
Range of uPVC Windows and Doors
Blog | November 16, 2019

Design Your Space With A Stylish Range of uPVC Windows and Doors

A versatile innovation of the modern world, uPVC is a polymer that finds application in myriad facets of our daily lives. Based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC), it offers a sophisticated way to design doors and windows in homes and offices. Low maintenance and available in a variety of hues, it is a highly stylish option […]

What is Tuffen Glass?
Blog | November 12, 2019

Things You Need to Know About Toughened Glass

Glass is usually perceived to be fragile and breakable, and hence we often have second thoughts about using glass installations in our space. However, toughened glass proves this perception to be a myth by providing you with glass installations that can withstand high impacts. You can freely use toughened glass to decorate your space without […]

Residence with frosted glass
Blog | November 8, 2019

Enhance the curb appeal of your residence with frosted glass

Glass finds plenty of applications in windows, doors, and partitions in both homes and offices. Modern architects depend a great deal on different kinds of glass to create a space that is practical, secure and comfortable. Frosted glass is used to provide homeowners with all these functions without compromising on style. It has a translucent […]

Back Painted Glass for Interior of Your Home
Blog | November 6, 2019

How Back Painted Glass Improves the Interior of Your Home

Advances in architecture and interior designing have made it possible for us to own modern, stylish homes. Whether you dream of a futuristic automated house or picture yourself in an elegant, rustic mansion; modern architecture is here to fulfil all your desires. Nowadays, interior designers are making a conscious effort to use sustainable materials in […]

Benefits of Switchable Glass Partitions in Offices
Blog | November 5, 2019

Benefits of Switchable Glass Partitions in Offices

Ever had those moments where you craved privacy but after some time, didn’t feel the need for it? What if you could have privacy on demand? Well, there’s a product that can switch its opacity to match your mood and needs – switchable glass. Switchable glass makes it possible for office partitions to give employees […]

Fire Resistant Glass Uses In Commercial Buildings
Blog | November 4, 2019

Fire Resistant Glass Uses In Commercial Buildings

Fire safety is a priority for most architects and engineers. Government regulations also require commercial buildings to be completely fire safe. While ensuring fire-safety, you should not have to compromise with the aesthetics of your working space. The best method to keep your building both fire resistant and stylish is to install fire resistance glass. […]

Reasons for Getting Energy Efficient Glass Replacement
Blog | November 2, 2019

8 Must Reasons for Getting Energy Efficient Glass Replacement

Thanks to the quick pace of technology, our standard of living has improved drastically. New inventions for technology-led homes are being designed and introduced every day to make our lives easier. With innovative gadgets making headlines, our respect for Mother Nature has taken a backseat. However, it’s high time that we find a solution in […]

uPVC is Best for Exterior Doors
Blog | October 30, 2019

Why uPVC is Best for Exterior Doors

Your home’s entry door is the first royal impression a visitor gets. It is important to make a wise investment in a functional, yet aesthetically appealing front door. People often opt for wooden doors but is it really the best choice? A popular and sustainable option for building exterior doors today is uPVC. Let’s find […]

What is Toughened Glass?
Blog | October 30, 2019

Things You Need To Know About Toughened Glass

Toughened glass is a type of safety glass that has been strengthened through controlled heat treatment. Toughened glass, also known as tempered glass, is created from annealed glass that has been heated to a very high temperature and then rapidly cooled, making it up to five times stronger than regular glass. Moreover, if the glass […]

Tips to Choose the Perfect Window Glass for Your Office
Blog | October 20, 2019

Tips to Choose the Perfect Window Glass for Your Office

An ideal workspace should create an atmosphere conducive to concentration and productivity. An airy, cheerful, and lively environment is contagious and will directly reflect in the vigour and output of those working inside. It goes without saying that nature has healing properties and its intrusion, especially while one is working is a must. Not only […]

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