
Ways to save money with uPVC doors and windows

As quoted by Hazrat Inayat Khan, “Some people look for a beautiful place while others make their place beautiful.”
If you happen to be one of the latter types you truly know the value of every tiny thing you invest in making your house a home. From the smallest photo frame to the largest window; each element of your home matters. And one doesn’t need a huge budget to add charm to it.
Today we are going to help you build the perfect windows with minimum effort and less cost!
When it comes to selecting a material for the construction of your windows, you have many options to choose from- aluminium, steel, vinyl etc. But one material that by all means is the most cost-efficient and effective, is uPVC.
What is uPVC windows?
Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC) is one of the world’s oldest polymers. Windows made of this material are easy-to-maintain, rot- resistant, durable and strong.  Some even say that uPVC windows once installed and maintained appropriately could last for over 2 decades. Now that’s what we call durability in its best form! In addition to that, these are also budget-friendly and do not require much maintenance. Convinced yet?

Let’s take a look at the advantages of uPVC doors and windows in detail.
Advantages of uPVC windows:
Windows and doors made out of uPVC are a symbol of strength and solidity
Thermal comfort:
They provide thermal comfort, contributing to a consistent internal temperature.
Resistant to salt corrosion:
They do not rust, rot or react to any kind of alkali or waste gases.
They have the highest recycling rate when compared to their competitors. uPVC windows and door frames can be recycled as often as ten times.
Acoustic insulation:
These window frames help reduce up to 70% of external noise.
Low on maintenance:
They are low on maintenance and can be easily cleaned with the use of water and detergent.
Products made out of uPVC are cost effective and long-lasting.

Over’vue’ of the brand
AIS VUE is the largest uPVC glass doors and windows manufacturer & supplier in India.  Our newest range of high-performance solutions promise to provide your home with exceptional beauty and superior functionality. Our high quality uPVC doors and window frames are fabricated at the AIS state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. With the widest uPVC product portfolio in the market, we provide customized solutions that meet the requirement of every unique customer.
Our window range includes…

  • EcoVUE energy-saving windows that keep you cool and your bills minimal
  • SilentVUE noise-cancelling windows that ensure your privacy and peace of mind
  • SafeVUE safety glass windows for the safety of you and your family
  • GuardVUE burglar-proof windows for maintaining the highest level of security

These windows come in a variety of frames. Such as:

  • Casement
  • Sliding & Folding
  • Top Hung
  • Lift & Slide
  • Arched

From profiles to glass, to installation and support, AIS VUE offers you a complete package of solutions that eliminates the need of running after multiple vendors. Housing all your requirements under one roof, we provide solutions that are budget-friendly, aesthetically pleasing, durable and at the same time sustainable. So, choose AIS; invest in uPVC; save a little and build a better tomorrow.

“Functional, beautiful yet green,

Easy on the pocket and so easy- to-clean,

A trusted product of architects, uPVC is & has always been…”

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