“Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest.” Since the time of Shakespeare, mirrors or reflective glass surfaces have enjoyed a unique pedestal – that of being the centre of sonnets and lyrical verses. Perhaps what must have fascinated these poets and literary artists is the shimmer and shine of these important vanity […]
Innovation is not merely limited to the realm of data science and electronics. The same has seeped into every nook and cranny of modern society; even the architectural industry is being disrupted by one-of-their-kind, marvellous technological advancements that were unheard of even a decade ago. One such advancement is termed as ‘smart or switchable glass.’ […]
“Real comfort, visual or physical, is vital to every room,” said world-famous American interior designer, Mark Hampton. Have we drowned ourselves in taking care of the physical aspect to the extent that the visual gets the back-seat every single time? Heaven forbid that should be the case! It’s not as important to know whether form […]
Out of all seasons in India, none is more awaited and anticipated for than the festival season. It’s a time of the year when almost a light switch is flipped on that was otherwise switched off. People scurrying across the streets in search of that perfect Diwali outfit, some spending hours shopping for the same […]
It is no secret that glass offers endless potential to transform any space aesthetically and utility-wise. Thanks to recent advancements in glass technology, there is a lot more one can do with this material today. Not only is glass great for livening up your homes, but it also offers an array of practical advantages that […]
As the festival of Diwali nears, local markets become loud, flamboyant, and utterly infectious with the fanfare. Weeks in advance, many Indian households become busy in preparation for the occasion of Diwali; old objects are discarded, every nook and corner is made dust-free, rooms are refurbished, walls are repainted, and whatnot. To prepare for the […]
Before mirrors, people used rivers, ponds, or other water streams to see their reflections. While the first mirror was produced in the third century A.D., the first modern mirror was not developed until the 19th century. But ever since then, mirrors have played essential roles in various aspects of human lives, from science and technology […]
Though often given the back-burner, doors and windows are the most crucial elements of any space. After all, can you even imagine what an architectural structure without proper fenestrations would look like? Soul-less, dull, perhaps even menacing. Besides establishing a dialogue with the outdoors, these elements also act as entrances for fresh air, light, and […]
We have always known windows to be essential elements that allow us to have a dialogue with the outdoors. However, these connective fixtures have reincarnated to become skylights or rooflights in closely-packed cities. What’s that one thing that sets these windows apart from their standard counterparts? The fact that they do not come with menacing-looking, […]
One cannot deny the unique quality of glass in architecture. No wonder, most modern architects and interior designers use this material for sprucing up interiors as well as exteriors of buildings across the globe. But, if you wish to add a touch of marvel and class to any space with glass, it’s imperative to source […]