
Importance of Sound Proof Glass Solutions in Offices

Noise-free interiors are a priority for offices since they are usually located on busy streets bustling with activities. Loud noises seep into the office space through doors and windows causing disturbances. This results in low productivity and efficiency of the employees and disrupts the daily operations of the business. Hence, cutting out noise pollution in office space is crucial.

Besides dampening the outside noise, ensuring sound insulation indoors is also essential. It is very important to keep the confidentiality of cabin discussions and conference room decisions. This is why installing sound insulating glass indoors is just as crucial. One of the top glass manufacturers, AIS Glass, offers high-quality soundproof glass to maintain privacy and ensure the peace and tranquillity of the office space.
Laminated glass has become an increasingly popular glass choice, both in offices and homes, for sound insulation. It is manufactured by attaching two or more glass sheets together with a layer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) in between them. This unique manufacturing process imparts various beneficial features to the glass. Together, the multiple glass panes and the resin sandwiched in-between prevent noise from seeping through, unlike ordinary glasses. Once installed in office, you can have clear and effective communication in meetings and conferences.
For maximum sound insulation, AIS Acousticglas is the ideal glass solution. This laminated glass type is meticulously designed to reduce noise pollution at offices and homes. The specialised PVB layer reduces noise pollution by up to 90% and hence, the glass type is widely used in boardrooms, partitions, and facades. For homes, offices, and shops in high traffic zones or near railway-lines and airports, AIS Acousticglas is very effective in minimising noise pollution.
Besides noise reduction, laminated glass is very sturdy and provides safety from theft and burglary. The PVB layer acts as an adhesive and holds the glass together when shattered, and prevents injuries from glass shards. Hence, it is widely used for security purposes. When laminated glass is installed in doors and windows, gaining access to indoors is very difficult for burglars. Additionally, when this window glass type is incorporated with uPVC frames, it enhances the aesthetic appeal of the space by adding a stylish and contemporary touch to the indoors.
Unlike the conventional wooden or steel doors and windows, laminated glass doors and windows allow sufficient light indoors and maintain peace and serenity of the office space.
In short, if you are looking for a multifunctional and economical option to reduce noise pollution at the office, installing sound proof glass is the ideal decision.


3 Smart Ways To Incorporate Lacquered Glass In Your Home

Also known as back painted glass, lacquered glass is made by simply coating the back of the float glass using highly durable lacquer that is baked afterwards at a constant temperature in a furnace. As a result, the lacquer gets perfectly bonded to the surface of the smooth glass. Opaquely coloured in appearance, lacquered glass is a booming trend in the present time.  Incorporating all the features of float glass, lacquered glass has a wide range of applications. Be it renovating your kitchen or making your bathroom look more colourful yet sophisticated, lacquered glass is the perfect glass option for your varied requirements.
Here are 3 smart ways to incorporate lacquered glass in your home. Have a look –

  1. Wall Panels – When it comes to designing your house, lacquered glass is the perfect solution. Painting the walls is a repetitive process that costs more in the long run as well. Creating wall panels with coloured lacquered glass not only eliminates the need to paint but adds a creative look to the wall as well. Since they are durable, there are very little chances of breaking.
  1. Kitchen Cabinets – Adding lacquered glass to your kitchen cabinets will change the entire look of your kitchen. Versatile and easygoing, cabinets made using lacquered glass are definitely more practical than their traditional counterparts. A lot of house owners are usually worried that using glass in their kitchen cabinets would reveal all the contents of their kitchen and may appear cluttered. The best way to tackle this problem is to use coloured lacquered glass as it will not reveal the contents of your kitchen without compromising on the aesthetics. Moreover, you can use tuffen glass for the same purpose as well.
  1. FurnitureIf you are done with your boring furniture and want to give it a makeover, lacquered glass is just perfect for you. With superb finish and modern look, tabletops and other furniture made using lacquered glass are not only durable but also highly resistant to moisture, adding to its longevity.

Made using special manufacturing process, lacquered glass is also an environment-friendly alternative. Giving a new and fresh look to the interiors of your house, it exhibits brilliant properties like scratch resistance and colour adhesion. Furthermore, always buy this product from premium glass suppliers like AIS Glass who offer other types of glass like energy efficient glass, frosted glass etc. as well to ensure the quality.


How Can You Tackle Air Pollution with Glass?

You would believe that winters in India are welcomed with much celebration as they bring respite from the harsh summer heat. Yet, come November, and suddenly the picture doesn’t look so rosy anymore. Cue the menace of air pollution.
Over the last few years, air pollution levels in urban centres of the country have risen steadily and have now reached alarming levels. This issue is made all the more prominent in the cold weather as fog mixes with the pollutants to give rise to smog – an extremely unhealthy air that we have now become accustomed to breathing.

So, amidst it all, how can glass technology help?
Since one spends the maximum amount of time in a day indoors, either at home or an office, the solution to air pollution lies in staying as far away from it as possible. Such a solution is possible in the realm of architecture wherein our windows and other outlets in the building a sealed and secure enough to prevent any leakage of the polluted air inside. Therefore, all you need is a sophisticated glass window system that will keep you and your loved ones safe from the smog.
Stay safe indoors with Anti-Pollution Windows
Yes, you heard that right. As a leading glass company in India, AIS has always believed in the power of innovation to solve some of the most concerning architectural issues for customers and businesses, be it at homes or offices. With the same spirit of innovation in mind, our experts have created special Anti-Pollution and Anti-Smog Windows retailed by Glasxperts that promise to save you and your loved ones from the damaging effects of air pollution.
The idea, as you might have guessed, revolves around completely sealing air leakages and spaces inside so as to prevent the external environment from leaking inside homes and offices. How is this done? Let’s have a look:

  • Fusion-welded windows with a multi-lock system

High-quality gaskets and joints strongly seal the windows along with exceptional fusion welded joints. Such physical constructs in the specialized window system make it almost impossible for pollutants to enter inside and wreak havoc. Moreover, you can make sure that these windows close extremely tightly with the help of the advanced multipoint locking system in place.

  • Silicon to shut off gaps

A popular material used in various industries, silicon proves its merit in the anti-pollution window in the form of a special sealant that shits down any gaps – both in the window and the adjacent wall.

  • Double glazing in unit glasses

Moving on to the glass, you can rest assured of multi-chambered profiles and multiple layers that make it incredibly difficult for any minute percentage of outside air that has leaked inside to reach beyond the glazing. This advanced technique of providing completely sealed Double Glazing Units also enables the windows to prevent heat and sound to leak inside.

  • The ease of retrofitting

Finally, you might be thinking what a cumbersome and expensive task it would be to remove your existing windows and replace them with special anti-pollution ones. Well, these windows by AIS can be easily retrofitted on any window surface, thus freeing you of all the hassle. Retrofitting essentially means fitting a new window surface on top of the existing one, thus improving the efficiency of the entire system!


Tackling Common Glass Window and Door Issues in Winter

In India, most parts of the country, that is, the season of winter usually comes as a relief. With the long, scorching summer heat giving way to cooler climes, shorter days and cosy afternoons, winters are usually very well received all over the country. Yet, such a change in the season and the weather is not without its own set of complications, especially for your glass doors and windows.

Bear in mind that glass, aluminium, wood, and uPVC are merely materials that respond to changes in the external environment – temperature being a huge factor. Most materials compress and shrink in the cold, and there is also the issue of dew and condensation that accompanies chilly temperatures. Therefore, preparing your glass window or door before-hand will go a long way in ensuring their longevity and performance during the winters.
Let’s take a look at a few common issues that might plague your glass door or window in the cold, and how you can tackle them expertly:

  1. Condensation

Condensation mainly arises due to a drastic temperature difference around a particular surface. In winters, while the external environment is often cold and dry, our home and office interiors run on conditioned air which is usually warm and, thus, humid. This temperature difference leads to condensation on the surface of the cold window and door glass, thus fogging your view. While some condensation is absolutely normal, if you notice persisting condensation for long periods or some moisture in your window glazing, then it means that moisture might have entered your glass by way of some gap or leakage. This can hamper the insulation of your home. We recommend getting your windows and doors checked for gaps and weather insulation before winter reaches its height.

  1. Leakages

Building on from the previous point, leakages and gaps in your glass door and window can also create drafts, or passages for air flow from outside to inside. If cold air leaks inside your home from the outside, then your home’s energy efficiency and comfort can be compromised. Such drafts are usually signs of old, non-insulating glass which you can replace easily with modern energy-efficient glass and insulated glass units.

  1. Insulation

Apart from cold air, the inability of your door or window glass to retain internal heat can lead to massive heat loss. Such an insulation problem is directly opposite to the one faced by buildings in summer when the desired functionality from glass doors and windows is reflecting solar heat. You can tackle this situation by installing retrofitted insulating glass in over your existing glass doors and windows.

  1. Moisture and rotting

Finally, condensation can also occur on the frames of doors and windows, thus causing deterioration. Humid and warm internal climate during winters can also contribute to moisture entering your old window and door frames, especially if they are made from old wood. The solution for you could be switching to weather- resistant uPVC doors and windows. uPVC is a modern framing material that does not rot or get affected by temperature and climate changes, thus keeping your doors and windows in the healthiest state possible throughout the year.
Take note of the above-mentioned issues and tackle them swiftly for happy winters – both for you and your glass windows and doors!


4 Inspiring Ideas for Your Kitchen Space

The evolution of kitchens is quite significant. Today’s kitchens are required to be as aesthetically appealing as functional, and to blend with the overall design of the house while retaining its unique look as the heart of the home. This dynamic shift in the way we design kitchens has also a lot to do with the availability of multi-functional and innovative architectural materials such as processed glass.
Modern glass suppliers such as AIS are already leading the way in creating aesthetic glass variants such as AIS Décor lacquered glass and frosted glass which are aiding in the imagining of creative and functional kitchen spaces like never before.

Given the fact that kitchens are usually smaller in size than other spaces and areas in most homes and apartments, using a material such as glass in cabinets, shelves or even countertops helps in adding the illusion of space. Glass’s inherent property of reflecting light helps in creating a well-lit, airy and lively environment in a kitchen, thus allowing inhabitants to experience more joy in cooking.
In this blog, we take a look at four inspiring ideas powered by glass to design or recreate your dream kitchen space:

  1. Create window cabinets

If you’re wondering what they are, then prepare to be excited. If your kitchen wall space is majorly covered with windows, then you can elevate the look of your entire space while also adding more storage to the kitchen with the help of window cabinets. As the name suggests, these cabinets are constructed on top of existing windows, thus providing them with two walls of glass. This can be a unique addition to your kitchen without preventing the external scenery or natural daylight getting obstructed!

  1. Install frosted glass shelves and lacquered glass panel pantry doors

For heightened aesthetics, why stick to simple clear glass? Visually appealing glass types such as frosted privacy glass can add style to your kitchen cabinets while also concealing what they store – if you wish so! On the other hand, if your kitchen has a pantry door, then you can install lacquered glass panels on it to compliment the wall colour or the theme of the kitchen.

  1. Turn your kitchen island into a glass base cabinet

If you have a modular kitchen with a counter in the middle of the floor space, called the island, why not experiment by adding a glass cabinet to its sides? This can be the perfect location to store collectibles, cookbooks or fancy kitchenware. Since this is a base cabinet prone to impact by foot, we recommend opting for tempered security glass for the same.

  1. Add colour to your countertops and backsplashes

Glass kitchen countertops have become very popular, offering a lot in terms of colour, size, and shape. Combining countertops with lacquered glass backsplashes and cabinets creates a stylish and colourful ambience for a kitchen.
Apart from the aesthetic reasons, using glass in kitchens is beneficial since it is a material that it is stain-resistant, easy to clean and maintain, and easy to replace. Time to give your cooking space a well-deserved glass makeover!


4 Types of uPVC Window Designs to Give Your Home an Enticing Look

The trend of using uPVC material in doors and windows has been on the rise, all thanks to the plethora of benefits it offers. uPVC material showcases a perfect blend of modernity and advanced features. It is a tough and durable material which is rot, heat and noise-resistant. It doesn’t require any high maintenance and can be easily cleaned using water and detergent. uPVC doors and windows have a huge success rate as apart from being durable and long lasting, they are reinforced with galvanized steel which makes them withstand adverse conditions easily.
The wonderful thing about uPVC is that it can be customized to suit a wide variety of window shapes and designs. If you want to impart your house that ethereal and awe-inspiring bespoke look, then selecting the right type of windows is critical.

Here are 4 types of uPVC window designs you can consider for the same:
Sliding Windows: –
Sliding windows are horizontal opening windows which provide great cross-ventilation and lighting options. They are easy to operate and provide unobstructed view of the outside world. They are also energy efficient, since they effectively block airflow from inside to outside and vice versa. Sliding windows aid in saving space too as they don’t occupy vertical space as in the case of normal windows. Your room will automatically appear larger if you choose them for your house.
French Windows :-
One sure shot advantage of French windows is ample lighting in your room. French windows usually have a frame that features window glass running through its entire length. Apart from lighting, they also make your house look spacious. They are most suitable for outer walls since they provide magnificent view of the outside lawns, gardens, pool or patio. They can be decorated with deluxe curtains and blinds to give your home a luxurious look.
Casement Windows :-
Casement windows are vertical opening windows fixed with side mounted hinges. They are one of the most widely preferred window designs. They can be opened widely and provide better ventilation as compared to fixed windows. Casement windows also provide high security since they are very difficult to break and their hook shaped locks are embedded within the frame making them untouchable from outside.
Two Sash Windows :-
These are made up of movable panels known as sashes. Two sash windows have been in use since ages and still continue to be one of the most popular choices especially in traditional homes. It offers a perfect blend of utility and attractiveness .It provides double ventilation benefit as when both the sashes are opened, it provides a way for fresh, cool air to come inside while letting the warm air to exit the room from top.


Reduce Your Energy Bills with Glass Solutions

In the 21st century, there is an increasing emphasis on environment conservation, energy efficiency and sustainability. The world is more sensitized to reducing wastage of energy than ever before. In order to keep up with times, it is important that whether it is your home or office, it should ideally be a green building that helps you save energy and reduce energy bills. In pursuit of this efficiency, glass construction and architecture can be of much use.

Some of the leading glass suppliers in India have come up with modern glass solutions that will not only beautify your living and working space, but also help you reduce your dependency on electricity. These solutions, installed in windows, facades, doors, canopies, domes, etc. contribute towards creating a pleasing ambience inside. Let’s take a look at two of the best energy-efficient glass solutions in the industry:
Ecosense – A high performance solution for energy efficiency
The AIS Ecosense high performance glass is a brilliant offering from the house of AIS, the leading glass manufacturing company in India. It is equipped with advanced solar control technology since it is essentially a very high grade Low-E glass.
This glass has been designed in accordance with Indian climactic conditions, and is suitable for all kinds of extreme weather that the country experiences, right from the unbearable summers to the jittering winters. It provides a great balance between aesthetics and performance, and provides relief from the harsh conditions prevalent outdoors. It operates via filtering out solar radiation, such as the near-infrared rays, by absorbing a part of it and reflecting away the remaining amount. This enables cooler and brighter indoors at all times.
The great thing about Ecosense is that it is available in a wide variety of shades and colours to suit all your design and aesthetic needs. It is a great option for the façade of your building.
SunShield Heat Reflective Glass – For greater cooling efficiency
The AIS SunShield Heat Reflective Glass is another revolutionary energy efficient and economical solution for homes and offices. It is designed for the intolerable summer heat that is typically associated with Indian summers, with its advanced solar control properties and exceptional durability.
SunShield glass lets you cut on your electricity bills that get inflated due to excessive air conditioner usage by reducing the glare of sunlight. Its high grade external coating also filters out the harmful UV radiation, thereby bringing you all the benefits of natural light without affecting your health or making your environment uncomfortable due to the heat. Moreover, it is available in no less than seven brilliant shades to provide you the aesthetic look that you are looking for.


Noise Outside Quiet Inside

Noise is a growing concern and a nuisance, especially in urban areas.No matter where it originates from, noise is everywhere. It can be your next door neighbour blasting rock music or a ramped up car stereo. Sometimes the noise caused by outside traffic can cause disturbance and stress over a continued period of time.
Does noise affect you?
Too much noise can be damaging to health and can hinder learning and concentration. Noise is tiresome; it makes you anxious, annoys you, causes stress and leaves you fatigued. Studies have shown that noisy workspaces are less efficient than quiet ones. Therefore, it is very important to find new ways to keep noise where it belongs: outside.
Is there a solution?
Yes, there is! Nowadays, architects and designers are increasingly looking at glass as a preferred material while designing contemporary living spaces. All that is needed is a glass which enhances the building’s aesthetics as well as effectively eliminates external noise.
Laminated glass which is made by laminating two pieces of glass together with a poly-vinly-butryl (PVB) interlayer dampens the sound and reduces sound transmission. Laminated glass also provides other benefits like safety and security.
AIS AcousticglasTM featuring a specialized PVB interlayer provides up to 90% in exterior sound. It helps to keep the inside of your room in tranquil quietude while you give ear to sound that really matters. AIS AcousticglasTM is used for doors, windows, partitions in homes and offices.


  • A noise free space is essential so that external noise does not hinder concentration and provides you a stress free environment. It also addresses people’s need for a quieter and a more comfortable place to live in. The offices and workplaces can maintain sensible noise levels and a work friendly environment.

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Walk on Glass

Glass is a characteristic feature of architecture and design in the new age.  As innovative uses for glass continue to expand, glass is now available in various colours, textures, shapes and designs to people, who are looking to transform their spaces. Glass flooring provides an exciting combination of style and function, making a dramatic impact in both residential and commercial spaces.

Glass floors add a decorative dimension to your interiors and give your homes or commercial spaces a touch of sophistication. Glass flooring is resistant to moisture and various kinds of other infestations.
The obvious concern when it comes to such an extensive use of glass, is the safety involved. Comprehensive calculations for glass thickness and construction are what decides the selection and application of this type of glass.

Glass allows light to pass through the floor, creating a very airy and luxurious dwelling. As natural light permeates the space, it creates different moods and forms a seamless transition between rooms. Glass can also be used in landings and ‘see – throughs’ from one floor to another to add even more visual appeal. Adding an artistic touch to the glass floor, can bring notable dispersed light, to cascade down in a thousand hues of colors.

Glass flooring is generally installed keeping in mind the customer’s requirement. Tempered laminated glass, Heat Strengthened laminated glass and Tempered glass laminated with sentry PVB are preferred choice of glass, for its durability and resistance to breakage.
Glass flooring is attractive and easy to clean. It is aesthetically pleasing and can make any room look bright, attractive and stylish. Glass definitely is a contemporary and fashionable take on flooring.
Engineered with safety and durability as its foremost objectives, glass flooring solutions from Glasxperts’ provides a unique alternative to traditional material for modern architecture.


The Green Revolution

The world is moving towards a greener, more eco-friendly way of living. It is therefore only natural that the space where people live and work also reflects this green evolution. The way we build has changed, and glass has made this transformation possible. For decades, architects and builders around the world have explored ways of designing the ‘nearly-Zero Energy’ building. Today, modern technology and innovative building materials has made that dream a reality. Builders are offering customers the opportunity to explore a life that’s smart, efficient, and above all, sustainable.
Green standards – IGBC and GRIHA
In India, ‘green buildings’ are rated as per two independent rating systems:

  • The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) rating system, derived from the Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) norms developed by the U.S. Green Building Council.
  • The Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA), developed by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), rates buildings on a comprehensive scale of 34 criteria under various sections. In about a decade, India has emerged as a leading country in the adoption of Green Building norms

NBC and ECBC codes
Apart from the above, the Government of India is also enabling environmental conservation through its building codes. The National Building Code (NBC), developed by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), was introduced in 1970. After three amendments, it provides guidelines for regulating construction activities across the country today. For using glass in buildings, NBC has issued revised norms that are broadly classified under the sections:

  • General requirement
  • Determination of appropriate thickness
  • Criteria of human impact safety
  • Installation
  • Fire safety
  • Energy & Thermal property

The Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC), created by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and introduced in 2007, offers three distinct compliance approaches: Prescriptive (Component-based): Each system and sub-system should comply with minimal performance requirements. Trade-off (System-based): Permitted only between building envelope components – roofs, walls, fenestration, overhangs, etc. Whole Building Performance: Evaluation is based on a computer model of the proposed design and comparing it to a standard design, with various factors taken into account.
Building green with glass
The extensive use of innovative glass products in today’s buildings has helped reduce the need for artificial lighting and thereby minimised energy consumption. Green buildings cost more to build but have substantially reduced operational costs, compared to conventional buildings. Various types of glazing solutions – internal as well as external – have made spaces more efficient while unlocking new possibilities in design and aesthetics.
Green solutions from Asahi India Glass Limited As India’s leading integrated glass company, AIS has been at the forefront of moving towards an ecofriendly future. It has pioneered innovations in glass processing technology to develop both single-glazed and double-glazed products with the best ‘green’ parameters. This is giving developers and their architects greater choice and the ability to explore possibilities. These solutions enhance the aesthetics, efficiency and economics of commercial and residential spaces, compared to traditional building materials.

The future is green
According to IGBC, of 2761 buildings registered with it in India, 516 are certified as green. By 2022, it aims to register 10 billion sq. ft. of green building projects. The idea of green buildings has now gained momentum, with greater use of green materials like glass. The environmental impact of increased construction activity has been on the agenda of Government entities and the Environment Ministry. Building code changes are in the pipeline. Construction houses are striving to obtain sustainability certifications, to ensure a better quality of life and to help conserve the environment. Living in harmony with nature is the surest way of ensuring a sustainable future for the planet. ‘Green buildings’ are helping us achieve that ideal.


Architectural & Car Glass Solutions Under One Roof By AIS

Asahi India Glass Limited (AIS), India’s leading integrated glass company, inaugurated a first-of-its-kind store in the Punjabi Bagh area in New Delhi. The Company has brought two of its signature expert service providers in glass, Windshield Experts and Glasxperts, together under one roof.

Having carved a niche in giving expert solutions in glass, AIS wants to give its’ customers the convenience of a ‘one-stop solution’ for all their glass requirements, all in one place.



Established in 1984, Asahi India Glass Ltd. or popularly known as AIS has grown from being a ‘single product, single customer’ company to a world-class integrated glass solutions company. AIS has evolved and sustained leadership and excellence in all the fields it operates in.
AIS offers solutions to all your glass needs for your Car, Home and Business. AIS is structured into four verticals:

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