
Different Types of uPVC Windows for Your Home

Don’t you want to adorn your home with the most dynamic interiors – to hone your exteriors with lavish landscapes and redefine your home’s aesthetics into an epitome of elegance? We all wish to create a wonderland out of our dwellings. Many of us even try our best, but alas! The inner perfectionist doesn’t know where to end.

If you wish to groom your home with the most aesthetically appealing yet functional elements, plan out the design, style, colour, and size of its doors and windows; you will never go wrong with this choice as doors and windows are fundamental to home décor and utility.

“I live in a very small house, but my windows look out on a very large world.” A thought-provoking quote by Confucius, windows are truly our portals to the external world. The air, the sunlight, the rain, and many more natural elements interact with us through the windows. As graceful as they are, windows are the least talked about sections of home décor – and very little talk surrounds the best window designs that can be installed based on the space. But fret not! This guide will let you know about the most popular uPVC window styles and the benefits each has to offer.

What Are uPVC Windows?

uPVC (short for unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) is widely used in the fenestration industry as a material for framing and double-glazing windows and doors. It’s a robust, sustainable material that helps in making low-maintenance sills and frames.

Because of its qualities, uPVC windows and doors are highly popular amongst innovative architects and interior designers. To begin with – uPVC is considered as one of the best materials in terms of durability. External factors like sunlight, weather, humidity, and even rain don’t seem to have much of an effect on uPVC-made doors and windows. It prevents windows from swelling, rotting, rattling, shrinking, and waterlogging.

Secondly, uPVC can be produced in a myriad of finishes and designs. You can get your uPVC windows and doors customised according to your house’s exterior scheme, be it any colour or design. uPVC also ensures thermal insulation and is 100% recyclable, making it an eco-friendly choice. Installing uPVC windows makes it a win-win situation both for your home and the environment.

Types of uPVC Windows

Now that you know that uPVC adds the most charm to your precious windows, you’ve got to know that there are multiple variants of them – with each one made for a specific consumer. Since beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, let’s know about these beauties, and you can decide the one that fits your bill.

Fixed uPVC Windows

Fixed uPVC windows are sleek and sober panels that are used to increase the sunlit spots in a house. Most of the times, they’re single-glazed sheets that are installed in low-lit spaces – often in basements and garages – as they encourage floodlit interiors.

Unlike other windows, these uPVC windows can’t be manually closed and opened, which is why they’re called fixed or picture windows. Rooms with ample ventilation get the most utility out of them, thanks to their thermal-coating and insulation. You can also double-glaze a fixed window to give it an aesthetic appeal, as it transforms its functional look into an enamouring one.

Casement uPVC Windows

Casement windows are the most common types of uPVC windows. They’re controlled using hinges attached on the opposite side of the handles. Casement windows can be installed in two ways – single sash and double sash. The former is made of only one pane, while the latter uses two panes – with the handles attached in the middle.

Casement windows open inwards or outwards. They have an array of locking options – beginning from the basic hooks, to swivel-action latches and push-latches. Modern interior designs incorporate swivel-action latches as they require the least force and automate the window operating process. The mechanism of a casement uPVC window blocks the entry of mosquitoes, insects, etc. ensuring a hygienic environment. You should get one installed to enjoy the simplicity and security offered by this window-type.

French uPVC Windows

Wouldn’t it be ravishing to add some charm to the plain features of casement windows? A French uPVC window does that for you. It‘s structured in the same way as a double-sashed casement window, opening in and out like a door. Each of the two sashes is subdivided into smaller panes – seeming as if the window has gridlines in it. This gives your exteriors the ideal blend of antiquity and modernism.

Awning uPVC Windows

If you desire for a window that interacts with the external environment perfectly, an awning window is the one to install. Its hinged mechanism fulfils the ventilation needs by creating an unmatched airflow. An awning window has hinges at the top of the frame and opens from below. The voracious “A” shape can be seen from a distance, embellishing your house’s exterior landscape.

As far as rooms are concerned, awing windows fit in places having limited internal space and a vast need for air circulation – think bathrooms that are dimly lit, attics, storerooms, basements, kitchens, even hallways that need light and ventilation. These windows’ design is staple to enjoying the outside weather without being inconvenienced by it. For instance – you can keep the window open without worrying about rain, snow, hail, even dust entering your spaces.

Tilt-and-Turn uPVC Windows

Versatility is quintessential for chic interiors — and who’s the king when it comes to versatility? It’s tilt-and-turn windows. As the name suggests, they can be opened in two different motions – tilt and turn. For the turn part, it’s a single-hinged casement panel that turns inside and lets a large volume of air pass through it. Being a window that opens inside, it’s only suitable for the spacious segments in a home, like living room and bedrooms. You can install one, only to realise that it gives the best air-circulation available in several window types.

Now for the best part – these windows can be tilt-opened as well. This feature lets you incline the window vertically, leaving small openings for controlled ventilation. Many windows offer a central pivot with flatter slopes which aids you while you clean the panel. Overall, tilt-and-turn windows are very helpful because of their operational usage and a variety of customisation options.

Double-Glazed uPVC Windowscapes

Windowscapes are the larger sect of windows, often installed to broaden a house’s light dynamics. Their vast, see-through area attempts to let sunlight run across the entire room. And the best part about windowscapes is that they are the next level of ordinary windows in terms of connecting the interiors with the exterior world; for an out-of-home eye candy experience, uPVC windowscapes are the ideal choice. And being framed with uPVC widens the designer’s imagination as it keeps the window’s strength intact, no matter what the size is.

Bay and Bow uPVC Windows

Bay windows, also referred to as bow windows are the fanciest of all uPVC windows, replete with the contemporary design often seen in Victorian or Edwardian period homes. Their unique style distinguishes them from the exterior build – giving them a separate identity from the exterior.

Bay and bow windows are very similar to each other, with just one little difference. A bay window consists of three panes – whereas a bow has four or five, each connected to form a polygon. The middle pane is front-facing and points the window outwards into a three-dimensional shape, even without being opened. Out of all other parts, only bay and bow windows happen to have an exterior-projecting design. They’re the best choice for sprucing up your home in an exquisite way.

Apart from the beauteous attributes, bay and bow windows also have utility attached to them. Their design automatically adds extra space to the interior, making space for all your accolades, crafts, and other possessions. Maybe enjoy a favourite novella while sipping on a cup of tea or install planters that enhance the eco-friendly factor of your home. Both elegant and expedient, isn’t it?

Sliding uPVC Windows

For those areas of your home where space doesn’t need to be sabotaged at all, sliding uPVC windows are a perfect match. Their mechanism includes a fixed and a mobile pane, both attached in a way that the latter slides back and forth. When the window is opened, the mobile pane hides behind the fixed one.

Setting aside the functionality, sliding windows entail a finished look. Their modern design is widely seen in five-star hotels and restaurants, but is increasingly popular in modern, sleek homes.

Though uPVC is a choice framing material, your windows need premium-quality innovative glass solutions to complete your windows. AIS Glass, a leading integrated glass manufacturer, offers glass solutions for a variety of needs – privacy (even on-demand privacy), security, energy-efficiency, acoustic insulation, etc. Get your uPVC windows installed with modern processed glass solutions to get the best of what windows today have to offer. We provide 360-degree solutions, right from selecting the window to installing them, even after-sales support.

So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today!

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