
Love the Reflection: Let Mirrors Spruce up the Interiors of Your House

Mirrors aren’t just designed to be a practical object to check your face in before stepping out of the house; there are many innovative ways the addition of a mirror can transform your space. They are the perfect option for making a space brighter and larger. A well-positioned mirror can also make a smaller room look more expansive and will play off light emitted from the natural windows in a larger room. Allowing you to think beyond the bathroom and the wardrobe, we take you through our top design tips on mirrors to enhance the beauty of home interior spaces.
A Wall of Mirrors

The horizontal and vertical lines in the wall of mirrors help to define a sleek space and draw attention to the accessories or the ambience around it like a painting or the garden. The mirrored wall also helps to distribute the natural light around the room. The addition of a mirror makes a room feel brighter and more spacious.
Illuminating the dark corners

One can enhance the amount of light in space in an understated manner by placing a mirror glass behind a switched-on lamp. Pairing the same with mirrored furniture to reflect all sources of light also imbues a sense of warmth and coziness without compromising on the illumination.
To let the natural light in, simply place a mirror opposite or next to a window. Bigger the mirror, brighter the space! So if you are wondering about ways to liven up your space, you know what requires to be done.
Go experimental with the mirror shapes

When positioned correctly, the right shape of the mirror can improve the outlook of a room. Instead of sticking to traditional rectangular mirrors, you must feel free to experiment with different shapes. Keep the shape or style of your room in mind and choose a mirror frame that reflects the tone. One that is unusually shaped certainly adds a bit of drama to an otherwise humdrum space, giving a room an instant wow-factor.
Mirror in the outdoors

Mirrors are not just for the inside of the home. More light can be introduced with their help when used in a north facing terrace or a shaded courtyard. While urban residents may choose a mirror that gives the appearance of widening the horizon of an enclosed garden, mirrors when used in a countryside setting, are a lovely way to catch an augmented view of the surrounding greenery and wildlife. Indeed, it is amazing how a beautiful mirror can work in multifarious ways to amplify light, add some excitement, create interesting reflections and catch the eyes when fitted in classy frames.
So mirror the magic in your best place in the world which you call home. Get in touch with our glass dealers to get the finest offerings in mirrors for adorning your abode.


How Can You Tackle Air Pollution with Glass?

You would believe that winters in India are welcomed with much celebration as they bring respite from the harsh summer heat. Yet, come November, and suddenly the picture doesn’t look so rosy anymore. Cue the menace of air pollution.
Over the last few years, air pollution levels in urban centres of the country have risen steadily and have now reached alarming levels. This issue is made all the more prominent in the cold weather as fog mixes with the pollutants to give rise to smog – an extremely unhealthy air that we have now become accustomed to breathing.

So, amidst it all, how can glass technology help?
Since one spends the maximum amount of time in a day indoors, either at home or an office, the solution to air pollution lies in staying as far away from it as possible. Such a solution is possible in the realm of architecture wherein our windows and other outlets in the building a sealed and secure enough to prevent any leakage of the polluted air inside. Therefore, all you need is a sophisticated glass window system that will keep you and your loved ones safe from the smog.
Stay safe indoors with Anti-Pollution Windows
Yes, you heard that right. As a leading glass company in India, AIS has always believed in the power of innovation to solve some of the most concerning architectural issues for customers and businesses, be it at homes or offices. With the same spirit of innovation in mind, our experts have created special Anti-Pollution and Anti-Smog Windows retailed by Glasxperts that promise to save you and your loved ones from the damaging effects of air pollution.
The idea, as you might have guessed, revolves around completely sealing air leakages and spaces inside so as to prevent the external environment from leaking inside homes and offices. How is this done? Let’s have a look:

  • Fusion-welded windows with a multi-lock system

High-quality gaskets and joints strongly seal the windows along with exceptional fusion welded joints. Such physical constructs in the specialized window system make it almost impossible for pollutants to enter inside and wreak havoc. Moreover, you can make sure that these windows close extremely tightly with the help of the advanced multipoint locking system in place.

  • Silicon to shut off gaps

A popular material used in various industries, silicon proves its merit in the anti-pollution window in the form of a special sealant that shits down any gaps – both in the window and the adjacent wall.

  • Double glazing in unit glasses

Moving on to the glass, you can rest assured of multi-chambered profiles and multiple layers that make it incredibly difficult for any minute percentage of outside air that has leaked inside to reach beyond the glazing. This advanced technique of providing completely sealed Double Glazing Units also enables the windows to prevent heat and sound to leak inside.

  • The ease of retrofitting

Finally, you might be thinking what a cumbersome and expensive task it would be to remove your existing windows and replace them with special anti-pollution ones. Well, these windows by AIS can be easily retrofitted on any window surface, thus freeing you of all the hassle. Retrofitting essentially means fitting a new window surface on top of the existing one, thus improving the efficiency of the entire system!


Types Of Glass For Heat Control

We all know how harmful the sun’s ultraviolet rays are if you are constantly exposed to them. We use all kind of products and items to protect ourselves from the rays like sunscreen lotions and umbrellas, but how do you protect yourself indoors? It is not possible to wall up every corner because of the need of ventilation. Therefore, the only way to save yourself from UV rays is to install heat-proof glass for windows. This variant of glass also helps in regulating the temperature of building like keeping it cool during day time and installing this glass will also help protect the building structure itself. There are a few sub-categories of heatproof glass that are prevalent in the market.
Reflective Glass
Reflective Glass is a type of heatproof glass that can be used for a wide range of architectural, aesthetic and energy efficiency related applications. A lot of variants of this glass, like AIS’ Sunshield Reflective Glass, combine durability with advanced solar control technology, effectively reducing heat from entering the building for an overall high performance glass product.
You can use reflective glass for helping reduce the glare of the sun and improve the energy efficiency of any home or commercial space. This is possible in products like the Sunshield Reflective Glass due to its solar control properties that curb the amount of glare that passes through the toughened glass. It also has protective qualities with a coating that keeps you safe from the harmful effects of UV radiation. They also provide aesthetically pleasing exteriors for both homes and offices, making it a non-intrusive yet stylish option.

Tinted Glass
Another type of heatproof glass is tinted glass. This glass absorbs the energy from the sun and controls its radiation. This enables it to cut down on the sun’s heat and gives greater convenience and comfort inside of the building that houses this glass, and also helps in enhancing the aesthetic appeal of its exteriors. Glass companies which make tinted glass, like AIS which has come up with its Tinted Heat-absorbing glass, make it a point to reduce the quantity of heat flowing into the buildings, lessening cooling-load on air-conditioning and saving energy costs.
The Tinted heat-absorbing glass absorbs 30% to 45% of the solar heat incident on the glass surface depending on its tint and thickness. The tinted glass itself is highly flexible in terms of the ways it can be used, so architects and designers try to incorporate new design trends in their building if they are using this type of glass. Tinted glass like AIS’s glass variant protects against glare and allows less visible light transmission which helps in creating a soothing environment while reducing the effects of UV rays.

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