Campus Recruitment

Some of the best talents at AIS are recruited on campus. Every year, we invite young visionaries to make an impact, straight out of college, through our campus recruitment drive. Once on-board, candidates are taken through an induction for understanding the company’s work culture and expectations.

Get involved early on and participate in innovative projects that will stimulate, challenge, and push you forward in your career.

Manpower Planning

Manpower planning is done across locations & identify numbers that need to be hired.

Campus Planning

Once all the requirements are finalized , we initiate the campus planning discussion in a calendared format. We map out regions that we need to hire students from.

Selection Process

  • Group Discussion
    After the pre placement talk, we conduct group discussion & screen the students
  • Pre-Employment Tests
    Employees go through the pre-employment test like aptitude, technical, English & psychometric.
  • Personal Interview & Technical Interview
    Shortlisted students are taken through HR round & technical round ( telephonic)

Pre-Placement Process

  • Connect with the TPO
    We connect with the TPOs and explain the requirements to them.
  • Pre-Placement Talk
    Campus recruitment start with the pre placement talk, explain them about the company, career growth, work etc.
  • Campus Visit
    We fix the campus and plan the visit to each college.

Campus Time

Starts in July/August

Diversity Hiring

This is a very important aspect of Campus Planning, we try to maintain diversity while hiring fresher’s

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