
Daylight Analysis & Glazing Selection: A Case Study

Natural lighting is an extremely important part of any building – simply because it is beneficial to both comfort and energy efficiency of an interior space. Having ideal natural lighting inside a building can reduce the dependency on artificial lighting and create a much more holistic environment for rest, relaxation and work.
Yet, enabling the perfect balance of natural light within a building is not merely a function of using a glazing which will reflect heat and filter light. It depends on quite many factors, including the building orientation, the appropriateness of light diffusers installed, and also the kind of façades and windows in place. Thus, architect and building owners must conduct a thorough daylight analysis of any building in order to suggest glass that minimises discomfort and maximises visibility. Only after analysing the results of such a study can one opt for retrofitting buildings with low-E glass or going for a new glazing with the ideal U-value and SHGC.
This is what we performed for a corporate building in Mumbai.
A corporate building in Mumbai required an optimum glazing solution to maximize its VLT (visible light transmission) requirement without overdesigning the building.
Going by the specifications of glass, one with the lowest U-value and SHGC would have been the right solution for the corporate building. Yet the solution was not so easy.
In order to determine the effect of various glazing variants on the building, a daylight analysis was performed. The two glazing variants simulated for the building were Clear Glass (VLT 78%) and high performance glass (VLT 21%). Both the glasses performed identically in terms of achieving the optimal lux levels. Clear Glass, in fact, caused glare in certain portions of the building.

As can be seen in Fig. 2, the first case is Clear Glass (VLT = 78%). The pink region shows the area which will have glare, and the grey region indicates sub-optimal lighting. The second case is high-performance glass (VLT = 21%). Here, we can see the reduction in glare area without reducing optimum lux level.
Thus, AIS recommended using high-performance glass in order to reduce cooling load without compromising on the lighting load.
From the study conducted, the following results were deduced:

  • The same fenestration behaves differently depending on the specific design.
  • It should not be assumed that products with low U-Value and SHGC are the best and universal solution.
  • For windows receiving a high amount of solar radiation, products with low SHGC would perform better. Hence, a glazing solution should be selected only after thoroughly analysing the building design.

As mentioned earlier, architects and glass manufacturers have to study various factors in building design before selecting the ideal glazing. An important factor is window orientation and area which allows ideal dispersion of daylight without causing glare or excess heat gain. It has been observed that south-facing windows let in the highest amount of daylight while north-facing windows let in diffused and reflected glare-free light. On the other hand, east- and west-facing windows let in direct sunlight, glare, and heat gain, which are difficult to manage. Thus, different glazing solutions are required for different orientations, especially in the kind of building mentioned in the case study.


Optimal Building Design & Glazing: A Case Study

It is the 21st century, and energy conservation and sustainability in architecture is surely gathering momentum. With one eye fixed ever so intently on the environment and the rising global temperatures, architects are turning to innovation and technology to turn the tables on myopic building design and combat energy inefficiency in our living and working spaces. This is where glass is proving to be their trusted accomplice.
So, when a prominent learning institute in Mumbai approached Asahi India Glass Ltd., the most comprehensive integrated glass company in India, to achieve high performance energy efficiency, we carried out a comprehensive and painstaking glazing and building design analysis to provide a satisfactory solution. Let’s find out how:
A learning institute in Mumbai wanted to optimize its building design without spending big on glazing solutions. This meant reducing the heat gain inside the building without compromising natural lighting.

Normally, we have observed that when it comes to glazing solutions providing high performance energy efficiency, architectural glass variants with a lower Solar Factor and lower U-Value are favoured. But to achieve the ideal balance between the building design and glazing feasibility, we had to come up with an optimum solution that offers best return on investment.
Therefore, first we conducted a study to understand the building design. Due to the architecture of the institute, the building’s direct and indirect heat gain had fallen down considerably. This can be explained by Fig. 1:

  • 4 Classrooms located on the north side received diffused light and no direct heat
  • 4 South-facing classrooms were provided with a shading device to prevent direct heat and glare
  • 4 Buffer zones, created by placing the service areas along the east façade and corridors along the west façade, prevented heat ingress in the offices
  • 4 Walls had good insulation properties to prevent long-wave radiations from entering into the building
  • 4 North light provided natural light to a portion of the building

These observations allowed us to fine tune our glazing solution. Ultimately, due to the optimal building design, we could choose a solution which did not have the best specifications (and therefore higher cost) but was a perfect match for the design.

In order to do so, a detailed building energy analysis and simulation was conducted with a huge portfolio of AIS products. Their performance parameters are compared in the table above. Then, we compared the energy saving percentage against cost payback period.
This study is depicted in the Fig 2. As one can see, Spring SGU (Solar Control product from the AIS Ecosense range) which has Solar Factor (SF) = 64%, Visual Light Transmission (VLT) = 65%, and U-Value = 5.4 w/ m2 k performed best out of all the glasses with 17% energy savings and 2 months’ payback period, when compared to base case Clear DGU (double glaze unit).

Thus, by understanding the relationship between building design and glazing type, we could suggest the client a glazing glass with an optimum Solar Factor and U-Value and higher VLT – thus enabling the institute to save on money and recover investment far quicker than imagined.


Breathing Life Back into an Old Office Building: A Case Study on Retrofitting Glass

Architecture, today, is exceeding the limits of imagination with the help of science and technology. Where once glass was a mere brittle material for windows now lies a plethora of possibilities in manufacturing and processing extremely functional glass for sound reduction, security, privacy, aesthetics, and most importantly, heat reduction. But the buck doesn’t stop here.
It is also possible to optimize the dysfunctional glass systems of existing and functioning buildings with a special variant of glass such as the AIS Renew which completely transforms the energy consumption scenario of the space. Retrofitting buildings is a specialty at AIS, and it is precisely what we achieved for the 6-storied office building which is the focus of our case study.
It is no doubt that solar and thermal control glass products are any architect’s go-to solutions for creating an energy efficient space. And energy efficiency is the primary requirement of an office where creating the most comfortable and sustainable environment for employees is paramount for productivity.
A six-storied office building featuring glazed windows prominently was facing issues due to increased energy consumption. The requirement was to convert the windows into more energy efficient envelopes, thus enabling visual and thermal comfort. However, converting an old/existing building built with a low performance glass by the traditional method of pulling down the existing glass façade and building afresh is very expensive.

In order to tackle this problem without disturbing and interfering with the day-to-day functioning of the building, the AIS technical team proposed our retrofitting solution, AIS Renew, as part of the AIS 4G solutions. AIS Renew is a unique product which is attached on top of an existing glass window and converts it into an energy saving insulated glass window – all in no time at all.
In order to do this, a particular AIS Renew glass model (Ecosense Exceed as mentioned in the table above) was compared against pared with clear 6 mm glass used in the existing building. An analysis was done on the basis of shade, visible light transmission, solar heat gain coefficient, and U-value.
Further, a building-specific climate simulation was also performed for the existing glass and AIS Renew glass. The results of this analysis are mentioned below.


As is clear from the reference table, AIS Renew with Ecosense Exceed performed better than the clear single glazed units and double glazed units in terms of cooling energy reduction ratio % and radiant temperature.  In brief, selecting AIS Renew for retrofitting would result in:

  1. Reduced solar gain in summer thereby reaching the set temperature sooner, thus reducing the load on AC operation.
  2. Insulation of the building against heat due to its lower U-value by influencing long wave infrared radiation while keeping the space cool in summer and warm in winter.
  3. A shorter payback period compared to extra glass cost which would have been used for replacement.

Thus, with a thoroughly scientific analysis of the retrofit, glass manufacturers like AIS ensure the most ideal retrofitting glass solution for your office building, resulting in substantial energy, cost and time savings.


Glass Facades: Keeping your Interiors Comfortable during Summer

When one thinks of a modern home or office, the image of a huge glass façade often comes to mind. Today, it is not at all surprising to see so many homes and workplaces adopting this architectural element with increasing regularity. Not only does it provide an appearance of grandeur and makes the entire building look beautiful from outside, but also results in a great view for the occupants and employees from inside.

But the role of a glass façade is not limited to just that. By employing different types of glasses that have been specially manufactured with key functional and aesthetic properties, one can utilize the glass façade to create a comfortable ambience inside, especially during the harsh and hot summers. This often means two things: cool and bright interiors.
Creating a relaxing ambience with a glass façade
Since a glass façade allows huge quantity of natural light to enter the interiors, it is important that one ensure that this natural light doesn’t turn into an element of discomfort during the summer months. Sunlight, as we know, consists of various components like visible light, UV rays and infrared rays. While the infrared rays are responsible for carrying heat, UV rays are damaging for our health.
Thus, in summers, it is necessary that you use high performance glass to limit these factors, and allow only optimum lighting without the heat to enter your space. With AIS’ advanced solar control and heat reflective glass solutions, this requirement can be serviced efficiently.
High performance glass solutions for the ideal glass façade by AIS
AIS Ecosense
This is a high performance low-E glass that comes in a variety of natural shades. AIS Ecosense is a highly advanced solution that helps in creating the perfect balance between aesthetics, lighting and energy efficiency. The low-E film on its surface reduces heat considerably by absorbing and reflecting a large part of infrared radiation. It also reduces glare and eliminates UV radiation in order to create the perfect internal lighting and a healthy and bright ambience.
AIS Opal
AIS Opal is the perfect solution as an external glass for buildings. This hard-coated solar control glass prevents heat from entering the building by reflecting away most of it. This economical range of heat reflective glass also comes in a wide range of sizes and thickness.
AIS Sunshield
For the ultimate cooling effect, AIS Sunshield soft-coated glass is your go to solution. It is extremely durable, reduces glare, comes in eight vibrant shades (including the new Royal Gold), and keeps you safe from UV radiation.
Apart from heat insulation, facades can also be provided with noise insulation and heightened security with the help of acoustic laminated glass and toughened glass solutions.


All You Need To Know About AIS Ecosense Glass Range

Imagining a building or modern architectural structure without any glass is nearly impossible. Glass windows have been vital in creating light-filled interiors. Along with a sense of space, they also provide a great view, lots of daylight, and ventilation. Glass windows give shape to ideal interiors, creating a positive and energetic environment.
AIS Ecosense is a high-performance glass manufactured by India’s largest integrated glass manufacturer AIS. It strikes the perfect balance between indoors and outdoors, aesthetics and economics, function as well as finesse. It is designed primarily to suit the requirements of the Indian consumers who prefer maintaining cooler indoors due to the overall warm climate of the subcontinent.
It is widely used on exterior facades of the building to keep indoors brighter and cooler. The glass optimizes the inflow of daylight through the facade, creating naturally controlled indoor temperature and improving energy efficiency indoors.
AIS Ecosense nails the amalgamation between intelligent design, utility, and economy, encompassing every aspect considered by an architect before making the final choice of glass solutions for the project undertaken. Also offering practical features like thermal insulation, solar control, safety and security and acoustic insulation, this glass simply sets up higher standards of green architecture.
AIS Ecosense is a unique range of high performance glass in natural shades available in below range —

  1. The Ecosense Enhance Solar Control Glass
  2. The Ecosense Exceed Solar Control Low-E Glass
  3. The Ecosense Essence Low-E
  4. The Ecosense Edge Solar control Glass & Thermal Insulation – Low-E
  5. Ecosense Excel Solar Control Double Low-E

By addressing various needs of a façade and offering multiple solutions under one common brand, AIS Ecosense is the most energy efficient glass and an architect’s first choice towards eco-friendly designs.


How Glass Makes Your Home Energy Efficient

Modern architecture is adopting eco-friendly techniques to ensure a healthy living environment. Today home designs include planning of home orientation, landscaping, façade design and usage of energy efficient glass windows and doors. This makes your home the first place that will contribute towards reducing carbon footprints for a safer environment.
Let’s have a look at how you can make use of glass in a constructive design manner to create an energy efficient space:

Reduces Heat Ingress

Heat Reflective or Solar control glass greatly reduces the sun’s heat from coming into a room. this reduction of amount of heat that comes from sunlight helps to decreases the air conditioning load; thus bringing down energy consumption.
Places with extreme climatic conditions experience drastic temperature differences and passive cooling/heating is the only way to ensure efficient energy consumption and reduced electricity bills. This is where these energy efficient glasses come into play.

Boost Natural Light

There is a never-ending debate over white or yellow lights for home interiors. Amidst all this, it is certain that natural light is the best possible way to light up your home. Apart from having thermal properties, glass is an excellent source of letting in natural sun light. If designed properly one can incorporate solar control glass for passive lighting at home along with avoiding harmful UV rays of the sun. Not only will this boost productivity and good health but also reduce electricity consumption.


How to make your space environment friendly with glass and uPVC frames?

Our world is changing, things are taking a turn for the worse when it comes to the environment. So, what can one do in such a grave situation? Well, it turns out YOU, just another homeowner, can do a lot. All you need is a “Green Makeover” for your abode and you can do your bit in protecting the environment.
Thanks to the advancement in technology, there has been a major progress in manufacturing eco-friendly solutions. Such solutions not only help you enhance the look and feel of your residence but also make you the proud owner of an “eco-friendly home”.


Solar Control Glass: The Ultimate car Windscreen Solution

Over the last few years, summers in India have been quite hot and unbearable. Travelling by car in such uncomfortable conditions can make you sweat. Not only that, you also expose yourself to harmful UV radiation. However, with the advancement of technology, such situations can be drastically lessened. Thanks to AIS solar control glass solutions that is known to reduce the overall interior temperature and block UV radiation. Not only that, this glass solution can create a cooler environment, improve the life of your car’s upholstery.
Importance of car windscreen:
Over the years, the functions of a car windshield have changed. Today, these car windshields are not only designed to keep the occupants within safe but also support the roof from a rollover accident. Even the positioning of the passenger-side air bag depends on the windshield. Modern car windshield also offers better visibility and added security.


Benefits of Solar Control Glass range

With the change in weather, people across the globe are experiencing global warming. Due to the rise in the temperature of greenhouse gases, preventing this heat build-up can get challenging. In such times, considering products that are eco-friendly can help cut out the heat. Such products guarantee to make a difference to the environment and not to forget your personal space.
In case you are looking for such products, do opt for solar control glass. This particular glass range has the ability to reduce greenhouse gases, promote sustainability and mitigate the effects of climate change.

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