
AIS VUE Stole the Spotlight at ACETech with Trendy and Innovative uPVC Solutions

‘The Economic Times Presents Acetech2016’ is a premier trade fair in Asia for architecture, building materials, innovation and design, and is eagerly awaited by architectural veterans and the general public every year. The event was held from 15th to 18th December at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
Returning this year, AIS – India’s leading integrated glass company, showcased some of its exemplary innovations that added both style and charm to a décor while bringing in multiple elements of functionality. However, it was the new-age uPVC frames that garnered the most attention at the AIS VUE stall, a vertical by AIS.


Ways to save money with uPVC doors and windows

As quoted by Hazrat Inayat Khan, “Some people look for a beautiful place while others make their place beautiful.”
If you happen to be one of the latter types you truly know the value of every tiny thing you invest in making your house a home. From the smallest photo frame to the largest window; each element of your home matters. And one doesn’t need a huge budget to add charm to it.
Today we are going to help you build the perfect windows with minimum effort and less cost!

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