
Things to look out for when Choosing a Glass Manufacturer for your Architectural Needs

Glass windows and doors are essential in new home construction. After all, they are responsible for the overall appearance of your new house. Although their average lifetime is 15-20 years, a high-quality window will last 20 years or more with proper care. This means that the choices regarding windows and doors are long-term investments that should be made with caution. And so should the choice of your glass manufacturer!

There are obvious factors to consider, such as consistency, performance, and cost, while choosing a glass manufacturer for your home. However, guarantees, delivery, and whether the glass manufacturer has any included services such as free consultations, design review, or the ability to work with the designer or architect of your new home are all essential considerations.

The glass manufacturer you choose eventually decides the range of glass available to you. This article will help you select a glass manufacturer for your new high-end home.

Does your glass manufacturer offer customisation?

A good glass manufacturer should be able to adjust the size of your windows and supply custom-made units. Although standard-sized windows are available, chances are they will not sufficiently meet the design and structural needs of your new home, so being able to customize the size and shape of your windows based on the openings is critical. When choosing a glass manufacturer, schedule an in-person meeting to go through your home’s architectural plans so that you can get advice on the customisation capabilities of your glass manufacturer.

Does your glass manufacturer provide a warranty?

A good warranty should always be included with new glass by your glass manufacturer. A good warranty can protect you from flaws in materials and workmanship. Look for available warranties that last at least five years. This provides you with more detail about which window sections are covered, for how long and under what conditions (i.e. weather, workmanship). Warranties should also be transferable to new homeowners if you sell your current house. If any work is needed during the warranty years, your glass manufacturer should not charge you.

Is your glass manufacturer stable as a firm?

As customers, we all make the simple assumption that the companies we buy products and services from will continue to operate for the near future. That way, if we need additional guidance, products, or services from the company – or after-purchase treatment such as follow-up work, repairs, or warranty replacement – we know we can contact the company and continue as necessary.

However, all companies operate in a competitive environment, and several factors contribute to their financial health and, as a result, their ability to continue trading. You should always consider this before choosing your glass manufacturer as these stay with you for a long time and require after-services.

What Code of Conduct does your glass manufacturer follow?

When you invite professionals from your glass manufacturer into your home to quote, survey, and install, it is natural to expect them to behave professionally and provide excellent customer service at all times.

However, unless you have already worked with that glass manufacturer, it is challenging to know what to expect. When it comes to crucial buying decisions for their homes, most homeowners rely on the experience and advice of industry experts.

Check for a glass manufacturer that follows a robust and straightforward consumer code for added reassurance that a company’s recommendations and decisions are always in your best interests.

This code specifies how the business can conduct itself in the following areas:

– how they sell glass goods to you

– the survey of your home

– the products they sell you

– the installations they carry out in your home

– the assurances they provide you

Does your glass manufacturer offer a simple cancellation policy?

It’s always good to thoroughly read every contract you’re about to sign to make sure you agree with all of the terms and conditions. When it comes to home needs, take careful notice of the cancellation terms for the goods and services to be offered by your glass manufacturer. You should have the option to cancel your orders without penalties. The glass manufacturer should also have a clause for the exchange of faulty goods.

Does your glass manufacturer offer good customer care services?

As the homeowner, you should have simple machinery to lodge your complaint through the existing complaints resolution process of your glass manufacturer. The problem should be addressed quickly.

What product quality does your glass manufacturer offer?

Quality glass can last up to thirty years or more, while low-quality will usually last five to ten years or less. The consistency of the materials used to make the glass is the most noticeable difference between good and bad quality.

Look for the place of origin where the parts are produced and the materials used by your glass manufacturer. Look for a glass manufacturer that has a good reputation. Examine the product’s overall construction, efficiency, and environmental condition. Looking for the U-factor or the thermal efficiency of a window is an essential factor in its overall quality.

What certifications does your glass manufacturer have?

An essential tool in determining which firm to choose is to look for engineering certifications and endorsements; it means that each component was independently tested to meet high-quality industry standards. But having certificates for merely the products is not enough. Your glass manufacturer must ensure that a certified installer is allotted for installing windows and doors in your house.

Does your glass manufacturer provide you variety?

The market is brimming with choices when it comes to choosing glass for your home. You can choose from different kinds of glass like frosted glass, colored opaque glass, clear glass, etc. Not only this, you can also choose between various designs and colors.

You might also want to get ornate glass-cut designs for your home. You should only select a glass manufacturer if they provide you with all these options so that you can make the best possible decision for your home.

How many referrals does your glass manufacturer have?

Referrals and repeat business are important measures of service and product quality. Check out a list of previous customers and their referral list. You can also check for customer feedback on websites. Previous customer reviews will give you a clear idea of what you should expect from the company you select.

Final Thoughts

Selecting a competent glass manufacturer for your new home is no child’s play. You need to look at the apparent factors like quality and variety, but there are other important factors too.

These factors include a warranty, referrals, stability of the company, the customer grievance redressal, code of conduct, prices, certifications, cancellation policy, and customisation. Only after you have checked all of these can you be sure that you have chosen a competent glass manufacturer for your home.

We, at AIS, are eager to assist you with all your glass needs. With more than three decades of services as a glass manufacturer, we can assure you of the widest variety in the country. We observe all the quality measures to ensure the durability of our products. Reach out to us today to adorn your house with the best quality glass!


Tips to Find the Best Glass Manufacturing Company in India

Design requirements for residences or offices demand careful consideration. For instance, you need to think about style and design, energy-efficiency, longevity, thermal comfort, quality, etc. All of these concerns can be addressed easily if you just choose the right glass manufacturing company.

There are lots of small and big glass manufacturers out there trying to reel customers in daily, but how do you decide which one suits your sensibilities. Performing due diligence while choosing your glass company will ensure that you receive the correct advice, professional service and exceptional after-sales service. To make things easier, here is a list of five things that will help you to find the best glass manufacturing companies in India

Brand Stability

Consumers assume that the glass company they buy from will continue to stay in the trade of glazing for the foreseeable future. That way, if you are ever in need of advice, repairs, after-sales service, etc. help is readily available. A brand’s stability can be judged by how well it has been able to stand the test of time. If a brand has been around for a while, without rumours of shutting down or declaring bankruptcy, it might be worth adding to your checklist. 

However, if you haven’t heard of the glazing company before, but are happy with its prices and product range, gauge their commitment towards glazing solutions by looking at the professional bodies they are affiliated with. Scan through their website, especially read the ‘about us’ section and figure out if they have any trustworthy certifications and affiliations. Many certifying agencies insist upon stringent quality measures and financial stability before awarding brands certifications.    

Cancellation Terms

It is generally a good idea to read through all the terms and conditions provided in a contract. But, when it comes to glazing work for your home or office, make sure you read the cancellation and refund conditions of your contract thoroughly. Also, check the cooling-off period duration. A cooling-off period is a stipulated time duration within which either party is allowed to cancel the contract without incurring any penalty.

Ask your manufacturer about their cooling-off policy before saying yes to them. Occasionally, in glazing work, materials are cut and made to fit the dimensions of your property. Many companies may not offer a cooling-period policy for such customised work. Otherwise, make sure your manufacturer offers at least a seven-day cooling-off period.      

Guarantees and Warranties

Genuine manufacturers will always provide proper guarantees on workmanship, and warranties on their products. If there is little to no warranty provided by a prospective glazing company, do not commit to them, even if they are offering products at cheaper prices. Doors and windows are a long-term investment, and they need to be long-lasting. Also, ask your glazing expert about the average lifespan of the products you are considering buying. Seeking out this piece of information will not just talk about the quality of services provided by the company, but will also save you from any nasty surprises down the line.

Guarantees and warranties are also transferrable to new owners if you decide to sell your property. Quiz the glazing manufacturers that are on your shortlist about specific warranty clauses before committing. The warranty periods are likely to differ from company to company.

Code of Conduct

Once trade professionals come to your home for surveying, quoting and carrying out installations, you would expect them to act professionally and provide good customer care service at all times. But, this does not happen many times. If the company is not able to adhere to set deadlines for sharing quotations with you or is failing to send technicians to your location at the promised time, they most likely are not process-oriented. Try avoiding such glazing companies.

Seek out businesses that operate as per a comprehensive consumer code. Also, talk to friends and acquaintances who recently got some fenestration work done. They will be able to give you great recommendations on not just product quality, but also after-sales services.   

The Bottom Line

You spend a lot of your time at home as well as in the office, and it is only fair that you receive top-notch glazing services for both these dwellings. With this in mind, we invite you to step into the world of AIS Glass. We are one of the leading glass manufacturing companies in India with over three decades of experience in providing exceptional glazing solutions. Our team of professionals provides end-to-end services with a short turnaround time and exceptional after-sales service. Whether you are looking for toughened safety glass, laminated glass, back-painted glass, energy-efficient glass, simple annealed glass, etc. we have it all!

So, what are you waiting for? Make haste and get in touch with us today!


Frosted Glass Window- All You Need To Know

Have you ever come across an appealing type of glass whose surface is not all clear but is instead translucent; you’re almost tempted to wipe it clean in the hope of restoring its clarity? The frosted glass looks a little different from the typical clear glass and finds applications in various areas, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of a space. Let’s take a look.

A Dive into History

The Victorians originally came up with the process of acid-etching or ‘French-embossing’ glass in delicate hues of white and other diffused shades to decorate windows and doors. After all, the Victorian love for opulence is well known. The added benefit of privacy made it an attractive interior décor option. Thanks to them, they introduced the world to an aesthetic yet functional product.

What is Frosted Glass?

In technical terms, frosted glass is a transparent sheet of glass that is turned opaque through sandblasting or acid etching. Because of light scattering during transmission, the glass comes out as translucent, obscuring visibility even as it transmits light. You can also achieve this frosting effect by applying a film of vinyl that acts as a stencil on the surface of the glass or through canned frosted glass sprays.

How Is Frosted Glass Made?

There are two kinds of techniques used to make frosted glass to achieve its milky translucent appearance.

Acid Etching

This technique uses hydrofluoric acid to achieve the frosted look of the glass. The acid reacts with the glass, corroding its surface and therefore providing it with its milky appearance. After the process of acid-etching, the glass experts thoroughly wash the glass, leaving behind permanently etched glass.


Sandblasting is another technique used to produce frosted glass. This technique uses a high-velocity machine to blast sand on the surface of the glass. The high velocity with which the sand hits the glass creates abrasions, rendering the surface rough and translucent. You can alter the level of translucency by changing the machine speed.

Where Can You Use Frosted Glass?

1. Bedrooms

Given the benefits of privacy and light control that frosted glass provides, it makes for the best companion for your bedroom’s windows. To give your room a stylish look, choose frosted glass windows with decorative designs.

2. Attics

Many of us use attics for spending some time in solitude with our thoughts. Equally valid is that attics often have towering windows that invite maximum sunlight. Anybody with a pulse will agree that privacy and direct sunlight are like oil and water; a dim-lit setting would be more appropriate. Instead of covering the windows with blinds, using frosted glass will better keep excess sunlight at bay.

3. Home Libraries

Privacy in libraries is of utmost importance. With privacy comes silence, the secret ingredient behind every book well-read. Using frosted glass panels will maintain your home library’s privacy while still casting soft light that is pleasant and not intruding.

4. Offices

In a workspace, workers need to focus and require a balance between collaboration and privacy. With frosted glass partitions, office spaces can give each individual the right environment for productivity. Frosted glass partitions can be placed between different areas such that employees don’t feel claustrophobic, or you can use them to create meeting rooms and cabins that look inviting but offer privacy. Perhaps the most significant benefit of using frosted glass in workplaces is that it lets in just enough natural light, contributing to the increased productivity of employees who feel refreshed throughout the day.

5. Kitchen Gardens

Many enjoy planting their kitchen herb garden. But, herbs do not necessarily need direct sunlight and thrive best on balance. Creating an enclosed kitchen with colourful frosted glass panels is an effective way to detract sunlight and ensure the longevity of your plants.

6. Bathrooms

Using frosted glass for bathroom windows will provide enough natural light while obstructing the view from the outside. The use, however, is not limited to windows and can be extended to sliding bathroom doors or shower screens. Another added benefit of using frosted glass in bathrooms is its non-corrosive nature that renders the surface mould-free. Moreover, using frosted glass panels with decorative designs will give your bathroom a modern look.

The Revolutionary Frosted Glass – AIS Krystal

When it comes to styling your home with glass, many do a fantastic job. Glass types such as patterned, float, lacquered, laminated, tempered, frosted and much more are some of the common ones that are used to create an appealing environment indoors. Each type has its unique properties, but frosted glass sits at the crest of privacy and aesthetic appeal.

AIS Krystal Frosted glass is opaque, highly versatile, aesthetically appealing and requires less maintenance.

The above properties make AIS Krystal Frosted glass special from the other glass products. As a result, it can be used in various applications such as doors, windows, cabinets and shelves, false ceiling/roofing, designer panels with images, bannisters, stairs and a lot more. It can also be used as a room divider or in place of walls for your bathrooms and bedrooms.

Why Should You Choose AIS Krystal Frosted Glass Partitions for Your Office?

Installing frosted glass in your office can completely transform it into a modern, stylish, fully functional space. Here are some of how choosing frosted glass will enhance your office space.

Improved Lighting

One of the most significant advantages of using frosted glass in offices is increased natural light. Frosted glass is not as opaque as a brick wall and not as transparent as a standard glass wall providing you with sufficient natural light that makes your space brighter. Its translucent surface does not stop light from being transmitted. The increased amount of natural light reduces the need for artificial lighting and subsequently helps you save energy. Natural light makes your space feel more extensive and more inviting. Moreover, frosted glass blocks out the sun’s harmful UV rays, allowing only the “good rays” to reach you.

Maintains Privacy

Maintaining a certain amount of privacy is imperative in an office space setting. And frosted glass is also known as privacy glass for a reason. It allows a smooth flow of natural light and creates a certain amount of openness without compromising your privacy needs. The glass’ translucent nature and noise-insulating properties will enable you to work efficiently without getting disturbed by unwanted external noises.

Enhanced Durability

Glass is often perceived to be fragile and breakable; however, frosted glass is usually made from toughened glass and hence does not break even under high impact. It is exceptionally sturdy and is very difficult to break. Frosted glass is produced so that it can withstand high-pressure environments such as earthquakes or fires. Even if the glass shatters, it breaks into small, blunt pebble-like pieces that do not cause serious injuries, unlike regular glass.

Increased Productivity

By installing frosted glass partitions in your workspace, you create a warm and welcoming environment. The space feels bigger and airy with enough natural light to illuminate the office environment. It also ensures the employees’ privacy, therefore providing them with an area where they can work productively. The overall environment of the office transforms into one which promotes creativity.

Enhanced Aesthetics

Apart from all its functional benefits, frosted glass is also an aesthetic addition to your office. With the number of customisations available in frosted glass, you could install it throughout your office space. Using frosted glass partitions undoubtedly makes the office space look more stylish, elegant and adds a professional feel. Modern architects highly recommend using frosted glass partitions to compliment the workplace.


Frosted glass is a low-maintenance option as compared to brick walls. It is long-lasting since its sturdy nature ensures that it doesn’t break easily. Moreover, a frosted glass office partition is easy to clean; all you have to do is occasionally wipe the glass with a damp cloth, and it will appear as good as new. Although you can use any dusting material, you should use a microfiber cloth to maintain the glass’s quality.

Scope for Personalisation

You can completely customise Frosted Glass according to your space and preferences. You can create custom logos on the glass. You can even choose half partitions or entire frosted glass partitions to create conference rooms or separate cubicles.

The Asahi India Glass ltd (AIS) Advantage

At AIS Glass, we offer several frosted glass solutions to fit your needs perfectly. We customise the glass as per your needs and desires so that you can enjoy a stylish and comfortable office space. Our AIS Krystal frosted glass is India’s only branded frosted glass that will not only allow you to enjoy privacy in your workspace but will also let natural light pass through, so you don’t end up feeling locked in. Additionally, you can install our frosted glass solutions in your doors, interior screens, false ceiling/roofing, bannisters, stairs, bathrooms, et al. For glass solutions that make your spaces private but not a secret, contact AIS Glass today!


Why Fire-Resistant Glass is Knocking Down Walls

Fire Resistant Glass
When it comes to construction and design, brick walls have traditionally been the go-to option. The high heat resistance of a brick wall was the most desired feature. It also came with certain disadvantages such as lack of transparency, obstruction of light and design flow, and certainly a lack of aesthetic appeal.
The one element of design and construction that is often stressed upon is the aesthetics. Beauty, after all, is priceless. The lesser contemplated but more important element that was typically ignored until now was ‘safety’. Designers and architects have now started to understand the importance of integrating these two key elements and finding a balance between them.
The introduction of fire resistant glass seems to have come up as the perfect solution to this problem.
The AIS Pyrobel, a high integrity fire resistant glass, and one of our premium offerings are now, quite literally, knocking down non-transparent wall/partition.
Not only is the AIS Pyrobel able to offer the same level of safety as a technologically sound glass wall, it also offers additional protection by way of thermal insulation, thereby curtailing the spread of fire.
The AIS Pyrobel is a tempered glass with fire resistant gel in between the glass sheets. This means that it is designed to offer excellent heat resistance and can withstand extreme thermal shocks. Unlike ordinary glass panes that blow up into shards when faced with fire within few min, the AIS Pyrobel will stand strong and contain the radiant heat from the fire.
This fire-resistance glass can be the perfect solution for the construction of server rooms, refuge areas/ floors, smoke screens, office partitions, doors and windows, glass roofs and overhead applications lift doors and enclosures, and internal staircase enclosure.
Not only does the AIS Pyrobel glass allow for great light-flow and transparency, but it also provides an aesthetic appeal that is not intrinsic to the traditional brick wall. Aside from adding interest to the ambience and creating a visual curiosity, it offers excellent safety against heat, fire and smoke for long durations and can prove to be quite versatile with the choice of frames. What’s more, it’s easy to install and complies with the highest standards of integrity and insulation, as the tempered glass its chances of breakage or damage. Lastly, offering dual side fire resistance, protect.
AIS Pyrobel also offers excellent noise insulation and can resist high loads of pressure. With a plethora of choices, and the assurance of quality from the leading fire glass manufacturers, it’s time to stay prepared and minimise the damage in case of unexpected fire breakouts with AIS Pyrobel.


#SheIsMadeOfGlass: How AIS Glass’ 2019 Women’s Day Campaign Got Viral

An epitome of grace and dignity, she enriches our lives in the manner nobody else can. Her uniqueness and exceptional talents make her the champion of all odds, whether at home or work. Celebrating her indomitable spirit coupled with her sheer strength, AIS Glass commemorated the true essence of womanhood on this year’s Women’s Day, identifying with her at all levels. And this was the core of our Women’s Day Campaign – She is made of Glass – which encapsulated the hearts of millions.
On this special day, honoring the indomitable spirit of women, we decided to interview women architects who AIS Glass is proud to have worked with. Today they are well-known names in their field who are breaking ground and inspiring young women professionals to chase their passions. On being asked about what they felt about AIS Glass’ social media campaign #SheIsMadeOfGlass and their response was nothing less than an enthusiastic affirmation.
Expressing her approval, Ar. Tejaswini Pandit of Hiten Sethi & Associates commented that AIS has aptly captured the versatility of glass and given complete justice to the idea of womanhood at the same time through this campaign. Ar. Apoorva Sharma of Hafeez Contractor Architects goes on to say that it is a unique and interesting concept, and appreciates how it brilliantly brings out the uniqueness of AIS glass products by likening them with the unique qualities of women.

We rounded up the occasion with a cake cutting ceremony with each of the architectural firms we celebrated the day with. We also presented a memento to each one of the principal women architects to honour them and their work in the field of architecture.
Indeed, it gives us much happiness and satisfaction now to share that #SheIsMadeOfGlass became viral soon after it went live on social media. It attracted an enthusiastic response with many among the social media audience expressing intrigue and approval and many more getting inspired to render their own thoughts creatively on the same. Ar. Kavita Talib of Soyuz Talib Architects Pvt Ltd is one such lady who has penned a beautiful poem on this theme. Knowing that it struck a chord among the active female citizenry of social media, we feel great to have connected with our audience successfully through this campaign.

So why do we say she’s made of glass?

  • Protective

No matter whichever role she plays in our life, she is always protective. We may underestimate her strength, but she’ll never let any harm touch us. Just like glass.

  • Clarity of vision

She’s able to see through the confusion. She is prescient and unpretentiously so. When in doubt, seek help in her tremendous clarity of vision, and she’ll never let you down. Just like glass.

  • Tough

You may think she is weak, that it is easy to break her. But you must know that she will be anything but that once she makes up her mind. Just like glass.

  • Transparent

She is not very good at concealing things because she knows that it is better not to. She will let you have a clear view of the world if you’re seeking it. Just like glass.
We’re in 2019 now and today’s woman is breaking ground every day to build smart and innovate for change. At AIS Glass as well, there is a constant endeavour to redefine glass, making it smarter and futuristic for home and workplace settings. And that is how we got thinking that #SheIsMadeOfGlass in a whole new way.


When in Doubt, Retrofit

Have you ever looked up to your house or even office’s windows and remarked, ‘Hey, they need a change!’? Well, that certainly is not as uncommon as one might think. Glass doors and windows are the essence of every new building ever made. And since buildings do not need a revamping every other year, it is fair to say that doors and windows are often their longest lasting structures (apart from the walls, of course!).
Yet, given how important the role of windows is in not only serving as conduits of light and ventilation but also creating a fully-functional and modern space, there comes a time when one must give thought to changing the old windows.

This is where we tell you what retrofitting buildings with shiny and functional glass windows is all about.
Considering window renovation
Any sort of renovation is a hectic job. Not only do you need to identify the issues for repair but also research in the market for the ideal solution. Any such consideration has to be made after careful thought and planning since investment in architectural revamp, especially that of glass windows, will leave a result in place that will last for decades.
Moreover, when one considers window renovation, a lot of factors need to be dealt with. First is figuring out the right window for a particular functional need. Second is the expense incurred and the time taken to remove the old windows and replace them with new ones. Third is the impact which such a renovation might have on your property – what if your old windows add heritage value, thus leaving you reluctant to replace them altogether?
This is where retrofitting glass can be the ideal option for you. In retrofitting, a new, modern glazing will be installed atop your existing one from the inside. Time-saving and efficient, retrofitted windows are becoming increasingly popular in today’s world.
Retrofitting – A viable alternative
As mentioned before, retrofitting your building’s glass windows will help you save on the time and cost incurred in removing the existing windows and then installing the new ones. Thus, it is a quick solution for modern professionals who desire the least disruption in their lives.
Moreover, since glass windows are retrofitted from the inside, the look of your home or office from the outside will remain the same. This is perfect for those who do not want to change the aesthetics and veer towards maintaining the heritage and antiquity of their home or office.
Finally, another benefit that retrofitting offers is that your windows will get double glazeGlad, thus offering you increased insulation from heat, dust, pollution, and noise. Glass manufacturers such as AIS have come up with modern retrofitting solutions such as AIS Renew – a low-E energy-saving insulated glass that filters out sun’s heat without cutting down on natural lighting. It only takes 30-60 minutes to install one such window that also offers excellent reduction in dew condensation and low maintenance.
Perhaps most importantly, retrofitting your windows with energy-efficient glass will turn your building into a green one, thus helping you do your bit to protecting our precious environment.
Ready for a retrofit?


Here’s the Simplest Way of Determining the Energy Efficiency of Your Building

Times are changing, and so is the environment consciousness level of people. Today, when it comes to architecture and interior design, the facet of energy efficiency is taking a front seat. Home and office owners are beginning to imagine and create functional, future-proof and environment-proof spaces that do not have a high dependency on artificial energy. And, in their mission to reduce the carbon footprint of their buildings, glass plays a huge role since doors, windows and facades are the primary barriers separating the external environment from the internal environment.

Now, the first step towards making your building energy efficient lies in determining its present efficiency. Only then will you be able to select the right glass glazing in accordance with the results of your building’s energy efficiency determination. So, how does a layman do it?
You might imagine that calculating something such as energy efficiency is beyond your expertise and well within the grasp of only a professional architect, engineer, builder, or an interior designer. Yet, there’s an easier, quicker and extremely reliable way out – carrying out a virtual simulation of your building in the palm of your hands.
Being one of the most innovative glass manufacturers and glass suppliers in the country, AIS also offers an interesting portfolio of architectural mobile applications helpful to the layman. One of them is the AIS Glass Simulator – an app that lets you analyse your building for energy efficiency based on a wide range of parameters. Moreover, the app also recommends the best-suited high-performance glass products from AIS’ extensive portfolio depending upon the analysis of your building.
Easy, right?
With such an innovative application on your phone, you can take an informed decision about choosing the right glass glazing for your home or new project by carrying out a quick simulation anywhere, anytime. All you need to do is input a few details about your building, such as location, shape, orientation, wind-load, etc. On the basis of these parameters, the app will scrutinize your building to create an energy performance profile while also suggesting the most apt glass solution to turn your building energy efficient.
Add to that the extensive Product Catalog with different glass types manufactured by AIS and their details, along with a Project Showcase which features many buildings and projects from all over the country which have different AIS glazing installed, and you have the complete package on your fingertips.
Here are all the benefits of the app in brief:
• Easily analyse your building’s energy performance
• Get an intelligent analysis report
• Save time, energy and money spent on finding the right glazing
• Discover the entire high performance energy efficient glass range by AIS – AIS Ecosense
• Visualize how your chosen glass solution will look in real life
Easy-to-use, informative and helpful! Who knew energy simulation of a building could be this fun?


How Can You Tackle Air Pollution with Glass?

You would believe that winters in India are welcomed with much celebration as they bring respite from the harsh summer heat. Yet, come November, and suddenly the picture doesn’t look so rosy anymore. Cue the menace of air pollution.
Over the last few years, air pollution levels in urban centres of the country have risen steadily and have now reached alarming levels. This issue is made all the more prominent in the cold weather as fog mixes with the pollutants to give rise to smog – an extremely unhealthy air that we have now become accustomed to breathing.

So, amidst it all, how can glass technology help?
Since one spends the maximum amount of time in a day indoors, either at home or an office, the solution to air pollution lies in staying as far away from it as possible. Such a solution is possible in the realm of architecture wherein our windows and other outlets in the building a sealed and secure enough to prevent any leakage of the polluted air inside. Therefore, all you need is a sophisticated glass window system that will keep you and your loved ones safe from the smog.
Stay safe indoors with Anti-Pollution Windows
Yes, you heard that right. As a leading glass company in India, AIS has always believed in the power of innovation to solve some of the most concerning architectural issues for customers and businesses, be it at homes or offices. With the same spirit of innovation in mind, our experts have created special Anti-Pollution and Anti-Smog Windows retailed by Glasxperts that promise to save you and your loved ones from the damaging effects of air pollution.
The idea, as you might have guessed, revolves around completely sealing air leakages and spaces inside so as to prevent the external environment from leaking inside homes and offices. How is this done? Let’s have a look:

  • Fusion-welded windows with a multi-lock system

High-quality gaskets and joints strongly seal the windows along with exceptional fusion welded joints. Such physical constructs in the specialized window system make it almost impossible for pollutants to enter inside and wreak havoc. Moreover, you can make sure that these windows close extremely tightly with the help of the advanced multipoint locking system in place.

  • Silicon to shut off gaps

A popular material used in various industries, silicon proves its merit in the anti-pollution window in the form of a special sealant that shits down any gaps – both in the window and the adjacent wall.

  • Double glazing in unit glasses

Moving on to the glass, you can rest assured of multi-chambered profiles and multiple layers that make it incredibly difficult for any minute percentage of outside air that has leaked inside to reach beyond the glazing. This advanced technique of providing completely sealed Double Glazing Units also enables the windows to prevent heat and sound to leak inside.

  • The ease of retrofitting

Finally, you might be thinking what a cumbersome and expensive task it would be to remove your existing windows and replace them with special anti-pollution ones. Well, these windows by AIS can be easily retrofitted on any window surface, thus freeing you of all the hassle. Retrofitting essentially means fitting a new window surface on top of the existing one, thus improving the efficiency of the entire system!


How to Bolster Your Office’s Passive Fire Protection Systems with Glass

Everyone is well versed with the destructive powers of a fire breakout. Not only does such a hazard threaten the life of the occupants of an office building but also poses a significant risk to the property, equipment and the documents inside. This is the very reason why architects and designers provide for the adequate safety of the building and its occupants in the event of a fire by installing fire-proof architectural solutions as per the norms.

Glass the Key to Passive Fire Protection in Offices
Such key solutions form a part of any office building’s Passive Fire Protection (PFP) systems which prevent the spread of fire by creating barriers to its passage for a limited time, enabling occupants to move to a safe environment. PFP is an essential fire safety strategy for any building. If proper planning, installation, and maintenance are implemented, passive fire protection can save lives and the building itself. While PFP may not provide a complete fire safety solution, when combined with AFP (or Active Fire Protection systems), they can make a big difference in case of an emergency.
With glass being one of the most major elements in all office space constructions, opting for multifunctional, specialized glass solutions for safe, secure and comfortable living and working is paramount. Thus, glass forms a key component of an office’s Passive Fire Protection Systems. This is where office building owners can safeguard their investment, employees and business by opting for fire-resistant glass solutions tested and approved according to Indian and international standards such as AIS Pyrobel.
AIS Pyrobel blends light, transparency and fire-protection for all building applications, framing types, and fire-resistance classes and durations. Office building owners can choose from any of the three variants:

  • Class E: Prevents flames, smoke, and hot gases from passing through. The fire remains contained.
  • Class EW: Integrity and Low Heat Radiation or the ability of the element to prevent the passage of flames and to limit the level of heat transfer through the element.
  • Class EI: Integrity and Insulation or the ability of the element to prevent the passage of flames and to block heat transfer through the element.

All in all, with the help of AIS Pyrobel, offices can:

  • Remain protected against fire, heat, and smoke for extended periods
  • Remain protected against radiation and conductive heat transfer
  • Install fire-resistance glass in all framing systems – wood, steel or aluminium or even frameless

Where to Use Fire-Proof Glass in Offices

  • Partitions
  • Fully glazed fire doors
  • Façades and windows to prevent the fire from transmitting inside-out or outside-in
  • Floors
  • Data Storage and Server Room enclosures to preserve electronic data
  • Stair enclosures or doors with in-built vision panels which provide the most vital access points and exit routes
  • Lift doors and enclosures

The secret to keeping your office space safe and fire-proof, therefore, lies in investing in one of the most advanced glass solutions manufactured by AIS, the leading glass company in India. Do take note that it is imperative to install the fire-resistant glass only in systems that comply with safety regulations.


4 Inspiring Ideas for Your Kitchen Space

The evolution of kitchens is quite significant. Today’s kitchens are required to be as aesthetically appealing as functional, and to blend with the overall design of the house while retaining its unique look as the heart of the home. This dynamic shift in the way we design kitchens has also a lot to do with the availability of multi-functional and innovative architectural materials such as processed glass.
Modern glass suppliers such as AIS are already leading the way in creating aesthetic glass variants such as AIS Décor lacquered glass and frosted glass which are aiding in the imagining of creative and functional kitchen spaces like never before.

Given the fact that kitchens are usually smaller in size than other spaces and areas in most homes and apartments, using a material such as glass in cabinets, shelves or even countertops helps in adding the illusion of space. Glass’s inherent property of reflecting light helps in creating a well-lit, airy and lively environment in a kitchen, thus allowing inhabitants to experience more joy in cooking.
In this blog, we take a look at four inspiring ideas powered by glass to design or recreate your dream kitchen space:

  1. Create window cabinets

If you’re wondering what they are, then prepare to be excited. If your kitchen wall space is majorly covered with windows, then you can elevate the look of your entire space while also adding more storage to the kitchen with the help of window cabinets. As the name suggests, these cabinets are constructed on top of existing windows, thus providing them with two walls of glass. This can be a unique addition to your kitchen without preventing the external scenery or natural daylight getting obstructed!

  1. Install frosted glass shelves and lacquered glass panel pantry doors

For heightened aesthetics, why stick to simple clear glass? Visually appealing glass types such as frosted privacy glass can add style to your kitchen cabinets while also concealing what they store – if you wish so! On the other hand, if your kitchen has a pantry door, then you can install lacquered glass panels on it to compliment the wall colour or the theme of the kitchen.

  1. Turn your kitchen island into a glass base cabinet

If you have a modular kitchen with a counter in the middle of the floor space, called the island, why not experiment by adding a glass cabinet to its sides? This can be the perfect location to store collectibles, cookbooks or fancy kitchenware. Since this is a base cabinet prone to impact by foot, we recommend opting for tempered security glass for the same.

  1. Add colour to your countertops and backsplashes

Glass kitchen countertops have become very popular, offering a lot in terms of colour, size, and shape. Combining countertops with lacquered glass backsplashes and cabinets creates a stylish and colourful ambience for a kitchen.
Apart from the aesthetic reasons, using glass in kitchens is beneficial since it is a material that it is stain-resistant, easy to clean and maintain, and easy to replace. Time to give your cooking space a well-deserved glass makeover!


Optimal Building Design & Glazing: A Case Study

It is the 21st century, and energy conservation and sustainability in architecture is surely gathering momentum. With one eye fixed ever so intently on the environment and the rising global temperatures, architects are turning to innovation and technology to turn the tables on myopic building design and combat energy inefficiency in our living and working spaces. This is where glass is proving to be their trusted accomplice.
So, when a prominent learning institute in Mumbai approached Asahi India Glass Ltd., the most comprehensive integrated glass company in India, to achieve high performance energy efficiency, we carried out a comprehensive and painstaking glazing and building design analysis to provide a satisfactory solution. Let’s find out how:
A learning institute in Mumbai wanted to optimize its building design without spending big on glazing solutions. This meant reducing the heat gain inside the building without compromising natural lighting.

Normally, we have observed that when it comes to glazing solutions providing high performance energy efficiency, architectural glass variants with a lower Solar Factor and lower U-Value are favoured. But to achieve the ideal balance between the building design and glazing feasibility, we had to come up with an optimum solution that offers best return on investment.
Therefore, first we conducted a study to understand the building design. Due to the architecture of the institute, the building’s direct and indirect heat gain had fallen down considerably. This can be explained by Fig. 1:

  • 4 Classrooms located on the north side received diffused light and no direct heat
  • 4 South-facing classrooms were provided with a shading device to prevent direct heat and glare
  • 4 Buffer zones, created by placing the service areas along the east façade and corridors along the west façade, prevented heat ingress in the offices
  • 4 Walls had good insulation properties to prevent long-wave radiations from entering into the building
  • 4 North light provided natural light to a portion of the building

These observations allowed us to fine tune our glazing solution. Ultimately, due to the optimal building design, we could choose a solution which did not have the best specifications (and therefore higher cost) but was a perfect match for the design.

In order to do so, a detailed building energy analysis and simulation was conducted with a huge portfolio of AIS products. Their performance parameters are compared in the table above. Then, we compared the energy saving percentage against cost payback period.
This study is depicted in the Fig 2. As one can see, Spring SGU (Solar Control product from the AIS Ecosense range) which has Solar Factor (SF) = 64%, Visual Light Transmission (VLT) = 65%, and U-Value = 5.4 w/ m2 k performed best out of all the glasses with 17% energy savings and 2 months’ payback period, when compared to base case Clear DGU (double glaze unit).

Thus, by understanding the relationship between building design and glazing type, we could suggest the client a glazing glass with an optimum Solar Factor and U-Value and higher VLT – thus enabling the institute to save on money and recover investment far quicker than imagined.


Optimal Building Design & Glazing: A Case Study

It is the 21st century, and energy conservation and sustainability in architecture is surely gathering momentum. With one eye fixed ever so intently on the environment and the rising global temperatures, architects are turning to innovation and technology to turn the tables on myopic building design and combat energy inefficiency in our living and working spaces. This is where glass is proving to be their trusted accomplice.

So, when a prominent learning institute in Mumbai approached Asahi India Glass Ltd., the most comprehensive integrated glass company in India, to achieve high performance energy efficiency, we carried out a comprehensive and painstaking glazing and building design analysis to provide a satisfactory solution. Let’s find out how:


A learning institute in Mumbai wanted to optimize its building design without spending big on glazing solutions. This meant reducing the heat gain inside the building without compromising natural lighting.


Normally, we have observed that when it comes to glazing solutions providing high performance energy efficiency, architectural glass variants with a lower Solar Factor and lower U-Value are favoured. But to achieve the ideal balance between the building design and glazing feasibility, we had to come up with an optimum solution that offers best return on investment.

Therefore, first we conducted a study to understand the building design. Due to the architecture of the institute, the building’s direct and indirect heat gain had fallen down considerably. This can be explained by Fig. 1:

  • 4 Classrooms located on the north side received diffused light and no direct heat
  • 4 South-facing classrooms were provided with a shading device to prevent direct heat and glare
  • 4 Buffer zones, created by placing the service areas along the east façade and corridors along the west façade, prevented heat ingress in the offices
  • 4 Walls had good insulation properties to prevent long-wave radiations from entering into the building
  • 4 North light provided natural light to a portion of the building

These observations allowed us to fine tune our glazing solution. Ultimately, due to the optimal building design, we could choose a solution which did not have the best specifications (and therefore higher cost) but was a perfect match for the design.

In order to do so, a detailed building energy analysis and simulation was conducted with a huge portfolio of AIS products. Their performance parameters are compared in the table above. Then, we compared the energy saving percentage against cost payback period.

This study is depicted in the Fig 2. As one can see, Spring SGU (Solar Control product from the AIS Ecosense range) which has Solar Factor (SF) = 64%, Visual Light Transmission (VLT) = 65%, and U-Value = 5.4 w/ m2 k performed best out of all the glasses with 17% energy savings and 2 months’ payback period, when compared to base case Clear DGU (double glaze unit).


Thus, by understanding the relationship between building design and glazing type, we could suggest the client a glazing glass with an optimum Solar Factor and U-Value and higher VLT – thus enabling the institute to save on money and recover investment far quicker than imagined.


Breathing Life Back into an Old Office Building: A Case Study on Retrofitting Glass

Architecture, today, is exceeding the limits of imagination with the help of science and technology. Where once glass was a mere brittle material for windows now lies a plethora of possibilities in manufacturing and processing extremely functional glass for sound reduction, security, privacy, aesthetics, and most importantly, heat reduction. But the buck doesn’t stop here.
It is also possible to optimize the dysfunctional glass systems of existing and functioning buildings with a special variant of glass such as the AIS Renew which completely transforms the energy consumption scenario of the space. Retrofitting buildings is a specialty at AIS, and it is precisely what we achieved for the 6-storied office building which is the focus of our case study.
It is no doubt that solar and thermal control glass products are any architect’s go-to solutions for creating an energy efficient space. And energy efficiency is the primary requirement of an office where creating the most comfortable and sustainable environment for employees is paramount for productivity.
A six-storied office building featuring glazed windows prominently was facing issues due to increased energy consumption. The requirement was to convert the windows into more energy efficient envelopes, thus enabling visual and thermal comfort. However, converting an old/existing building built with a low performance glass by the traditional method of pulling down the existing glass façade and building afresh is very expensive.

In order to tackle this problem without disturbing and interfering with the day-to-day functioning of the building, the AIS technical team proposed our retrofitting solution, AIS Renew, as part of the AIS 4G solutions. AIS Renew is a unique product which is attached on top of an existing glass window and converts it into an energy saving insulated glass window – all in no time at all.
In order to do this, a particular AIS Renew glass model (Ecosense Exceed as mentioned in the table above) was compared against pared with clear 6 mm glass used in the existing building. An analysis was done on the basis of shade, visible light transmission, solar heat gain coefficient, and U-value.
Further, a building-specific climate simulation was also performed for the existing glass and AIS Renew glass. The results of this analysis are mentioned below.


As is clear from the reference table, AIS Renew with Ecosense Exceed performed better than the clear single glazed units and double glazed units in terms of cooling energy reduction ratio % and radiant temperature.  In brief, selecting AIS Renew for retrofitting would result in:

  1. Reduced solar gain in summer thereby reaching the set temperature sooner, thus reducing the load on AC operation.
  2. Insulation of the building against heat due to its lower U-value by influencing long wave infrared radiation while keeping the space cool in summer and warm in winter.
  3. A shorter payback period compared to extra glass cost which would have been used for replacement.

Thus, with a thoroughly scientific analysis of the retrofit, glass manufacturers like AIS ensure the most ideal retrofitting glass solution for your office building, resulting in substantial energy, cost and time savings.


AIS World of Glass: The Perfect App for Selecting right glass solutions, Door & Window Glass for your space

When it comes to choosing the right glass for your residential or commercial space, careful planning and selection plays an important role. While best quality becomes the supreme determinant, different factors are taken into consideration depending upon where you want the glass to be installed. Providing stylish, aesthetic and strong glasses since long, we have been a leading glass solutions company. To let you choose quality glass at the ease of your fingertips, AIS World of Glass is the perfect app designed specifically to meet the needs of smart buildings with the latest technology.

Here are some of the best features offered by the app which makes Asahi India Glass Ltd. one of the best glass manufacturers in India:-

1. Glass Solutions: – The app presents detailed sections related to different types of glasses. There are five sections in total consisting of privacy, acoustic, safety, energy efficient and aesthetic solutions for you to choose from. These categorizations help ease the process of glass selection depending upon your requirement considerably.

2. Doors and Windows solutions: – The two substrates- uPVC and wooden – offer complete doors and window glass solutions. This ensures perfect blend of style and safety with superior amalgamation of form and function. All you need to do is install the app on your phone to have the customized doors and windows you always desired, in no time.

3. Specialized application: – Depending upon the type of application, AIS offers unique and advanced glass solutions. This means that you can choose a specific glass depending upon where you need to install them. For example- once you search for staircase glass, the variety of best class options will pop up for you to choose from. Same goes for canopies, sky lights, swimming pool and other places as well. These solutions are sure to add an aesthetic appeal to your interiors without compromising on quality.

4. Special experience zones: – Just imagine watching the glass switch from transparent to translucent at a single click right in front of you. Sounds interesting, right? Well, this is what the AIS World of Glass lets you do. You can have a first-hand experience in the privacy and security glass solutions option available in the experience zones to choose the best glass which suits your taste.

5. Connect with us: – The app also features a Connect with Us option where you can send in your requirements and get the best options available in no time depending upon your requirements.

6. Our Videos:

Explore our solution videos for better understanding of our product range through this section of the app.


AIS World of Glass: The Perfect App for Selecting right glass solutions, Door & Window Glass for your space

When it comes to choosing the right glass for your residential or commercial space, careful planning and selection plays an important role. While best quality becomes the supreme determinant, different factors are taken into consideration depending upon where you want the glass to be installed. Providing stylish, aesthetic and strong glasses since long, we have been a leading glass solutions company. To let you choose quality glass at the ease of your fingertips, AIS World of Glass is the perfect app designed specifically to meet the needs of smart buildings with the latest technology.

Here are some of the best features offered by the app which makes Asahi India Glass Ltd. one of the best glass manufacturers in India:-
1. Glass Solutions: – The app presents detailed sections related to different types of glasses. There are five sections in total consisting of privacy, acoustic, safety, energy efficient and aesthetic solutions for you to choose from. These categorizations help ease the process of glass selection depending upon your requirement considerably.
2. Doors and Windows solutions: – The two substrates- uPVC and wooden – offer complete doors and window glass solutions. This ensures perfect blend of style and safety with superior amalgamation of form and function. All you need to do is install the app on your phone to have the customized doors and windows you always desired, in no time.
3. Specialized application: – Depending upon the type of application, AIS offers unique and advanced glass solutions. This means that you can choose a specific glass depending upon where you need to install them. For example- once you search for staircase glass, the variety of best class options will pop up for you to choose from. Same goes for canopies, sky lights, swimming pool and other places as well. These solutions are sure to add an aesthetic appeal to your interiors without compromising on quality.
4. Special experience zones: – Just imagine watching the glass switch from transparent to translucent at a single click right in front of you. Sounds interesting, right? Well, this is what the AIS World of Glass lets you do. You can have a first-hand experience in the privacy and security glass solutions option available in the experience zones to choose the best glass which suits your taste.
5. Connect with us: – The app also features a Connect with Us option where you can send in your requirements and get the best options available in no time depending upon your requirements.
6. Our Videos:
Explore our solution videos for better understanding of our product range through this section of the app.


Invoking Wall Moods with AIS Décor Lacquered Glass

They say that walls have ears. Trying to keep your secret conversations to the bare minimum, therefore, becomes the order of the day. But, if you listen carefully, you will realize that your walls can speak too. And often, all they do is plead you to not leave them plain, dull and boring.

One of the many principles of interior design is to make your wall a pièce de resistance. Be it your bedroom wall, office lobby wall, or the walls of your hotel’s waiting room, you can create a certain mood with the help your walls. This is where lies the importance of using a material for your walls as premium as lacquered glass.
Our AIS Décor Lacquered glass has been specially designed to up the ante when it comes to your interior aesthetics game. Offering 12 electric shades, AIS Décor is simply perfect for paneling your dull walls and bringing them to life. But what mood does every shade invoke?
Sparkling White Pearl
This shade is elegance personified. Pearl, as you would know, is one of the most precious objects found in nature. Its soft shine instantly creates a healing mood that emphasizes on peaceful living and serenity.
Venetian Red
Passion – that’s the mood created by the shade Venetian Red. It’s fiery, polished look gives rise to an electric ambiance that energizes you to the core.
Ebony Black and Black Pearl
While ebony black is a subtle shade, black pearl takes on a more lustrous appearance. These shades of lacquered glass create a mood of mystery.
Sterling Silver
If you are a firm believer in futuristic design, then the shade of Sterling Silver is made for you. This lacquered glass has a smooth, mirror-like appearance and is perfect to invoke a mood of minimalism and extreme cleanliness.
Snow White and Sparkling Snow White
These two easy-going shades are reminiscent of the simplicity and pristineness of life. Shades of white lacquered glass are perfect to create a calm and bright mood.
Sparkling Beige
Luxury and splendour come to mind when one encounters lacquered glass in the shade of Sparkling Beige. This colour is smooth, spotless and creates a very warm ambience under artificial lighting.
Chrome Yellow
This shade creates a mood of happiness, clarity, positivity, and general bliss. If you want your walls to instantly cheer you up, then go for Chrome Yellow.
Turquoise Green
This shade creates an ambience of refreshing tranquility. Since turquoise green is inspired from the oceans, it has an extremely soothing effect.
Stone Grey
When you want to get into a productive mood, then sit and work in a room with Stone Grey lacquered glass walls.
Hazel Brown
Hazel Brown shade is perfect to create an outdoor, natural mood. It reminds us of the forest and the trees, and doesn’t shy away from creating a charming ambience.
So, wait no more! Invoke the artist in you and combine various shades of AIS Décor manufactured by the most innovative glass company in India for the most spectacular walls. Because with lacquered glass paneling, walls not only have ears, but moods too.


4 Types of uPVC Window Designs to Give Your Home an Enticing Look

The trend of using uPVC material in doors and windows has been on the rise, all thanks to the plethora of benefits it offers. uPVC material showcases a perfect blend of modernity and advanced features. It is a tough and durable material which is rot, heat and noise-resistant. It doesn’t require any high maintenance and can be easily cleaned using water and detergent. uPVC doors and windows have a huge success rate as apart from being durable and long lasting, they are reinforced with galvanized steel which makes them withstand adverse conditions easily.
The wonderful thing about uPVC is that it can be customized to suit a wide variety of window shapes and designs. If you want to impart your house that ethereal and awe-inspiring bespoke look, then selecting the right type of windows is critical.

Here are 4 types of uPVC window designs you can consider for the same:
Sliding Windows: –
Sliding windows are horizontal opening windows which provide great cross-ventilation and lighting options. They are easy to operate and provide unobstructed view of the outside world. They are also energy efficient, since they effectively block airflow from inside to outside and vice versa. Sliding windows aid in saving space too as they don’t occupy vertical space as in the case of normal windows. Your room will automatically appear larger if you choose them for your house.
French Windows :-
One sure shot advantage of French windows is ample lighting in your room. French windows usually have a frame that features window glass running through its entire length. Apart from lighting, they also make your house look spacious. They are most suitable for outer walls since they provide magnificent view of the outside lawns, gardens, pool or patio. They can be decorated with deluxe curtains and blinds to give your home a luxurious look.
Casement Windows :-
Casement windows are vertical opening windows fixed with side mounted hinges. They are one of the most widely preferred window designs. They can be opened widely and provide better ventilation as compared to fixed windows. Casement windows also provide high security since they are very difficult to break and their hook shaped locks are embedded within the frame making them untouchable from outside.
Two Sash Windows :-
These are made up of movable panels known as sashes. Two sash windows have been in use since ages and still continue to be one of the most popular choices especially in traditional homes. It offers a perfect blend of utility and attractiveness .It provides double ventilation benefit as when both the sashes are opened, it provides a way for fresh, cool air to come inside while letting the warm air to exit the room from top.

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