
Top Tips If You are Planning Post-lockdown Home Improvement

Like every other country, India is also currently under the tight grip of the novel coronavirus. Although the lockdown measures have been relaxed to some extent, the scenario is far from the old normal. Notwithstanding how boring and idle it may feel, the lockdown has a silver lining too – the amount of free time people get to enjoy now, if used wisely, can be a very productive time. One of the constructive ways to spend the lockdown is to plan out future home improvement.

Yes, business activities are currently slack; however, they will not be so forever. Having a clear idea of what changes you desire in your home beforehand will not only make it easier for the service provider to cater to your needs, but you will also see a much more desirable outcome.

Ready but wondering how to go about it? Here are some useful tips on planning your post-lockdown home improvement project.

Tip #1 Carry out an Exhaustive Home Inspection

With the lockdown allowing some much-needed respite, now is the time to carry out a scrupulous home inspection. From doors and windows to roof and patio, check every element of your home to verify if any of them need a renovation. For instance – in case of doors and windows, close and open each to examine their operability, test their latches and hinges and see if there are any visible air gaps between the glass and the frame through which energy exchange can easily take place, even the pivots to check whether there are any creaking and cranking noises. Most importantly, do check your door and window glass’ condition, whether there are any cracks or chips; also, the locking mechanism of such components to be assured of their safety feature. Ill-fitted doors and windows are an invitation to burglars and intruders.

Once done with these, you must not forget to examine areas like the conservatory, terrace, patio, roof, etc. Check if any of these spaces have walls or glass fixtures with cracks, scratches, and breaks. Similarly, look out for any damage in the fascia, guttering, and soffits – for in case of any default, they may allow rainwater to seep into your home.

You should keep a diary in hand during the home inspection process. Note every single flaw that you can see and note it down in detail. This will help you have a clear idea of what improvement work needs to be done once you consult a reliable service provider post-lockdown.

Tip #2 Prioritise Your Activities

Once you have noted down all the areas in need of a make-over, it is time to separate the priority tasks from the bells and whistles. Edit your list to prioritise tasks in their descending order of urgency. You can begin by eliminating those renovations that can wait for at least half a year. Once that’s been segmented, start rating the top-priority tasks further – for instance, windows that need to be repainted can wait, no matter how bland they look, if you have glass panels that are about to yield and break, which should clearly rank high in terms of receiving immediate attention.  Safety over aesthetic appeal any day right?

Tip #3 De-clutter Your Home

Home improvement is not simply limited to what you can add to amp up the aesthetics and utility of your home. Sometimes, the most aesthetically appealing and functional homes are ones that are kept organised. So, if your home is drowning under the weight of clutter, it is time to get to work! Start identifying items that are clutter and discard them or put them up for a yard sale without any second thoughts. Now, what defines as clutter might be different for different individuals; however, most stuff that is actually “clutter” can be described as follows – items without a proper storage space, trash disguised as clutter such as age-old newspapers, magazines, even expired medicines and cosmetics, aspirational clutter such as that beautiful coffee table that you purchased but never really used, and sentimental clutter that could range from unused crockery to even an abandoned keychain (perhaps the hardest to get rid of). 

Removing clutter not only makes room for the meaningful items in your home but is also a type of self-care ritual.

Tip #4 Focus on the Exteriors

People often oversee an imperative component of house architecture – the exteriors. Façade, entrance, balcony, veranda, porch, fencing, etc. are usually forgotten during the inspection. Ironically, they’re the first pieces of architecture that your guests and visitors notice.

You should pay extra attention to the external facilities of your home. For example, ensure that your balconies are equipped with strong balustrades and barriers. Also, external doors need to be fitted with non-breakable glass panes and highly tensile framing material like uPVC or aluminium.

Once you’re convinced of their functionality, think of ways of improve their appearance, if needed – decorative glass solutions such as lacquered glass is available to take the look to the next level. Moreover, you can even get the fence repainted or install beautiful tapestry coverings for the porch seating area.

Home improvement may seem like a mammoth task but it becomes a breeze with a reliable partner such as AIS Glass. As India’s leading integrated glass manufacturer, we have helped countless homeowners like you revamp their safe haven and we can do the same for you.

For enhanced aesthetic appeal and advanced functionality – privacy, security, energy-efficiency, acoustic insulation, etc. choose AIS Glass for your next home improvement project!

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