
#SheIsMadeOfGlass: How AIS Glass’ 2019 Women’s Day Campaign Got Viral

An epitome of grace and dignity, she enriches our lives in the manner nobody else can. Her uniqueness and exceptional talents make her the champion of all odds, whether at home or work. Celebrating her indomitable spirit coupled with her sheer strength, AIS Glass commemorated the true essence of womanhood on this year’s Women’s Day, identifying with her at all levels. And this was the core of our Women’s Day Campaign – She is made of Glass – which encapsulated the hearts of millions.
On this special day, honoring the indomitable spirit of women, we decided to interview women architects who AIS Glass is proud to have worked with. Today they are well-known names in their field who are breaking ground and inspiring young women professionals to chase their passions. On being asked about what they felt about AIS Glass’ social media campaign #SheIsMadeOfGlass and their response was nothing less than an enthusiastic affirmation.
Expressing her approval, Ar. Tejaswini Pandit of Hiten Sethi & Associates commented that AIS has aptly captured the versatility of glass and given complete justice to the idea of womanhood at the same time through this campaign. Ar. Apoorva Sharma of Hafeez Contractor Architects goes on to say that it is a unique and interesting concept, and appreciates how it brilliantly brings out the uniqueness of AIS glass products by likening them with the unique qualities of women.

We rounded up the occasion with a cake cutting ceremony with each of the architectural firms we celebrated the day with. We also presented a memento to each one of the principal women architects to honour them and their work in the field of architecture.
Indeed, it gives us much happiness and satisfaction now to share that #SheIsMadeOfGlass became viral soon after it went live on social media. It attracted an enthusiastic response with many among the social media audience expressing intrigue and approval and many more getting inspired to render their own thoughts creatively on the same. Ar. Kavita Talib of Soyuz Talib Architects Pvt Ltd is one such lady who has penned a beautiful poem on this theme. Knowing that it struck a chord among the active female citizenry of social media, we feel great to have connected with our audience successfully through this campaign.

So why do we say she’s made of glass?

  • Protective

No matter whichever role she plays in our life, she is always protective. We may underestimate her strength, but she’ll never let any harm touch us. Just like glass.

  • Clarity of vision

She’s able to see through the confusion. She is prescient and unpretentiously so. When in doubt, seek help in her tremendous clarity of vision, and she’ll never let you down. Just like glass.

  • Tough

You may think she is weak, that it is easy to break her. But you must know that she will be anything but that once she makes up her mind. Just like glass.

  • Transparent

She is not very good at concealing things because she knows that it is better not to. She will let you have a clear view of the world if you’re seeking it. Just like glass.
We’re in 2019 now and today’s woman is breaking ground every day to build smart and innovate for change. At AIS Glass as well, there is a constant endeavour to redefine glass, making it smarter and futuristic for home and workplace settings. And that is how we got thinking that #SheIsMadeOfGlass in a whole new way.

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