise caused by outside traffic can cause disturbance and stress over a continued period of time.
Does noise affect you?
Too much noise can be damaging to health and can hinder learning and concentration. Noise is tiresome; it makes you anxious, annoys you, causes stress and leaves you fatigued. Studies have shown that noisy workspaces are less efficient than quiet ones. Therefore, it is very important to find new ways to keep noise where it belongs: outside.
Is there a solution?
Yes, there is! Nowadays, architects and designers are increasingly looking at glass as a preferred material while designing contemporary living spaces. All that is needed is a glass which enhances the building’s aesthetics as well as effectively eliminates external noise.
Laminated glass which is made by laminating two pieces of glass together with a poly-vinly-butryl (PVB) interlayer dampens the sound and reduces sound transmission. Laminated glass also provides other benefits like safety and security.
AIS AcousticglasTM featuring a specialized PVB interlayer provides up to 90% in exterior sound. It helps to keep the inside of your room in tranquil quietude while you give ear to sound that really matters. AIS AcousticglasTM is used for doors, windows, partitions in homes and offices.


  • A noise free space is essential so that external noise does not hinder concentration and provides you a stress free environment. It also addresses people’s need for a quieter and a more comfortable place to live in. The offices and workplaces can maintain sensible noise levels and a work friendly environment.

For more details, visit:


Walk on Glass

Glass is a characteristic feature of architecture and design in the new age.  As innovative uses for glass continue to expand, glass is now available in various colours, textures, shapes and designs to people, who are looking to transform their spaces. Glass flooring provides an exciting combination of style and function, making a dramatic impact in both residential and commercial spaces.

Glass floors add a decorative dimension to your interiors and give your homes or commercial spaces a touch of sophistication. Glass flooring is resistant to moisture and various kinds of other infestations.
The obvious concern when it comes to such an extensive use of glass, is the safety involved. Comprehensive calculations for glass thickness and construction are what decides the selection and application of this type of glass.

Glass allows light to pass through the floor, creating a very airy and luxurious dwelling. As natural light permeates the space, it creates different moods and forms a seamless transition between rooms. Glass can also be used in landings and ‘see – throughs’ from one floor to another to add even more visual appeal. Adding an artistic touch to the glass floor, can bring notable dispersed light, to cascade down in a thousand hues of colors.

Glass flooring is generally installed keeping in mind the customer’s requirement. Tempered laminated glass, Heat Strengthened laminated glass and Tempered glass laminated with sentry PVB are preferred choice of glass, for its durability and resistance to breakage.
Glass flooring is attractive and easy to clean. It is aesthetically pleasing and can make any room look bright, attractive and stylish. Glass definitely is a contemporary and fashionable take on flooring.
Engineered with safety and durability as its foremost objectives, glass flooring solutions from Glasxperts’ provides a unique alternative to traditional material for modern architecture.


AIS Swytchglas: An intelligent privacy solution

The consumers of urban India today are a whole lot different from those over a decade ago. Smart, well informed, and with a new-age outlook, they demand a contemporary lifestyle that’s in tune with global tastes and trends – one that their predecessors only dreamt of.
The desire for a well-designed home, office or commercial space is a reflection of this transformation.
And glass has emerged as one of the favoured materials in architecture and interior design, which can fulfill these aspirations beautifully.
AIS Swytchglas is revolutionary smart glass which gives flexibility to switch at click of button.  It offers the cutting edge glass technology that combines the power to control both transparency as privacy as per your convenience.
With AIS Swytchglas, you can turn transparent glass to opaque glass to block visibility, at the switch of a button. This presents a view into a whole new world of opportunities with the smartglass.
Whether it is your home or a commercial space it is ideal solution for a wide variety of applications. AIS Swytchglas can help you strike the perfect balance between style and necessity. This presents a view into a whole new world of opportunities with smart glass in India.

How it works?
The principle behind Swytchglas is the Suspended Particle technology that is very similar to the concept of artificial magnets.
There is a smart film between the two Special Polymer films. The Smart Film is a suspension of liquid crystals in a polymer base that can be controlled using an electric charge. Under normal conditions the liquid crystals are randomly distributed and when light hits the glass, it is scattered by the liquid crystals. When an electric current is passed through the glass pane, the liquid crystals align themselves into straight lines allowing all the light to pass through without scattering.

Swytchglas for homes:
Expand horizons within the home with Swytchglas – the smartglass that offers the sophistication with comfort and privacy.

  • Windows and Skylights: When you choose Swytchglas windows you have the flexibility of doing away with curtains and other obstructions to your view and also the comfort of blocking heat and the glare when you need to, saving air conditioning costs during summer.
  • Walls and Partitions: You can turn OFF for complete privacy and ON when you need visibility. AIS’ smart glass solutions are best for houses where transparent or translucent glass walls lend the décor a rich and suave feel.

Swytchglas for Commercial Spaces:

  • Conference Rooms:Making an impression on your customers or even your own team was never as easy. You can switch from transparent to opaque/translucent at the flick of a switch.

Façade Glass and Windows: Air conditioning and lighting are amongst the biggestcost factors of maintaining commercial spaces.With AIS Swytchglas, you can control the amount of heat and light that is let in.

  • Hospitals, Salons and Spas: Selective privacy areas are crucial in many spaces. Blinds are cumbersome to use and curtains are not elegant. Swytchglas panels replace blinds and curtains quite elegantly and efficiently, letting you choose from transparent to opaque with the flick of a switch.
  • Hospitality: Swytchglas is also suited to the hospitality domain right from restaurants to pubs, bars and clubs, business centres and conference facilities alike. It can serve as a suave and high-tech replacement to traditional curtains, blinds and opaque walls.

Glass has clearly come a long way and AIS Swytchglas is a testament to its progress and indispensability.


The Green Revolution

The world is moving towards a greener, more eco-friendly way of living. It is therefore only natural that the space where people live and work also reflects this green evolution. The way we build has changed, and glass has made this transformation possible. For decades, architects and builders around the world have explored ways of designing the ‘nearly-Zero Energy’ building. Today, modern technology and innovative building materials has made that dream a reality. Builders are offering customers the opportunity to explore a life that’s smart, efficient, and above all, sustainable.
Green standards – IGBC and GRIHA
In India, ‘green buildings’ are rated as per two independent rating systems:

  • The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) rating system, derived from the Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) norms developed by the U.S. Green Building Council.
  • The Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA), developed by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), rates buildings on a comprehensive scale of 34 criteria under various sections. In about a decade, India has emerged as a leading country in the adoption of Green Building norms

NBC and ECBC codes
Apart from the above, the Government of India is also enabling environmental conservation through its building codes. The National Building Code (NBC), developed by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), was introduced in 1970. After three amendments, it provides guidelines for regulating construction activities across the country today. For using glass in buildings, NBC has issued revised norms that are broadly classified under the sections:

  • General requirement
  • Determination of appropriate thickness
  • Criteria of human impact safety
  • Installation
  • Fire safety
  • Energy & Thermal property

The Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC), created by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and introduced in 2007, offers three distinct compliance approaches: Prescriptive (Component-based): Each system and sub-system should comply with minimal performance requirements. Trade-off (System-based): Permitted only between building envelope components – roofs, walls, fenestration, overhangs, etc. Whole Building Performance: Evaluation is based on a computer model of the proposed design and comparing it to a standard design, with various factors taken into account.
Building green with glass
The extensive use of innovative glass products in today’s buildings has helped reduce the need for artificial lighting and thereby minimised energy consumption. Green buildings cost more to build but have substantially reduced operational costs, compared to conventional buildings. Various types of glazing solutions – internal as well as external – have made spaces more efficient while unlocking new possibilities in design and aesthetics.
Green solutions from Asahi India Glass Limited As India’s leading integrated glass company, AIS has been at the forefront of moving towards an ecofriendly future. It has pioneered innovations in glass processing technology to develop both single-glazed and double-glazed products with the best ‘green’ parameters. This is giving developers and their architects greater choice and the ability to explore possibilities. These solutions enhance the aesthetics, efficiency and economics of commercial and residential spaces, compared to traditional building materials.

The future is green
According to IGBC, of 2761 buildings registered with it in India, 516 are certified as green. By 2022, it aims to register 10 billion sq. ft. of green building projects. The idea of green buildings has now gained momentum, with greater use of green materials like glass. The environmental impact of increased construction activity has been on the agenda of Government entities and the Environment Ministry. Building code changes are in the pipeline. Construction houses are striving to obtain sustainability certifications, to ensure a better quality of life and to help conserve the environment. Living in harmony with nature is the surest way of ensuring a sustainable future for the planet. ‘Green buildings’ are helping us achieve that ideal.


Architectural & Car Glass Solutions Under One Roof By AIS

Asahi India Glass Limited (AIS), India’s leading integrated glass company, inaugurated a first-of-its-kind store in the Punjabi Bagh area in New Delhi. The Company has brought two of its signature expert service providers in glass, Windshield Experts and Glasxperts, together under one roof.

Having carved a niche in giving expert solutions in glass, AIS wants to give its’ customers the convenience of a ‘one-stop solution’ for all their glass requirements, all in one place.



Established in 1984, Asahi India Glass Ltd. or popularly known as AIS has grown from being a ‘single product, single customer’ company to a world-class integrated glass solutions company. AIS has evolved and sustained leadership and excellence in all the fields it operates in.
AIS offers solutions to all your glass needs for your Car, Home and Business. AIS is structured into four verticals:

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