
Redefine Your Interiors with Décor Glass This Diwali

As the festival of Diwali nears, local markets become loud, flamboyant, and utterly infectious with the fanfare. Weeks in advance, many Indian households become busy in preparation for the occasion of Diwali; old objects are discarded, every nook and corner is made dust-free, rooms are refurbished, walls are repainted, and whatnot.

To prepare for the festival this season, if you wish to remodel or renovate your home interiors, you need a trendy style solution. And when it comes to trends, what better than décor glass?

What is Décor Glass?

Also known as back-painted glass, décor glass is a kind of standard or textured glass which has been coated on the “first surface” or the backside. As a result, the glass appears either opaque or translucent based on the thickness of the colour coat.

Once the coat is applied, the glass is oven-cured via a superior process. Also, the surface of the glass can be coated with any hue to achieve a colourfast finish and a clear shine. Moreover, because of the natural sheen, décor glass is often used as a design element for interiors.

Other than the natural shine, back-painted glasses also offer numerous benefits; from heat and moisture-resistance to pure colouration.

Décor Glass: Serving More than Aesthetic Needs

Don’t fall for the name! Back-painted glasses can offer much more than the fulfilment of your stylistic needs, and here’s why.

Non-Porous – Décor glass is a non-porous material which does not allow air or water to pass through. As a result, it cannot trap bacteria or other microbes. Not even mould, or mildew can infest the material.

Highly Durable – Back-painted glasses can easily withstand every day wear-and-tear. They neither fade nor stain over time. Even extreme heat or moisture cannot hamper their natural shine. Moreover, since the glass is manufactured with a superior curing process, it is structurally very strong.

Easy Maintenance – Décor glasses hardly need any upkeep. Easy-to-clean and disinfect, they neither soak up microbes or dust. Any grime or cooking grease settled on the surface of the glass can be wiped off with a clean cloth and soapy water.

Moisture and Heat-Resistant – Excessive exposure to heat and moisture can fade away the colour of most materials, but not décor glass. As it shows high resilience to both heat and moisture, it can easily withstand extreme temperatures. Décor glass neither chips away nor loses colour over time.

Diwali and Décor Glass: A Combination You Cannot Miss!

House remodels can be worrisome, especially during the festival season. But if you want a fail proof style solution, invest in back-painted glasses. A powerful combination of form and function, they are sure to light up your world like nothing else! Rock a subtle pastel hue, maybe a bold Venetian red, or complement the festival with royal metallic shades; the stylistic choices are practically endless.

Check out different ways in which you can use décor glass to redefine your interiors this Diwali.


Use of tiles is so common in kitchen décor. If you want a different yet attractive alternative, use back-painted glasses. Create colourful cabinets and backsplashes for a sleek and ultra-modern look. Highly versatile and easy-to-clean, you can try any style to level up your kitchen décor.

Besides, décor glass is a non-porous material which does not trap microbes. Even excessive heat and moisture cannot hamper the shine of the glass; perfect for the kitchen, right?

Wall Panels

Ditch wallpapers and emulsion paints for some trendy, awesome décor glass. You can choose from diverse colours and shades. Go for the cobalt blue or fierce red, maybe a sunshine yellow for the cheer or recluse grey for the laidback style.

Include wall panels in your kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, or living room to add a touch of drama. Get a quintessential modern and sleek look effortlessly. Moreover, the wall panels made of décor glass also eliminate the hassle of repainting every year.

Shower Wall Panels

Take your bathroom style from mundane to magnificent with shower wall panels. Get décor glass panels to amplify the bathroom space to look more expansive. As back-painted glasses are easy to clean and upkeep, you need not worry about cleanliness while still enjoy stunning visuals.

Besides, these panels can resist heat, moisture, and microbes. With only a simple cloth wipe, you can keep the panels fresh and looking anew. Best of all, you can add texture and colour to your bathroom space and transform the overall visual appeal.


When you welcome your guests, walls adorned with décor glass will make for a killer first impression. As natural light bounces off the panels, you can create a classy, chic entryway. Rock different patterns and hues to create a characteristic look. They are a perfect way to introduce bold colours in your interiors and elevate their aesthetic appeal.

If you are looking for premium quality décor glass, trust AIS Glass!

About AIS Glass

India’s leading integrated glass manufacturing company – AIS Glass – offers top-notch, end-to-end solutions for all your architectural needs. Get best-in-class back-painted glasses which can be customised to your preferred style. Our AIS Décor is not only stylish and trendy, available in a wide variety of colours, but is also resistant to heat, moisture, and is eco-friendly. Plus, our installation is fast, smooth, and hassle-free.

For more details, contact us today!


Lacquered Glass for Innovative Interior Design

Though the profession of interior designing is only a 100 years old, history bears testimony to its existence even during the time of the ancient Egyptians who furnished their native mud homes with simple textiles, animal skins, painted urns, and graphic murals. Back in the days, architects doubled up as interior designers to complete their vision. The dawn of interior designing was to rigidly coordinate it with the architecture of buildings. Then, with the 17th CE, the task of interior designing was relegated to the homemaker soon to be taken over by a skilled upholsterer or craftsman in the early 19th CE. And interior designing as we know it today is a separate profession altogether where specialists help people to maximise the efficiency of their space with elements, textures, and colours that enhance their visual appeal.

Interior Designing: Décor that Enhances Life

Gone are those days when interior designing was considered to be a pompous expression for good tastes in decoration – choosing the right colours, patterns, and fabrics. Modern-day interior designing is all that and much more where form and function are taken as a whole – the one dependent on the other – to create meaningful and highly optimised personal and commercial spaces.

In case of personal spaces, the aim is to create interiors that tell the story of the residents without sacrificing on basic and individual functional requirements. Smart interior designing can mean the difference between a house and a home, an environment that is cold and lifeless and one that is comfortable and full of warmth and familiarity.

Breathe New Life into Your Interiors with Lacquered Glass

To create interiors that are a reflection of you and your loved ones without compromising on being progressive and timeless, choose lacquered glass as your one-stop-source. Lacquered glass is a type of modern-day glass innovation in which one of the glass surfaces is painted with high-quality lacquer followed by a process of oven-curing to lock in its unique features. The resulting glass is not only smooth, glossy, and coloured in appearance, but also opaque.

Lacquered glass is not only a treat to the eyes but is also highly functional – It is low-maintenance, UV, heat, and humidity-resistant, durable and long-lasting, and can be processed in a wide number of ways.

There’s a lacquered glass for every homeowner out there. To find out the one that suits your tastes, here are a few innovative ways to include lacquered glass in your interiors –

For the Heart of Your Home

When it comes to designing the most important space of your home – the kitchen where all the magic takes place, lacquered glass is your one-stop-source both in terms of aesthetics and functionality. The fluid and glossy visual feel of glass when coupled with the vibrant colours of lacquer can be installed in kitchen crockery units, counter-tops, backsplash, and wall panelling to create the kitchen of your dreams. Whether you’re a minimalist, a traditionalist, a classicist, or a modernist; lacquered glass aesthetic solutions can be customised to your needs. Opt for warm, pastels and nude tones for a light, airy, and uncluttered look or alternate with a pop of bold shades of orange, yellow, and red to radiate an eclectic vibe. You can even choose a single colour palette for your kitchen cabinets while choosing royal metallic shades for your kitchen island and backsplash to create an ambience of grandeur and royalty. You can even have magnetic lacquered glass marker boards installed in your kitchen to jot down mom’s delectable traditional recipes.

Furthermore, since lacquered glass is scratch, humidity, and heat-resistant, and easy to clean, you have nothing to fear when it comes to installing it in a space that frequently experiences heat and moisture. Plus, allow the kids to make a mess while they help you in your baking projects!

For Your ‘Safe Space’

If there is any room in the house where the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign works without having to put it on the door, it’s the bathroom. It is a safe haven for many, where the stresses of the day can be washed off and a moment of solitude and contemplation can be experienced. In this sense, a bathroom becomes more than just another room. Your sacred space requires an ambience that sets the tone for peace. Accenting the bathroom design with scented candles, artwork, and pairing towels and toiletries goes a long way in achieving that aura but it is equally important to choose a colour theme that is relaxing. And what could be better than the vibrant world of lacquered glass! You can opt for darker shades of greens and earthy browns or pastels and nudes – both works equally well in creating a calming ambience. You can even get it installed in panels of different sizes and shapes (monotones or motley of colours) for a more fun look. And since lacquered glass is moisture-resistant, you need not worry about installing it in a space where humidity is the norm. Moreover, the smooth, glossy look of glass will bestow the right touch of modernism!

For the Space that Strengthens Bonds

With lacquered glass, the sky is the limit. For taking the oomph factor of your living rooms a notch up, lacquered glass is the ideal option. After all, it’s the space where guests are entertained and friends and family gather together to spend most of their at-home time and hence, is a highly important space in terms of decoration. You can have lacquered wall panels in dark and sleek shades in your living room and even have the television installed in it as lacquered glass can be drilled in. Just make sure to choose colours that are not too bold and do not divert your attention away from the television. Even table-tops can be installed with stunning shades of lacquered glass for a modernistic and chic visual appeal. Plus, since lacquered glass is durable and low-maintenance, there is no need to fear spill-overs during family movie nights. Lacquered glass wall panels can even be used to create a clear demarcation of the living space from the dining space in style. Among other intriguing installations, magnetic lacquered glass marker boards can also be installed to write down important reminders and allow kids to explore their inner-Picasso.

For Your Cosy Haven

According to Feng Shui, the room that is the most important in your home is the one in which you remain unconscious for a good part of the time – your bedroom. Well, for one sleep is vital and hence the space where you sleep must have an ambience that promotes healthy and deep sleep. Moreover, for most people, their bedrooms are the one space they get to call their own and where they can relax after their minds and bodies have been overworked from the chaos of everyday living. Well, adding extra cosy touches to your bedroom is all about accepting the Danish concept of hygge marked by candle lights, soothing textures, four-poster ultra-cosy beds, quilted throw pillows, and ofcourse a calm and neutral colour scheme. To keep the look warm, cosy, and progressive, lacquered glass panels can help you out. Choose calm pastel tones in combination with either of the extremes – whites and beige or black – and witness how your personal hygge culture unfolds right in front of your eyes. Moreover, you can even have lacquered glass floor-to-ceiling cupboards installed in your bedroom – The super glossy finish ad natural reflective property of glass will create a stunning effect that blends trend with elegance.

So you see, lacquered glass can breathe life into each and every one of your living spaces. To make the most of this 360-degree aesthetic glass solution, look no further than AIS Glass! Our AIS Décor can enhance your spaces with its smooth finish and 34 striking shades. Plus, it is high on functionality – AIS Décor is highly durable, long-lasting, heat, UV, and humidity-resistant, low-maintenance, 100% eco-friendly, and is available in a wide variety of processing options. So, without second thoughts, choose décor that enhances life with AIS Décor! Get in touch today.


Lacquered Glass an Exquisite and Stylish Alternative to Bathrooms Glass

When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is to make your way to that one room in the house where you can enjoy a pure moment of solitude – your bathroom! Your bathroom is a safe space where you can indulge in secret single behaviour unabashedly. The significance of this room is undeniable. This is not a room for functionality purposes alone; one ponders and introspects here in peace. Gift yourself a luxe and modern bathroom just by using contemporary designs of lacquered glass – the budding glass solution where aesthetics shakes hands with advanced functionality.

What Is Lacquered Glass?

Visualise an opaque silky-smooth surface which is highly durable, UV-resistant and coloured. Lacquered glass is redefining the way we think of glass. This type is coloured or “lacquered” which gives the viewer an illusion of an artsy grand glass wall. Lacquering is achieved by painting one of the glass surfaces with high-quality paints, followed by an oven-curing process to lock in its unique features. The resulting glass is not just coloured in appearance but also opaque.

What’s so Great About it?

There are several benefits of lacquered glass that come to light with prolonged usage. Check out a few significant ones here –

Splendid Chromatic Assortment

Remember how glass was once only transparent with a tint here and a hue there used mostly for partitions, windows and doors. Well, all that has changed with the arrival of lacquered glass. You will now find striking colour categories you can choose from, depending on the mood you want to set in a particular room.

Superior Finish, High Durability and Low-Maintenance  

The finish of lacquered glass lasts much longer than that of a distempered wall or a tiled one. It does not allow for water and dirt to accumulate on its surface and is extremely easy to wipe clean. The exterior conditions can never touch the paint leaving it unchipped and shiny for years. Lacquered glass is built to be tough, and it can withstand a tonne of pressure.

Thermal and Humidity-Resistant

Another critical feature of lacquered glass that makes it a safe choice for kitchens, bathrooms, and spaces where humidity and heat are prevalent is that it is thermal and humidity-resistant. AIS Glass offers its unique range of Lacquered glass solutions – AIS Décor – that is both thermal and humidity-resistant subject to certain conditions – The thermal resistance provided by AIS Décor extends up to 80° C.

How Can You Use This Innovation to Renovate Your Bathroom?

How common is it to hear people expressing that the best thoughts and ideas come to them when they are showering or shaving or are in the loo? Shouldn’t such a place deserve fantastic aesthetics that can support creative thoughts? Aesthetics add value to our lives. Our aesthetic sense is a representation of our identity, and our home is where it truly comes alive. While lacquered glass can be used anywhere in your house, let us look at some stellar ways to use them in your bathroom –

For the Affluent Shower Lover

If you love taking a warm frothy shower, singing yourself to glory, then you need a striking and comfortable shower stall where you can swish water around. A shower curtain with milieu just won’t do! A lacquered glass shower stall will add a splash of colour to an otherwise dull morning. Choose from a range of earthy tones or go for the stark bright ones, the choice is yours. Given the spectacular designs they come in, you can rest assured that you’ll find a colour that suits your personality.

For Your Secret Little Pleasures

So many of us spend time in front of our well-hung bathroom mirrors, brushing, washing, plucking, and gawking with essentials sprawled on the washbasin slab. Lacquered glass basins and slabs are perfect for your every day before-bed bathroom routines. Unlike stone basins and slabs that only come in two or three colours, these come in a vast variety and don’t lose their shine for years on end. Plus, since lacquered glass is low-maintenance, you do not have to worry about constant cleaning.

For the Contemporary Façade Lover in You

A bathroom can be a messy and a wet place. Walls with paints or tiles start collecting soap and dirt residue which become impossible to clean.  Lacquered glass panels can jazz up your bathroom walls, cabinets and shelves to the hilt and will demand zero-maintenance. They create a sense of space, especially if your bathroom is small and will lend a modern look to this room. Choose from a colour palette that suits your mood in the morning or choose a combination of two colours to clad your bathroom walls, cabinets and shelves.

Enough of Waxing Lyrical

The bottom line is that whatever your bathroom design goals may be, lacquered glass solutions will easily fit into them. You will always find a colour “that is so you”. AIS Glass has an astounding range of aesthetic lacquered glass solutions – AIS Decor. You will be spoilt for choice. We offer lacquered glass that will satiate your need for finding earthy colours or metallic colours or the good old vibrant ones. Be it giving your shower stall a punch of Ultramarine Blue or cladding your walls with sparkling walnut brown; AIS has it all. Our lacquered glass is not only aesthetically-pleasing but also highly functional – low-maintenance, durable, eco-friendly, and long-lasting. Get in touch with us today and find out more!


Reflect Your True Personality Through Lacquered Glass

In the words of the leading figure in the English Arts and Crafts Movement, William Morris, “If you want a golden rule that will fit everything, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” Much like art, the crux of interior designing since time immemorial has been aesthetics and functionality. The term ‘design’ essentially covers interior décor that has some functional value to the occupants of the living space.

And keeping this golden rule under consideration, it is not strange that glass has gained ground as a primary material. After all, the modern-day innovative glass solutions offer near-endless possibilities in transforming a space, both practically and aesthetically.

The Elevated Approach to Interior Décor

And though the glass in any of its varied forms can effectively transform a space, the member of the glass family often associated with aesthetics is lacquered or back-painted glass. Lacquered glass is obtained by painting one of the glass surfaces through a superior process of lacquering subsequently oven-cured to lock in its unique features.

Not only does lacquered glass enhance the aesthetics with its pop of colour, but it is also highly functional with the added value of being UV, scratch, humidity-resistant, low-maintenance, highly versatile, and is opaque to ensure privacy.

Less House, More Home

“The best rooms have something to say about the people who live in them,” As said by the famous Australian interior designer David Hicks. From colours to patterns, from lighting to furnishings, your space must be the mouthpiece to your individuality. To embody the highest pedigree of bespoke interior design, there is something for every personality in the vibrant and versatile world of lacquered glass aesthetic solutions.  

Bring in refinement and timelessness to your haven by using lacquered glass for wall panelling, in furniture, kitchen and other cabinets, table-tops, washrooms, wardrobes, and writing boards. Notwithstanding your personhood, here’s how you can transform your house into a home with lacquered glass –

For the Modern Minimalist

If you are one of those who believe that less is more, home planning is all about simplicity in form and function, clean, open, light-filled spaces, strategic use of materials for visual interest, and simple detailing devoid of extravagant ornamentation. To help you keep it uncomplicated and straightforward, efficient use of lacquered glass aesthetic solutions would translate into a neutral colour palette and consistency in the look. AIS Glass offers calm neutral tones of Sparkling Beige, Stone Grey, and Turquoise Green when paired among each other or with Black Pearl can be installed for wall panelling, in kitchen cabinets, and on table-tops to render the feel of uncluttered yet well-planned aesthetics.

For the Aspirational Space

Are you a naturalist who is drawn to the glory of nature in its unbridled form? Well, then it’s no surprise that your home must reflect your love for the natural world. And to complement your aspirational space that blends the outdoors with the indoors, complete with an extended patio, and lush greens, lacquered glass is an ideal option both in terms of aesthetics and functionality. AIS Décor is available in a variety of earthy, greenish, and bluish tones such as Hazel Brown, Earthy Brown, Spring Green, Sea Green, Azure Blue, and Nile Blue that can reflect your inner naturalist. Install them in the partitions or doors facing the patio, for wall panelling in your living room, in kitchen cabinets, or practically in any way you desire to achieve the aspirational feel. Moreover, to put the cherry on the top, the paints used to back-paint AIS Décor are 100% eco-friendly.

For the Baroque Luxe

A rebel at heart? Your bold personality that questions established social conventions demands a living space that reflects it adequately. Lacquered glass can help you create that perfect Baroque luxe full of intense maximalism, and attention to heavy details and creativity. Take a detour from the conventional route by incorporating lacquered glass wall panels in bold, vibrant shades of Venetian Red, Chrome Yellow, Autumn Orange, and Azure Blue or opt for the grandeur of Sterling Silver to exude extravagance. Furthermore, don’t forget to play around with the various colours and processing options to create such patterns and textures that impart that ‘baroque’ feel of irregularity and eccentricity.

For an Undisturbed Hygge Culture

Tired of the glorification of busy and a lover of the slow-paced life that emanates joy, harmony, and cosiness? Then, your idea of an ideal living space must revolve around generating the “I love to live here” vibe drawn from the warmth and love between friends and family. To create the stress-relieving culture that is a hallmark of “La Dolce Vita,” lacquered glass can act as an ideal solution. The neutral pastel tones of Sparkling Beige, Snow White and Turquoise Green, when coupled with the shine, depth, and modernity of glass will integrate perfectly with the wooden fireplaces, soft cushions, faux fur pillows, knitted blankets, and your tangible nostalgic memories to result in a space that is heart-warming and relaxing.

For the Hybrid Luxury

Embracing modernism does not have to mean a complete about-turn from traditionalism. If this statement defines you correctly, your personal space must be a marriage of diverse creative aesthetic designs. To support your love for eclecticism, install lacquered glass panels of calm pastel tones of pure whites and greys or shiny metallic. Get it cut, drilled, bevelled, or polished as per your desire to complement your home that emulates tradition while respecting contemporary sensibilities.

Moreover, another way to approach hybrid luxury would be to alternate your living spaces in terms of minimalism and maximalism. Keep it neutral and calm with pastel hues in some rooms while getting loud with the vibrancy of brighter warmer tones of reds and yellows in some others. That way, you can even reflect that element of surprise in your personality – the part that is open to new concepts and ideas without losing reverence for the long-held traditions.

For Exuding Refinement and Sophistication

If you’re one of the truly classy and sophisticated, you very well understand that the best way to make a grand statement is not just to have ultra-expensive furniture and pieces of art (though every house needs a touch of glamour) but to create a space that is well-tailored and well-balanced; therein lies the chic factor. And when it comes to exuding sophistication, pastel tones work as well as rich darker ones with the key found in symmetry and keeping it organised. Install lacquered glass in any way you want, walls, wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, writing boards but ensure there’s simplicity and symmetry in the design and consistency in the colour palette – the hallmarks of elegance and refinement.

Add Grace to Any Space with AIS Décor

To enhance your space so that it reflects your true self, look no further than AIS Glass Lacquered Glass Aesthetic Solutions – AIS Décor. Available in an exclusive palette of 16 striking shades, the flawless finish of our lacquered glass has been achieved through a world-class manufacturing process to ensure the colour stands the test of time. Moreover, our lacquered glass is UV, thermal, scratch, and humidity-resistant. It is available in several processing options – can be cut, drilled, bevelled, ground, edge-finished, and polished to achieve the desired look. So, give your interiors the makeover they deserve with AIS Décor! Get in touch today. 


Back Painted Glass by AIS: Uses and Applications

Have you ever wondered why certain homes, lobbies, kitchens and bathrooms look more slick, colourful and modern than the others? Check again, back painted glass might be the answer. Imagine a perfectly smooth-coloured wall with an impeccable finish and sheen that lasts for years on end. That is back painted glass for you.     

What Is Back Painted Glass?

Back painted glass refers to panes that are painted or coated on one side, rendering the glass’ surface opaque. It is installed with the unpainted side facing outside. Back painted glass looks great and is rapidly gaining popularity. Try back painted glass instead of distempering or wallpapering to create an elegant and contemporary look. Back painted glass boasts a seamless finish that lasts much longer than other wall colouring or cladding materials.

Applications of Back Painted Glass

A surface that looks as beautiful as this is bound to have a diverse set of applications. Back painted glasses provide an upscale look to any place they are installed in. If you are looking to renovate your home or office, back-painted glass walls are a good starting point.

Back Painted Glass for Your Kitchen

Cooks love back painted glass in kitchens because they do not get stained due to spills or splatters. You can simply wipe these glass walls off with a damp cloth and there will be no residual sign of a stain left. Distempered walls, especially inside kitchens tend to get splotchy fast and need a fresh lick of paint now and then. Back painted glass in kitchens can rid you of maintenance woes completely. These glass panes are resistant to moisture and steam and can maintain their finish for a very long time. You can choose back painted glass for cladding kitchen walls, kitchen island tops, etc.

Back Painted Glass for Your Bathrooms

Nothing freshens-up dated bathroom interiors like back painted glass. Bathrooms are moist, wet and humid, which is why they are harder to maintain than other parts of your home. Back painted glass withstands moisture comfortably, is easy to clean and looks phenomenal. You can use back painted glass for shower wall panels, bathroom walls, washbasin tops, etc. Integrating back painted glass into your bathroom can completely alter its ambience and make it noticeably edgier.

Back Painted Glass for Commercial Structures

In commercial spaces, back painted glass can be used to make conference room tables, wall claddings, room partitions, etc. Back painted glass has a clean, crisp and sharp finish. These qualities blend very well with the formal or semi-formal demeanour you may want to set in an office space. Moreover, since back painted glass is available in a universe of colours, you can fashion it to match the colours of your company’s logo to enhance branding. Back painted glass is also popularly used in shopping malls, stores, entertainment venues, restaurants, etc.

Back Painted Glass for Marker Boards

A white-coloured back painted glass when placed on a wall instantly becomes an easy to clean whiteboard. This application also works wonderfully inside meeting rooms, waiting areas, and other office corners where you may want to otherwise install a notice board.   

 Advantages of Back Painted Glass

Back painted glass is predominantly installed for enhancing the aesthetics of any space, but its list of benefits doesn’t end there. It has many more unsung benefits that are listed below for your reference –

Colour and Pattern Diversity

Back painted glass is available in a vast variety of colours and patterns. You will surely be spoilt for choice! There is a colour available to set the tone and mood for every room of the home. You can choose striking yellows or oranges for your kids’ room, or go for sombre pastels for the lounging or living areas of your home or office. The chromatic assortment is simply mind-blowing!

Durable and Low on Maintenance

While the outer surface of back painted glass can endure heat, humidity and moisture routinely, the inner coated side is comfortably tucked away, always looking good as new. This quality makes back painted glass pretty much maintenance-free. This surface is very easy to wipe clean in case any dirt or grime settles on it. It also receives multiple coatings of paint which structurally strengthens it, thus increasing overall durability.

Can Withstand Heat and Moisture

Back painted glass panes look fresh even after years of installation. The paint never gets chipped or distorted, which is why it is great for bathrooms and kitchens. A hot splash of water or curry splutter is nothing this glass cannot handle. Unlike wall paint or paper that start showing wear, back painted glass looks brand new every single day.  

The Bottom Line

Looking for back painted glass solutions near you? Turn to AIS Glass for back painted panes and take the benefit of our 34 striking colours that range from sombre earthy pastels to metallic shades to pure placid colours. Give your living room wall a touch of Terracotta or jazz up your bathroom with a punch of Sparkling Coral, or light up your kitchen walls with Miami Blue, we have them all! Our team of trained technicians is fully equipped to address all your glass-related woes. AIS Glass has been a leader in glazing solutions for over three decades. Contact us today!


Back Painted Glass: An Easiest Way to Create a Luxurious Effect

Imagine a silky-smooth wall with a flawless finish and colour, providing a luxe-like vibe to your room. Luxury is all about the right juxtaposition of traditional and modern so as to create a look that is sleek and current, but not sterile by any means. A pop of colour can be that little touch required to make any space cutting-edge and inviting. And when coupled with the glossy finish of glass, the outcome is all the more splendid. Back painted glass is a member of the glass family, who though is popular for decoration, is a kind where form serves function.

This type of glass has diverse applications and it can be used in literally any and every room of your home or office. Be it the kitchen, bathroom, study, drawing or dining room at your home or conference hall, cabins or cubicles in your office; this type of glass provides elegance wherever installed.

What Is Back Painted Glass?

Also known as lacquered glass, back painted glass is exactly what it sounds like – glass that has been painted from one side. This leads to the glass becoming opaque from the other side. Lacquered glass is rapidly gaining popularity due to its aesthetic prowess and has found applications in commercial complexes, residential properties, and entertainment venues. Glass has always added a certain “Je ne sai quois” or X-factor to interiors and exteriors of buildings. Back painted glass cranks this X-factor up a notch. Distempering can never give your wall the same flawless finish as lacquered glass can.

The Science behind Lacquered Glass

A pre-cut sheet of glass is first cleaned thoroughly to ensure that no dry or wet debris is lingering on the surface. Debris left uncleaned will get embedded on the glass surface and will lead to a substandard product finish. After this, masking tape is laced throughout the front edges of the slab to ensure that it does not get coated with paint. The glass pane is then laid flat on a surface and paint is applied to the open side, usually in multiple coats. Many a time, the glass can be transferred to a large oven which that will bake the wet paint, ensuring good adhesion. Back painted glass can be cut and polished in case the size dimensions need to be altered following its manufacture. 

Lacquered Glass: Where Form Serves Function

If you are looking to amplify the spatial aesthetics of your home or office then back painted glass is your ideal pick. There are several benefits of getting this type of glass installed and they are all not related to aesthetics alone. Keep reading to find out how lacquered glass can complete the spectrum of design, safety and durability.

Spectacular Chromatic Assortment

Gone are the days when glass was considered useful only because of its transparency and could be used only for doors, windows and partitions. Glass applications today have quadrupled and back painted glass is one of the reasons why. There is a vast variety of colours and patterns available in this particular type. You will be spoilt for choice. There is a back painted glass colour for every personality and every mood. Select from a range of striking colours or pastels depending on your desire and the purpose of your space.

Superior Durability with Low-Maintenance

The finish on back painted glass lasts a lifetime as opposed to painted or textured walls. Since the paint is behind a sturdy surface of the glass, it never comes in direct contact with heat, humidity and moisture. This preserves the look and finish of the coloured glass wall, thus making it completely maintenance-free. You can also drill a hole into it to hang photo frames. Back painted glass does not allow much grime or dirt to settle on its surface and is also very easy to wipe clean. The multiple coatings of paint make this glass very strong and durable. It does not crack, chip or dent and can withstand external pressure.

Heat and Humidity-Resistant

Back painted glass has fantastic applications in kitchens and bathrooms since it has a great capacity to endure heat and humidity. Be it hot oil spills from pans or hot water from showers, lacquered glass will happily sustain such spill-overs while giving your rooms a gorgeous sense of style and chicness. If you want a sense of luxury in your bathroom or kitchen, clad your plain, dull-looking walls, basins, slabs, backsplash, kitchen island, and cabinets with back painted glass.

The Bottom Line

Whatever your spatial goals may be for your home or office, back painted glass will easily fit into them. Given the range of designs, you will certainly find a colour that matches your sensibilities. Get back painted glass installed by AIS Glass. Our spectacular range of AIS Décor will make you spoilt for choice. From soothing, earthy tones of Earthy Brown and Terracotta, to bright and bold shades of Autumn Orange, Chrome Yellow, and Venetian Red, to royal metallic tones of Sterling Silver and Sparkling Mystic Gold; AIS Décor is available in them all. Rely on our team of professionally-trained technicians that use top-of-the-line tools to fulfil all your glass requirements. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today!


Choosing the Right Back Painted Glass for Your Kitchen

Those homes are the best where the kitchen is loved well. After all, the heart of the home must have the heart of its residents. One way of expressing your love for your kitchen is giving it a makeover – one that reflects the delectability of the mouth-watering dishes that adorn its counter-tops.

And when it comes to revamping your kitchen, no other architectural material offers a more perfect blend of modernism and elegance as glass. After all, as they say, absolute perfection cannot be improved! Incorporation of glass into a space instantly adds a touch of sophistication, the likes of which remain unchallenged to this day. No wonder glass has become the most beloved material among architects and homeowners alike.

Moreover, modern-day glass solutions have overcome the standard fluid visual appeal that is inherent to glass. Ordinary glass has evolved from its humble origins to include all types of colourful shades that are capable of sprucing up any space from drab to fab. One such glass solution is the lacquered glass – made by back painting one surface of float glass with a solid coating of lacquer and then oven-curing to lock in its unique features of opacity and coloured appearance.

Benefits of Lacquered Glass


If you are worried that by opting for lacquered glass, you will be compromising on quality for aesthetics, then you can breathe a sigh of relief. Lacquered glass is more than just its flawless finish on the surface. The lacquer applied at the back of the glass protects it from damage and ensures its durability. The long-lasting nature of the solution used and the toughness of the glass make sure that your lacquered glass looks as good as new even after years of usage. 

Easy to Modify and Model

Lacquered glass gives you a lot of flexibility to experiment with. It can easily be cut, drilled, and edge-finished. You can also get it polished as per your needs. 

Resistant to Moisture and Heat

What makes lacquered glass a great addition to your home is its exceptional ability to withstand temperatures of up to 80-degrees Celsius, making it an excellent option for highly humid areas such as your kitchen. Along with this, lacquered glass blocks out harmful UV rays, thereby staying immune from discolouration. 

Easy to Maintain and Clean

Lacquered glass is very easy to maintain. All it requires is a wipe down. It also doesn’t trap germs or bacteria, ensuring that your kitchen is hygienic and clean.  

Increases Visual Appeal

Available in a wide variety of colours, the installation of lacquered glass in your home can breathe new life into its interiors, given the vibrant shades of the glass and its highly glossy finish.

Uses of Lacquered Glass in Kitchen

For the space that brings friends and family together through sumptuous meals, the high-end, trendy look of lacquered glass is all that is needed to give that ‘x’ factor. Here are some ways that you can use lacquered glass to stylise and innovate your kitchen –


Lacquered glass works great as kitchen backsplash. After all, a dull backsplash makes for a very uninspiring kitchen – a space where cooking up delectable victuals becomes a challenge. Installing lacquered glass as a backsplash allows you to add colours to your kitchen. Moreover, they are stain-resistant and also make for easier clean-ups, unlike their traditional counterparts – kitchen tiles.

Kitchen Cabinets

If you want to give your kitchen a sleek and modern appearance then installing lacquered glass cabinets is the perfect option. As lacquered glass is easy to clean and does not trap germs, lacquered glass cabinets can make your kitchen look more high-end and contemporary than their traditional counterparts.


Creating wall panels with colourful lacquered glass panels adds a creative look to your kitchen wall. Not only do they enhance your kitchen’s look, but they also eliminate the hassle of getting your kitchen walls repainted year after year.


You can also use lacquered glass on kitchen countertops or kitchen island tops to increase the visual appeal of your kitchen. The scratch-resistance, low-maintenance properties of lacquered glass are handy features that allow you to bake your heart out without fearing any mess!

Magnetic Boards

Have a tough time keeping track of your day’s to-dos and organising your grandma’s recipes? Why opt for a lacquered glass magnetic board on which you can easily and readily note down your daily to-do list. Moreover, the board hanging right in front of the gas-top serves as a handy means to look up the recipe for the day!

Looking for top-of-the-line, aesthetically appealing lacquered glass solutions? Look no further than AIS Glass – a full-service offering of India’s largest integrated glass manufacturer – Asahi India Glass Limited. We offer lacquered glass in a myriad of shades ranging from bold and bright tones to calm pastel ones, even royal metallic shades. Be done with your kitchen’s bland interiors and grant it newfound life with the colourful world of lacquered glass! Our team of experts will provide you 360-degree support, right from the initial stage of product selection up until installation and even after-sales guidance.

So, what are you waiting for? Revive your kitchen today! Get in touch with us.


Lacquered Glass for Kitchen of Your Dreams

“One cannot think well, love well, and sleep well, if one has not dined well.” And the one space where all the magic takes place in any home is the beloved kitchen. But, to whip up your signature dishes with ease, the design of your kitchen should be clever. Meaning, the architectural language of your home and the function of your kitchen must dictate its design. After all, it’s not just about cooking up a favourite cuisine!

The Heart of Every Home

Home is where the heart is, especially homes where kitchens are celebrated. The kitchen is considered to be the most important room in every home by designers and homeowners alike and rightfully so. After all, it is the one space where most people begin their day and likely even end it. It is not just a space to prepare delectable victuals but also a corner for family and friends to socialise and create sumptuous memories and lasting bonds. Homes where a lot of time is spent in the kitchen are symbolic of a family well-fed and nourished. After all, what could beat a home-cooked meal prepared with love and warmth?

The magic that takes place inside the heart of every home not only fuels our minds and bodies but also our souls. Life may be created in the bedroom but it is certainly lived in the kitchen. Plus, we all need a place where we can whisk our worries away!

Transform Your Culinary Zones into Happy Hangouts with Lacquered Glass

Where kitchens in the olden days were limited to serving the utilitarian purpose of preparing health-giving meals, contemporary kitchens are all that and a step further. Modern-day modular kitchens not only focus on delivering refreshing nutriments but are an extension of life itself, creating an environment that allows to cook in tranquillity but also draws family and guests to the happy corner.  An inspiring space can most certainly mean the difference between a normal day and a fantastic one.

Lacquered glass can help you in transforming your culinary space into a happy hangout. It is a modern-day glass innovation in which one of the glass surfaces is lacquered using high-quality paints followed by the process of oven-curing to lock in its unique features. Also known as backpainted glass, lacquered glass is not only vibrant and colourful but also high on functionality – It is durable, low-maintenance, long-lasting, can be processed in a wide number of ways, is heat, humidity, and UV-resistant, and is available in eco-friendly variants.  

Feast for Your Senses

The diverse world of lacquered glass has something for every homeowner. By introducing this innovative glass into your kitchen space, you can experience a feast for all your senses, not just your sense of smell.

The Eclectic Kitchen

Lover of diversity? Then, don’t let this love be restricted to the produce sitting in your refrigerator or the appetizing comestibles groaning on the countertops. Let your entire kitchen reflect your love for eclecticism! To support your eclectic tastes, lacquered glass solutions are available in motley of eye-pleasing colours. Moreover, lacquered glass can even be drilled, polished, edged, or bevelled as per your desire. Install lacquered glass wall panels in a combination of different colours or alternate between colours by choosing monotones for kitchen wall panelling, shutters, island, and other cabinets. AIS Glass offers 34 striking shades of AIS Décor, each hue carefully chosen to meet your aesthetic needs. Moreover, the shiny, glossy, and fluid visual feel glass exudes will give your eclectic culinary zone the ideal touch of modernism! You can even have a magnetic lacquered glass marker board installed where your kids can explore their Picasso-like potential and you can jot down your mom’s traditional recipes and other to-do things for the day.

The Dark and Sleek Cookhouse

Wish to design your U-shaped culinary space in a manner that its form is in tandem with its sophisticated functionality? Then, you need not look further than lacquered glass solutions! Well, regardless of the shape of your kitchen, you can achieve the progressive look by keeping it quiet – ensuring that the cabinetry blends seamlessly so as to blurring the lines that separate your kitchen from the adjacent dining area or the living room, as suggested by architect Celeste Robbins. The resulting design will be that of “edited serenity.” Moreover, choose lacquered glass in dark and warm tones and get it installed in kitchen cabinets, backsplash, shutters, and cupboards to render sophistication that is ‘just right’. AIS Glass offers AIS Décor in chic tones of Venetian Red, Earthy Brown, and Nile Blue which, when installed will create a streamlined and sophisticated culinary zone.

The Bright and Airy Kitchenette

You have concentrated all efforts in creating a beautiful and efficient parallel-shaped kitchenette that is bright and airy – from making the most of natural lighting and introducing rolling kitchen carts, tiered shelves, and hidden prep stations. But, the ‘just right’ size of your kitchen deserves the ‘just right’ décor solution that can further help you achieve that bright and airy look. Well, lacquered glass can efficiently help you in this pursuit! One thing to keep in mind though is that bright does not naturally translate into using loud colours (though it’s your personal choice). The key behind creating a bright and airy space with lacquered glass lies in choosing warm, neutral or pastel tones and greys in combination with the timeless colour of white. Install lacquered glass in like manner in kitchen cabinets, backsplash, counter-tops, and wall panelling. Moreover, since lacquered glass is low-maintenance, you can allow your kids’ hands to roam free to mess while they help you bake!

For Emanating that Minimalistic Vibe

The kitchen is a highly functional space and hence, the most likely to end up cluttered. Well, though mess is good, especially when it results in delicious meals after; your kitchen can benefit a lot from simplistic design. After all, less is more right? And though designing an uncluttered kitchen space has a lot to do with getting rid of the extras, switching out your faucets, and ensuring that every item has a spot and every spot has the item meant for it; it also means rethinking your colour scheme. Well, the silky, glossy finish of lacquered glass will help you create a kitchen that is minimalistic but not frumpy. And for such a decorating theme, it is critical to choose a solid colour palette, preferably in neutral tones (with a lot of whites and greys involved ofcourse!). But, you need not confine yourself to the stereotypes. Feel free to add in a surprising pop of colour here and there if you wish but don’t overdo it. For instance – you can have white or neutral lacquered glass panels installed in kitchen cabinets while going a little loud with the backsplash or the counter-top (yellow, orange, blue, or red).

Cooking is love made visible. So, shouldn’t the place where all the magic happens reflect that love and warmth? Come to AIS Glass and choose from among 34 striking shades of AIS Décor to transform your culinary space! Our lacquered glass is highly durable, has a high-quality finish that doesn’t fade, is low-maintenance, UV, moisture, and heat-resistant, and is 100% eco-friendly. Contact us today to design the kitchen of your dreams.


AIS Décor – Exquisite and Stylish Alternative to Bathrooms Glass

When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is to make your way to that one room in the house where you can enjoy a pure moment of solitude – your bathroom! Your bathroom is a safe space where you can indulge in secret single behaviour unabashedly. The significance of this room is undeniable. This is not a room for functionality purposes alone; one ponders and introspects here in peace. Gift yourself a luxe and modern bathroom just by using contemporary designs of lacquered glass – the budding glass solution where aesthetics shakes hands with advanced functionality.

What Is Back Painted Décor Glass?

Visualise an opaque silky-smooth surface which is highly durable, UV-resistant and coloured. Lacquered glass is redefining the way we think of glass. This type is coloured or “lacquered” which gives the viewer an illusion of an artsy grand glass wall. Lacquering is achieved by painting one of the glass surfaces with high-quality paints, followed by an oven-curing process to lock in its unique features. The resulting glass is not just coloured in appearance but also opaque.

What’s so Great About it?

There are several benefits of lacquered glass that come to light with prolonged usage. Check out a few significant ones here –

Splendid Chromatic Assortment

Remember how glass was once only transparent with a tint here and a hue there used mostly for partitions, windows and doors. Well, all that has changed with the arrival of lacquered glass. You will now find striking colour categories you can choose from, depending on the mood you want to set in a particular room.

Superior Finish, High Durability and Low-Maintenance  

The finish of lacquered glass lasts much longer than that of a distempered wall or a tiled one. It does not allow for water and dirt to accumulate on its surface and is extremely easy to wipe clean. The exterior conditions can never touch the paint leaving it unchipped and shiny for years. Lacquered glass is built to be tough, and it can withstand a tonne of pressure.

Thermal and Humidity-Resistant

Another critical feature of lacquered glass that makes it a safe choice for kitchens, bathrooms, and spaces where humidity and heat are prevalent is that it is thermal and humidity-resistant. AIS Glass offers its unique range of Lacquered glass solutions – AIS Décor – that is both thermal and humidity-resistant subject to certain conditions – The thermal resistance provided by AIS Décor extends up to 80° C.

How Can You Use This Innovation to Renovate Your Bathroom?

How common is it to hear people expressing that the best thoughts and ideas come to them when they are showering or shaving or are in the loo? Shouldn’t such a place deserve fantastic aesthetics that can support creative thoughts? Aesthetics add value to our lives. Our aesthetic sense is a representation of our identity, and our home is where it truly comes alive. While lacquered glass can be used anywhere in your house, let us look at some stellar ways to use them in your bathroom –

For the Affluent Shower Lover

If you love taking a warm frothy shower, singing yourself to glory, then you need a striking and comfortable shower stall where you can swish water around. A shower curtain with milieu just won’t do! A lacquered glass shower stall will add a splash of colour to an otherwise dull morning. Choose from a range of earthy tones or go for the stark bright ones, the choice is yours. Given the spectacular designs they come in, you can rest assured that you’ll find a colour that suits your personality.

For Your Secret Little Pleasures

So many of us spend time in front of our well-hung bathroom mirrors, brushing, washing, plucking, and gawking with essentials sprawled on the washbasin slab. Lacquered glass basins and slabs are perfect for your every day before-bed bathroom routines. Unlike stone basins and slabs that only come in two or three colours, these come in a vast variety and don’t lose their shine for years on end. Plus, since lacquered glass is low-maintenance, you do not have to worry about constant cleaning.

For the Contemporary Façade Lover in You

A bathroom can be a messy and a wet place. Walls with paints or tiles start collecting soap and dirt residue which become impossible to clean.  Lacquered glass panels can jazz up your bathroom walls, cabinets and shelves to the hilt and will demand zero-maintenance. They create a sense of space, especially if your bathroom is small and will lend a modern look to this room. Choose from a colour palette that suits your mood in the morning or choose a combination of two colours to clad your bathroom walls, cabinets and shelves.

Enough of Waxing Lyrical

The bottom line is that whatever your bathroom design goals may be, lacquered glass solutions will easily fit into them. You will always find a colour “that is so you”. AIS Glass has an astounding range of aesthetic lacquered glass solutions – AIS Decor. You will be spoilt for choice. We offer lacquered glass that will satiate your need for finding earthy colours or metallic colours or the good old vibrant ones. Be it giving your shower stall a punch of Ultramarine Blue or cladding your walls with sparkling walnut brown; AIS has it all. Our lacquered glass is not only aesthetically-pleasing but also highly functional – low-maintenance, durable, eco-friendly, and long-lasting. Get in touch with us today and find out more!


AIS Décor Glass for Innovative Interior Designs

Though the profession of interior designing is only a 100 years old, history bears testimony to its existence even during the time of the ancient Egyptians who furnished their native mud homes with simple textiles, animal skins, painted urns, and graphic murals. Back in the days, architects doubled up as interior designers to complete their vision. The dawn of interior designing was to rigidly coordinate it with the architecture of buildings. Then, with the 17th CE, the task of interior designing was relegated to the homemaker soon to be taken over by a skilled upholsterer or craftsman in the early 19th CE. And interior designing as we know it today is a separate profession altogether where specialists help people to maximise the efficiency of their space with elements, textures, and colours that enhance their visual appeal.

Interior Designing: Décor that Enhances Life

Gone are those days when interior designing was considered to be a pompous expression for good tastes in decoration – choosing the right colours, patterns, and fabrics. Modern-day interior designing is all that and much more where form and function are taken as a whole – the one dependent on the other – to create meaningful and highly optimised personal and commercial spaces.

In case of personal spaces, the aim is to create interiors that tell the story of the residents without sacrificing on basic and individual functional requirements. Smart interior designing can mean the difference between a house and a home, an environment that is cold and lifeless and one that is comfortable and full of warmth and familiarity.

Breathe New Life into Your Interiors with Lacquered Glass

To create interiors that are a reflection of you and your loved ones without compromising on being progressive and timeless, choose lacquered glass as your one-stop-source. Lacquered glass is a type of modern-day glass innovation in which one of the glass surfaces is painted with high-quality lacquer followed by a process of oven-curing to lock in its unique features. The resulting glass is not only smooth, glossy, and coloured in appearance, but also opaque.

Lacquered glass is not only a treat to the eyes but is also highly functional – It is low-maintenance, UV, heat, and humidity-resistant, durable and long-lasting, and can be processed in a wide number of ways.

There’s a lacquered glass for every homeowner out there. To find out the one that suits your tastes, here are a few innovative ways to include lacquered glass in your interiors –

For the Heart of Your Home

When it comes to designing the most important space of your home – the kitchen where all the magic takes place, Back Painted glass is your one-stop-source both in terms of aesthetics and functionality. The fluid and glossy visual feel of glass when coupled with the vibrant colours of lacquer can be installed in kitchen crockery units, counter-tops, backsplash, and wall panelling to create the kitchen of your dreams. Whether you’re a minimalist, a traditionalist, a classicist, or a modernist; Back Painted glass aesthetic solutions can be customised to your needs. Opt for warm, pastels and nude tones for a light, airy, and uncluttered look or alternate with a pop of bold shades of orange, yellow, and red to radiate an eclectic vibe. You can even choose a single colour palette for your kitchen cabinets while choosing royal metallic shades for your kitchen island and backsplash to create an ambience of grandeur and royalty. You can even have magnetic Back Painted glass marker boards installed in your kitchen to jot down mom’s delectable traditional recipes.

Furthermore, since lacquered glass is scratch, humidity, and heat-resistant, and easy to clean, you have nothing to fear when it comes to installing it in a space that frequently experiences heat and moisture. Plus, allow the kids to make a mess while they help you in your baking projects!

For Your ‘Safe Space’

If there is any room in the house where the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign works without having to put it on the door, it’s the bathroom. It is a safe haven for many, where the stresses of the day can be washed off and a moment of solitude and contemplation can be experienced. In this sense, a bathroom becomes more than just another room. Your sacred space requires an ambience that sets the tone for peace. Accenting the bathroom design with scented candles, artwork, and pairing towels and toiletries goes a long way in achieving that aura but it is equally important to choose a colour theme that is relaxing. And what could be better than the vibrant world of lacquered glass! You can opt for darker shades of greens and earthy browns or pastels and nudes – both works equally well in creating a calming ambience. You can even get it installed in panels of different sizes and shapes (monotones or motley of colours) for a more fun look. And since lacquered glass is moisture-resistant, you need not worry about installing it in a space where humidity is the norm. Moreover, the smooth, glossy look of glass will bestow the right touch of modernism!

For the Space that Strengthens Bonds

With lacquered glass, the sky is the limit. For taking the oomph factor of your living rooms a notch up, lacquered glass is the ideal option. After all, it’s the space where guests are entertained and friends and family gather together to spend most of their at-home time and hence, is a highly important space in terms of decoration. You can have lacquered wall panels in dark and sleek shades in your living room and even have the television installed in it as lacquered glass can be drilled in. Just make sure to choose colours that are not too bold and do not divert your attention away from the television. Even table-tops can be installed with stunning shades of lacquered glass for a modernistic and chic visual appeal. Plus, since lacquered glass is durable and low-maintenance, there is no need to fear spill-overs during family movie nights. Lacquered glass wall panels can even be used to create a clear demarcation of the living space from the dining space in style. Among other intriguing installations, magnetic lacquered glass marker boards can also be installed to write down important reminders and allow kids to explore their inner-Picasso.

For Your Cosy Haven

According to Feng Shui, the room that is the most important in your home is the one in which you remain unconscious for a good part of the time – your bedroom. Well, for one sleep is vital and hence the space where you sleep must have an ambience that promotes healthy and deep sleep. Moreover, for most people, their bedrooms are the one space they get to call their own and where they can relax after their minds and bodies have been overworked from the chaos of everyday living. Well, adding extra cosy touches to your bedroom is all about accepting the Danish concept of hygge marked by candle lights, soothing textures, four-poster ultra-cosy beds, quilted throw pillows, and ofcourse a calm and neutral colour scheme. To keep the look warm, cosy, and progressive, lacquered glass panels can help you out. Choose calm pastel tones in combination with either of the extremes – whites and beige or black – and witness how your personal hygge culture unfolds right in front of your eyes. Moreover, you can even have lacquered glass floor-to-ceiling cupboards installed in your bedroom – The super glossy finish ad natural reflective property of glass will create a stunning effect that blends trend with elegance.

So you see, lacquered glass can breathe life into each and every one of your living spaces. To make the most of this 360-degree aesthetic glass solution, look no further than AIS Glass! Our AIS Décor can enhance your spaces with its smooth finish and 34 striking shades. Plus, it is high on functionality – AIS Décor is highly durable, long-lasting, heat, UV, and humidity-resistant, low-maintenance, 100% eco-friendly, and is available in a wide variety of processing options. So, without second thoughts, choose décor that enhances life with AIS Décor! Get in touch today.


A complete guide on lacquered glass designs

As a staple element in modern architecture, glass is widely used by revered architects and designers to add life to their projects – be it residential or commercial. After all, its natural clear colour renders refinement and simplicity to a structure. Moreover, modern glass is processed to provide several other useful functionalities – acoustic insulation, energy-efficiency, extreme durability, to name just a few. And when functionality meets aesthetics, one cannot help but be awestruck. 

Today’s glass designs have gone even a step further and are not limited to the classic standard colour and transparency of glass. Their opacity levels can be enhanced via a process of colour coating that can take the aesthetics of your space to the next level. Welcome this picturesque member of the glass family – lacquered glass.

What is Lacquered Glass?

Lacquered glass is a type of decorative glass that possesses a layer of colour coating on one of its surfaces. Hence, it is also known as back-painted glass.  Made from a highly durable and opaque lacquer, this lacquered glass coating is baked and cured in the oven. This helps the lacquer bond correctly with the glass and ensures a smooth finish. Since the glass is back painted, lacquered glass possesses an opaque coloured appearance to enhance the aesthetic brilliance of your homes and offices. And although typically used for achieving stylish interiors, lacquered glass can now be processed to acquire durable properties as well.

Lacquered glass is highly sustainable and helps to maintain clean environmental surroundings. The manufacturing of back painted glass complies with the strictest regulations regarding the control of formaldehyde emissions and other volatile organic compounds commonly known as VOCs; for the conservation of the environment. And just like every other glass, lacquered glass is 100% recyclable and non-toxic.

At AIS Glass, we possess the ultimate AIS Décor Glass – a high-quality back painted glass that is oven-cured through a superior process to achieve its lustrous finish and opaque colour appearance. At AIS Glass, our processing procedure goes through a few extra premium steps to ensure world-class lacquered glass designs for our clients. Once the coat of lacquer has bonded, the final product can be cut, edge-finished, drilled, grounded, bevelled, and even polished to achieve the desired look requested by the customer.

Thus, our specially designed AIS Décor Glass offers users the opportunity to decorate their spaces with endless choices of lacquered glass designs. They are available in a wide range of attractive shades – 16 to be precise, namely Venetian Red, Black Pearl, Sterling Silver, Snow White, Chrome Yellow, Stone Grey, Turquoise Green, Hazel Brown, Sparkling Beige, Azure Blue, Earthy Brown, Sparkling Snow White, Nile Blue, Spring Green, Autumn Orange and lastly Sparkling Regal Gold and can be customised in a thickness of 4mm, 5mm and 6mm depending upon the customer’s requirements.

Ways to Use Lacquered Glass

Now that we’ve seen the wide variety of lacquered glass designs that can be created through customisation, let’s take a look at few smart ways to incorporate lacquered glass in residential as well as commercial spaces.

Wall Panels

Enduring daily wear and tear, your wall panels deserve a makeover from time to time. But after a few makeovers, repainting the walls can start feeling like a tedious process. Moreover, the toxic fumes from the lead-based paints can have adverse effects on your family and employees. And that’s precisely why you need to use lacquered glass – the revolutionary glass design to redefine your home and office environment with smart aesthetics.  Be it the decorative panels in your drawing rooms or the partitions for your personal cabin; you can choose from a wide variety of lacquered glass designs to brighten up your space with their attractive hues. Furthermore, AIS Glass’ AIS Décor section possesses supreme quality back lacquered glass designs that are extremely attractive and durable, and their beautiful shades do not fade despite regular wear-and-tear.

Cupboards and Cabinets

Many-a-times, you may wonder whether your home and office are starting to look dull and dreary. You may go through multiple home design catalogues for redecorating your spaces only to realise that all you need is a splash of colour to brighten up the room. Whether it’s the bedroom cupboards at home or filing cabinets in the office, you can highlight the beauty of your interiors with vibrant lacquered glass designs from the AIS Décor collection. Designed to be heat and moisture-resistant, they work great in kitchens and bathrooms as they hold a heating capacity of up to 65 degrees Celsius. They are also perfect for spaces that receive much sunlight as its UV-resistant features prevent discolouration of the glass.

Stylish Marker Boards

When appealing aesthetics marries smart functionality, you get the magnetic glass marker board. Trending in the interior designing space, these magnetic markerboards created by applying a hard-wearing coating of lacquer followed by a metal plate that can serve multiple purposes – ideal for magnetizing photos to personalise the space or to directly write down your grocery list or office agenda-for-the-day – these marker boards are a perfect example of lacquered glass’ utility.

Installing lacquered glass designs can enliven your spaces in an instant, and AIS Glass provides you with the 360-degree aesthetic solution range of back-painted glass – AIS Décor. Available in an exclusive palette of 16 striking shades, the premium finish of our lacquered glass has been achieved through a world-class manufacturing process to ensure the colour stands the test of time. Furthermore, AIS Décor is humidity, scratch, thermal, and UV-resistant and is available in a variety of processing options – you can get AIS Décor cut, drilled, ground, polished, bevelled, or edge-finished as per your desire. So, transform your interiors both aesthetically and practically with AIS Décor! Get in touch today.

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